Breeding in shithole countries

What's the best country where poor young women will let American guys impregnate them? Not interested in a girlfriend, I'm sick of women and their bullshit, just wanna use my rich world money to spread my genes then leave. I'd pay her an allowance in shithole dollars of course.

If the women are hot and white then even better, but I don't care much, fertile pussy is fertile pussy and maybe I can afford to impregnate a few.

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hey boomer, nobody gives a fuck about your money or your asian pedo fantasies. Sage.

go check out the Mormon thread. I'm 65 and been around and from what I can see that's the best deal out there.

1. Good looking, healthy strong without being masculine. Their immediate ancestors had to hike over the rockies with covered wagons. Only the toughest and the ones with the best morals made it.
2. Good personalities for the most part. Respectful of men
3. Not stupid. They'll teach your infants how to speak and read properly. That foundation is neglected but in fact is all important in a woman.
4. Probably not cocaine addicts or drunks. Good dietary habits.

Go to Albuquerque NM for example. Places like that.

Forget the turd whirl including Brazil. That game is for assholes

Are you an asshole?

have a bump based boomer


Op is a normal fag with a less than 180iq so his priority should be to reproduce.

Just go anywhere user and never go back. Many roasties don't have husbands, so the state pays it for them for free! With your tax payer dollars of course lmfao. Just fuck n dump lmao. or start a big family.

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Eastern Europe or Appalachia are your options. White girls with >90 IQ who will be happy to raise a kid or two if you can supply them with a couple of grand a month which will allow her to live like a queen because the cost of living is shit and there are no jobs.

All other poor places are full of genetic detritus.

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Moyshe detected

Op is the kike.

Exactly! Everyone should get redpilled

Easiest would be Moldova but better to go to the United Kingdom and look for some lower class girl with low self-esteem to groom. If middle aged Pakis can do it then I'm sure you can and you'd be saving the girls from these savages.


What's the best country where poor young women will let American guys impregnate them?
India. But you have to pay them here around 50 bucks.

So fuckin' nasty. Even if I was 18 I'd be too disgusted for that.

"when a tyrannical government wants to take away liberty, they replace it with licentiousness"


If they're old enough to breed in the UK, they're already the sloppy seconds leftover from some rapefugee jihadi

Sire child, no intention of raising it. OP is clearly psychopathic. I SPIT ON YOUR EMPTY EGOTISM.
Eh? fatso…

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I'll tell you a secret about CHAV girls (Council House Average). Even without the shit monkeys they're getting a train run on them by the time they're 12 by the other limey boys in the public housing projects they are raised in like wild animals by their welfare pig slut mothers. The pakis don't have to chase them. They probably chase the pakis out of sheer loneliness.

Looks like Danish broads are public drunken pigs too

Majorica or Ibiza…swarming with stinko drunk limey pig sluts.

Why not India? Come to India and breed idiots.


Fuck me that shit is embarrassing to watch. How miserable. Literally behaving like fucking animals, this is why the bible was written.

This is your brain on hedonism.

Because I'm not a coprophile. Good God the filth, the stench, the illnesses.

The world is crawling with drunken pig sluts. You could fuck these pigs for very little money..

all you guys that talk about having kids….thank god I have no offspring, particularly female offspring. The entire planet is a vast stinking toilet. I hate it. Somebody here alerted me to the fact that we've suddenly jumped from 7 trillion to 7.8 trillion in just the last few years.

I want a world wide all out nuclear war. Total wipe out.

Look at all the degenerates in this thread, led alone OP. Creating more bastards born from meaningless fornication and raised by whore single moms? Sage

I repeat: nigger

Drink slut types are a minority and can be avoided. Like I said, target the girls with very low self esteem, shy and possibly the victims of neglect or abuse in childhood. Make them think you love them and once they start dropping sprogs they get a free council house, health care and benefits so you keep your costs down. Another benefit is they've all been vaccinated against HPV so that's one less thing to worry about.

If you need a virgin you can get them in Moldova.

Lots of Whites are engaging in r-selected reproduction. You ever see the out-of-wedlock birth rate in West Virginia? It's just about as bad. Only Utah and maybe Idaho still have pretty low out-of-wedlock birth rates, but they're climbing higher too.

What is your ethnicity? Those those of that ethnicity is who you need to go after.

It's too bad that Judeo-liberalism, (post)modernity, and advances in medical science have allowed for idiots to pursue endless hedonism without much consequence.

Whatever is the country this came from

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Disgusting degenerate. May your dick rot and bring you tantalizing pain for bringing more misery in this world.

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Jesus. We've got a Boomer infestation. Break out the Zyklon.

Delete this disgusting thread after I'm finished taking notes


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Indonesia, checkout Jakarta and Bandung

Present World Population is 7.577 Billion.

At very least, five billion of that are race-bolshevik dead weight on the back of the Occident. Atzatlan, Blehgs, Chankoro, Dravidapoos and Islamocoons. Brokering the entire globohomo injustice, about twenty-million Neanderthal Kikes. A full MOAB strike on Isreal would be cleaner. Afterward, a controlled de-escalation of the jew population bloom factors, including clawing back all Europid knowledge, industry and products, that created these beast throngs.

There was no "gas" Stormtard.

Literally all spic countries (Brazil included)

just curious, but how does a 65 year old end up on Zig Forums?

If we sterilize all migrants, they’ll mostly stop coming.

Let’s sterilize everyone and switch to exowombs, just to be fair.

In 2001 June I stumbled on Fucked Company, with it's bbs Kiwi's Astroglide. It was created by Pud a NY Jew who used the main board to allow people to anonymously post scandalous stories about the dotcom bust in 2000. The site at that time was the ultimate in free speech as Pud's mother was a corporate lawyer who protected him from slander and libel lawsuits. One day all the jews on the board thought it would be fun to stage a raid on Stormfront. It was great fun but then all the Stormfronters stormed right back and took over Kiwi's Astroglide BBS to Fucked Company. It then became a wild free speech board in good earnest, a nest of conspiracy theories and private corp. and govt scandals. It was far more wild than either half chan or 8 chan Zig Forums . It was also far more erudite with a user base that was incredibly well read, many having doctorates in STEM disciplines and even the arts. I could mention any obscure writer late at night and get into incredible conversations. It was my dream come true. From there I discovered half chan r and b until they became vile pits of the most shocking kiddy porn. So like all of you I fled to both pols and now I just come here. But this board is nowhere near as good as Fucked company.

The F3 debacle is particularly funny to read about.

being qtarded most likely.

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