Trump Tells UK Media ‘We’re Going to Seriously Look’ At Banning Suppressors
BASED. Trump is going to completely disarm antifa and all the other deepstate stooges, so that he can finally move on with the mass arrests.
Uh huh.
You see how quickly Republicans have dropped the marketing pitch once the internet started to chip away at the stranglehold of the zionist narrative? They've always been this way, after all Ronnie Raygun was a gun-grabber back in the 80s, but it is something to watch how rapidly they turned in their outward projection to the public after Shrub put on a good show with the expiration of the assault weapons ban.
Choke on two cocks at the same time faggot
How about Trump looks into making everything legal instead of always banning some new thing?
I actually thought silencers were already banned. why the fuck do people make nigger rigged ones then?
Go die, shariablue. Unlike you fascists leftists, true patriots judge men based on their character, not their sexuality or the color of their sing. A "cuck-sucking faggot" who loves Trump and the constitution, and is trusting the plan, is better than a heterosexual antifa shill like you.
This cuck and his yidling children need to be shown the door. Among other things. In all seriousness, only Zig Forums and it's contemporaries can defeat this lying faggot.
Oh my good heavens you have no idea where you are do you?
Gas all niggers kikes and boomer filth such as yourself gramps
Felate a 12ga and film it so I can see it
Go back to The_Donald.
Because legal ones require ATF paperwork and a tax stamp, and are overpriced.
That's how you end up like cuckchan.
Funny because suppressors/silencers aren't illegal in the UK.
How many people are killed by suppressed guns….ever?
they're easy to make
you can buy a professionally made one for a $200 tax stamp paid to the ATF (yes, really) plus the cost of the silencer itself which is $300 and up. And then it's a 6 month wait for the ATF to process your request and for the company to actually give you the product you paid for. Just to shoot a 20 dB lower. It's really not a huge reduction in sound depending on caliber and barrel length and other factors…. so it's really petty that they're as regulated as they are. People watch movies and think of some hitman with a pfffft sound you can barely hear.
basically no one until this nigger shooting, i would really have to dig to find them used in any crime at all ever besides this nigger going postal.
Didn't he also tell people he was going to build a wall on the southern border?
really jogs the nogs. one shooting with bump stocks and trump bands them. one shooting with suppressors and trump bans them. this has that jew stank allllllllllllllllll over it.
This ban discriminates against hitmen.
…and you need to get fingerprinted, and they want to know where it is, and all that bullshit. and they have you on a list of people that own things that will inevitably get banned
I am not 100% sure but I think Dorner had one, and one cop that shot his wife had one as well.
cold dead hands, trump, you faggot.
hopefully he looks at it as seriously as he looked at building a wall
You will literally never do anything. You’ve allowed all other gun accessories and entire categories of arms to be stolen from you. Silencers are as good as banned already.
first one through the door dies, champ. No ones turning in shit.
Why are you here? What is it you believe you are accomplishing? We see you, ya know?
Aryan. United. Shall never be defeated.
Weird, weren't New Zealanders also able to own semi-automatics until recently? What happened? Did somebody literally never do anything and that's why semi-autos are banned there?
Christ you're fucking stupid.
Also, patriotism = loyalty to the state, you fucking faggot. Go suck your wife's boyfriend's black cock.
Fuck off.
I'm loyal to a state which recognizes an individuals rights and freedoms. Being a patriot to what our country stands for isn't the same as being a loyal goon to whatever anybody in the state wants
First time on the internet?
Except they already have. And you did nothing. And guns were banned. And you did nothing. And carrying guns was banned. And you did nothing. Fuck your (((libertarian))) ethos.
Best you can do, huh?
Holy shit, you’re retarded.
So literally nothing happened in NZ to lead to semi-automatics being banned?
guns aren't banned. carrying guns is not banned. Kill yourself kike.
A brave man did a brave thing and did something even if you disagree with it, semi-autos were going away whether it was him or a nutter like the guy from the port aurthur massacre
Most these bans seem to happen based on Hollywood fantasy versions of reality and what the media can make look "scary".
Just ask people who are pro ban to give a list of murders in a year that relied upon suppresors.
You can't say that's true
You won't silence my guns antifa! wwg1wga
Even liberals can see how stupid the right is.
haha, yeah…but man does he fucking LOVE the second amendment, he will tell you himself!
yeah they were not protected by anything in New Zealand resembling the 2nd Amendment here in the US. Their rights were taken away by a decree of the female mah feels PM.
So if it was Saint Tarrant or someone else, they were just one "bad" event away from losing an entire class of weapons.
this jewish tool was put in office to placate you fools
i have been telling you faggots from the very start
there is no 4d chess, and zion don is a absolute kike sellout
how do unwind the lie that passive "patriots" have been subverted into believing that this man is some sort of patriotic hero
he truly is the swamp himself
you have all been (((trumped)))
seriously this fat spray tanned faggot jew cocksucker is 20 times worse than killary shillton
if that cunt tried to pull any of this shit we could have clearly seen the enemy for what it was and decorate the lamp posts with them
now the enemy is very hard to see
the deceived among us who were conned into voting for this faggot will now be tricked into thinking that anyone who ever opposes their idol is somehow related to mudslimes, regressive liberals, and neomarxist in general when in reality he is the greatest ally of the global judeo masonic communist conspiracy.
they used cambridge analytica behavioral analytics to find out exactly what the populations that pose the biggest threats to the jew world order are talking about, then use that memetic data to create the
You can't say that's true
Trumps' jews were never even hidden. Trumpniggers were just so desperate for "hope and change" that they ignored the obvious, and continue to do so.
The libs are going to be so totally wrecked when they can't call me a "gun nut" because firearms are illegal.
If all the other gun bans haven’t worked, why keep banning stuff?
At this point I am PRETTY GODDAMN sure that Trump is just doing this to placate his dumbass hyper-liberal daughter who's constantly asking him when he's gonna ban guns.
I'm not defending Trump at all on this. I think it's complete bullshit, but this shit is so nonsensically petty and trite that I feel like there's some underlying factor behind this, I seriously do not feel like this is a Trump decision. I mean shit, Obama tried harder to do more than banning gun suppressors. I don't see ANY leftists even advocating for the ban of suppressors. Seriously, when have you seen a lefty calling for a ban for that? Anyone?
Yeah, that's just what I think, when you really put some thought into this, shit doesn't add up. First the bump stocks, now the suppressors. I'm sure that he's going into the laser sights next, but whatever.
Can you justify voting for trump in 2020?
Don't worry, no one here supports Trump anymore
How have I been placatated, he hasn't done anything for me?
Even MAGAnigger Nick, the spic, Fuentes outlined very clearly how Trump has been an absolute failure. There is literally no reason to vote for an outsider who became no different from any other career politician. Reddit is desperate for user meme magic because they cannot produce anything of worth on their own and cannot sell the public on a kike lover president who put Israel first.
no dipshit hes doing this because castrated goyim are less likely to start killing people when a baste republican is the one doing gun control. trump gets the gun control started that people would not tolerate a dem doing then when a dem is in office they continue his work. its his role. will the “right” resist this agenda? psh, no.
Thankfully he's full of shit.
It's more likely he'll fuck with firearm accessories than it is he'll do serious deporting. Bumpstocks were just a meme, but, because of that, they redefined what "machine gun" meant.
Who needs a supressor goyim? Guns are just for hunting and killing coyotes goyim
There is unironically nothing wrong with this. Suppressors are a meme accessory and just puts the user at a disadvantage just like bumpstocks. This ban can't come soon enough tbh.
Except he already got bump-stocks banned via executive order. It's in effect right now.
Because what possible use could a suppressor have when you're taking out government agents with as little as noise as possible?
Executive orders aren't laws. The ATF instructs owners to "divest themselves" of bump stocks, which is the definition of uncompensated takings. This dies at the first legal challenge, as Trump has surely been told.
I've noticed this is his routine: He runs his mouth like a braggart, promises a ton of things he knows he'll never have to deliver, and then he shrugs when it doesn't happen. Hence my "full of shit" assessment.
Doen't apply to Israel, naturally. There, he's a regular Horton who says what he means and means what he says.
all rifles that arent mg’s need a suppressor
This. Anyone who think the second amendment exists as a check on government is clearly an extremist with criminal desires who should be disarmed. Only antifa terrorists disagree.
Was it a crime when shots were fired at British officers during the American Revolution?
They are the only form of authority a president has the technically overrides the law. Only a sitting U.S. President may overturn an existing executive order by issuing another executive order to that effect.
They have the force of law and when in effect are carried out as if it was a law
Bumpstocks are now banned because of Trump's executive order, that is a fact.
I wish Zig Forums had a lurk-on-Zig Forums requirement for posting.
Suppressors are useful for Minecraft with feds in several ways. Some advantages:
How do you think America was born you unpatriotic faggot?
This is aggressively wrong. Congress can and does override executive orders with legislation, which takes precedence over EOs, which are strictly just there to provide guidance to executive agencies on how to enforce the law (though it's been abused for decades, especially by King Nigger). The courts are also superior to EOs, which must pass (((Constitutional muster))) to be valid. States can also act to bar the implementation of EOs, or to modify their effects, within their borders, and though this hasn't really been tested in court it would probably hold up for any issue the Jews aren't too serious about, like Nigger Rights or antisemitism.
Ironically, past presidents have actually been blocked from overturning the EOs of their predecessors. I don't understand how, but both Bush and Obama have been cockblocked for trying to flip or repeal Clinton-era orders. Probably typical Jewish tricks, but EOs are not what you think they are.
You probably won't believe me when I tell you, but "the Don" is a woman.
That's right, as part of the elite, he has to be transgendered.
This is why the "small hands" thing was bandied around so much, it's the elite having a laugh together at the expense of the goyim, who think that "small hands" is an attack on "his" masculinity, when in fact it's the elite showing in plain sight, that Trump is a woman, to absolve themselves of karmic repercussions of deception.
Think: Trump also administers the largest transgender beauty pageant (altho they're all transgender pageants by this time.)
You think this is a joke, a troll? No, the transvestigation channels are banned for a reason.
He's seriously looking at building the wall too….
He actually got bump-stocks banned though.
He also put gun grabber to run ATF. Usual kike shit.
This is fairly exceptional given the popularity of suppressors.
Some people use suppressors because it protects your and others ears at a gun range.
Only criminals use suppressors, user.
Fighting tyranny is never a crime. The government should fear the people not the other way around.
How could this man possibly hope to win in 2020?
He's hemorrhaging support with each poorly conceived statement.
More immigration than ever, ban silencers, we love gays… What is he doing?
and yet, everyone including the cuckservatives, tried hard to make sure that didn't happen. Is that Trump's fault?
Being a politician.
We need accountability in politicians.
You can't just make promises on the campaign trail and then not keep them.
There has to be accountability or else a democratic system is only a test of who is the best liar.
. . . ?
That said….
Why would a politician whose base is 88% White Christians with guns who want a wall to keep out non-Whites…
… Call for more immigration than ever before to bring in more non-Whites, a ban on funz accessories, and support for homosexuals?
That's why you get people upset enough to do something about it, like goading them into surrounding the white house en masse, with guns. Stuff like that.
Galatians 3:28.