Big difference between an "alliance" and cooperating. I'm more of a fan of the latter. I think we should be watching them to see what works for them and what sets them back.
Some of the things we should be observing are:
How do they recruit from their tribe?
How do they deal with race traitors?
How do they secure their funding?
How often and how large are their functions (rallies, protests, riots, ect.)?
Which forms of propaganda are most effective for them?
How do they deal with moderates and 3rd party tribes (Indians, Chinese, Hispanics, Arabs, ect.)?
How do they go about getting political and media representation and support?
How closely are they working with illicit street gangs, guerrilla cells, and more traditional militias?
How do they react to their leaders getting locked up or shot?
How decentralized are they and how do they communicate between cells?
What are their stated goals, what are their real goals, how do they claim they'll achieve them?
How do they deal with intra-group rivalries and factionalization?
Plenty of parallels between our movement and theirs and it would be arrogant and stupid for us not to learn from their mistakes so we don't have to make them ourselves. We should try to avoid outright fighting between our group and theirs in order to attract more people to both movements and de-legitimize the current system.
If we are accused constantly of being genocidal racist psychopaths, then let's show them that they're wrong by being tolerant of a group who's goals are the same as ours, but who are of another tribe. Imagine white nationalists and black nationalists holding a rally against laws that don't allow for freedom of association? Laws that prevent white store owners from doing business with blacks are the same laws that prevent black store owners from doing business with whites (or any other group for that matter). They're always going on about how whites and asians are gentrifying their neighborhoods making the rent go up (and crime rates go down, oh the horror). So what if we fought against laws that force blacks to sell their homes to whoever wants to buy, regardless of race? What if we told them they can have their all black neighborhoods so long as we could have our all white neighborhoods? It's the same laws that apply to both of us (although of course they mostly are applied to whites). The media and the government would be shocked if white nationalists and black nationalists came together on a few issues that affect us both and it would drive recruitment for both movements.
That's just one idea on how our to groups can cooperate. There's plenty of ways to get positive attention from the people we're trying to recruit and make headlines and shake up the establishment by making strategic "alliances" on a few specific issues. And if we had some sort of open dialogue with them where the general public could see that we were communicating with them in a civilized manner about our mutual goals, that would really cause people to reconsider who they're loyal to: the multi-culti tribe claiming that all ethno-tribes are evil, or their own tribe.
We should take the same approach to all ethno-centric tribes. Never trust them to do right by us, but try to find how we can cooperate on mutual goals. You guys may say, "but not the Jews," but I'd much rather deal with a Zionist Jew who wants a Jewish state in the Levant and who thinks all Jews should be there than one of these sneaky Jews who'd rather live in a non-Jewish state as a subversive parasite.
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