Varg Vikernes Banned From YouTube
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sage for eceleb thread
The 100 character requirement isn't just to have a longer URL
Good riddance to that white nigger.
all (((christians))) should be killed
Good you fucking nigger.
He laughed as Notre Dame burned.. good riddance.
Everyone on jewtube who doesn't fall in line with ((( them ))) is being purged
Yeah, fuck the (((christians))) and their jewish temple
A synagogue was burned down that day. Good riddance
they're mad that RAM got off.
This is Huh..Wow!
But his vids are being reuploaded as we speak. Let's view the hell outta them to trigger the hebes.
Sup kikes
bump a bunch of people got hit by this ban wave
are you guys addicted to lies or did you just give in one day and you can't turn back?
You must free yourself from Abrahamic slavery
(((White Nationalism))) will work goy.
You must free yourself from slavery to your sins
Varg will take a pound of flesh from each of them now or he is confirmed cuck
How many whites have the Church burned? How many Catholics and Orthodox have killed each other in the Balkans this century alone? How many died in the Wars of Religion? Take your christcuck D&C and get out. Go pray for jews, or you won't go heaven.
paganism is a global all inclusive religion :^)
sub saharan paganism
mongol paganism
native american paganism
polynesian paganism
arabic paganism
norse paganism
you get angry at civnats but your own false religion which you took on after you realized atheism was false is literally civnat
Apparently, if you don't pray to a Jew, the Jews on here will call you a Jew. Work that one out.
Also, just because you don't pray to a Jew doesn't mean you live a "sinful" life. I don't pray to a Jew but I'm also not a degenerate, nor were the baste National Socialists. It's not a dichotomy..
you follow our moral law faggot
Yet christianity is 100% aryan, not jewish at all
i never said it was 100% aryan
Stop lying your reading comprehension gets worse everytime
pagan just means not having a religion in common with the subhuman triad of christmutt, kikes and mudslims
you have far more common religiously with niggers than any European pagan
wrong faggot go worship your trees a thing which you stole from siberian tribes
I follow the iron laws of nature, your Jewish moral code is degenerate by comparison.
sure thing mtumbu
theres only one moral law though :^)
are you that guy whos mum got killed by his negrostepdad?
He still has his Bitchute channel and posted about the ban today. He also has two backup channels that I think are still on Youtube with one of them containing his old videos with Russian captions.
I am sure he will make a new channel or stick with Bitchute.
Either way, this is more reason why a swarm of angry Turkic-Iranian vegan THOTs needs to storm Youtube HQ with shotguns and hopefully they will consume supplements regardless of not being vegan enough that help maintain the parts of their brains that regulate aiming.
It does not matter how you feel about Varg Vikernes, the way he presents his ideas, the way he pursues racial preservation, or his religious opinions. This is an attack against freedom of expression by a corporate trust with plenty of double standards.
Why are you using derogatory terms for your Lord and Savior, slave?
every faith is right it doesn't matter its just love man
Christianity is D&C.
How many whites have the Church burned? How many Catholics and Orthodox have killed each other in the Balkans this century alone? How many died in the Wars of Religion? Do not let the sun go down on your anger, forgive the jew and be forgiven by your jewingly father. If you do not forgive, you will not be forgiven. Remember, your righteousness must exceed the pharisees, the jews of the talmud.
Correct, the only eternal law is that of nature, remember the basis of National Socialism, the worldview I presume you follow by virtue of being on this board? Or are you trying to combine your Jewish moral law with an anti-jewish movement?
christmutts are the biggest faction of the enemy's army, its well trained brainless golems
Imagine being this retarded.
As I discovered in the mormon shill thread, several here do not believe in Nature. To these frauds the world needs unmaking and defiling to fit their judeo-utopian ideal.
no need to imagine, there's billions of these animals
Why would you support anyone that helps male Google money?
How about band together with other rejects and fund a platform you can control? If you choose not to do that, you admit this is manufactured outrage because you're a lazy eceleb.
You aren't 'redpilling' anybody by having a shitty youtube channel. You're just a lazy cunt. Is your message only important if you get clickshekels? How many clickshekels is enough? If your message is so important why don't you stream it on your own website and fund through other means?
But I love to hate
O.K., that shit is rustling. Cannot count to four anymoar.
Varg (Louis) is a deepstate psyop.
"pagan" is a latin word that means something along the lines of rural person, country person, someone who holds to the old ways. a traditionalist, in fact. in the context of the roman empire at the time, the "new" way was christianity. it's interesting to me how it became a slur and how it's meaning can be compared to the words "redneck" or "hillbilly". or how the holocaust worship and lgbt cult have in the american empire basically taken the place that christianity had in the roman empire.
this is what happens when empires get old, decrepit, decadent. they die, and insane self-destructive cults are born.
but in general pagan means non-abrahamic religion so it's more of a category of religions than a distinct religion itself.
shinto, for example, would be the indigenous traditional ethnoreligion of japan, whereas buddhism would be the universalist interloper. zoroastrianism would be another equivalent, in persia.
Nordnig was banned? Not surprised
he's back
he has been expecting this for a very long time, and frankly he probably wanted it as it straight out proves his point
anyways I haven't checked it lately but he puts his shit on bitchute too and some other services I don't remember. he is also on vkontakte
… but the content he has put up lately…. regardless everyone should be allowed to have their own speech
the abrehamic religion elevates man above nature, so you are very right, they do not believe in nature
Religious opinions aside, I hope you realize that would result in the virtual extinction of the white race.
I used to download all his videos actually… but I stopped sometime after the last time they started this.. anyways he has other services he uses anyways… he hasn't been producing so much as he used to either. Probably a lot of shit to do all time you know with all those kids and stuff
He is back!
>(((Taken Down)))
Pastor Steven "Godly niggers can marry my daughters so long as they wear a cross!" Anderson's channel
>(((Left Alone)))
Hmmm… big think hurt head.
Varg is a big fake faggot attention seeker and scrounger. I'm glad his channel was taken down.
Who wants there to be no message except globohomo on YouTube?
Who wants us driven out of the mainstream and silenced?
Who wants us to hop from one increasingly shaky and underfunded platform to another as they systematically cut away payment providers, DDoS protection, hosting, domain name registrars, and other infrastructure services?
Who wants to control all celebrities in order to control the narrative? (E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E who matters is an eceleb in the age of social media)
Who wants to run salami tactics against each and every white person who threatens to disrupt the narrative until there's no-one left?
Who calls up religious D&C when a thread may gain traction?
Who always wants to shut it down?
Answer these questions to win exciting insights and knowledge.
They're only 'in control' because of people like you who continue to hand them the power.
Meaningless response, no shekels for you.
The accursed Semties also took down Theodisfolk and many other similar channels which go back over a decade. Most weren't really "politic", just showing an old story or two of Aryan men destroying despicable monsters.
So what is the new forbidden topic range?
Anything positive or neutral about National Socialism
Conspiracty theory stuff
Race realism
Crisis actors
This is what happens when everybody uses the same service. Increase the censorship, then people naturally look elsewhere for different opinions.
This is why moarpheus encourages people to make Youtube channels.
To get banned by Youtube and accept it like a bitch.
It was bound to happen when we consider we're basically using a hostile platform who hate us and want us dead.
Along with twitter, facebook, instagram, tumblr, etc. Problem with banning people is that the few who aren't banned just get more clever about avoiding it, E;R for example. And those that were banned just increase the population of alternatives.
Those who are not banned must be forced to cuck down the messages and got character assassinated into zionist tranny cuckolds by moarpheus/shills on Zig Forums.
The only future is to fight for real.
Cuck down?
True, it is forcing more fitness and mental agility while the others can get fat and lazy. The rest probably chicken out and kiss the pinky ring to ge ther superchat and ad revnue though. It will discourage more from moving to the right in fear of money or subscriber counts. There will be a chilling effect for certain outside of those who are confirmed in their beliefs.
Making them show it openly is only a good thing. White men groove on justive and fairness, it's how boomers were talked into these stupid power reversals. Make the injustices obvious and watch the show begin in earnest.
As in accepting baste nigger, baste muslim, baste jews, etc
It does make it easier to make our arguments if we don't have to make longwinded explanations, trying to pull together complicated webs of cultural shifts and political changes, etc. and instead they say "we want white genocide and we're banning anyone who doesn't".
They deleted With Open Gates from my channel today. I'll be reuploading it ASAP.
I don't know. There's always something highly attractive about views you're not allowed to express. I don't see this attempt at censorship being successful merely due to people silencing themselves. People will test the waters ad infinitum and exhaust youtube's resources and top of populating other sites. Listen to the policy:
This applies to a fuck ton of perspectives. They're basically shooting themselves in the balls if they actually intend on seriously implementing the policy (it will be selective as we all know). Seems like they're overreaching.
Nice song, thanks
This won't backfire on niggers, feminists and SJWs :-)
We don't give a flying fuck about your ecelebs or (((alt-right))) bullshit.
Possibly but does that assume there will be fair application of the rules?
Moderates are sweating and throwing shit on youtube for the move, which means youtube will most likely lose money over this. Kind of like how Tumblr banned porn and lost a shit ton of traffic. When you kowtow to leftists for the sake of "principles", you always lose money, because lots of liberals (not progressives) want to say whatever the fuck they want. Advantages of a mob is that it acts like a spoiled child whenever it feels like it's losing something, be it welfare or speech.
I'm a little surprised that Varg's channel was deleted. Seeing as how he doesn't believe in a political solution. He could probably lobby to get the original channel reinstated, the same thing happened to him just a week earlier or so where he got a couple strikes on his channel, then they removed the strikes. Lots of fuckery going on at YouTube lately.
As in good but not really.
With the way things are heading, "moderates" will be classed as "far-right."
Already happened. People with leftist views from years ago are now called far-right.
There's just simply no end to this neo-Weimar insanity, is there?
so did i
suck it christcuck
The envelope should be pushed to help the oppressed fags and trannies reach their end goal faster, drawing attention from the 98% of normal people more quickly as to who is behind the socialist shenanigans.
We've go the point where there's been trannies who threaten to bomb feminist meetings. That's where we're heaing with the leftist insanity.
I don't think anything short of a drastic economic collapse, or drastic collapse of the entire supply chain will wake up the normie nigger cattle.
That won't work, sadly. They'll just be confused and more vulnerable without someone or something to guide them to new concepts. There's plenty disasters and shit happening around the world and no great awakening there. The only way things will change around is building from the ground up in the long haul. If some game changer event happens in our favor, then that's great. We'll be in a better position to use it if we've got something going before it anyway.
People "around the world" aren't the same.
Christianity is cancer, but laughing as your own history burns is the type of subhumanity Muslims revel in. Norte Dame is a work of white art that took hundreds of years of work to build. It being a Christcuck Temple should be considered secondary to it’s status as a monument of European culture.
Whites in South Africa. Tell me how they're getting on. Do we want all Whites to be only 5% in their nations, being killed regularly and still nothing happening and Whites saying it'll be okay? Waiting for a magical apocalypse to save you from having to do anything before then is not going to work.
It was turned into a "Temple of Reason" during when France went through its first insane leftist phase during the French Revolution. At least they re-purposed the building instead of wantonly destroying it. Really shows you the fucked up times we're living in.
It's the sad reality in which we live in. Most Whites are unaware that that's happening, then you have two minorities of Whites, one who think they the Whites being slaughtered deserve it because of apartheid, and then the other minority is us who are aware and give a shit, but only have limited ability in which we can help.
Get some socks on there commenting supportively for a few weeks (forever in internet years), start leading the Youtuber into committing harder and harder to progressivism, start to push too far so their either say things that are disgusting to most people, or have to start deviating from the progressive front, and then denounce in comments or a slideshow-only video reply?
Put them on the spot and ask what age they think is too young to rescue a child from the pain and horror of the wrong body or racially loaded questions.
Its too bad the temple of reason is going to become a big gay mosque. Poetic, because the downfall of christianity was it's universalism, and it's god a mere idea replaced with Man himself, but too bad beauty must die. I'm far more concerned about the real culture and the Race than civilization at this point. We aren't capable of taking and holding turf in the first place. All this talk about reclaiming monuments, or uncucking inherently cucked institutions, will lead to nothing. We need to make peace that its all gone, and that the end of this civilization is the beginning of a new civilization, which will be our's or their's. Things are fucked that can't be unfucked.
Sadly, you're right. We're living in an internationalized version of Weimar that is much more economically stable, and I don't see how any meaningful reversal of this insanity can be made at this point without something truly catastrophic taking place first.
he's far left tho