The title is fairly self-explanatory, if we start saying moderate to extreme leftists are radicalizing you or others into neo-Nazis or white nationalists through Twitter or some other platform, we can cause the left to completely spiral out of control and implode. Additionally, this either forces people to accept the public image of whatever leftist figure they follow being a neo-Nazi (which brings us more followers and blurs the line of what a neo-Nazi exactly is) or they simply stop supporting this person and their views, also helping us. These two alternatives may seem irrational, but remember who we're dealing with here. Propaganda and conditioning run deep in these people and they will recoil at the idea of following someone who supports these things.
Operation: "Bernie Sanders radicalized me into a neo-Nazi!"
Implying “NeoNazis” use this board, what is this 1945? saged and bluepilled
Kill yourself.
Hm, nah.
Too much effort for you?
Hah, alright Shekelstein! Day of the rope soon, keep up your kike-ing.
“Sage… it grows in all fields!”
Yeah, how the fuck is this plan I've created so Jewish exactly? I'm sorry rabbi, but the digits have spoken.
“H-Hey guys lets all out ourselves and say we’re neonazis and tell everyone it’s because of the opposition that we hold these beliefs! Hah isn’t that a good idea! Instead of doing something reasonable (such as spreading factual reliably sourced crime statistics and things of that nature which ,if they’re coming from a good source such as the FBI, can’t be argued) let’s just tell all our friends and family about our newfound neonazism! Yea lads! Then let’s associate ourself with other groups like the white nationalists and ethnic nationalists so that they can lump us all together and discredit us easier through association with a massively negatively perceived viewpoint such as neonazism! Yes let’s do that goys!”
You have no idea how deep denial runs in people. They will literally claim the statistics are racist, regardless of where it comes from. I never said you have to out yourself, you can even say others are becoming neo-Nazis due to this person, and it's "frightening" you. Think outside the box a little, you weak and ineffectual faggot.
They’ll just as easily claim you’re racist for saying you’re a neonazi or associating with them. Your plan carries no weight behind it, people who are public figures such as Bernie can’t be slandered as easily as just starting word of mouth rumors dipshit, you have to have legitimate evidence, blackmail, or atleast a half truth to base a lie off of.
Even then, why would someone else’s viewpoints cause you to become a neonazi? How about something you read or saw? It would be 100x more effective to just suggest things like “ya know the other day I saw some statistics on X, just kinda thought they were odd bc the numbers were so disproportionate compared to what I thought” while having conversations with friends and shit like that. Don’t be a fucking sperg that brings shit like that up for no reason, just do it if someone starts talking to you about a even mildly related issue such as welfare or something like that.
If you want to influence people you know give them crime stats (make sure they're 100^ real and can be verified) and ask them to help you debunk them because you're in an argument with someone. Don't use triggering terms racist/neo-nasty etc.
They'll try to white knight the oppressed and redpill themselves a bit.
If they try "don't reason with these people" claim emotional upset from the stats and that for your own peace of mind you need to see them disproven.
Polite sage for poorly thought-through OP.
I'm basing this entire idea off of the fact people are claiming Ben Shapiro is turning others into literal Nazis. It's easier than you think. And again, just say you no longer talk to those people and don't associate with them. Your entire talking points are destroyed by common sense.
Well OP not sure if the idea makes any sense but nice dubs.
You’re a retard mate, please don’t make another post until you become more well versed on the psychology of advertising and propaganda. Your ideas are childish and so basic, that is the reason you aren’t getting any replies.
Great argument, kike.
Now watch as no one replies to this thread and it slowly goes through the pages until it 404s/Archives, it’s because everyone is a Jew right bud?
Notice how this thread has been on the front page for the past hour.
Lol you don’t even know how the bump system works newfag, the only reason it’s on front page is because I’m replying. Did that not tell you that is JIDF school? Sloppy job mossad! Last reply bye bye thread
I do know how it works, retard. Please bo back to plebbit.
I'll bump this just for fun
Thanks, fren.
Kill yourself kike.
We need a new thread on The sensible, reasonable secret anti-Semite and how he conducts himself in this jew-skewed world.'
Too many autists on here reeeeing about naming the Jew, and waving swastikas. Thats just low social intelligence: normies are too brainwashed against that shit … for now.
Awe see how your shit little thread is dead without any replies just like I said it would be? Here little buddy let me give you a little bump to help you out, hey maybe if you suck my girlfriends penis I’ll CONSIDER giving you another one
how about instead of that try
forgot the sage, smdh
I'm a National Socialist, and you seems like a cretin.
If Bernie Sanders was up against Trump, Sanders would be the more believable anti-immigration candidate.
Lol, DON’T
How did you make this
Are you talking about Trump or Sanders?
Look at all these necrobumped spam threads.
You're right. Stop listening to derailing niggers. One of the best moves is to insert Zig Forumsitically incorrect notions everywhere. It's obviously not true because kikes run everything and are 100% opposed to anything rational. It's effective when the NPC analyzes or contemplates the possibility. Just thinking of the possibility causes them to question, which sets them down the path of not being an NPC. It's attached to popular things purely for reach.
It's called a meme, newfags.
I actually like Bernie Sanders.
No seriously.
He is the only Presidential contender to come close to criticizing Israel.
and he's a Jew! Is it the Serbian Double Jew Bluff..