This man isn't afraid to show his love of his race, even in the most hostile den of liberal faggotry on the planet.
If he can do it why can't you?
>The (((neighbors))) are not pleased.
This man isn't afraid to show his love of his race, even in the most hostile den of liberal faggotry on the planet.
If he can do it why can't you?
>The (((neighbors))) are not pleased.
I wernt into this thread expecting a "Hey Rabbi" tier swastika, but it looks straight and narrow.
Not bad, actually.
Same. I thought it was actually going to be some gay Tibetan thing, but it looks like a legitimate Third Reich swastika, particularly when combined with the striping, American flag, and black Harley.
This guy stomps niggers.
We need more of this
Should be a shoo in for the El Sobrante medal of freedom award.
Some choice quotes from this article:
I like this guy.
Incredible. I bet he executes fags as a hobby
We are all Tibetan. #WeAreAllTibetan
the bantz on this guy, which one of you faggots did this
Gas the Kikes, Race War Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
eurocucks, this is what people mean when we say the USA has actual freedoms and you don’t. You’d literally go to jail for less. More than zero guns are inside that house btw.
Eurocucks go to jail for memes, having dogs raise their paw, and saying something mean about pedophile sand niggers.
Hm. He really doesn’t have any pride, huh. No strength in his heart, no longing for prosperity. I guess he’ll ghettoize his neighborhood and probably call himself fortunate until he dies at the hands of the kind of neighbor that level of submission attracts.
I just spent an hour and a half earlier today doing just that. Fucking crabgrass shit…:(
This guy sounds hilarious, top kek.
Nobody is jealous of raceslaves.
This is what freedom and liberty is. All the people who are speaking out against this are enemies of freedom. Never forget that.
One of California's many and vast boonies. Very typical; the areas outside of the big cities are more right wing than pretty much anywhere else in the country.
I mean, think about it. He’s never again going to have any real pride in his life. He just declared most of the world dead to him, pointlessly, though he was harmed not. Nobody will tell him secrets unless they’re aryan ghetto-trash. Nobody will expect him to be a stable, honest performer at any job. Nobody will want to subsidize rejuvenation therapies for him. Ultimately, nobody did this to him, but he did it to himself. He excluded most of the world, purely because he lacked the emotional strength to be an autonomous individual in this world, and now unless he’s proud enough to apologize, he’s going to suffer in his own unbreakable self-forged chains. He will call them a defiance, but still they will be a submission.
People have to live with shit like this. It is comical when people on this site declare that all who do not obey them are slaves.
Is it prouder to do the thing that ruins oneself, or to apologize for errors?
is this from something? it better be
Hm, semiotics… Your enemy is like a fictional character who is an unethical recycler?
The Jew-fear thing is sad, all told. Jews are just people, and often they are just people. If you really have such a grievance, remind people that they’re alive to you. Praise them sincerely. Kindness subverts what hatred creates. Be not the hateful, but the kind.
I’m not supposed to help you people; it’s not politically correct to help you, but that’s where we are.
Lol, when my dad did that, I beat him with his belt. My sister was a lot more ferocious. Can you come up with references to what she did?
I was stalked by leftist inquisitors. Doing that went poorly for the left. Do it from the right, and it will go poorly for the right. For all the world responds to truth, and I have tons of it.
What are you afraid of?
Blessed buddhist windmill of peace.
Used to be spiders, now it’s not much, not as you would seek to know. It’s not that I don’t have fears, it’s that I don’t respond to them “usefully”. If something “matters” fear is what I can put away.
I’ve heard this faculty is one of war, but to me it is rather one of peace. I do not enslave myself seeking what terrifies my Other, forcing and training myself upon that fear; I care more for happiness and efficacy. You can be as I am if you’re strong enough.
Truly the land of the free
Can I fuck your sister while you watch?
Fucking awesome. I live like 20 minutes away.
I'm actually going to Hercules this weekend to meet up with a buddy, I might have to go down and see it in person
Extremely jewish post
It's not really a boonie, but there really ain't shit out there. They get a lot of traffic since people that commute to SF go through there all the time.
I'll see if I can get a pic this weekend of it
All of my paving projects have subtle Hakenkreuz worked into the pattern.
Most of the world loves Hitler.
Ah no. I was just wondering why you weren't `supposed` to help.
Because you people aren’t ever supposed to escape your pit of hatred. You’re not supposed to experience joy and truth and power ever again, but are supposed to stay here screaming your submission to hatred for the rest of your lives.
No, I actually don’t hate her enough for that anymore. There was a time in my life I might’ve said… No, I thought of something, but it was incorrect. If you’d said that when I wanted her dead, I can’t with my present mind understand what I would have thought with the mind I had then.
Just woke up, checked out Zig Forums, and getting all comfy but also envious (t. Kraut) with this whitepill. And that sageposter is hilarious, I don't know whether he's trolling, or a shill, but I have no idea what he's trying to say.
It’s politically correct that hateful people scream their enslavement to the world and build all allies against themselves.
This, ultimately, is part of why I call you people slaves. You can barely fathom conducts that would actually fray opposition against you. If you tried to enact them, you would grow bored and confused, reverting eventually to type.
Hi, wimp.
That's an awful lot of fancy words to say nothing at all.
We got a live one here boys
Hi, shrimp. Dick kike.
Please refrain from posting jewish pseudointellectualism in this thread so we can continue to praise this American IRL shitposter for his balls of steel and his sense of humor.
Simplicity deserves admiration user.
Why is this so confusing to them? It's obviously not a swastika. He could be Tibetan, for fuck's sake!
i was wondering why you posted 4 black rectangles
diversity is our strength. Tibetan food is so great.
I just realized that this can be used to trigger chinks as well.
What does that even mean?
Yeee boi
Why do you project your insecurities on us? You're actually just a scared little man, aren't you.
that's in Nigger infested area, he better hope he doesn't leave his wife alone at home unrmed or ever go on vacation because he's going to end up having someone break in at the first chance
If you ever met an actual california biker, you'd realize how full of shit this post was.
It was 10:30 AM when you posted that. Wasn’t it, paid shill?
At this point he has created an ambush just like draw mohammed day in Texas. 100% he has cams and rifles ready to go.
More people should do this.
Mate you dropped this.
Anything that pisses off rat-nosed kikes is a good thing!
Look at this faggoty oversocialized kike
1) we dont live in a society. We live in a (((society))). Most of us would rather see it burn than assymilate to it.
2) fuck you faggot, only jews share secrets
3) rejuvination therapy? Is that what the yids are calling their adrenochrome vampire parties now? Kys heeb
Hey just keep that share price below 60 cents. I will win with volume
In Brazil we have this wholesome dude with a swastika in his backyard pool.
Hahaha what the fuck
We don't care
You wish, it's really only a few million assholes and computers you retard.
Using computers as force multipliers doesn't work, no matter how much you try to manipulate people.
based and redpilled and absolutely beautiful
He could make an amazing garden out of that. Also stick a beehive in each of the gaps in the swastika for optimal pollination, free raw honey, and a bonus vandalism deterrent.
We can then use WLP and judge him as a loser as well since the national alliance went to shit immediately after he died, right optics cuck?
Fuck you retard
Maybe not most but a hell of a lot we still need to do a lot more redpilling.
Get out faggot
bees don't pollinate locally. they fly at least 3 blocks away to forage. for your garden to have any benefits of bee keeping you gotta keep the bees pretty far away from your targets.
Wow, calling us Eurocucks, when you on the dog on the leash of the World Bank and IMF which imposed these laws on us, and will, in turn (and are currently) impose these laws on you. Grow up and realize we are in this together faggot.
when you are the dog on the leash of the IMF/WOrld Bank *^
"Proud enough to apologize" Bad at job, shill
>"It's stupid. (((It kills the retail value of the house, kills the value of everyone on the street,)))"
I hope some faggot "veteran" sees this and has a migrane.
That or the kikes are finally learning how to draw
Fuck off Hateslave-user. Nice new adhominem by the way, very original. “Raceslave”, ha ha, you got me!
Fuck you.
An oscillating hoe is life changing for that.
Get the man a few lawn ornaments.
apologies, debated using that word but didn’t have anything better come to mind They would love to to, but simply can’t. They have to try all sorts of alternate methods that’s fundamentally can’t stop things like the guy in the op from existing and doing that. All they can do is try and make him poor but he can’t be imprisoned for this.
I know that, obviously.
So its only relevant if its in the front garden?
nobody cares about huezillians
He's the Tibet user.
And yet intellectuals wouldn't have a cause at all without misfits, skinheads, punks, good ol boys, bikers, and generally people who can do time in prison without falling to pieces. Internet edgelords who are going meme their way into power wouldn't understand that.
somebody able to download the interview?
I need this as source for my holohaux class
Looks like another confused honky -Hindu/ Eastern conversion!
Lol. Why are you weak soyboys looking for a sense of belonging when you have so much land - Europe, USA etc?
First you cunts claim that you were in India and then the Indians kicked you out, then you were kicked out of Tibet, and now the Jews want to kick you out of Europe .
You are white and you should be proud of being white you stupid retarded backward inbreds.
No one is kicking you out of anywhere. You are competing and losing .
Stop stealing Hinduism and Buddhism and stick with converting to Islam and