Alright lads its time. Im done being a faggot and sitting around shitposting all day. The livestream and manifesto are here.
Alright lads its time. Im done being a faggot and sitting around shitposting all day...
you won't do anything nigger
< being a fag
OP you are alright, don't come to school tomorrow.
Wish me luck!
Why can't people use IRC? It's not that hard.
Slow day at the office, Agent?
Is the link real or is it bs?
tell us how it goes
You won't do anything nigger :^D
Put me in the screencap.
lol nevermind
I see what you’re doing
Kill as many fucking jews and muslims as you can OP.
(Put me in screen shot Buzzfeed)
you won't do anything nigger
do it pussy you wont
Remimd your opponents that they live to you, and they’ll be tormented.
Or, y’know, eradicate yourself perfectly. What use was freedom and autonomy, eh? You never got into an orgy with it, lol, and you don’t see a thousand years before you in which to make the attempts.
Saging in a nothingburger thread
Seriously, it upsets people, when they spit about how you’re dead to them, and your response in turn is, “Well, what are you going to do about it? I’ll not harm *you*.” It’s a bit like the secret of undeath. People stop spitting like angry cats eventually. Sometimes they come all the way around, sometimes a healthy peaceful distance develops, sometimes vital information reaches back along semi-closed channels.
I've matched tinder bots with 0 reverse image search results. Reverse search engines are not perfect…
Nothing will happen. Most obvious LARP thread of all time.
The discord looked like some poo scam and now it’s not even accessible. I feel like it was some shitty honeypot. Jokes on them I’m already on all da list. This way I can do my part by wasting their resources as I do literally nothing.
You'd better deliver, faggot.
Same thread has been posted about 3 times already. Sage and report.