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Lmk when it actually happens.
This will stop the millions of anchor babies how exactly?
I wish Ann Coulter runs against him publicly demanding a full moratorium on immigration. But, knowing my countrymen, they will still put the Zionist lackey in the Oval Office for another term because at least he isn't the other guy.
Okay, I'll make you a deal.
If it doesn't happen before 2020 he doesn't get my vote.
If it does in mass numbers he gets my vote.
go dilate faggots
22 million+ illegals in the US
if he does deport at least 10milion before 2020, no vote.
When are we breakin this faggot traitor's skull in two?
Nah, it's your homie you're shilling for that loves trannies, nigger.
Threadly reminder that kikes get advance copies of the news when they write it and their lackeys know when to start lurking here in teams. Worse, now that the Krassenstein yids have been axed from Twitter, they have the time to work out here.
I know this sounds like I'm shillin, but, algorithm goes as such.
Except republicans dont like Trump.
They had the whole 'never Trump' movement remember?
Here's the archive for any of you newfags taking this shit seriously.
Tranny discord shils BTFO
Here's where the yids are pulling their ledes
It's not you moron. It's like we've tried to tell you TrumpCucks since day one of his first run. He will not deport them.
Other things we told you people:
1. He will not build his wall during his first tenure since he'll use it to get elected again and he'll not build it then either.
2. He will always pick the jew over the whites.
3. He's not protecting you or anyone who's not a cuckservative.
Nothing is happening you faggot MAGA cuck. Kill yourself and take a nigger with you when you do.
I wish he would deport them all. There should be american troops o the border using everyone attempting to cross as target practice. You shoot a few invaders and the others will get the hint. It is time for war.
Then fucking do it already he won't.
Better than the zero the lying kike has been screaming about these past couple years though, right?
No way he would possibly deport before elections unless he thought losing all the white votes would outweigh all the shitskin votes by holding off.
You only make things worse.
NOBODY supports Trump besides paid shills.
Fuck off before someone here decides this is all too much, especially with delusional assholes gaslighting us.
Stop denying blatant reality. Switch tactics, unless provocation and creating another Tarrant is your goal.
A Sad Instant message Received for CA and Dad's Girls
Multiple MSM outlets in Multiple Cities received Calls Calls and more Calls from Anonymous Sources disclosing GES, our Holograms, Staged Events etc. Multiple Glitches occurred during MP speech in "VA" as well and I Guess a bunch of audience members saw.
Most of all that F'in Scares me, our Interior Innermost Bunkbed access #s, locations are Known Somehow.
Dan J. Truman Better Do Something F'in Fast bc ITS HAPPENING, and Many More are Picking and Piecing Together.
The Piers Morgan Vault I'view, entire Family/Children Photo was the worst F'in Idea. We Will Never Ever Ever F'in See the Sun again if we [4,10,20] don't make something happen.
Boring Bunkmate Getting back to work now. dc
Praise Kek
If I had a dollar for every time I heard a story about Trump planning to do some shit then I could afford to build the wall and I'm not sure if that's hyperbole or not.
Would you care to refute my point about the birthright "citizens" or just sling your own shit like a nigger? Rhetorical question.
Meanwhile ten times that number come in everyday, but legally.
I think you're the outsider here, fren.
didnt trump just comment on how great fags are?
By "comment on how great fags are" you mean acknowledged a historic wrong and gave a victimized minority their day in the sun with a month dedicated to their struggles, then yes, I guess he did. Why are you so insecure about who people fuck, incel?
A Sad Instant message Received for CA and Dad's Girls
Multiple MSM outlets in Multiple Cities received Calls Calls and more Calls from Anonymous Sources disclosing GES, our Holograms, Staged Events etc. Multiple Glitches occurred during MP speech in "VA" as well and I Guess a bunch of audience members saw.
Most of all that F'in Scares me, our Interior Innermost Bunkbed access #s, locations are Known Somehow.
Dan J. Truman Better Do Something F'in Fast bc ITS HAPPENING, and Many More are Picking and Piecing Together.
The Piers Morgan Vault I'view, entire Family/Children Photo was the worst F'in Idea. We Will Never Ever Ever F'in See the Sun again if we [4,10,20] don't make something happen.
Boring Bunkmate Getting back to work dc
Because those same “people” will be raping your daughter and making your son smoke meth while sucking dick you dumb naive reddit whore.
Faggots aren’t “sunshine giggles and rainbows” they are a severe sexual perversion headed by the jews to engage in large scale bugchasing meth orgies and when the juices are still wet they go into a school to spread their asshole in the name of diversity.
Why are you so malicously naive about people who literally biologically shouldn’t survive a generation but are allowed to adopt or steal childeren to ruin them by forcing and projecting their own sick sexuality onto childeren because some jew said it was OK? Are you like a roastie or something?
Zig Forums must accept our comrades in the struggle against Fascism.
Trump has opened our gates, and now we must accept diverse members in this community.
Caring about minorities is actually politically incorrect - the democrats protected slavery.
Zig Forums you must wake up and stop falling for divisive Nazis.
Hitler was the worst person in known history for his crimes against Jewish people. This is another problem - Zig Forums is against our potential allies, the Jews.
I say we embrace LBGT comrades. You with me?
P.S. Stay on message. Stay on point. Slam our narrative home with unified voices.
You get priority rope
Same. Remember last October when Trump was going to end birthright citizenship, yeah no one else does either.
>muh (((trump)))
>muh (((plan)))
>muh (((infowars)))
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
So is "discord tranny" officially the new boogieman instead of shareblue?
This is the 2020 races revving up
He never said that.
Stop being a bigot who holds back progress.
Trump has embraced it. Why stand in the way?
Everyone who opposes increased equality loses.
Trump knows.
He said it, he just never did anything as per usual
It died when we realised that 'America' stands for South and Middle America
it actually died way before that, but who cares about that, huh schlomo?
Switch IP's and tactics.
You're done here, chaim.
I am right.
MAGA is now shunned here, where it all began first.
Trump put his trust in our userbase and we helped him win virtually unopposed.
What's going to happen in 2020 without us?
You don't want Biden to win right?
Actually Zig Forums does.
Zig Forums is a Democrat board now.
Your bait isn't even funny, you double nigger
>Majority of Zig Forums falls for (((left))) and (((right))) mental circus
Prepare to tell your finally that you're not coming home tonight
Zig Forums is dead.
You are now a bunch of democrat spics.
But remember : Four more years, queers.
Pence is coming to zap you out of this trance.
Also, why doesn't anyone talk about Q anymore?
MAGA 2020
Uh huh, if it were serious shitlibs would be screeching about it in every media source. Thats how I gauge what is serious and what is not. The left knows.
You hate Alex Jones for being Jewish, while ignoring his massive contributions towards the alt right.
Just get lost you antisemitic garbage bag.
No more (((you's))) for you, chaim
Switch tactics moishe
Reported for supporting Donald Trump.
Global report for being paid to post here.
He did, yeah. You’re just brain damaged. The US DOES NOT HAVE BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP, and he said that we’re going to stop recognizing the false law. And yet he did nothing.
Found the discord trannies.
MAGA 2020
Zig Forums stands with Donald Trump and progress.
Trump is a time traveler after all.
And your problem is?
Seriously its like Zig Forums is only Democrats and Muslims now.
You all support Iran and hate Israel.
But Trump is an actual Patriotic American who loves our country and the Constitution, unlike Stormfags.
Go home to Stormfront now.
Trump already made America great again. In less than 4 years even. It's Keep America Great now, user.
Trump 2020
You’re fooling no one.
Every single post in support of Trump is being made by the same person.
Fuck yeah Trump BTFO the deep state and the Mexicans. Plays nice then stabs them in the back. Next he is going to BTFO Isreal. Trumps a genius playing a game on a whole different level. Trust the plan. He’s our guy. The Jews fear the Don!
Take your meds schizo.
Trump will win and you will scream like during 2016, at the sky, at existence and everything. By the way - it wasn't her her turn.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
I really hate how the OP posted pasta then a mass reply, then, with these being his only 2 posts, the thread isn't locked as spam.
Quality moderation
I'm not holding my breath.
If large numbers of illegals start being deported, then my faith in Trump will be restored just a little bit.
He's gotta deport at least 5 million beaners if we're going to take him seriously.
Doubtful, He couldn't even win the popular vote against a candidate as despised as Hilary, there is no way he is going to be able to pull off another win with 4 years of no accomplishments.
stop giving (((it))) you's.
It's paid per reply
Most spics cross the border legally. He would need to end legal immigration entirely, and even then need to deport non-white citizens.
You supported Hillary.
That's why Trump supporters trigger people here.
You all supported Hillary and now support Biden.
Zig Forums has taken control.
Why would Nazis be Democrats?
Actually I'm not resisted to vote but I will probably vote for Yang or Gabbard in the primary
Yeah I have zero, I mean zero faith he can win re-election "b-but the left is disorganized and chaotic". Doesn't matter. One dem candidate will win, and they will rally to their banner. Trump has been bleeding support nonstop, demographics have shifted far more radically than most people realize.
Its a good thing if Trump loses though, he has been a decelerator in the worst possible way.
Because TPUSA told me Democrats are the real racists
Mexicans help our economy.
Pol supports Adolf Shitler a Rothschild. Of course Trump has no support from Stormers.
Saved. You are my hero.
Yeah, he did. The thing with trump is that 80% of what comes out of him mouth is bullshit. There's no way to tell what he's actually serious about, except waiting to see what happens. I'm cautiously optimistic, but who knows.
Dubs for 5 million starting point.
Who cares about that? California is capped because of the electoral college, you think if the electoral college didn't exist that every beaner in cali wouldn't vote 5 times to swing the popular vote?
Sounds pretty cool.
Get the fuck out.
He really should give citizens the power to handle this. Same with drugs and prostitution. Modern technology made cops irrelevant. Citizens could bust a drug house live on Facebook to prove they didn't just kill a good guy. They would do it for free too. MS-13 would be gone within days.Lots of seemingly complex problems would be solved within days or weeks if people weren't forced to depend on an old-fashioned government.
Stormers never do anything with their lives.
Only stay inside mommy's basement and make posts about Turd Reich from 70 years ago.
Meanwhile Republicans get out the vote and actually take action.
Trump 2020, boomerfront morons.
Trump tranny thread?
Like dismantling our only eugenics program left and posturing against Iran?
Go away Discord trannie.
oyim nugenics
In favor of replacing whites, gun control, and israel aid? Why would anyone want that?
This is שִׂיןro Trumשִׂין board.
So only Mexicans without family members. How many is that? 8?
Happy Hannukah Kushner
Just saw that a section of the wall forced some illegals to turn back towards an unhappy cartel. I'm sure some browns will be getting the machete tonight for their mistake. Kike shills BTFO
Its over schlomo
What does that have to do with Donald Trump tho?