YouTube just banned supremacist content, and thousands of channels are about to be removed



>YouTube is trying to reduce the prevalence of extremist content on the platform


Attached: nasim halo2.png (920x613 935.54 KB, 588.48K)

Other urls found in this thread:,


>At the same time, YouTube and its parent company, (((Alphabet))), are under growing political pressure to rein in the bad actors on the platform. The Christchurch attacks in March led to widespread criticism of YouTube and other platforms for failing to immediately identify and remove videos of the shooting, and several countries have proposed laws designed to force tech companies to act more quickly. Meanwhile, (((The New York Times))) found this week that YouTube algorithms were recommending videos featuring children in bathing suits to people who had previously watched sexually themed content — effectively generating playlists for pedophiles.

>YouTube did not disclose the names of any channels that are expected to be affected by the change. The company declined to comment on a current controversy surrounding my Vox colleague Carlos Maza, who has repeatedly been harassed on the basis of his race and sexual orientation by prominent right-wing commentator (((Steven Crowder.))) (After I spoke with the company, it responded to Maza that it plans to take no action against Crowder’s channel.)



Daily reminder that this isn't happening in response to Trump, it is happening UNDER Trump. These media tech entities have fully fallen in line with the Trump administration and its censorship/propaganda efforts against both Iran and Venezuela and they are in line with the Trump administration here.

how to download videos on bitchute?

On Linux (most major distros):
1. Open in terminal
2. Install youtube-dl
- type: sudo apt-get install youtube-dl
hit "Y" and enter if prompted
3. Download a Bitchute video (for example, "The Greatest Story Never Told" located at
- In terminal, type:youtube-dl https'':''//
4. The video will be downloaded to the directory in that you opened terminal in.

In Windows
(I suggest)
1. go to
2. download and install the 4K Video Downloader program
3. Copy the same link,, and hit the "Paste Into" button on the upper left.
4. Video options will be available so that you may download the video in high or low resolution if available OR you can download just audio.

I'm in Linux, so if I want just the audio, I may just use ffmpeg and extract the audio. That's another story.

said to start your own a year ago

*sorry I fucked up the Linux stuff a bit*

3. Download a Bitchute video (for example, "The Greatest Story Never Told" located at
- In terminal, type:
youtube-dl https'':''//

I use Windows and worked fine.
Thank you.

since when to you have to use quotes? also, thanks, i didn't realize i could have also been using youtube-dl on bitchite this whole time, derp

what other user said, or tubeoffline, or, don't be a faggot, and use vuze or webtorrent-desktop in order to actually download AND seed the vids

Quickly, report zionists!

I will download entire channels. Post ones you don’t want to see disappear

Guy's a bit loopy but it would be a shame to see Zynkyoku Haku (of Jews fear the samurai fame) disappear.

All of this (((coincidentally))) with the 2020 election coming up.

Attached: 40k 360.png (499x468, 24.7K)

But really to elaborate, (((they're))) cracking down from seeing how the flow of information is leaving their grasp. Hell, there was a poll about how majority of americans seeing the dishonest media as the next biggest concern. And with some familiar names from way back in the early 2010's, it would seem Media Matters, Alphabet, Silver String Media, etc. are wanting to crack more and more down and pull their weight around. Shadowbanning and subtle schlomo tricks are no longer enough for them.
Create the problem so they can provide the (((solution))).
All this will do is- nah, yids can't see past their enlarged noses to think long term. Why explain it for them, since they're obviously lurking now.

Save the old Internet culture cornerstones like AlbinoBlackSheep and what have you. I am doing the same.

Fucking heretics.

I think its both, its partially in response to Trump and Trump is allowing it to happen.
Rather I think it would make more sense to say that Trump has fallen under the deep-state, legit wouldn't be surprised if Trump was actually already dead and has been replaced by a lookalike.


Diversity is supremacism; non-white supremacy and infiltration of every last white space and white community.

Never forget: white nationalism/white separatism is self-defence.


Need a link for this

Daily reminder that this is a false narrative pushed by trumpniggers and conservative retards who want to distract you from Donald Trump's clear track record over decades prior to his presidential run of being an open agent of zion.


alternatively, this site works too:
But boy does it suck that Bitchute only allow 480p. All our material is going to get downgraded by people mirroring it there and sharing that.

Time to hammer the subscribe to pewdiepie meme in connection with right wing death squads and get pewds banned. This will redpill a generation.

yes goys, move to the quarantine so we can continue our operations

You're late. The Shuttening was in 2017.

"Jews have money so if you get rid of the Jews you can get their money". This is how a Jew thinks. Now this is the reality:


So if you can get rid of the Jews:


What a deal.

Schlomo and moshe are getting nervous. The white race is awakening and fighting back

Attached: 363CDAEB-A9AE-4834-A1C3-99C4BF41CF50.jpeg (2160x3840, 1.11M)

Best deal going

Bitchute censored the New Zealand Shooter and Daily Stormer
It's the principle. They're another kiked platform.



Zionist shills acting like american patriots in here. Who knew.

I agree, but Metokur said that the right on the internet is being censored AND herded into areas like bitchute.


I meant that he said that and I generally agree.

Goodbye Doctor E.Michael Jones…

Attached: D8VCny3UwAAxb1U.jpg (1207x425, 124.03K)

*E Kikel Jones

Attached: 171bc2114c88bf569b9b6e6b4cc65a675f15e01e7884061b59168839e34a229b.jpg (686x386, 33.51K)

Looks like these antisemites running youtube just shoah'd Brother Nathanael's channel too.

they deleted mine and i barely got views. just german war footage is hate speech. they think we will go quietly.



It's not the Jews. It's the liberals.

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WTF They really are going bezerk now. Brother Nathanaels channel was like the sacred revelation from a jew the ultimate redpill. I hope he got his videos on bitchute. Many thought he was spared throughout the years since he was Jew himself. But … poof.

(((They))) are stepping up the gears to hide the truth even more now. Why the fuck do they enjoy hiding the truth so much and keep lying.

Dumb ass that girl is a jewess.I assume you are a shill but still dumb ass for a shill.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reveals Jewish ancestry at Hanukkah celebration

Hanukkah celebrates the miracle that oil thought to be enough for only one day burned instead for eight. So the Jewish festival of lights is also, in a way, a celebration of surprise.

A temple in Queens got a small dose of surprise on Sunday — the final night of Hanukkah — when Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York Democrat with a knack for dramatic flourish, told those gathered to light the menorah that her ancestors were Jewish.

“One of the things that we discovered about ourselves is that a very, very long time ago, generations and generations ago, my family consisted of Sephardic Jews,” Ocasio-Cortez said. These are Jews who settled in the Middle East, North Africa and southern Europe after the Jewish diaspora. They were expelled from Spain in 1492.

The announcement drew delight at the Jackson Heights Jewish Center. Someone in the audience at the event, organized by Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, made a remark, which can’t be heard in a video of the congresswoman-elect’s brief speech, but which seemed to embrace her as a fellow Jew. She replied, “He’s like, ‘I told you! I knew it! I sensed it!’”

The easiest solution would be to archive all of this shit, make it a torrent, share it via IPFS, etc and make sure that the torrent never dies. might also be of some, limited assistance in the process.

Ironic that you pic a mixed race Jew as your talking point.
TRX and BTT are the future. Even if BitTorrent tries to censor nodes, people can tell them to fuck off and hardfork it.
Never thought I'd see the day where the WWW will become just as outdated as ARPAnet.

White isn't an identity, it's a simple statement of difference.
Race doesn't form an ethnic identity except in response to other races, and even then its a flimsy one. Americans used to be English supremacists, opposed to the Irish, the Finns etc.
Why do you think that?

White identity, white supremacy etc. are media created ideas. German national socialists were not white globalists nor white nationalists. They were nationalists. They had no problem shooting other white people, allying with black people, Indian or Japanese people. However, they did not want to lose their own race. You are knee-jerking like an idiot.

Join the club, brother

I was in this live youtube channel
"🔴 Relaxing Music 24/7, Meditation Music, Healing Music, Sleeping Music, Yoga Music, Study Music"
and there is a chat open
I saw there was some pajeet asking for a girlfriend so I asked if he used designated streets
there are youtube policemen - Thought Police - hired by youtube, and I ran across one.
Here is the Thought Police's youtube channel/account
screenshots 1 -4 are screenshots of the chat, while #5 is his account
His name is "Alex"

Attached: thought police account.png (367x581 61.24 KB, 62.68K)

y'all are talking about ipfs, but do you realize how hard it is to get people on board with it?
If someone came out with making an "image board" *ahem* using ipfs, I would be all in on that.

I'm kind of sketchy on Bitchute, especially after what said about censoring Tarrant.

What about Vidllii or Peertube? I hear the first one is where Moonman migrated to save his vids, and regarding the latter P2P is always good right?

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I uronically am starting to sincerely prefer bitchute as a platform and not just for political ends.
honestly whats not to like?
here are some cool vids that got posted there from back when the natsoc side of youtube was actually huge and largely left the fuck alone.

The truth is brow that this platform will eventually be bought out by the kikes and censor us to bro
the difference is that right now
its to god damn small and disorganized to do effective purges
im sure anyone who chimps out and posts brentons facecam will get banned
but beyond that?
they cant keep up with us yet.
and because of that we have a legitimate chance to make what we had on youtube before.
A pipeline.
not to the alt light
not to civic nationalism
not to faggy e-celeb drama
but to actual national socialism
and anyone true aryan man who has the soul to do his duty for his race will post, share and use that site for ever ounce of political capital its worth.

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Take it fucking easy, you sperg faggot. There is still content that will red pill our people. You don't need that faggot nz shooter or anglin to red pill people. The fucking state of some edgy losers on this site.

youtube-dl can download only the audio, and/or only the video natively. That's how it can merge the best possible audio and video together (it uses an automatized ffmpeg script). Use the F and f options to use the formats function.

What about Invidious?

Not sure but im assuming thats another video hosting site?
be more then happy to use that if bitchute ends up going the way of jewtube
but untill then our biggest danger is splitting our content
we want to make bitchute big
we want to make bitchute scary (to ((them)))
We want normie teens comming to the site and getting redpilled.
When your parents told you not to watch south park what did you do?
Watch fucking south park.
We want to give bitchute that kind of reputation.
Make it edgy, make it dangerous, make it rebellion and the youth will come
its in their physiology for better or worse.
And with the way our culture fetishizes the "counter culture"
We can use that to our advantage.

Attached: goebells.jpg (300x300, 10.94K)

Try looking up South Africa or just European Migrants. It is all poz, they have really been trying to scrub jewtube clean.

Thank god they didn't touch this.

Ban youtube then.

We certainly don't want bitchute to be in any way or shape something like watching south park. It's a platform for fuck's sake. People upload videos there. That's it. Freedom of speech is of essence.

Only a little eh?

Go back to >>>/reddit/ faggot.

They are going after James DeFranco top kek.

How can we redpill normies without YouTube ?

Can't use youtube if power stations can't operate.

Youtube is a video sharing platform. We switch to another video sharing platform make it grow and watch youtube ultimately turn to shit and make fun of it. OR heroes of america bring back the flaying cross and start making modern art with google employees until the company stops being anti constitutional.

Attached: xcross.JPG (195x367, 20.09K)

There is

No, it isn't a dead project, just hibernating. The developer that is, me has been waiting for js-ipfs to reach a more functional state before moving forwards since it has proven difficult trying to hit that moving target while the platform keeps changing underneath the project. I want it to be completely peer-to-peer (requiring a fully implemented DHT+IPNS), and I want it to be usable over TOR, things js-ipfs isn't quite up to yet. It is most definitely not abandonware though.

If only you'd actually read the post linked in that second one

No they didn't. They just attacked White people with narratives they don't like.
Almost nothing touched was 'supremacist'.

You idiot.
They tried that with hooktube and other outlets; this isn't about money, its about control.
Last time we tried exactly that, (((the investors))) all simultaneously backed out of the target platform because why the fuck wouldn't they?
YouTube is not anywhere close to profitable, its not about money, its about control.
Is so incredibly retarded in-context.
Stop talking and go back to lurking.

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doubt it

Best way to win an argument: Make sure everyone gets censored.

Bitchute are scrubbing some videos before they get seeded, unsurprisingly as it was created by the jews ready for when people leave jew tube.
You see the thumbnail the file doesn't play, then when you refresh the video has gone.
Seen it a few times now. Today with an Owen Benjamin name the jew vid and also an anti gay vid.

STOP spreading disinformation. Things are bad enough without lies.

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It wins every time.

Attached: David_-_The_Death_of_Socrates.jpg (3896x2559, 5.28M)

Socrates was a degenerate who got what he had coming.

Proof or get the fuck out.