Let's be honest, this is the last serious country now.
I'm starting to prepare for the whole shit and double down on every thing I agree with.
Even because sooner or later they'll get you banned for DEFECTING from the kike nightmare.
Let's be honest, this is the last serious country now.
I'm starting to prepare for the whole shit and double down on every thing I agree with.
Even because sooner or later they'll get you banned for DEFECTING from the kike nightmare.
Other urls found in this thread:
Russia is the ultimate golem
Вали обратно на Двач, сучонок
The country is shitty, but I don't see any alternative.
Everything else is Blacked-like end goal.
Also the Israel "right".
Countries don't matter anymore. It is the international jew's system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet.
This is the kernel of all problems. The cause of all wars, famines and other pathological incitements from druze madness. It's at the center of all bad turns in history. Demonetize judea. Demonetize the kikes.
Odd thing is, Russia is likely the last nationalist-run nation besides Poland and Hungary, a nation that could be a superpower that is. Putin doesn't hate Jews though, and thats the catch 22: he'll tolerate a lot of their bullshit (as he does with Syrian intervention and Western sanctions), but he won't bend over for them either. Putin has his lines in the sand - yes even for the Jews - that no one can cross. One being the survival of Russia itself, so therefore Russia is the last nationalist-run nation that could become a superpower (if not one by now already). Honestly, we are lucky we have a country like Russia that stands in the way of the whole ZOG one world government bullshit.
Russia is not nationalist, it's a post-commie mutt country. Russia is a future of Weimerica.
Poland is not based, PiS are kikes, and last election showed nationalist coalition party only got 4.5% votes
Hungary is not based either. Both Polish and Hungarian governments are closer to neocons than fucking Trump administration.
Shit thread, OP is either an uninformed idealist faggot, or a RIDF.
I get marine but why teacher?
Let me see if I can find some infographs, but essentially most western foreign teachers are complete and utter degenerates.
They are fucking jew commies indoctrinating your I assume you're a burger youth, retard.
First day here?
Russians have pretty cute cartoons. Anyone else appreciate "Masha's Scary Stories"?
fuck the international rossian empire(greeko-judo-cristianists)
kill the dear rossians
i love bloodlines not land/culture/religion/etc
while Barry Soetoro was still saying ISIS, a creation of his own Mossad-moled-up (((CIA))), was "the JV team", Putin was crushing the Caliphate with airstrikes. between 5,000-10,000 Russian soldiers were killed in Syria while fighting ISIS. the Americans most serious injuries sustained while fighting ISIS were a few dozen sprained hands caused by jacking off to IDF pinup kikesses in the barracks, long after Russia had rolled back the Caliphate.
Sorry to tell you Ruskie, but Putin is a KGB agent simply trying to restore the old Soviet oligarchs. Any actual, real nationalists based on the Nazis were banned and arrested.
The one that depicts a girl on amphetamines running everywhere, screaming and being otherwise bad behavioral model? Fuck that cartoon.
If you want a good one, try Malyshariki before they started putting niggers into cutcscenes, ideally before episode 100 where they let an alcoholic degenerate actor to voice a "Dad" actor that was never there before.
Both nations are ruled by kike-loving Christcucks. Nothing nationalist about that.
amerimutts angry that they have 0 culture
their "white" history is one of anti-european values
one more
Russia isn't the one sending it's children to die for Israel, they are in fact doing the opposite and fighting against jewish interests
Only because it serves the Russian Jews in power. How come they pass the harshest anti semite laws? Because their Jewed. Not to mention Putin publicly admitting he serves the Jews.
I stand with Poccnr.
You can find pictures of Hitler with little Kike girls. It doesn't mean shit, and the ZOG-faggots know it.
It's called the Zionist Occupation Government, not the Kike Occupation Government. The rule of the Kikes simply wouldn't be possible with hordes and hordes of Christfags to do the bidding of the Kikes willingly.
When the White Nation Liberation War comes to that thing called "America," we're going to have to kill millions of them. Millions and millions of Christfag Kike-loving Zionists will do anything to keep the Kikes in power.
Russia is objectively an enemy of the ZOG. People posting pictures of Putin standing around some religious Kikes that probably also hate Israel doesn't mean jack shit. These ZOG-faggots will say Hezbollah is controlled by Israel. They are liars, nihilists, who think the masses of the White Nation or so stupid, they will believe any lies they pull out of their ass.
How about you fuck off back to TRS?
Im sorry, but you're misinformed.
Try to read this through google translate:
Maybe if that Guccifer guy actually got something from Hillary's servers, I would believe this. But he was just a faggot junkie.
2 million Muslims in Moscow, including the faggot OP.
Ultra based
Portentous double dubs there but the video is ancient.
Circletards, you’re as weak as egg guy was to me. He accused me of going in circles forever. Apparently the progressive thing to do was to inflict weird sexual pressures while brandishing social threat against noncompliance.
What I’m saying is, the people here are ludicrously stale, and unwilling to face the glorious truth of a peacefully advancing world. Russia threads have already went through already. Scrawl something new on the archive, goyls.
USA need a president like the P man.
Yeah there are a few places that are still shitty, but still.
another one
Muslims have their own cities. I believe you forgot to mention that.
Have ever you seen "smeshariki"? It's better than shitty Masha.
This fucking place…
So, you're saying that Hezbollah IS controlled by Israel as a Cat's Paw for their False Flags? I always suspected as much.
Thank you sincerely, Chaim! We can always count on your obvious kvetching to blow your cover for us!
Keep spilling those beans trying to keep your crimes hidden, you frightened rat shit!
What the fuck has that got to do with anything? There are two million of them in Moscow, more than any western city and they are recent immigrants. So tell me how Russia is "the last serious country".
How good it would feel just to drop a bomb on the crowd.
No need to damage property like that. Just march them all of to the desert like the Turks did to Greeks and Armenians.
Russia is 100 proof ZOG, ready to ignite with at least 50% ZOGbots.
Lazy kikes and their weak "natural language" derailment bots, pontificating about fuck-all.
The Kikes act like they own the idea of the kikel or circle, yet the great American Bard Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote of drawing circles outside of them,
"Every ultimate fact is only the first of a new series. Every general law only a particular fact of some more general law presently to disclose itself. There is no outside, no inclosing wall, no circumference to us. The man finishes his story, — how good! how final! how it puts a new face on all things! He fills the sky. Lo! on the other side rises also a man, and draws a circle around the circle we had just pronounced the outline of the sphere. Then already is our first speaker not man, but only a first speaker. His only redress is forthwith to draw a circle outside of his antagonist. And so men do by themselves. The result of to-day, which haunts the mind and cannot be escaped, will presently be abridged into a word, and the principle that seemed to explain nature will itself be included as one example of a bolder generalization. In the thought of to-morrow there is a power to upheave all thy creed, all the creeds, all the literatures, of the nations, and marshal thee to a heaven which no epic dream has yet depicted. Every man is not so much a workman in the world, as he is a suggestion of that he should be. Men walk as prophecies of the next age."
Two millions muslim in Moscow still means it's 90% white which is way more than most western capitals that aren't even to 50%.
You forgot the Tartars, Azerbaijanis and all the shitskins that Putin has let in recently, not to mention the fact that many Russians have mongoloid blood. The only reason there aren't more shitskins there is because they prefer the West.
fcuk putin
Admittedly those 2 ethnicities are Muslims but Putin even welcomes Africans.
Chabad Lubavitch oligarch puppet state. I would say discuss holohoax, but you get time for that there.
Tatars are Russian citizens since fucking Ivan the Terrible and they're overwhelmingly Muslim and their population is at an ALL TIME LOW in Russia.
It's like saying that there is lot of spics in the US because there are Cherokee people in it.
No, they don't. Populations of the Russian federation are anything BUT mixed for the simple reason that every small minority is accounted for (and given special territorial rights. Meaning very strong regional anchors. And by small I mean you have some minorities that can be counted on one hand), mixed marriage happen even less frequently than in the US (which don't happen in significant numbers, despite the insane amounts of propaganda) and the overwhelmingly vast majority of the population is (great) Russian (as other white orthodox populations, white russians, Ukrainians, Komi, Mordvans, circassians, etc…, do not count as "Russian", Russia has a shitload of WHITE minorities too).
Sure in Moscow you have people from all over… but it's only in Moscow, as a classic imperial capital, coupled to the fact that Moscow is what? About three time as big as London? And there are only 4 mosque in Moscow… not one more (which is what led to the street photos especially when they closed the big one for the very needed extension).
To get to the pozzed level of London you would need at least 10 Millions of Muslims in Moscow… not a measly 2.
The only actual variable affecting Russian demographics significantly since the revolution is how many people claim they're "Ukrainian" VS how many (of the same people) says they're "Russian", instead.
Next census is next year and I can predict a "Russian" population boom of several millions (of Ukrainians) while an overall number largely stable.
No White nation is ruled by just men. However some White nations can boast citizenry that are more racially conscious than others. In Norway, Sweden, and Denmark for instance a plurality have favourable views of faggots and most people smile and nod at every politically correct lie the jews utter while in Poland, Hungary, and Russia they are viewed with scorn and contempt by the majority of people.
Again, pointing out the stronger moral character of Poles, Magyars, and Russians is not an endorsement of their Zionist governments just like pointing out that Americans have more guns is not an endorsement of the Zionist American government.
As an ordinary citizen, what can you do?
Are you going to take on NATO or the EU.
Everybody is going to be gunning for Russia, Iran, and China.
If you don't realize the only problem is the Jewish media and the US government you're pathetic.
Every day it gets as clear as the water.
You can love them
You can hate them
But there always something good to learn from them.
If he wont play along with ((them)) for some time, ((they)) will unleash their dog aka.USA on him, full force.
And i love seeing white russian women getting raped by big black Superior beings
Well its not america, so theres no
Annnd the jidf larpagan bring christianity into the thread for no reason. Was the USSR anti-semitic when it banned Christianity? You fucking retard.
Good post.
jidf spotted.
bloock the mainstream sites and you'll just push degenerates to more fringe sites with far more degeneracy
jews took decades of slow boil to turn people from humans into the current year degenerates we now deal with on a daily based, trying to push back degeneracy with a banhammer will not purge degeneracy, it'll just make degenerate oppose you with more hatred
i don't know if there's a way to completly and efectivelly nuke porn, ,aybe kill acces to degenerates sites but grant acces to controlled and less degenerate sites so that the degenerate can be slowly deprogramed, like going from hardcore porn, to softcore porn, to erotism
you just can't kill more than 50 years of degenerate indoctrination just by flipping a swich unless we are talking about a gas swich
Russians are brainwashed retards who hate Hitler for trying to free them from the Jew bolsheviks. That country is just an extension of clown world
The problem is whites and nonwhites have been sharing the same land for centuries in Russia so even a white Russian patriot would admit there are ethnic Russians who have a mongoloid appearance. I'd always assumed this was due to the Mongol hordes around the time of Genghis Khan but genetic studies show a similar pattern with Finns so Slavic admixture with groups like the Nenets is more likely.
I still regard most Russians as white but just like Finns, Portuguese, Sicilians, Bulgarians and other outlying populations some genetic impurity is undeniable.
Sounds pretty BASTE
Jews are buggering them hard and they are loving it.
Besides Poles are mongrels therefore, not white.
Just use the same rope my friend. Stop wasting resources on marxist degenerates.
This is our white Aryan proof of reality.
Oh yesss
Not sure if your argument has any power behind it. but it just feels like you have a weird fetish.
are you a cuck by any chance? or just dumb
How is Russia not the dog of jews?
well… cant argue with pure facts…
I have nothing against the Russian people, but fuck their kosher government though.
Most of the countries are dogs of ((them)) on some level.
You cant just openly say what you think, your career will be over and you will be labeled as the "hitler 2.0" because ((they)) control everything.
So to defeat them, you need to mimic and sometimes play a role of a friend. just like trump did, but trump payed a high price, he whored his daugher to ((them)).
He did it because he knows that you cannot win without outthinking them.
But atleast in russa there are alot of redpilled people there, its just a matter of time.
in this thread a faggot tries to say I am Jewish
Shut up cuck.
Putin didn't have to ban questioning the Holocaust, anti-Semitism or the Book of Veles but he did.
Что ты ещё хочешь?
Ok whats ur solution? what YOU gonna do?
the only thing you can do is talk about ((them)) anonymously here, not in fb/twitter.
because your murican ((gov)) will end you if you openly say something negative about ((them)).
you talk like the p man is the only person in russian gov, theres tons of kike oligarchs who have influance on the rus gov through the deputies they placed.
you cant just gass half of the officials.
Its a breathing system, not a monarchy.
Trying to make a fuss over this issue is not only utterly ridiculous when our race is on the verge of extinction but it is something that only jews and morons do.
It's like being on a sinking ship and refusing to work with half your sinking crew-members because you think that 30 generations ago a mongolian might have raped their great great x30 grandmother.
Hey, a hundred generations before that Atilla the hun and his horde may have raped the Germans. Maybe they're not pure enough either.
No Russian ever called us white trash!
All Hail Putin! All Hail Russia!
I don't want to attack Russian officials, for all their cucking, still a White population is growing but so is Multiculturalism. It has been recognized by the end of the century the majority of Russia will be Muslim. There is nothing I can do to not let that happen and will just have to deal with what comes.
Like everything else.
lol stay scared
ok whats your solution?
do something,
tell us what to do.
you dont give us a valid action/argument. you just mocking people.
its like saying nothing, or just trolling.
I think that europe will be muslim much much faster than that. what you gonna do?
muslims reproduce fast, they love children.
white people make abortions and only have pets.
I mean, its like white people dont even want to be a part of the future. who to blame?
the solution is to propagandize reproduction, and stop using condoms or ((pills)).
europe/us/russia, all of us, we still have a chance, {but we are very inert about it.}
from my experience, without love to God, there will be no inspiration to reproduce.
muslims reproduce so fast because their faith is stronger.
Russian military goyim celebrate victory over nazis leading to creation of Israel, land of the chosen. Based.
Well its not only that, the nazis attacked first. So it was a defence act.
Of course they're going to celebrate their victory, retard. What do you expect them to do - apologize to Germany for winning a war after they were invaded?
This. Russian army is projected to be 50% muzzie by 2030. RT is just as multicultural as western media defending Putin importing voters from the former USSR. Moscow has a higher % of muslim inhabitants than Stockholm. Over 2/3 of white Russian kids get aborted. OP is unfathomably braindead.
Narratives in this exact vein are linchpins of the Mossad/NSA originated Q agitprop campaign.
This is the limited hangout, but still government approved narrative. The reality is that White people have been frozen out of all employment opportunities unless they have multiple master's degrees and are shut out of virtually all social assistance and public housing [the latter because you will literally be killed if you live there].
White societies are literally paying muslims to reproduce. It's their job so of course they will do it.
Russia has its healthcare ruined by spending all medical institutes' resources on teaching pajeets and niggers FOR FREE who then flee to Germoney to collect a hefty doctor's paycheck. Doctors and nurses who stay, eithe do it ideologically, and burn out at some point, or straight up work for bribes from (((big pharma))) for shilling, and whatever patients pay in order to not be treated like shit.
Russia has its education ruined by paying teachers even less than doctors, and relying on extracurricular activities paid directly to the teachers (who has to share it with the principal, or otherwise get fired) to survive. Also, Orthodoxy is injected everywhere in place of science and ethics. Mudshits are also prioritized everywhere, just like niggers in US now. Even in my school years (more than 20 years ago) we had 5 mudslimes per class of 15-20 - chechens, dagestanis, tajiks, etc.
Russia as a country operates on a scumbag basis - you are expected to be a scumbag to survive. Fuck over your neighbour, and he will not fuck you over. Ruin the country and drain it of its resources, and once you die you won't give a shit what happens. Serve the (((Status Quo))) and help in destroying your country and killing your fellow volk, and you might get to sip a single drop of blood from the country's body, when it falls from bloated kike overlord's mouth.
Russia will kill its people for fun, will kill them for military flexing, will kill them for saving costs, will kill them for trying to survive and be honest and moral. This allows only the dirtiest kikes, cryptokikes and kikelings to thrive, and everyone else s slowly drained of their blood.
Russia subsidizes mudshits on a proportionally bigger level than any other country. They are more entitled to free or subsidized housing, especially if they have kids (they do). I have sold my grandmother's apartment in a mudshit area to a mudshit, since I was fearing for her safety, I also have transferred her to my apartment, in a safer area, and fled the country with my immediate family.
No, Russia is currently under kike oligarch occupation. I wish it to die and balkanize, and maybe then I will leave my family here, and return to fight and die for reclaiming my land from kikes. Until then I am a traitor and a foreign political activist.
Russian education has ruined my life. Russian food has ruined my gut. Russian water has ruined my teeth. Russian medicine has ruined my wife's childbirth and almost took both my wife and my first child from me. I am not going back if I'm not going back to kill the kikes and mudshits (and that particular midwife also gets a .38 jhp in her gut).