Tajik Pamiri girl in China. Never forget that the whole world is the Aryan man's. Sieg Heil. We are the real diverse people. We live in Ireland, Iceland, Central Europe, Morocco (Gothic migrations), Sham, Mesopotamia, Qawqaz, Central Asia, Siberia, and East Asia. Not to mention our discovery of literally the rest of the world, of which we really unfortunately failed to consolidate because of the treacherous Jew that protested against us and caused our brothers and sisters in South Africa and Rhodesia and Haiti to be murdered.
We Are Aryans
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Aryan means the same thing as nigger: uncivilized chimp, too weak to live in peace.
Look at this TV poster
We wuz Hindus and Buddhists an shieet.
Lol. Why are you weak soyboys looking for a sense of belonging when you have so much land - Europe, USA etc?
First you cunts claim that you were in India and then the Indians kicked you out, then you were kicked out of Tibet, and now the Jews want to kick you out of Europe .
You are white and you should be proud of being white you stupid retarded backward inbreds.
No one is kicking you out of anywhere. You are competing and losing .
Stop stealing Hinduism and Buddhism and stick with converting to Islam and Blacked.com.
Not very tasty
Lost before you even began
Lol, nice callback. Grow a spine, you criminally obedient scumbag. Someday you can be joyous again.
You’re just too weak to face a truth that doesn’t feel good to you.
Thanks for bumping the thread low quality bait poster, see again next time!
You're implying that you're strong enough to live war and choose peace at the right time? Or do you even have the strength for war at all and want to project your own weakness on the few who have the strength for war at the right time?
If chimping out proved strength we’d idolize niggers, you broken aryan scumbag. Learn tremgty enough to live in peace.
Tremgty… Hah! Strength. Giving away my medium here… but it makes me more credibly a real person, too.
Aryan history triggers the kike tranny.
When did white men ever "chimp out" and what makes it chimping out? Answer both questions.
There is a time for peace and a time for war, strength and wisdom lie in being able to choose the either at the appropriate time. Peace doesn't last forever my friend, when it's time for war are you implying you'll have the strength to fight? And if not then perhaps you are the one who is weak my friend.
Seriously though, every screaming retard in history had strength enough for war. It isn’t special, useful, or meaningfully strong. That kind of person doesn’t even historically win wars. Your reluctant types who haven’t “strength” for war are the ones who master tactics and range. That’s why being pigment criminals is historically dumb; the most superior human warrior is a man trying to minimize fighting.
People keep trying to project weakness into the world so it will fight them, and it’s like, go back to Papua New Guinea, aryans.
Lol at the mad discord tranny itt who hates aryans, white people, hinduism, islam, literally everything that isn't marxist. Just kill yourself already
You’re just a weakling. Face reality, or suffer in your delusions.
Have a bump so the forum can revel in your failure.
Why do people who hate so much not just kill themselves? I’m trying to teach you strength enough to want to live forever, and all you see is your own enslaved reflection.
schizophrenic qtard
Vietnam war protests, New York draft riots during the Civil War.
Tactics and range for what? War? lol
Which requires the strength to fight at the right time.
Reality is neither peace nor war, my friend. It is both at different times.
You're not going to live forever.
You are already dead you piece of excrement. Stop trying to drag the rest of us into your globohomo goo.
…I think I did actually write a takedown on Hinduism once, but it was just an exercise. Hahaha! Not real hatred. That just came out of right field, like the pic.
The strength of “white” culture isn’t skin color, it’s interdependence. Western cultures historically transmit information at high fidelity without screaming at truth, and in historical time had societies where violent dinguses died of frostbite when all their neighbors hated them in January. Between these two factors was born a wealth of genetic and cultural pacifism. Nothing about this is uniquely only possible to “whites”, and definitely regressing into tribal raceslavery doesn’t do any good at all. As the sciences of pedagogy (including rehab) and biology (including neurology) improve, it should become possible to do in an existing generation that which evolutionary pressure took five hundred years to achieve.
It’s possible to alter a lab mouse’s stem cells on site (in situ? I’m not a professional) so that changes propagate. Let’s identify relevant genes and work them out of people. As we improve people’s health at the deepest level, they’ll find it easier to live in peace and prosperity.
When we can print every part of a person, hospitals will become as routinized as auto body shops.
It’s peace. War is a failure case that results from screaming failures in life throwing tantrums en masse.
Look at all this shit you wrote, but you're still a fag.
killing aryans is a good thing i
War is the creator of civilization. Without war you don't have civilization. You cannot have peace without war.
Carry on my wayward son
There’ll peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Don’t you cry no more
Try to be a stronger, more honest person, and perhaps someday you won’t compulsively self-humiliate in response to someone sharing hopeful tech news, hehe.
This is an Islamic post to make Liberals hate white people.
We know.
Damn, I can’t get any of these right, haha! There’ll BE peace, that lyric ought to have said! There’ll BE peace.
This bait can't be that bad.
You realize the first city with indoor plumbing was destroyed by retarded barbarians, right? Truth burns you.
Nigger says what.
At least the retards aren't black.
White win.. We will breed out the Nigger.
What would it take to convince you to rejoin society in truth and dignity, aryan?
Every effective civilization, not the ones that don't last (kek), balances war and peace. The "Truth" encompasses more than you want to admit.
The peaceful people kick the asses of the people who balance war and peace. Grow a spine, tardrager; your clenched fist enslaves you.
You know nothing of either truth or dignity, or even the value of peace. You have not the strength to give up peace for war, or the strength to give up war for peace. You have only the weakness of armchair pacifism.
There is no use to talking to a nigger fucker.
He is defending his ugly children,
Poster is a nigger fucker.
Only if they know how to wage war, which belies the fact that they aren't any more peaceful than they are full of war. War and peace are two sides to the same coin.
You are a special brand of stupid, aren't you?
I put salt on your bait, but it still tastes bitter. Perhaps lurking 2 moar years would suffice?
Nigger and aryan societies form little hateful hated bands while peaceful people form vast mesh-networks. A chimp factory clan may fight like three men each, but what good is it? They’ll top out at a tiny little social organization of a few dozen people, struggling by the brute stupidity of their personalities to even reach the limit of tribal societal development. Vapid pigment sociopaths form little itty bitty societies of “loyalty” which are actually comically corrupt and unstable. In serious conflicts they get frayed apart hardcore. Attrition murders warbands slowly when faced with all the resources of a society in opposition.
Real, horrifying wars are not fought between militant societies; Klingons skirmish a bit, but atrocities are born of comparably peaceful societies squaring off and using their vast, resilient, heavily specialized mesh-net societies to engage in competitive optimization.
There's no such thing as "peaceful people".
MSN is owning us
They are the terrorist..
The Aztecs balanced war and peace in a fairly sophisticated way. They had a lot of culture bound up in the endeavor. Their warriors were just so, their weapons good and exact, their social order constructed to keep them… sharp.
What good was it? They shed oceans of each others’ blood doing something that held back their society, and the ultimate reward was that invaders picked them apart piecewise along the bloody rivalry faults. Peaceful societies have peaceful rivalry faults that don’t create that weakness.
Don’t forget that niggers enslaved each other and sold slaves into the trade. Pigment pigs are LIKE that, aryans just as surely as every other kind, and that vast brainless hatred doesn’t really stop at the boundaries it claims to stop at.
we wuz snowbeasts an shieett.
Racial hatreds are a self-own that people too weak to face reality inflict on themselves.
Hey Mexican . Cortes dick sucker.
Why does your white women love black cocks? is it muh the Joos mind fucking them or is it that white men are all actually weak ass women?
We wuz Hindus and Buddhists an shieet.
Lol. Why are you weak soyboys looking for a sense of belonging when you have so much land - Europe, USA etc?
First you cunts claim that you were in India and then the Indians kicked you out, then you were kicked out of Tibet, and now the Jews want to kick you out of Europe .
You are white and you should be proud of being white you stupid retarded backward inbreds.
No one is kicking you out of anywhere. You are competing and losing .
Stop stealing Hinduism and Buddhism and stick with converting to Islam and Blacked.com.
Muh we were Aztecs an Shieet.
Only on fake msm.
No white woman want a nigger child and child support.
I found a nigger who believes black women are hot bald botches.
Yet niggers are apes who couldn't write and became slaves to white.
You mad cause niggers are stupid.
Cry harder nigger.
White men need to stick to their core strong values then you will defeat the Joos!!
Dumb fucks.
Why do shitskins constantly cry about whitey being a big, bad, scary meany?
It was the Arab Joos that were masters to African and White slaves you tranny fuck!
We wuz Hindus and Buddhists an shieet.
Lol. Why are you weak soyboys looking for a sense of belonging when you have so much land - Europe, USA etc?
First you cunts claim that you were in India and then the Indians kicked you out, then you were kicked out of Tibet, and now the Jews want to kick you out of Europe .
You are white and you should be proud of being white you stupid retarded backward inbreds.
No one is kicking you out of anywhere. You are competing and losing .
Stop stealing Hinduism and Buddhism and stick with converting to Islam and Blacked.com.
The day I take advice from a nigger who claim is slavery is when i slit my wrist.
Go do some crack nigger. Doing Crack cocaine is what niggers do best.
We wuz Aliens and shieet.
Aryans came from Europe Poojet
Buddah was a blue eyed white, stick to shitting in the streets subhuman
Muh it is the joos i tells ya. I like visiting the joos vebsites i tells ya.
We wuz Hindus and Buddhists an shieet.
Lol. Why are you weak soyboys looking for a sense of belonging when you have so much land - Europe, USA etc?
First you cunts claim that you were in India and then the Indians kicked you out, then you were kicked out of Tibet, and now the Jews want to kick you out of Europe .
You are white and you should be proud of being white you stupid retarded backward inbreds.
No one is kicking you out of anywhere. You are competing and losing .
Stop stealing Hinduism and Buddhism and stick with converting to Islam and Blacked.com.
Is that what you got out of it.
You think monkeys are the first and black wa the first.?
Why are you black and whites made you a slave?
I owned you you. White is the superior race. Because they created the races.,..
You wish you were white and the superior race. Cry some more. Race war comes niggers will die. Want your children die or bend the knee to the superior race..
Why do shitskins constantly cry about whitey being a big, bad, scary meany?
NIggers are weak and need to be beaten to be a real man,.
I used to own an shieet. Now the Joos owns an shieettt.
We want to run and hide, because we are losers an shieett.
We are looking everywhere for father figures because we are losers an shieet.
eat shit Aryan cumrag
I mad a nigger mad.
You suck dick like most niggers.
Try saying something original
Dumb ass nigger.
You fucks are dumb and a bunch of losers.
I am out of here.
There is a reason why you were kicked out of Africa, and now Europe - you are weak and backwards - this is why the loser Joo is fucking you are your mom with the long black cocks.
Bye losers - we wuz hindus and shieettt.
I made a nigger mad.
Can my dog fuck you nigger sister?
Only a dog is worth fucking niggers.
Why do shitskins constantly cry about whitey being a big, bad, scary meany?
Read Ben Klassen. This whole planet should be white.
Americans are not going to adopt those shit fucks.
Africa need abortion clinics.. Not America..
an aryan is a person who has performed enough pious activities in previous lives to be born into a body here on earth suitable for spiritual realization. nogs have consciousness but it is very poor for understanding god
or i should say, their mental faculties and material composition make it so that their consciousness cannot easily focus on god.
Or the whiter you are the closer to god you soul is.
Did you read the bible or something.
Blacker you are the more evil your soul is.
"Never forget that the whole world is the Aryan man's. Sieg Heil."
your son has my name on the back of his jersey, your daughter has my CD and your girlfriend is some jap cartoon character with a tail and cat ears on her head…
and you are shouting about your Aryan superiority?
This comedy writes itself.
we wuz flying jesus an shieet…lol
Why do shitskins constantly cry about whitey being a big, bad, scary meany?
why do whitey aryan hindu inbreds constantly cry about joos an shieet? muh itsthe joos dat break up my family and made the black man my daddy, but my mom loves his big black dick.
Jesus wuz black and shiet cause of Africa.
What is ahh what is that called. I am black and that might be the color of the first man and that is why my ancestor built shit hits while white me built civilizations.
Why do shitskins constantly cry about whitey being a big, bad, scary meany?
we wuz freemasons an shieett.
Good bye nigger,
I fucked your sister for a bag of crack.
Call me uncle whitey..
Why do shitskins constantly cry about whitey being a big, bad, scary meany?
How dare you.
I going to make a new game show call shit hut nigger builders.
Game winner makes 20 chickens for his nigger village.
Why do shitskins constantly cry about whitey being a big, bad, scary meany?
Fuck this place. Nuke this board.
Shill everywhere. (((vols))) don't do anything about it
The One-Eyed didn't sacrifice himself for his spirit-inheritors to lose without a fight. There once was a future for us in Shinnyaka.
Shit is getting out of your control
Fuck you.
Cry baby,,
You wish you mongrel.
Oi vey! Shut it down! You fucking bitch.
we wuz one-eyed monsters an shieet. The Joos kicked us out of everywhere an shieet
we is behaving like niggers now an shieet. But we have third eye like the hindus an shieet.
Seig Heil an shieettt