It doesn’t say what they wrote, but based none the less.
It doesn’t say what they wrote, but based none the less.
Gen Z is literally the savior of the white race
Why do you say it's a prank?
Yea appearantly cuckbook doesnt approve
yeah they will soon be sent to conquer jerusalem
look they have people openly advocating White Genocide and murder, but they have community standards.
How do you do that with your arms like that? My elbow feels tight when I do that.
Are you sure about it OP? They just put gay shit on there. Here's the police report:
We have so much more progress to make on the road towards becoming a tolerant society
I think it's a case of boomers trying to use the left's rule against them, but it'll fail.
These kids are definitely fags who wanted to attack a "homophobic" teacher.
Just you wait. It'll be a fun ride. It'll take 1-2 years and the shit that will happen will not compare to what goes on today. I wish I could promise but I am working on a big project, that's all I can share for safety. It's just a matter of resources for me. Fucking kike green papers are the only problem, as always. I'm just an average Joe though but I've found something amazing to exploit.
God speed, user. We are rooting for you.
You aren't gonna do shit, nigger.
Good to see young people getting into yoga.
Here’s what the students say
What the students believe the district interpreted as racist and homophobic was phallic imagery on a whiteboard, along with a message written on a dry erase board.
"One of the teachers often says to his students black people can not be racist and so the student acted alone in writing saying 'black people cannot be racist is a racist statement'," explained La Crescent High School Senior Blake Anderson.
"That's where he said we were saying racist statements, the definition of racist is discriminatory against a race. That wasn't discriminatory against any race whatsoever," said McCarthy.
Fuck cunt, that's autistic… Might as well Naruto sprint after that pose…
Totally organic.
how else are they going to learn to take cop dick?
Not like they will stop hiring faggots for police.
Every fucking time I see this, it's either a fucking zoomer or an out of touch Xer who thinks Zoomers are going to be the generation.
The zoomers that are /ourguys/ are few and far between. Most of them are 2006 /b/tard level of political awareness.
Don't wait for some mythical generation to save you, do it now. Because if you think millennials are poz'd, you are going to shitting bricks when you see zoomers come out of college.