First video of Julian Assange in Belmarsh prison

RT’s video agency Ruptly has obtained footage showing WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange inside Belmarsh maximum security prison.
The footage shows Assange, who has visibly lost weight, conversing with what could be his fellow inmates.
The camera then shows a small shabby cell, with books and papers strewn around the floor. While RT can’t independently verify if it was Assange’s own cell, the journalist and publisher is seen walking in the room at the beginning of the video.
Assange’s health deteriorated rapidly at the end of May, and he is said to have been moved to the hospital wing of the Belmarsh prison.
His fate is in limbo while the UK reviews extradition requests from the US and Sweden. In the US, Assange now faces 18 charges, totaling a maximum sentence of 175 years in prison. Those are based on his work with whistleblower Chelsea Manning, who leaked the infamous “Collateral murder” video, exposing American war crimes in Iraq via the whistleblowing website.

Attached: EXCLUSIVE footage of Julian Assange inside Belmarsh prison.mp4 (426x240, 13.88M)


Attached: HONKLER.png (420x666, 324.02K)

get fucked low IQ nigger, you fell for it.

never forget, DAK.

*morphs shirt collar*

Is RT news banned from youtube? Looks like they're not. Therefore they're not a trustworthy source.

Attached: rtnews.JPG (479x185, 8.77K)

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (645x773 56.18 KB, 86.52K)


Why is the date on the camera 07/07/2017?

why indeed
