(((They))) got to him.
Based Pewds Cucks Out HARD
He was always a cuckold my man.
He's a closeted fag to boot.
it's nu/pol/
sage and report
No, he was always a fucking meme. He was never "based". In reality, he's a leftwing Swede married to an Italian (basically an Arab) and makes a living by producing postmodernist soyboy content on YouTube.
Implying swedes of any political affiliations or anyone have contributed anything to the world in their pathetic existence.
He had the deadliest terrorist of this year (someone who regularly came here) say "subscribe to pewdiepie" before he killed 50 fucking muslims. No doubt he's sweating his balls off.
On top of being a soyboy bitch. He's a MASSIVE hypocrite who always sides with the media whenever they go after a youtuber, as long as the youtuber isn't him.
And yet he just did a full episode on south african president being a literal retard. I think he is a cuck for shekels but still wants to drop redpill when possible.
88s don't lie
Sounds like someone who deserves a horrible fate.
Just like Trump.
This thread is good. If we never want this cuck mentioned here again then everyone needs to see what soy chugging back stabber he is.
Its pretty obvious from his twitter follows (since deleted when he was called out) that he is alt right. So basically kosher tier wrongthinker and chan satellite. Its also obvious from his cucking that he is a moral coward who wants to keep the shekel stream coming vs make a stand on principle. Regardless, he has wrong think sympathies and attempts to push the boundaries right whenever safely possible. Keep the Subscribe to Pewdiepie meme alive. His fanbase is primed for redpill receptivity.
He's the anathema of Sam Hyde.
No need to repeat yourself OP
sage for eceleb shit
Oh sorry, (((Italian))).
I would not be surprised at all if this post was by pewds himself.
I recently realize why this has never worked on me. When I was younger I had decent friends, and now I play the long game.
t. has to have specially made underwear to accommodate the boys
He killed 51. Pewds is an ungrateful bitchnugget.
I bump these threads because pewds browses Zig Forums and i hope he sees it
Can't believe i ever said this faggot was based. It's one thing to stay out of a controversy. It's another to side with the kikes/MSM. He proved everything in "end of sub to PDP meme". Throw him in a gas chamber. Pewd is greedy massive cuck who has everything to make this world better place to live. Who has 100 mil yongsters army? Oh, I forgot. He doesn't give a shit at World's future, cuz he is not going to make any own kids. His second mane should be WASTE. Such a WASTE. All Cuck wats is to immigrate to the moonland and live with cterelized italian loly and two dogs. FUCK HIM. He should neck himself online.
The only excuse i can figure is hes literally afraid for his life or freedom since wrongthink lands you in islam hell jail in bongland. I keep hoping if he moves to Japan he will go full Goebbels.
doubt it. anybody with that many followers has priority surveillance of all their internet traffic. he’d be disposed of if he was watching holohoax videos or browsing redpill threads.
Imagine becoming a millionaire (through sheer luck) by playing video games and instead of marrying ANY rando Swedish virgin walking down the street you grab this hair-dyed wop bitch to share your fortune with. The guy is a fucking idiot
Hes okay with globohomo you faggot. He raises money for africa and other shit worlders but doesn't give a damn about europeans.
Hes been using tor and vpns for a long time now. Hes been a 4channer for at least a decade.
She's his beard, guy. Its not about a future, its about concealing all the dicks in his butt.
And what? So everytime some shit attacks me I must surrender is that so? He has one giant gyga-weapon, Tsar bomb and Death Star itself no one of his offendes not.
His 100 million army. And how does he use it? Betrays them? Makes them more degenerate by spreading stupid memes and reddit shit? Tell me, how can you fight for me if you cant even breed your own girl? That clearly means to me he doesnt give a single shit at the future.
Just now. Just make more money and ran away to the moon untill theu shut me down. Thats his goal. And don't tell me about Sven I used to watch him years. And Im not blind so should you not be as well.
English must not be your first language.
If he wanted to donate to our causes hed never do it publically.
Lol sure pal.
No question he is a shekelcuck though. Pewds if you are read this you need to do some soul searching.
This is true. Also am littel angry.
laugh while ya can schlomo
It's like you never learn Zig Forums.
That literally describe everyone in Sweden.
Remember to report all his video were he shilled nationalists/banned channels we can very likely get him banned.
pewdiepie getting banned will be big win and redpill moment for evryone
it's the abomination known as nu/pol/ reasoning with them is impossible
Hahahaha. Lets do it. Lets astroturf them into taking down pewds. This will redpill his followers and give him a nice kick in the nuts to snap out of his shekel induced cuckery
Never heard of sarcasm?
That wasn't sarcasm.
Reminder how much cuckchan loves this fag.
Why is that bitch's voice so fucking annoying?
I guess Tarrant really got under his skin, lol. What a fag.
You’re retarded if you think jews would ban one of their own puppets, least of all the most prominent on the platform.
Good, you and OP should go back there.
If that's true he is worse than a regular bluepilled faggot. At least they are brainwashed. The guy is a cuck, he just legitimized the concept of hate speech to tens of millions of preteens and young teenagers and you think this board should be shilling for him? Get a grip.
Have some subtlety, retard. Few people take the redpill all at once. Few people jump directly to heroine. He represents a quasi permeable surface with normie sphere and is a useful vector. His edgy followers are drawn further right by associating subscribe to pewdiepie wirh right wing violence
The way I see it if you've got 45 million dollars gratis from jew tube then you never have to work ever again. Hell if you've got $10 million dollars you never have to work again. He's got it all. He's a truly free man but no he wants MOAR and so he will suck the fat circumcized jew dick like a champ or a chump whatever. He should be running all over the place trying to start a You Tube alternative with all his jewbucks.
If you look at the real start of his cucking it was right around the time his wife dropped off of social media. I think she got terrified by all the attention. They have "fans" screaming at them in public. She hates it. He's addicted to the money but he's also a pussy whipped sap. The shootout in NZ was the last straw. He put himself in the hotseat and his wife wants out.
do they even have bodyguards with all that money? No? they're retarded.
Pewdiepie is done taking the redpill. He's taking the blackdick now.
There's a fine line between subtlety and treachery.
You’re not fooling anyone.
You non anglos will never learn. Its not about him being a loyal friend. Its about him being a useful tool. Stop thinking of everyone in terms of friendship. Start thinking of these ecelebs as meme levers
You’re not fooling anyone.
Nothing useful about someone who condemns you.
>>(((They))) got to him.
Hardly. He's always been a bitch. He's a Swedish millenial after all. The fucker is just scared of losing his internet shekels. So he's gonna be a, gud boi nao.
Lurk more newfag
There is nothing useful about someone who condemns you.
Fuck off kike. Everyone can be used, especially our enemies.
You're confused about who is using who. You're being used, not the other way around.
Exactly what redpills is this guy dropping with his sped tier "comedy"? Are you a child? It's disturbing to me that adults are actually entertained by this garbage.
Again, what redpills? Something like " LOL national socialism is funny but actually it isn't and I'm sorry for offending any descendants of the six trillion nice jewish boys that were gassed in homicidal chambers"? You're delusional.
Lmao, yeah, I totally want a bunch of teenage edgelords to share my beliefs, it's not like that kills movements or anything.
Ben Garrison is a boomer fag magacuck who believes in "hate speech"
Fuck, I thought that was Rio Ferdinand!
Look here you driveling moron. Pewdiepie wants you to stop the subscribe to pewdiepie meme. Thats what he wants. He asked for it. If you want to use him, to drive the wedge, to give him the bennyG treatment you should double down on it. Why? Because St Tarrant owns "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" now. Its his. It literally means kill the invader. Thats meme gold and we should be pushing that as far as it will go.
Kill all jews.
Fuck off. Youthful edginess is what is powerin our popularity. Kys you useless old fart.
Yes, they would. see Alex Jones.
He was always a libshit cuck, I don't get the deal with this guy.
alex jones is a goy and he has not been de-platformed. he still has a radio station/internet tv show.
Exactly my point. Jesus christ where did all the room temp IQs come from? BennG meme had legs. It was funny. It gassed jews. It triggered the fuck out of jews. It spread our memes and caused jews to overreact. It had nothing to do with the real Ben being based. Your personality cult thinking is embarrasingly stupid.
Unsubscribed to this fucker long back and subscribed to Tseries. His underage shill army and dailystormer hapas have no power over this place.