Thread for discussing deep ecology, conservation and environmentalism.
What is deep ecology? Deep ecology is the study of the relationships between plants, animals, people, and their environment, and the balances between these relationships.
đ˛ ==Beginner Reading List== The Question Concerning Technology by Martin Heidegger Can Life Prevail? by Pentti Linkola Silent Spring by Rachel Carson Ecology, Community and Lifestyle: Outline of an Ecosophy by Arne Naess
Brayden Morgan
There are approximately 100 or so species of blood sucking mosquitoes that make life near rivers miserable for humanity. They spread diseases and make life difficult for humans and animals alike. And yet mosquitoes do almost nothing for the environment. Very few animals, fish, and insects actually eat mosquitoes and most of these only eat mosquito larva which if removed from the environment would rapidly be replaced by more beneficial species of insect. In addition, mosquitoes do spread pollen however, as above, if removed from the environment, other non-harmful mosquitoes or different pollenating insects would take their place. Thus, mosquitoes are essentially a useless species that only helps harmful bacteria and does virtually nothing to benefit other species of plant and animal in the wider environment.
We need to eliminate the roughly 100 species of mosquitoes that harm humans and animals. But how? How can we do that? Through the process of gene-driving. Essentially we genetically modify mosquitoes to produce only male offspring after mating with the blood-sucking females (only female mosquitoes are parasites) With each generation, the percentage of female mosquitoes will become fewer and fewer due to the genetically modified gene becoming dominant. Eventually, the entire population of the affected species will collapse and the entire species will go extinct. Do this for the 100 mosquitoes that are harmful to the natural world and life around marshlands and rivers will drastically improve. In addition, harmful diseases that have killed humans for millennia will be completely eliminated.
Agreed. Why wouldn't their check on the environment act as a strengthening mechanism.
Evan Roberts
Mosquitoes are the least of our problems, honestly. We need to eliminate vast amounts of people if this planet will remain healthy for both humans and the environment in the long-term. Mosquitoes are annoying, but we as a species build concrete hellscapes, scare the Earth with highways, dump our filth wherever we can, regardless of what the costs are. The rural subsistence economy is the economy of the future.
According to the census, a little over 6,000,000 in the USA and the entirety of Israel.
Jose Peterson
Certainly the Jews can be targeted for elimination, but I think shrinking down the Earth's population to one billion people, along with major adjustments to the current lifestyles in the first world is a necessary goal.
Once you cut off the hand that feeds, nature will take care of Africa, the Middle East, India and Pakistan â the locals reducing their populations to sustainable numbers.
Luke Clark
I disagree. Mankind can create both beautiful environments or we can destroy it. They key is creating a sustainable and efficient civilization for our people. It is true that mosquitoes are not the worst parasite that is currently plaguing both the natural world and western civilization, however it is still a useless species that benefits neither man or nature. It is a parasite among parasites. A worthless insect that harms all animals, benefiting only certain kinds of bacteria and viruses.
Bentley Green
Jackson Jackson
Yup, ending all third-world aid would be a huge step in the right direction. Their populations are artificially inflated by the overly altruistic policies of suicidal white western countries.
Who are we to judge that? Plenty of other insects and birds surely rely on mosquitoes as part of their diet. Wiping out an entire insect species could have unforeseen consequences on the food-chain. I don't think we should go down the road of judging which species are or are not "beneficial" to man or nature. If we followed such a utilitarian approach we could justify the extermination of all sorts of life unnecessarily. I can agree with this only when it comes to invasive species that damage the environment.
I thought the same thing when I saw I accidentally added an 'e' to scar. I hate that you can't delete posts here sometimes.
Ryan Morgan
Mosquitos cull niggers. Let's worry about them after we eradicate a significantly more harmful and parasitic species, yes?
Joseph Brooks
Start taking cold showers. Invest in solar panels and battery arrays. Start permaculture sustainable organic gardening with heirloom seeds. Read the humanure handbook. Raise your own free-range rabbits, chickens, ducks, and goats for milk, eggs, fur, meat, and feathers. Do not take drugs and wife a girl who does not take (((birth control))). Have many white children and raise them traditionally. Start a tribe with people that look like you. Ecofascism comes alive the moment you live it!
Does anyone else here plan to go off-the-grid within the next five to ten years? I just have to get enough money for land and have to acquire some more skills. This is also pretty in line with what I want to do. I'm very interested in the differences that could result from raising a child in a low-tech environment away from disgusting urban areas and Jewish culture
Liam Robinson
Microplastics In The Ocean Are A Mega Problem: Plastic Pollution Runs Deep In Monterey Bay
Andrew Carter
Wouldn't hurt to spend a few weeks disconnected so that you can get used to not being dependent on the system. You should always have a phone for emergencies and some good old books.
That's the thing though. They don't. Bats don't eat them, birds rarely eat them, and most insects or fish that do eat them only consume them in their larval state and are not reliant upon them. Besides, many of the worst mosquitoes in my country are invasive species anyway.
Alexander Torres
mosquitoes eat other mosquitos they cull each other.
Michael Garcia
Yes. But these species are non-harmful and do not parasite off of human blood. Again, please note that I am not saying that the entire family of culicidae should be eliminated. I am arguing for specific harmful species to be eliminated, thus allowing more living space to beneficial insects.
Benjamin Wilson
Shallow ecologists leave
Dominic Phillips
Marine life feeds on a mosquito's larvae. Arachnids trap them and are in turn eaten by birds which pollinate and disperse seeds. The mosquito is far more important than any man who serves only a nepotistic existence.
Henry Roberts
Bats eat the fuck out of mozzies.
Henry Rivera
Fuck off with your Econazi shit.
Jews are trying to equate environmentalism with nadzess for some strange fucking reason.
Connor Davis
Lincoln Kelly
Again, I am talking not about the entire family culicidae. I'm talking about specific species that are harmful to mankind and animal life.
Ryder Nguyen
Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon used by Jews to exterminate Whites.
Jose Perez
Fair enough. Can we be reasonably certain that the good ones aren't over-predated in the absence of the bad ones?
Colton Roberts
Jews will use whatever identity to either create, or destroy anyone, as long as they hold the reigns of the power structures. We are Aryan. We are National Socialists. They will always hate us, and want to exterminate us. As we then will be forced to exterminate you first for being a kike golem, and shitting on this space.
Anthony Martin
Are you mentally ill? Or just another trolling Jew?
Is it possible to end the factory grade, large scale meat factories? Or is there simply too many people alive that so many cows, pigs and chickens have to be reared in what is essentially jail cells?
Jayden Fisher
Yes, by banning them.
Carter Mitchell
mosquito larvae are a valuable food source for fish and birds and frogs, but you are either a jew or a nigger and can't figure that out. Nature doesn't make mistakes.
Austin Hill
Caleb Robinson
You're contradicting yourself, moron. If Western nations would stop providing medical aid to third world shit holes, mosquitos would help keep population down. They serve a greater purpose than you.
What a bright fucking idea, you mongoloid. Over a million shitskins a year die of malaria, most before they are old enough to breed, and you want to stop this? You're an enemy to nature and an enemy to the white man.
Henry Lewis
Chankoro Carp. Yerro Perrir support Brack Power.
Wyatt King
Do it.
Kayden Wilson
Matthew Foster
the humble mosquito is just a symptoms. they are part of the world's immune system. They infest stagnant water giving fish an abundant food source so that t hey might rebound, they spread diseases to the sick in hopes of culling their numbers, they keep the healthy out of infected areas giving it time to heal and regrow. We as caretakers of the world only need to stop letting the invasive species (niggers usually) live by artificial means, and clean up the area they inhabit so the disease vectors stop. Clean the waterways so fish and plants can go back to work, and clean the living of poor food and sickness so the mosquito will have nothing to infect.
Matthew Barnes
Five gigadeath from each of; atzatlan, blehghs, chankoro, dravidapoo and Izlan sand niggers. Each culling produces 82.5Mt of wet compostable biomass, which can be re-purposed to invigorate savannas, jungles, fields, forests, feed oceans and nurture reefs. So the total biomass is around 412.5Mt. A portion of this could be dried into kibble. Chemical reduction processes could create flakes and pure fertilizer compounds for reclaiming dry agricultural land, or rewilding emaciated free roam animal zones. Especially for large fauna. Large steel processing machine system designs, automated composting warehouses and sophisticated robotic capture and processing automatons would keep the vanity of the (((human))) element at arms length. The entire industry would be like a soft drone in the background. Not dissimilar in material procedure to agribusiness; but ethically correct and responsibly natural. At the appropriate scale, this could be accomplished quite quickly and cleanly: once demographic balance with nature is restored, operations could be stopped â a capital project with a designed termination, not unlike designed obsolescence in lolbertarian products.
Ironic that you call me a moron and then assume that the only thing I wish to change is the presence of mosquitoes. Arguing that we need mosquitoes because to carry diseases that kill people is like arguing that we should bring back smallpox and the bubonic plague (which technically still exist btw) to make life more horrible for everyone. But we don't need to do that. We don't need to live like this. We have the power already to eliminate parasites that have done nothing good for ANY species on earth. In fact, you claim that mosquitoes are good because they cause suffering and misery and death. Well guess what? So do jews. Do you want to preserve jews simply because they kill White people? We don't need jews, we don't need smallpox, and we don't need mosquitoes.
We should eliminate all diseases that make life miserable for humans.
Unfortunately, I would need millions of dollars and a team of scientists to accomplish this. Just like it would be nearly impossible for me to single handily eliminate the jew.
No. They create sickness and turn healthy men into emaciated invalids. It is a great shame when a perfectly healthy man cannot enjoy nature because a tick carrying lime disease infects him with an incurable disease that kills his body and even his mind.
I myself live in a very large marshland and the waterways near my house do have some fish. However the number of mosquitoes here is beyond belief. Unless you've been in a literal cloud of mosquitoes, you do not understand how horrible it is and how overpopulated they are. Worse, many of these useless parasites are invasive species from Asia. I know people who have become infected by diseases carried by these insects. Life could be so much more fulfilling for humanity without these disease carrying biologically useless species. Arguing that we need mosquitoes because to carry diseases that kill people is like arguing that we should bring back smallpox and the bubonic plague (which technically still exist btw) to make life more horrible for everyone. But we don't need to do that. We don't need to live like this. We have the power already to eliminate parasites that have done nothing good for ANY species on earth.
Adrian Campbell
No, we should not eliminate third world diseases. You're a dysgenic Jew.
Sebastian Peterson
"The goal of life is living in agreement with nature." â Zeno ~ 450 BC (from Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers)
Mozzies keep the population down so killing them is a very bad idea.
Eli Evans
friendly reminder that seedbombs are one of the most effective and traceless ways to make a building nearly uninhabitable
Jordan Walker
It will be even more effective to drop the seedbombs by the drones.
Dominic Mitchell
I do, currently the money is not the problem as much as the networking. You need to live near other healthy and redpilled families so you can raise your own.
Leo Thompson
I've been working on meat replacementsâŚ
I'm avoiding anything that will turn a man into a chemical male feminist. '''Not only that, I've managed to create a sustainable (for the earth and wallet) and gym tier (over 100g of protein) "meat".
Currently I'm working on flavor, I can make it taste good but I want it to be better than the best meat.
Hard mode: Using products available during the Inca times (actually, early Wari and Taiwanuko times).
David Hill
Youâre a moron, just buying right into their faux environmentalist agenda 21 narrative, hell, youâre not even waiting for them to forcibly lower your quality of life, youâre doing it voluntarily
Dominic Butler
Colton Butler
Setting up a Basic Indoor Grow Room
Noah Thompson
And they'd still be living in oogabooga land if it wasn't for kikes, spics, and whitey bringing them over, fucking them, and giving them food, medicine, and shelter. Niggers don't exist via nature they exist via White altruism which has been weaponized by the eternal jew.
You can get locally sourced meat, are you retarded?
Landon Reed
That will work in our nations as well since most people are completely disconnected from their food sources.
Caleb Walker
me neither. Also, where are the parasites going to get their food when there isn't enough to go around anymore? Most of the parasites in our nation will GO THE FUCK HOME to their own nations. The rest we are going to have to kill in order for ourselves and our families to survive.
Parker Clark
There is nothing wrong with trying to look for sources of gym tier protein that aren't sourced in animal cruelty
Justin Baker
Sounds like you need a better argument and a history lesson on Plum Island Lab 257
The mosquitos you mention are a result of an unhealthy environment rich with stagnant water and no fish to eat the larvae.
Ian Green
China leads the way with based panda-shaped solar panels and desert-hating grannies.
Zachary Morris
Use the prisoners to plant the millions tree across the entire outback.
Easton Richardson
Protecting the aryan race means protecting nature:
Eating animals isn't animal cruelty if they are raised on local sustainable farms. The quality is higher and the practice is as well. Only faggots are vegetarians.
Andrew Peterson
Is killing them animal cruelty? You are a faggot.
Connor Cooper
Your analysis comes from New Age morality, the elevation of man above nature (eman). The eman believes we are going to fundamentally change the natural law to suit a noble fantasy of pacifism when we are just about to enter an age of extreme hardship. We are for strict animal welfare and an end to the cruel treatment to the animals that we exist in symbiosis with in the food web. After environmental devastation in tandem with white genocide brings us to the brink of extinction, we have no luxury of breaking off from our natural, healthy relationships with animals, and instead should promote taking care of small animals for food on local farms.
Jaxson Reed
ITT: meat eaters think eating meat protein somehow makes them more stronk than vegaryans.
It is silly, isn't it. Once it is in your stomach there is not difference between proteins. It is all chemistryâŚone way involve killing sentience and the other doesn't.
Jacob Hill
impressive, but they need to focus on reducing plastic waste rather than focusing on "growth". how many more people do they need?
Jace Nelson
They are a broken subhuman people whose only thoughts are fuck, devour, destroy. Who cares what they 'think' they need extermination so that they don't kill the planet.
Hunter Stewart
I have been noticing a wave of vegan shilling the last couple of months, not just here.
you're kinda right, but your ignoring the 9 essential amino acids which are not found in all proteins and not in the same amounts, Vegan's are retarded, vegetarians i can respect
Alexander Lee
No one should be interested in a vegan lifestyle. I agree. I enjoy being vegetarian.
Ayden Gutierrez
Northerners must eat meat, it's in our DNA as a prerequisite. The quality of the meat is the concern. Factory farms produce sickly meat. We must return to the hunt, to hunt wild game, or properly cared for cattle. The jew would have you turn everything into hell, so that you too become a part of hell by consuming it.
Elijah Martinez
This one is pretty retarded,everything else looks good
veganism is UN agenda 21; get everyone feeding on soil-destroying monocrops rather than local pastoralism where people can organise together in non approved power structures
I know you're feeling emphatic and powerful in your new found sense of righteousness but I beg you for your own sake to try and think objectively and hypothetically consider things after removing the paradigm of guilt you've created for yourself
You are not a bad simply because you exist
Camden Peterson
bad person*
Christian Morgan
Veganism follows the same line of thinking as left wing âequalityâ. If you honestly think animals deserve to be treated as humans, though they are so different, youâd better be willing to treat niggers exactly the same as your own people because theyâre more similar to you than a cow is. Invite them into your home user, let them rape your daughters, differences donât matter, after all. Veganism is childish and likes to pretend nothing has to die. Everything dies, and youâll die much faster if you arenât eating meat. There is no nutritional argument for veganism, and that should be the end of the discussion, because you need nutrition to live, but there is no good moral argument either It is all make believe equality for worthless cunts who want to feel like they are making a difference.
Charles Cruz
I will add that years ago I used to be a worthless vegan cunt, so I know that it can be emotional when you first get sucked into it, especially if you started with one of the the slaughterhouse movies. Whites do care about animals, so weâre more susceptible to it, but itâs made to manipulate your emotions. You need meat user, but local, learn to hunt, and eventually raise your own. Itâs better for you, for the land, and for future children
Dylan Rodriguez
Real question then becomes: How did you manage to reach single digit IQ?
Walking series: Vosges France - Hiking Taennchels Mystical Forest #1
Lincoln Lewis
Youâre not being a vegan to be compassionate to animals, youâre doing it to feel better about yourself. Youâll either wither away or youâll realize you were wrong. You canât oppose multiculturalism and be vegan unless youâre engaging in severe cognitive dissonance. If you would sacrifice your own health for an animal then why wouldnât you sacrifice your countryâs health for niggers. Youâre in denial Sage for off topic, stop derailing with your gay vegan shit
Brody Campbell
thread theme. post as much /eco/ music as you can find.
Camden Campbell
I don't feel like it, but you could make a new video and put it on bitchute. then with the song 'over there' song by the American army, you replace the word 'the yankees are coming' with the word 'the racists are coming'. that would be a good support video.