Is this the end for google?
Google is on life support
Fuck yeah, President Trump has been planning this all along to stick it to the E-Kikes.
This is how fucking retarded redditors actually are.
They will just wait it out.
it's nothing
come back when Google is broken up and the feds shut down censorship
in other words never. Go back 2 Reddit.
They’ll have plenty of time to wait it out while they’re disembowelled. My favorite one is cut a small hole in the stomach , cut the small intestine with a sharp knife , nail the long end of the intestine to a fence post and force the jew to march at riflepoint
Niggers fuck off
Just another show and no action. The Trump era is about pretending to get things done and not to actually do it.
If only they could do this to google too.
How do you know which end is the long end?
Sure user, Trump is going to betray the jews, owners of the worlds largest information collection corporation for Whites…mmmhmmm
The law won't hurt these people. If this Reddit faggot actually cared he'd take a page out of Antifa's handbook and start tossing bricks thru windows
This will result in nothing and your only posting this to feel good about having done nothing. Fuckoff
Reported for ban evasion.
You, too.
Checked. It’s the lower of the two ends , not the end up hover towards the stomach
I'm pretty skeptical that this will do anything. They can delay the case through legal filibuster for a long time.
However, what is never accounted for by the mainstream, is this announcement/show of support does galvanize the people. The rising anger we feel is being shared by the normie and every injustice radicalizes when covered.
Hah. Jewgle spends millions lobbying the government of USA for more regulations in their own favour. They're not going anywhere as much as I'd like them to.
All Jews are the enemy of the white race, Chaim. This means you.
I guess they figured out how to keep NSA from hacking them.
Get a load of this kike.
Someone hand >>>Zig Forums their asthma pump.
Google employees should just use AI to scan gmail and give Trump that list of important Chinese businessmen likely to accept a shipment of used Biden children in exchange for betraying their country.
Google was told about this year's in advance, it's why they reorganized under "Alphabet". Google could be ground up into dust, and they'd only be out lawyers fees, the assets have already been transferred away from danger.
is president of the United States
They've been pouring massive amounts of money into lobbying for the past year just because of this. Nothing will happen. As usual (((Donald Trump))) took too long to act.
You still unironically support him?
They just need to stay low until all the illegal migrants vote in another democratic president.
Doing things that the consumer is objectively hurt by is considered anti-trust and is extremely illegal.
It's about time the law is applied to these corporations. If it actually is.
And as president he has done what for white americans?
There are at least 2 factions of jews.
I'm having a retard moment and can't think of the names right now. Which is going to send me on a shooting spree because they're used near threadly.
wasn’t directed at you; don’t bother
woo, the plan! the stickening! q was right! maga, god bless israel! we want our illegal aliens legally!
Qtards will believe anything. Nothing will come of this. The only solution is hanging these parasites from a hope.
Keep trying JIDF. You will never be white and Trump will never get back the respect he lost betraying the White race.
Kill yourself faggot. Anybody that identifies as a Jew is an enemy to the people, even if they don’t identify as a Jew but have Jewish blood they are probably only deceiving us and still loyal to their tribe and should be disposed of for safe measure.
There is no such thing as a good Jew and nobody should ever believe what a Jew has to say. Everything they do is for the benefit of their tribe only. Everything you see in the media is to deceive goyim. Left and right, askenazi jews vs Sephardic or orthodox religious Jews vs non religious. It’s all a sham they control the media and the education and the banks and everything else in our society, even your retard golem brain.
BTFO the Libtards epic style!
JIDF larping as a gentile kys faggot.
Are you mentally challenged? Trump serves the Jews. Jews run Google. It's one of the most important parts of their current dominance over us all.
now THATS what i call edgy
I will believe when it happens.
(((Standard Oil))) beat the system in the end, so I'm sure (((Google))) will too.
I'll take things that will never happen for 1000, alex
are you fucking retarded? IC running google servers would be a TRAVESTY
but user, google IS the system. it's the face of the NSA.
This. Google is God and we are their slaves. (((They))) are literally invincible.
Your words. It just says not all jews are on the same team. Jews jew other jews.
Not really relevant to the context here. The idea that Google is immune from antitrust because the founder are jewish is childish crap that doesn't belong here. Was Bear Sterns not Jewish? Was Bernie Madoff not a Jew?
Garden ants all do pretty much the same things, we can study their behavior and understand exactly what structure they're going to create, how fast their population grows and their organizational hierarchy. Now there are many ant colonies, they all follow the same patterns, but they compete against each other for the same resources. Colonies of close relatives to the queen of another may be more amicable, but it's still each colony for itself.
Piss off.
(checked but, undeserved)
Ahh well I tried explaining it, I cannot help you if you're retarded.
went under on its own
got away with it for like 40 fucking years – he almost made it to retirement
you're fucking retarded
And I'm excited to learn what new depths of bullshit we'll be sounding if there's a trial.
Bear Sterns could have been saved, they weren't. They were left to twist in the wind, read a bit about the subject before you comment next time. Those are but two high profiles I have given you, there are millions more. Even in this thread you have shown a capacity for great ignorance, so I have little faith you'll ever truly understand the nature of the jew. Albeit, your blind distrust of them will serve you well.
They are not the NSA. They are a subsidiary of a public holding company, Alphabet Inc. While they certainly received DARPA seed money, they conduct their operations independently from the snail paced government bureaucracy that would take forever to bring a product to market. The NSA gets the best of both worlds in this situation, all the data they need, and they don't need to bother about what it takes to build a company consumers want to use (and give data to).
Whether Alphabet/Google is broken into 3 or even 10 pieces, the NSA will still get what they want.
Even adjusting for the fact that you're stupid, that's a pretty low effort reply. KYS and hope to respawn with a higher IQ next time.
i did my graduate study on it, you fucking dipshit. what have you actually READ on the subject
It's true that "X is a jew therefore nothing bad will ever happen" is a retarded statement. However, don't point out the speck in your brother's eye when you have a plank in yours. The fact of the matter is, YOU are making terrible arguments, newfriend, and your blustering and posturing is only making you look even more stupid. just stop before you dig yourself any deeper.
Found the shill.
u mad bruh? u sound mad.
btfo then you sperging out bullshit like a fag. trust me goy, i can tell you lie because i have 6million PHDs in psychology! take your meds and nigger brain back to reddit.
AHahahahahah holy fuck. I read that in your whiny jew voice too. Post the study for our collective amusement please, or shut up and stop trying to argue by authority on an anonymous Japanese origami board.
Even if they are broken up, it's not as though they'll suddenly be /ourguys/. Trump is just holding this over their head so they can agree not to interfere in his re-election efforts. I doubt he has much intention of going through with this. They'll reach an agreement and Trump will go back to shilling how great of an American company they are, and that Google are total winners.
its just bank jews hissing at internet jews
faceberg breakup plans come from faceberg plans to introduce its own crypto currency. google probably has similar plans or maybe they want to use fb coin also.
then gov jews sell this show as muh justice
sauce: lurkmoar
Who let them twist in the wind? Who got their assets after they folded?
Let me know when Hillary goes to prison.
If the feds are smart and working for the American people Faceberg will get fucked for storing account detail in plain text and doubly so for storing password in plaintext to even Faceberg themselves.
Bernie Madoff is staying in a 3star resort.
Has anything actually happened yet? I didn't think so.
No shit.
microsoft is still around and stronger then ever after their antitrust suit.
and those who could bring an antitrust suit are not so blind to do so. why would they break up these megacorps? government is so tied to them today that they can't break up monopolies it would destroy american hegemony. literally giving power to chinese companies. they'll never do it.
Set your expectations about anti-trust. The goal isn't to punish the company, it's to improve the marketplace and protect the consumer. So the most you can expect is a pretty mild remedy like separating Android, google search and google mail into different companies. None of this affects the left-wing censorship angle, nor does it hurt the profitability of the companies.
So don't be dissapointed if the whole thing doesn't help us at all.
Microsoft just has tons of lock-in, but they're not growing like they use to. From what I can tell their main business strategies involve selling their knock-off version of an existing technology to companies that are already locked in with them, and filling Linux with their patented code so they can sue people who use it. They're like a bank. They have a lot of power and money, but no direct media influence like Twitter, Google, Facebook, etc.
microsoft is a trillion dollar company, they run windows as a domestic spy service for the nsa, and they have azure cloud their version of aws which is growing fast and enforce zogthink through tos. they forced gab off for not removing a user post expressing wrongthink. that censorship applies across all sites running on azure. microsoft is just as much part of the problem as the others yet they serve as an example of how antitrust suits will be ineffective.
I was mostly focusing on the "Stronger then ever" part. If they where still as strong as they use to be, then Azure would be the only cloud option available.
This is all I can think when Trump talks up Jews so much, that he's bringing Jews into the fold so when reveals come out, people aren't targeting the benefactor jews at random. So the hope is the crook Jews go down and the religion is purged of the Talmudic leach.
still waiting on all those peer-reviewed academic articles you've read…
Trump is an agent of the jews. That's why he talks them up. The only reason he was put up for office is because he is reliable on core jewish issues. William Pierce had this laid out years ago. Trump's personal history makes this crystal clear.
I can only think that the people who keep floating these alternate reasons and theories are either legitimately retarded or are dedicated amelioration shills.
Go back to reddit you massive queer lmao
Found the retard.
>Trump is an agent of the jews.
I can't understand why everyone doesn't understand this yet. Trump has brought so many rotten Wall Street kikes into his administration it's unbelievable. Not to mention that he's allowed his demonic jew son in law to run his foreign policy and force him to swear allegiance to Israel.
At this point Trump is literally nothing more than a puppet for the Elders of Zion. He's turned away from everything he stood for during the elections and turned into a warmongering clown for the yid empire.
Bernie Madoff is staying in what is literally one of the nicest prisons in the world. Sure, he has a 150 year sentence, but every 2 hours of volunteer work he does there takes 2 days off his sentence. Not only is he staying in accommodations that are nicer than most middle-class motels, but he can knock a full YEAR off his sentence every 9 weeks.
Go huff valium and aersolized cyanide.
y-you c-can huff… valium? how do i go about this?
Jesus Christ.
Fuck google and fuck you faggot shills itt
No. The NSA pays them.
Back on topic, the DOJ shit will make about as much of a dent in Google as it did in Microsoft.
Google, Facebook, and Twitter would all LOVE to be nationalized by the government and have their own laws written up. It solidifies them as a government institution FOREVER. Do not be tricked into supporting legislation that seeks to ratify any social media company as a permanent government structure.
man, that's some straight up cartel thinking.
So did Jewgle announce bankruptcy yet or what?
I ditched all my Google stock in preparation for this
Get out, faggot.
Tropf touched a wall
this. we should have flags
Yeah that explains all the countries we've invaded recently. Oh wait, that was the last two presidents.
Retarded meme. Here's why "" claims Butner is nicer than a hotel: "great medical facilities, television, classes" - pretty much all American prisons have television and classes. They show no evidence that Butner is nicer than any other minimum-security fed prison, nor that Madoff is wrongly classified.
Having a TV set and classes doesn't make a prison even as nice as Motel 6, let alone a real hotel.
Fucking retarded meme.
They do, nobody believes Trump is fighting for white interests here. It’s just places like here and 4chan (much more infected) have loads of JIDF shills that are tasked with the goal of making it look like there is support for the so called “anti-establishment” based zog emperor, in an effort to subvert the population.
They were incredibly successful subverting many of us (me included) during the presidential election run. Hopefully next run people realize the game is rigged in (((their))) favour. I anticipate a massive shitshow and potential awakening of (((them))).
Two scoops of bullshit.
I don't think so. Take a look at what happened with United States v. Microsoft Corp. (2001). Once the case was won, the DOJ settled with microsoft and completely gutted the ruling that it needed to be cut up for violation of antitrust. The US government attempting to limit the power of corporations has time and time again proven to just be a formal playact at some kind of justice when they're in bed with each other.
flip a coin, if you pick the wrong end will it really matter fren?
I hope it dies