Millennial dads have pathetic DIY skills compared to baby boomers
Millennial sissy soyboys cannot compete with Manly Mowing Skilled Boomers
All trash.
Can confirm genY dads care about family time and boomer dads care about "stuff to fix" but can't see genY dads building shit that doesn't break and doesn't need fixed.
Also fuck niggerball.
Both football and basketball were invented by Celtics.
Who was responsible for raising their kids with the know-how on what to do when the lawnmower breaks down, or the wife wants some fresh herbs and you got some extra space by the windows? Oh yeah, Boomercuck dad who didn't do jack and then blamed their kids for not knowing what to do. Makes sense to me!
Seems like a self correcting problem if the boomer actually cared back then or the millennial didn't let the talmudvision raise their spawn instead.
I feel sorry for the millennial kids without some based GG grandpa to teach them skills their dad wouldn't. All the lazy boomers did was have TalmudVision rise their kids for them and they wonder why millennials turned out to be the most pozzed pieces of shit in history.
Meanwhile my dad calls me up to troubleshoot every time he accidentally changes the screen resolution on his windows 10 shitbox.
OP is a faggot.
Oh, I get the angle now. Lazy, yids. Lazy. Lame threads are lame.
I'm sure this has nothing to do with everything from cars to TV being locked up and proprietary. You couldn't fix a lot of modern crap even if you wanted to.
This. In his defense, my dad hated doing home repairs, he explicitly told me to, “go to (((college))) and make enough money to pay someone else to do shit for you.” This from a guy who worked in a garage in High School and only taught me how to drive and change a tire. I’m grateful for the things he did teach me but televised golf definitely won.
Thread theme.
Gee jews playing generations against each other, what a surprise…
I still hate boomers though for being smug cucks that never helped my generation.
It's truly unbelievable how worthless most millennials are. A small rubber seal on my friend's coffee maker broke, he was completely clueless that you can find part schematics online, and order a replacement part for a couple dollars. The thought of fixing it himself didn't even occur to him, he was ready to just pluck down the full price to replace it.
This is great news for White nationalists doing trades work, means job security.
This is an everyone problem, most normal people believe technology so far out of their mental reach they no longer try to fix it even when its usually something as simple as dust in the filter or a screw fell out. Boomers didnt have this because not everything had an electronic interface and was built from relatively simple mechanical principles.
Boomers themselves cant figure out how to install a browser so to whine that millennials are the problem is some dumb shit.
Goddamn, millennials are pathetic.
Aside from useless nigshits being included in the data, this is a large factor contributing to the pitiful net-worth/assets of my generation. Being able to do all the basic DIY/home repair tasks yourself saves tons of money.
Case in point: My silly pregnant wife clogged the toilet this morning and the plunger was completely ineffective, so instead of calling a plumber like my retarded generational ilk I pulled out the 15 dollar clog-busting snake and had it cleared in 2 minutes. Faggot millennial cucks would have paid 150 bucks and had to shit in their trashcan while waiting for a "professional" to arrive.
My chem-engineer boomer dad is awesome so I got a huge leg-up. He disliked TV/sports so instead we planted orchards and huge gardens, built hardwood furniture from scratch, did soldering/plumbing work, basic electrical, sharpening maintaining and using a wide variety of hand-tools etc. We ranged the wilds hunting down tasty mushrooms, wild fruits, nuts, berries and medicinal herbs, and also rare minerals/fossils all of which was splendidly educational. Incidentally his ww2-vet father was the mechanically useless one so dad was largely self-taught. His siblings are all typical boomers though so I got lucky.
Nice trips, it seemed you had a good father. Mine ditched our family, but left behind a lot of wealth for us. Thankfully I am also not a degenerate so I put my time and good fortune to good using, figuring out 'man stuff'.
we hired some sportsball cuck idiot WMAF who is 40 and didn't know what a fucking torque wrench was. he has a chem degree and didn't know what fucking weigh paper was. im convinced he cheated his way through college. god damnit i hate idiots. he can't fucking use computers, he can't fucking use his phone. his only "skill" is literally remembering sports information.
jesus christ, we need to harden these pansies up, or we're never gonna exterminate all the niggers and spics
my based hitler killing ww2 vet chainsmoking alcoholic veteran grandfather died when i was young. but i very much enjoyed the time we shared in the garage together. too bad he fought for the wrong side but how was he to know….
Funny enough, Generation Z are actually lacking computer skills. Since they spend all their time using iPhones, they lack even the peripheral knowledge a person would accumulate from operating a computer. It also doesn't help that Apple are all too eager to encourage ignorance, to the extent that soon I doubt Phone users will understand the difference between Cloud and Local storage. Remember the idiots that bought desktops but never knew how to reinstall their operating system? GenZ are worse than them.
the handyman's secret weapon! holy shit i loved watching that shit when i was young. fuck, you must be old like me if you remember
Ferengi Rule of Acquisition Number 9:
"Opportunity plus instinct equals profit."
Why because you read some Jew article that confirmed something you already believed?
um, no sweetie. this does not earn a boomer stamp of approval
how do you turn boys into men?
Not reading this blog post. I have experience in electrical, plumbing, roofing, carpentry, landscaping, furniture making etc.
No idea whats significant about an old guy holsing up duct tape. Also fix shit right dont nigger it up.
Simple, hardship. You take away their creature comforts and make them work to survive.
So there's no men on the chans because we're all sitting here like mindless faggots wasting away typing on these stupid boards.
I mean, you could try limiting your use Zig Forums, if not the internet all together.
You got lucky, you admit you got lucky, you admit most of even those related to your father are what most of your generation got stuck with if they had one at all but they're pathetic?
Never too old shitpost, brother.
What's to dispute here, are you upset that it is true? The barrier to posting online has been significantly reduced, has it not? That in and of itself is not wholly a bad thing, but even niggers can effortlessly babble to each other from all over the world now. Only a few decades ago, they'd get stuck finding a modem driver or dealing with an IRQ conflict.
its a drunken canadian public access tv show from the 80s-90s you retarded faggot. the Red Green Show. his tagline was "Duct Tape: the handman's secret weapon"… he once gave his buddies old clunker dihedral synchro-helix actuation doors using nothing but a hammer and duct tape. it was brilliant
truer words have never been spoken
A lot of people don't give a single shit about fixing or even maintaining anything till it's broken.
ever see a free mower on the side of the road? pick that thing up and fix it, most of the time some basic maintenance can save those from the shredder as many people don't even bother to check the oil on those things, or let them sit outside over the winter full of rotten E10 gasoline gunky carbs is the problem most of the time.
just watch a few videos of repairs and read some things, it's piss easy and you can upgrade your own power equipment as you go.
Would you like to learn how to repair the lawnmower son? It will benefit you greatly later in life.
Can I stay in and play Nintendo Dad?
Sure Son, sure you can.
The offer to learn was never even presented. This is my own experience. I have no memories of meaningful interactions with my dad, he was always 'just there'. He was more concerned with stuffing his face and watching TV.
Dup btfo
What if you just don't give a shit about 'typical' DIY stuff? What if your self worth isn't based on what you can show off to other people?
Whites deserve genocide for serving the jew with a smile and hate the few autists who want to free them.
trying to post TRS echo version but can't
Zoomer here. Does anyone have advice for becoming handy? I feel like I screw up everything I try, and it's frustrating.
My Boomer parents for the most part didn't teach me shit. I am incredibly grateful that my dad wanted a motorcycle so badly he used "teaching me" as an excuse to convince my mom to let him get some broken piece of shit. That lead me to get an associates degree in Automotive Technology (politcally correct name for mechanic) before going to (((college)))). Otherwise, thanks to my boomer parents I had to teach myself how to do laundry, cook, meal planning, taxes, insurance, bills, credit, banking, home repair, etc. They didn't teach me jack shit. I've confronted them about this and they just shrug. This is why the world is in declined. I was sitting around today doing the brakes on my car and thinking how FUCKED UP it is that I had to learn how to cook my dinner and tie a tie from (((YOUTUBE))) videos. When I was 14 my dad didn't even teach me how to shave, I had to figure that out on my own because golf was on TV. What the fuck was wrong with the boomers? When I finally moved out 6 years ago I had to google how to iron a dress shirt and stitch a hole in jeans. My parents could have helped me and I asked them, they were too busy. Who taught them? Their parents… see my point? Maybe I'm just a whiny kid, but to receive almost no life skills from your parents? Come on. Asking other people and relatives… this is definitely a boomer thing.
I want to have a family some day and it is inconceivable to me how I could be a parent for 20 years to my children and basically impart no practical knowledge to them. Somehow, Boomers accomplished just that.
Take automotive classes at your local community college and classes for residential electricians. Taking just the introductory classes and passing (with an A) will give you 90% of the skills you need to be a decent DIY dad. Throw in some carpentry and plumbing and you are pretty much good to go. Only thing you'll be missing is that golden touch of old school DIY knowledge our fathers should have passed down to us.
serf's gonna serf
How much did you enjoy your diet of frozen pizza and juice boxes?
Why? My yard is all local plants, stones and some bark chip. Takes care of itself. What the fuck do you need a lawn for? Parks exist.
The absurdity of their actions is the strongest argument for this existence not being what it appears to be. I can't imagine leaving children with anything less than a complete mastery of my own skill set. It's all there is to do here. Yet boomers treat it like an accident from doing the feel good sex thing and not a great treasure, like creatures from the fucking abyss.
I'll look into that. On a side note, do they really not have generic "handyman classes" that teach you useful skills?
You must live in the south or midwest if you're American. I can say the same except instead of electrical I know concrete and asphalt.
thanks, boomers
Buy an old car. Figure out how to fix it yourself.
Awww come on, everyone loves to root for the home team. Do you prefer ape hoop or nigger collision?
This is where the creeping communism of that era is extremely visible. Generally boomers believe that the state is responsible for their childrens' education. Not all boomers but a huge amount seem to be baffled by millenial involution as if they had nothing to do with it. I am left to assume the state told them they were excused from parenting.
Boomers have piss-poor DIY skills. Used to know a boomer who would try to fix his dodge truck all time. He couldn't do anything, just threw parts at it hoping it would work. Complete moron. Of course, like OP he made himself out to be some mechanical expert.
Wow. Amazing insight. Sage for shit thread about shit article.
If you blame 'the boomers' you give them power. You can only start from where you are now. Our parents are all but gone. Learn what you can from them and move forward.
Go to goodwill and buy used books on it. You can get books on fixing lawn mowers, electrical, plumbing, carpentry. Just follow the instructions, do what it explains.
I became godlike just from learning how to replace the seats and washers in old faucets. from a time life book from the library.
Boomers are the worst at everything except for bragging. They inherited a devaluing dollar so everything they bought was cheap as fuck, then went up in value as the dollar shrank. "OMG, I'm fucking real estate genius!"
Tavistock institute gave them rock & roll, CIA gave them LSD, and a shit ton of other drugs. Unions gave them unsustainable pensions.
Don't believe any shit boomers say about how awesome of a generation they are. Just compare WWII vets who don't say shit about what they had to do with the "YOU DON'T KNOW! YOU WEREN'T THERE!" ptsd snowflakes.
And? You'll do nothing about this.
Every episode is available on jewtube for free through PBS' official channel. They're worth background noise for doing something else.
Use YouTube, it's completely invaluable for this stuff and has allowed me to do tons of shit I never would have done otherwise.
Skilling is no longer in 3d space from near relations, YouTube has been the globe's uncle.
Also, the expectation of landlessness is guiding what (not) to learn.
I agree my dad never showed me how to do anything because he didn't have the patience for it, "helping" was handing him stuff and him not explaining what he was doing so I just had to either figure it out pre youtube or now find a nice guide somewhere on how to do it
the gayest generation, WWII vets, can't stop talking about what great force of good they were. Are you kidding me user?
This shit is cuckchan-tier garbage
This. This is exactly why Americans need to get an actual skill they can use to work with their hands (excluding coding).
that's fine, another user mentioned reading old books from a library/goodwill etc. But the main thing we should be taking away from this thread, is the value of teaching and passing on skills to our children so that we don't have a millenial generation repeat.
None of this shit is true, it's all just faggot clickbait that was made by a boomer, jesus christ. I've met all kinds of people who can and can't do certain shit of all ages
of course, western educational institutions are useless and only worth attending to in order to gain entry to superior education facilities, this means almost 10 years of uselessness and wasted efforts chasing a fucking grade is taking place on the daily life of young ones disregarding the acquisition of skills and the opportunity to use them on the real world to better your conditions, the goyim cattle will think nothing of it and will defend their uselessness to the end by citing some bullshit called (((rights))) thus conforming to the degraded abilities they and their offspring may come to acquire.
Gen X parents are not much better. Rather than just ignoring you and being hedonists, the Gen X parents think they're supposed to be "cool" with you and be like a friend to you. Okay, so I can get a long with my parents really well, but I can't even talk to my dad anymore because he's too busy snorting Adderal and buying escorts. Since he's decided to be a "friend" rather than a parent I'm not allowed to disapprove of this lifestyle, because I don't live with him anymore.
They always try to give me excuses that they genuinely thought it was the right thing to do, and to a degree that's probably true, but they'll never admit that a lot of it was motivated by simply not wanting to grow the fuck up.
A generation of renters, raised on the sharing economy and phones has less skills around the home and with computers; why the hell would that surprise you? All you're offering is worthless anecdotes.
They're all dead you fucking boomer, jeez, you old farts just can't handle the fact that you had the easiest life ever and pissed it away can you?
No they're not, many millennials can do everything you fags complain about but you're a bunch of sheltered homos, probably Gen X cucks who think they're better then millennials. Everyone I know can do the shit you fags complain about, you're just posting actual cuckchan-tier garbage
This is probably true. Millenials are more urbanized and spent more time with technology. On the other hand, boomers have terrible posting skills compared to millenials.
Learning isn't the significant part of the work. A 4 minute video is often sufficient to teach the skill. The rest is gained by applying it.
DIY niggers. I might not be anywhere near as competent as those who came before me, but I struggled through and saved myself a few bob. I am probably the only person who has ever managed to put a handle on a door the wrong way round, TWICE. Ah well.
Putting things back together wrongly is par for the course. Eventually you'll get used to double checking every damn thing three times over. Good job user.
Found the betacuck who thinks fixing the vidya gaem goybox is a "skill"
How about no sportsball? Those are all jew pills
Eat shit and love it, goy.
Mods only delete something if it makes them look blatantly incompetent to newfags.
Shit is what we give you, so either gobble down or starve.
Shut the fuck up Gen X cuck, I spent my entire life being the fucking man of the house fixing shit all the goddamn time, re-doing all the rotted out wood work, re-sowing the fucking lawn and fixing everything that broke only to have a bunch of fags claim they're better because they can change a fucking tire or mow a fucking lawn? Jesus fucking christ read all the fucking posts in this retarded cuckchan thread you nigger, it's just homos whacking each other off because they can un clog a fucking toilet. Every millennial can do this shit because I'm a millennial and have done it my entire life. This is the kind of garbage I'd expect from cuckchan but not from this fucking place
Most damaged electronics comes down to a few bad resistors or capacitors or corroded metal. Sometimes cleaning out a device properly is enough to fix it.
Those are still general maintenance items. Have you replaced the entire roof and ceiling of a house or repaced an HVAC system including redoing much of the duct work?
Lol today's Camry or Accord v6 blow the doors off most 60s musclecars
Have you kissed my ass?
My boomer dad didn't teach me much about DIY, some but not as much as I would've liked
Don't use a bag - so the clippings fertilize the lawn, you cut in twice to keep clippings off your driveway and landscaping, and mow often with a sharp blade to promote healthy growth/fight diseases.
Other Protips: Change the oil, blade, and spark plug on a routine basis. Switch to mulching blades. Don't overwinter with ethanol fuel in the tank or carb (run it dry or drain)… and most importantly, cut away twice from your garden, too, unless you're 100% sure your lawn is weed/seed free. Buy quality tools and always save all owner's manuals. Will be useful for maintenance schedule/part numbers/contact numbers. Seek and buy service manuals/technician manuals for important stuff.
Never consult or visit the dealership, if possible. Call an independent mechanic or tech… he'll be busy af and point you in the right direction.
DIY is not a generational D&C issue. It's a skill that can be learned and taught to other men. If they can't put their phone down long enough to learn to repair, they're not real men.
t. former IT guy here
I bought a farm and run it with minimal (virtually zero) help. If I can learn to change a 400 pound tractor tire by myself, you can too.
You can fix everything except the "brain" once you build up your toolbox. Even 90% of the electronics are board-swap. Sensors: easy swap. The only time you should patronize the Stealership is to program something proprietary. Plenty of OBD code-readers and hacks using a multi-meter. Wrong resistance value = bad sensor.
If you live in an apartment, disregard my tl;dr.
Please focus your time/money and buy some real estate. While you wait… cultivate an indoor or balcony garden… learning to grow has been MUCH harder than the mech tech, for me. You have to learn to spot diseases, test soil, fight common pests, etc. Living things are a moving target, constantly changing and adapting, taking a responsible role in nature is the ultimate challenge as a sentient being, imo.
The fact that I learned more about IRL car repair from a fucking Finnish videogame than my own father speaks volumes about the absolute state of the world today.
Wtf? I call bullshit. You need literally only flick switch to do this
It's insane how far we've come and how high HP numbers have gotten in these low cylinder engines, not just six but four. Too bad to compensate they're complex as fuck. Good luck rebuilding it.
niiiiice. thanks
true, and that's important. but, its difficult to get ppl to give up TV altogether, so if there's something wholesome and timeless, then its not bad to mention that as something to "veg-out" to after being an abused wage-slave all day/week long
Actually yes, I knew shit about roofing so I made friends with a guy through another friend who did my roof and I worked along side him, learned a lot, so go fuck yourself and your faggot shit attitude you homos have towards younger generations, if you'd take the cock out of your ears for ten seconds along with all your personal whiny fag shit about you hate millennials then you'd have nothing to whine about and everyone benefits
I am a member of gen z, or kinda borderline millennial. And I have IT skills. Its crazy how people a bit younger then me are so tech illiterate. I might not have the skills of boomers, but at least I can install ram.
Might go to school be a electrician, when the boomers die out. Whos there to replace them?
And the other gen z, and millennial's will have to pay me 100hr or there phones wont charge.
God boomers want to feel superior about everything, they are so insecure. Boomers never did shit. They know how to change a tire? Like that's some kind of accomplishment? Boomers are such a trash generation. The foundations of computing came from The Greatest Generation just like the atom bomb. 1944 was the first programmable computer. All boomers ever did was dumb things down and make them accessible to the masses. Thanks Microsoft and Apple, thanks to you tons of people can use a computer without knowing anything about it. That's the boomer legacy. The best that can be said about them is they were pretty good at mass producing things that had mass appeal. That's about all the boomers ever accomplished. Of course they had time to learn a little plumbing, woodworking, etc. While they were selling out their children's future into debt working one job 40hrs a week and making enough to have a family of four and two cars, they had plenty of free time. The best thing that CAN be said about them is "at least they can swing a hammer" so I guess that's a good thing?
kill boomers and millennials now?
what about gen z people?
If boomers are so handy then why did they import 30 million Mexican laborers?
A lot of boomers would work as worksite helpers as painters, roofers, ditch diggers, etc. well into their 20s or 30s while contemplating their destination career. Then they encouraged the next generation to pursue four-year degrees and pass over trade schools and the like. Whereas the availability of those avenues for a summer job dried up because who wants to hire & train a kid when you can have the best in central American farm equipment for 70% the cost?
It's debatable the cut off but everything from birth to age 18 (or wherever you would place the cut off) is basically the parent’s responsibility. If the child failed to develop any practical skills prior to setting out into the wilderness, then I would look to the party which failed to transmit skills while the other party was under their custody. Essentially you’re looking into a system that was created & fashioned by one generation and blaming the generation it was inflicted upon. Typical boomer logic.
That said, “millennial” guys do need to take note. If nothing else, like you watched the diy videos but you are worried about fucking it up and then having to hire a guy to fix the original issue in addition to the fuck-up, hire the guy from Yelp! one time and watch how he does it so you can do it yourself every subsequent occasion.
Xoomer checking in.
I consider my DIY toolkit woefully inadequate and I have multiples of every item listed in the survey. I honestly can't even begin to fathom what kind of a cucked manlet wouldn't own a hammer or a fucking set of screwdrivers.
Millennials really are the worst generation that's ever lived.