fuck off faggot
Knife yourself
You all think it's (n-1)D chess, because the real game is nD chess. Check mate anti-trump faggots.
How, faggot?
Words mean nothing.
Check the data in upcoming months. Hopefully number of border runners drops.
His tweets are all bullshit.
Yeah great. "Strong measures". "Greatly reduce". Where's "DARPA invented a new kind of drone that slingshots beaners back over the wall"?
Sharia blue working overtime on their dateless Friday night.
He sure did.
>Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take stromg measures to stem the tide of Migration through Mexico
All these flavors and you choose salty?
credit where credits due
assuming it isnt bullshit
its awesome
I really want AOC to see that.
Is it already Saturday in Israel where you are, stud?
Spotted the eurocuck
I don’t believe a goddamn word he says. Show us.
Also, note that this does nothing about the illegals already here with their child trafficking and given work permits and more insults and injuries to White anericans.
I don’t feel a part of the us for some time now; it hasn’t done anything but kill off me and my people while taking away their rights and money while enriching subhumans, slower or faster depending on who is in charge but the same results.
Trump is the first presidential candidate to endorse LGBTQ while running, and still does (Obama didn't, he flip flopped, look at the 2007 Obama debates)
Trump is taking the initiative to legalize gay marriage across the world (look it up)
TIDF thread
Is anyone actually a trump fan here or is it all just trump nigger shills. All these pro zognald reddit tier threads are getting very tiresome
oi, bin that knife m8
pointing out the truth isn't salt, you newfag retard. trump still claims he's building "the wall" even though NOT ONE INCH OF NEW WALL has been built.
ah… I see you are in the r/t_D trum/pol/ program? very good. now, if anyone points out what trump has(n't) done, what do you say?
imkikey ruined everything with his trumpcuckery. anyone with any brains left. interestingly, i think /int*/Nfriends have realized how irritating r/t_D-tier trumpshillery is and are now doing it themselves. literally JIDF4Trump
strange world we live in
Mexican here, they're blasting both our Chancellor and the President of the Senate over how "they preach left but became the wall Trump always wanted" and "lowered their pants for the orange buffoon" I'm fucking laughing at the leftards going nuclear. I can get salt filled screenshots, but they'll be in tacospeak.
Just more stalling tactics until 2020 when Trumps booted from office . In the meantime the little brown niggers from Mexico will continue to flow in record numbers and Trump will walk away in 2020 having promoted Zionism while simultaneously taking the biggest wrecking ball to America in history. Oh b but record black unemployment and the economy deeeeeerp says the QTARD
Does donald trump ever do anything?
do it fgt. post the translations, or we can google translate it
Not one inch, but many
Man this thread should be comfy, like the good times of 2016. Holy shit, I can't believe it's been so long.
I expect 6 more years of heavily mineralised salt caverns to be explored
lmao the leftards are claiming that this was a negotiation victory from AMLO's part.
imagine the level of cognitive dissonance.
So the spics called his bluff, rofl
I wish someone would break all of your fingers so you can’t post since our goddamn mods won’t do their fucking job and ruined this board by letting fucks like you stay.
Good. Once boomers vote on this and reelect Trump, illegal immigration will continue.
I hope Trump dies in office. He's such a fucking cuck.
Go find your foreskin
Calm down, you wartorn ZOG faggot.
you stupid Magatards will believe fucking words in a tweet before you see any evidence that anything has worked or improved. you Magatards are worse than Boomers and Shitlibs and kikes because you subvert our side while thinking you won because you triggered the libs with dank memes.
i hope every one of you Magatard traitors gets replaced by a beaner raping and impregnating your little daughter. Trump is a fucking pussy, a drug addled gasbag, all he does is talk shit then never do anything about it. meanwhile, the kudzu of the Deep State Swamp overgrows Trump's hollow BASED and REDPILLED tweets.
if Trump wasnt sich a faggot, he would have forced the tariffs on Mexico, then told them he'll lift it AFTER he sees 6 months worth of REAL RESULTS.. as in the number of wetbacks caught being cut in half. Trump sucks at the Art of the Deal. Trump's so called strategy is straight Gambler's Ruin–lose, and then double or nothing, repeat.
watch. 6 months from now the spic invasion rate will be 50% higher than it is today.
in Trumpland, winning is losing and then calling it winning. i hope you can take all this winning. because you gringos won't exist in 2 generations.
i hope that means this is a cheeky joke, since trump has literally built ZERO new wall
wtf I hate Trump now
Name one thing he said would happen that didn't and isn't obviously currently being done?
You can go fucking die too.
Zig Forums is a rotten shell of its former self. Well, soon comes the time to shitpost in real life instead. I hope to see the real Zig Forums out there when it matters.
What is 'real' Zig Forums in your mind? Getting violent and killing people? Because that just makes you a fucking glownigger.
See you in the streets user. Day of the rope is coming. For us or them. Fuck Trump.
This. Except, Trump is doing this to hoist his image and stroke his ego. This will go to his list of "achievements".
Why do we have to do this the ugly way, Pedro? Let me sell you everything west of the rockies except Alaska and Idaho. Enjoy. Seriously, what's the deal with these mestizos thinking they ever ruled all those lands? It belonged to the Spanish Crown and to Napoleon, to do with as they pleased. Its not like the Habsburgs just gave you Mexico without a price, you had to kill them for that too. You know how it is, nothing's free.
…need I go on?
Here you are, Marti Batres is the Mexican Chancellor, follower of the left from his early days, but he has switched party allegiance several times chasing whosoever is in power. Dude's also friends with recently captured Naason Joaquin Garcia, pedo leader of the Luz del Mundo sect.
The tariffs on China remain, slant-eye shill. Enjoy them!
Check out this dumb fucking shill.
thanks user. so… what exactly is mexico doing? have any details been released?
I want these faggots to stop dreaming about muh Aztlan and muh Melting pot of immigrants, I seriously laugh when they say that America was built upon Mexican backs, I tell them that the West happened, the Gold Rush happened, the Telegraphic Union between the continental lines happened well before a Mexican even crossed there, and they only walk away.
Newly created National Guard is deploying 6000 soldiers to stop immigration flows from Central America
Voting won’t fix anything while the jews control both major parties in the us, the media, finances, and more.
Which means we should get violent, right, glownigger?
Yeah man, back in the day we used to explode vans with bombs.
And over 9000 penises all raping children
What the fuck is wrong with you?
What do you suggest would save our nations?
Wait until the jews trip over themselves, and the normalfags just come to understand what we do. I don't think that's a ridiculous expectation.
Define “trip over themselves.”
Also, normalfags have been blind and deaf for countless decades. Only when they are not stuffed on bread and circuses pushed by jews do they have a chance to wake up before it is too late.
Make laws so oppressive that even the average normalfag grabs their gun.
And what will push kikes to do that?
The increasing knowledge of the Kalergi Plan.
I love being a boogeyman.
Ask me how I know you're new.
niiiiiice. your president is not stupid. his lefty buddies can criticize him, but trump could crash his shit with no survivors, before any faggot activist judge could react and stop him. The tiff with China is truly a trade war, but with mexico it would be a trade massacre.
are they being deployed south to stop the S Americans, or further north to stop caravans once they've coalesced?
user Zig Forums IS IN FACT a complete shithole and a shell of its former self. as proof: you didn't recognize that this user was referring to probably the most epin troll ever.
The only troll greater that I can think of is if you actually believe the a bunch of internet autists got trump elected for a prank
Kill yourself. Go back to Twitter, faggot.
wanna know how i know you're a newfag?
Go ahead, faggot. I'd love to hear this.
This this this
This. Unless they guard the border on their end, and with relative force I ain't buying it.
That information has been out there for ages and normalfags are still swilling soda and eating cheap shit while watching niggerball.
Try something with more impact.
Funny, my uncle and mom hadn't heard of that when I told them of it last week.
My wall of friends has already started construction…
John Ernest and Robert Bowers scare the jews more than Patrick Little.
Figure out why.
Is it true AMLO killed two politicians together in a 911-esque false flag?
Also, is it AMLO or (((AMLO)))?
You are retarded desu.
I have literally never heard of those first two names.
Bro, the information about those name is out there, therefore it means you already know about it, but are just choosing not to be affected by it.
That's how retard logic works.
Fuck you, honestly. Give me a single reason I should know the names of those two nobodies.
Perhaps the real meaning for this is to teach Zig Forums the power of forgiveness?
Screw your optics.
Kill yourself.
As long as they get married in a cathedral and stay together until the end, I don't have a problem with a DACAnon being my son in law.
He already started building my wall of friends, and I've found strength from that wall. We hold our hands fearlessly against degeneracy… I invite everyone in this thread to allow Trump to start constructing that wall in your lives (if you haven't already).
The fact you don’t recognize that quote is proof enough you are a stupid newfag like said earlier.
You mean over 9000? Are you fucking kidding me?
I meant what I said.
You’re not worth talking to. Lurk more.
I'm utterly speechless.
Stop pretending anything will change by voting a banker's puppet. The first step to secure our future would be to illegalize private banking and implant direct democracy. Until then fuck you all fags, your private banks are scamimg you millions in debt. It's not the illegal aliens stealing your jobs, it's the banks increasing public debt and causing inflation. 80%of your taxes are destined to pay for debt you dumb hambirgers. ==Trump is illusion of choice==
Believing in him makes you dead fish in a river, you just follow the stream
I was referring to what I quoted you stupid piece of shit newfag. His reference I won’t spoonfeed you about either since you still haven’t shown you know shit about it.
That’s the last I’ll say anything to you.
To be clear, this is is the 'reference' that we're talking about. Call me a newfag if you must, but that child abuse isn't very funny to me.
Mexico are pussies. Illegal is no different to legal. Illegals can apply legally.