I cringe whenever you Amerisharts start talking about White Nationalism. Fuck Jewmerica and Amerisharts too

I cringe whenever you Amerisharts start talking about White Nationalism. Fuck Jewmerica and Amerisharts too.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You do understand most Zig Forums users are from Argentina, aka the whitest country on Earth, right?

Fuck off kike

National Socialism is alive and well here and we will be seizing control sooner than you think.


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cos by freedom of speech here we discuss things about the mob and post red-pills about them. Like this :


John Wedger, a british pollice whistle blower discovers that the british police run child sex slave industry along with social services.

Tommy Robinson describes how the british police would remove white and black street gangs from the street that were preventing muslim gangs from sex slaving the white school girls

Actually, many on Zig Forums have been saying that Latinos are Aryan due to being a combo between Aryans and Honorary Aryans

This thread again.
You know what’s really funny is that 90% of actual users know what’s up with threads like these and that the normal amerimutt comments are used when it’s funny just like how it’s funny to Americans to shit on europe (rightly so) and only faggots who don’t belong here anyway get mad about what some shill said online.
I’m pretty sure I have both amerimutt memes and eurostan memes
Kill yourself niggerOP
Sage and reported

Shit thread, tries to divide anons based on nationality.
Come to this

thread anons, shills are pushing shit threads to the top of the catalog.
Op is a shill


They certainly are thin skinned and ignorant of their own history. I just teased them a bit in the lesbians being beaten up thread about astronauts no longer being John Glens and Neil Armstrongs, that they were more likely to be insane cunts wearing diapers so they can drive to a revenge rendez vous without stopping to poo and the poor Walmart pance shitter just flipped out on me. So thin skinned!

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At this juncture Jewmerica isn’t nearly as fucked as the UK, better known as Meme Island. Soon enough we’ll all be fucked royally and when it really goes down this recurring, faggy conversation will be forgotten very quickly. Pick and choose whatever countries you wanna focus on but the West is POZed.

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White nationalism is actually retarded.


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The way I see it, we're so far gone, and everyone has their heads buried so far up their asses, that our only tiny hope is that somehow, the jews just self destruct from their own folly, their own inherent flaws, kind of like the Martians at the end of War of the Worlds.

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While certainly one aspect of a hopeful outcome (their greed and hubris could certainly backfire one day) the best we can do on our end is maximize self-sufficiency and self-defense.

And you still bump this shit, moshe.
Eat shit, I know it's a popular fetish for the ashkenazhim such as yourself.
I don't care if you're (((chosen))) or not, there's a certain standard that used to be held here for posting.

I'd just be happy if we maintained continence when out shopping for frozen pizza and Budweiser on sale.

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lol, what a charming chuckle

Burgers are good & decent people imo, why should i hate them?
They seem more like us than most Eurofags i know. Having pride in urself & ur people is not a bad thing.

This is why I pay almost 20c more per purchase to shop anywhere but Walmart.

There hasn't been a thread worth bumping here since Tarrant. He single-handedly murdered this site along with the ones he took down.

didnt you mean, anywhere butt walmart?
ahaha got eem

brown hands typed this post

Ahaha, I still hate you for not saging, moshe

That Christian nat soc thread the other day was really interesting, shame it got yeeted.
Thanx jannies.

From the outside America looks like a 20" poz cannon aimed at the world.

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People like shitting on christianity, but there used to be a containment thread or board for that. Zig Forums feels like a new /b/ where every new OP tries to put some national spin on clickbait news. Literally like browsing buzzfeed with a couple of comments saying nigger

White American Supremacists should return to their homelands and make white babies to save Europe instead of whining about their niggers and beaners