what the everliving fuck do we do about these bastards? take your time and look this shit over this is the surveillance state's global apparatus.
SIGINT/COMINT/LI and supporting Technologies and Systems
First post is daily reminder:
The people who own the companies are (((people))) with lives and homes and addresses which CAN be found.
It'd be a shame if people already knew who is behind the eventual mass-censorship before it happens and where they already have their minecraft house coordinates to spawn air-borne creepers in with admin command codes .
Anything to keep the status quo.
very true, and many employees and higher ups are listed on the site i posted. im sure one if so inclined could find the remainder in some public record or another.
id like to figure out how each of these companies do what they do. apparently if you know what youre doing you can build your own STINGRAY
I find it strange no Oceania nations are listed…
Why didn't Ausfailia get a mention? Isn't Asio good enough??
Oy, kiwiland got a mention…
Sucks to be a sheep fucker anyway, but kek for this.
(I went over those pics enough fucking times)
while contemplating this i have a few questions im hoping some anons can answer and provide some good resources for.
what are some good preventive tools and tactics to keep ones privacy against companies of this nature? for both mobile and home devices.
are VPNs, tor, and the like all one can really use? seems like these fucks can intrude on those as well. whats a good privacy OS one can pick up. im amateurish at most but still trying to pick up Kali linux.
what are some good tools to use for technological countersurveillence? could prove useful to have everyday anons knowledgeable in the methods ZOG uses against them
is it possible for non lawyers non government and non police to get ahold of public record/ criminal record software similar to what they use?
what are some good methods for disabling physical surveillance? non phone cameras, mics, etc. could one build tactical EMP devices (ive seen blueprints on "EMP GUNS"? also i hear/read of different clothing textures that can disrupt facial recognition software.
any good guides we can get on secure calling, emailing, and chatting that are known to be compromised?
could one root a phone for these purposes? mainly security and fighting surveillance? ive often wondered if its possible to create a phone where one could get free service that isnt just wifi call dependent. not just for GIBS but moreso avoiding cell provider surveillance and phone recording
on a slightly different note where are some good resources to get anons up to speed on doxxing methods?
also im studying cisco's guides for their various certifications hopefully for getting into cyber security and am entering an electrical apprenticeship shortly. id love some good material on how telecommunication companies set up their gridwork for if SHTF in minecraft.
didnt Australia used to have one of these??
Echelon is actually the NSA. It was built last decade as it's technically illegal to store US data in the US.
You want to know who runs Echelon? His name is Bill, and he used to post on TRS.
cool ideas. hopefully someone just drops it in a geocache somewhere conveniently to be discovered by an 8 chan user who then passes it to other 8 chan anons and backs it up.
imagine what 8 chan could do with our own ECHELON
probably nothing impressive, this site hasn't been updated in like a decade.
these companies and departments like the NSA are like a new iteration of the military industrial complex. theyre all networked. like how high rank CIA sit on banking boards and payrolls as well as weapons manufacturing, seems like the same shit.
the internet though having pockets of anonymous free speech seems majority totally fucked from the getgo. Darpanet and lifelog come to mind. i mean the tcp/ip model was a DOD operation which is how you network computers to begin with, computers themselves were only modernized how theyve been for military and economic operations. these international think tanks had entirely mapped out computer sciences and concepts like the internet decades before they had hardware to get the science in full swing to realize its objectives. all big time system academics too. a bunch of faggots from the CIA countercultural psychedelic psyop like Tim Leary went on to be huge proponents for modernizing the internet. all seems like a big scam fuckjob if a DOTR goes down the list of future windchimes in minecraft will be pretty massive and will take quite the effort for resistance forces to achieve.
heres another site with some good info for this huge fragmented psy op. fucker who runs it is pretty bluepilled on a lot like race and hes a goober on air but hes an overall smart cookie has made a good info chart on the mind control effort of the US government using that brain software.
eh heres a full page view of the brain
First step
Just quit being a faggot
Second step
None of this has anything to do with the CIA.
The CIA only does people work. As int hey don't touch any of this. The military doesn't get along with the CIA. That shit you see in the movies about how they hate each other is dozens of times worse irl.
Step three
DARPA is the Pentagon, which doesn't touch the NSA's berries. As in, they don't dare. The NSA will crash their systems on a whim, that's why none of will ever talk shit about them. We know you're scared of them.
I was scouted by both agencies.
meh a lot of ppl who take drugs are pretty chill and based. they don't seem just as susceptible to free thought as any MC effect, even more so than normies.
idk about Echelon devices but a few hundred anons with IMSI/TMSI readers (DIY stingrays) and appropriate means to translate what they pick up could do a lot. but theres a good bit that needs to be worked out for these DIY devices to be effective full fledged stingrays. i trust theres some well versed tech anons out there who could do it. once its done i hope its simplified enough for it to be done on a mass scale.
faggot no paranoid yeah definitely. well thats good news if these departments arent integrated, networked, or cooperative at any level. they dont keep tabs on one another? im primarily focused on the NSA and how they interact with these companies listed in the OP.
SIGINT/COMINT etc are generally undertaken by operatives in the ADF. There is also ASIS. And of course Australia is a valuable member of 5 Eyes. Until some years ago Australian operatives were not even granted access to some areas of Pine Gap although this has now changed. UK ran Cherry Ripe from Jervis Bay back in the day. A lot of SIGINT stations are located in Indonesia. Great spot for catching gossip with all the fishing traders [they don't just catch fish!] and commercial ships and so on. Actually all ADF intel people are taught Bahasa straight up; this is how important that location is. The language training for SIGINT/COMINT etc is all in Melbourne.
Sorry I also meant to point out that ASIO mostly take care of criminal matters like drug wars and terrorists. ASIS of course shares intel if it is appropriate. I know about ASIO Criminal Intelligence people first hand. Something like signal intel is more in the hands of ASIS, as the biggest victims of ASIO are bikies [not like what you think they are either; "bikies" have become sophisticated mafia now and have major control on a lot of the country that cannot and will not be stopped which is good].
here is what you should do (in Minecraft).
1. search IC Watch on Wikileaks for the names of Glow Niggers who worked for these spytech companies. since the spooks are idiots at Opsec, and since they all want even more Black Budget gibs, they carelessly brag about all of the companies and top secret codeword compartments which they have worked on on their fucking public resumes.
2. use other public records to then find where they live, who their families are, where they go to school and church and use Jewgle Maps to find the grocery store closest to where they live
3. kill them. in their homes, driving down their street or in the parking lot of their neighborhood grocery store after they stop to pick up a gallon of soy milk.
these glowy bois and the Deep State will not learn its lesson and they will never stop doing all of this evil Orwellian Pizzagate kikery until some equal and opposite Force makes them stop (in Minecraft). that Force is you.
the speed this find-and-kill process up, if you can code a little bit, you can program a scraper to bulk search for names in IC Watch which mention the companies listed on Buggedplanet.
who cares.
just give up.
they are everywhere.
This in a vaccine context is likely a reference to a dishonest psuedoscientist who killed himself rather than admit to having harmed others with dishonesty. James Jeffrey Bradstreet ultimately loved lying more than life itself.
He could’ve been rehabilitated. Instead he chose death. He lived in lies, holding back people’s health, and then he died. Death is the reward of the service of death.
The opposite is also true. Life is the reward of the service of life. People who partake in the web of trust that enables science are capable of partaking in the latest scientific advances. Ultimately, humanity will master all cellular processes, and the people who trust in that mastery will live forever.
In some countries, paranoid elites deserve firebombs on their doorsteps, because they’re corrupt.
In other countries, the proper answer to elite paranoia is to step back the hazards in the lives of the VIPs, because they’re honest.
Which kind do you live in?
That makes no more sense than attacking police officers. Or attacking the makers of rifles used by the government. Any modern power has to have these technologies.