Fuck this shit. I'm moving to Greenland. A frigid, frozen wasteland is just what I need.
Goodbye anons.
Fuck this shit. I'm moving to Greenland. A frigid, frozen wasteland is just what I need.
Goodbye anons.
You better watch yourself there buddy…because some rags to riches hyper-rightwinger might just try and buy up Greenland. What would you do then huh? Would you pour your heart and soul into every action in order to help make the most profound Nation-State of the age?
Man we should get 400 revolutionaries to take over greenland and declare it new ethnostate.
greenland for greenlanders
fuck off, they're full
Wish I could move there
Oh the pussyshill is attacking! Run guys! In it's simple mind the words "KILL ALL WHITES" are screaming over and over. What a pathetic subhuman entity.
Perhaps you will…in time. In your lifetime.
you must have gone completely senile. i have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
people like you are why i've come to hate this fucking board so much. the same people who taught me almost everything i know.
all you people do is bitch and moan and dart your eyes around looking for shady characters to accuse of being some actual fucking boogeyman.
if you had any brain cells, what you would do is CONTINUE ON AS NORMAL and also NOT MAKE RETARDED THREADS LIKE THIS.
you are the cancer that is killing Zig Forums the most.
What about the name Greenland makes you think it's going to be an icy hellscape? You're fucking stupid, OP.
oh no, user, don't leave. i'll do anything
Time to kill all leftists. Commit suicide before we come to burn you to death and feed you to death. I will personally see to it that you die a painful death or repent and become part of the New Order.
Woah my Freudian slip was awesome. I said "death" instead of "pigs." As in "feed you to the pigs."
its like they think we aren't watching
This thread has lost me completely. I'm only bumping so this can be a staple of the current stupidity of the demographic of Zig Forums
I don't like this board because it isn't extreme ENOUGH. But I guess I imagined reading the literature and subscribing to the ideologies.
Fuck me. FACEBOOK is more radical than the lot of you.
I'm not sure if they're bots, plebbitors, jidf or just from /x/ but they sure as hell aren't from around here.
Nothing to watch really when a bunch of homesteaders creates their own burgeoning Nation-State for other decent folk to recall their ancestor ways of life.
I'm tired OP. I don't care about radicalism or stupid shit and I know that aging millenials and gen z probably will feel the same at some point. I ain't gonna HURRRRRR attack em' like 80 year old boomers want because it's futile. Also those faggots had kids and we are them, so what do you want shariablue/israeli/CIAnigger shill boy? I'd rather create a Neo-NationState that was as perfect as possible and had leaders that would never ever let even one niggerkike in for any reason.
One-and-done kike accuses other people of not being familiar with Zig Forums. Are you sure you're not a piece of subhuman shit that attacks people because they don't support Israel?
Yes, everyone except you loves kikes. Let me ask you, do you actually think any oldfags are still here? Exactly the same thing happened here as on halfchan, people forgot rules 1 and 2. We can never go back to how things were.
How did that get there, and when? And why? I swear to god I'm going there to find the germans.
the soviets built it during the cold war when they went there. it's soviet faggotry but it looks cool I think.
Marxist larpers make 90% of the board. They're paid shills to spread disinfo and D&C. Just check all the blogposts these morons are making here. They larp as the resident polster and try to cover the matters Zig Forums does but it's always convoluted and doesn't address the real problem. That's the distraction.
I've heard the niggers are even moving there OP so good luck getting away from them.
That's pretty funny. I hope nobody destroy's it when Antarctica becomes viable.
Kikes are boring plebian losers with a nice system to keep them on the up-and-up but nothing to define them. I'd rather have farmers and scientists on my side and Nation, than a bunch of dirt that fudged Econ in University.
Listen mein piece of garbage. A homesteading Nation-State can have any politik, but will most likely not have any because they would want nothing to do with the crap outerworld. A pussy /jewishleftycuck/ only sees "Nation-State" and auto thinks it as being National Socialist…despite having a Nation-State in Israel. You are dumber than a black congo monkey. Maybe they should inherit Israel instead of you dumdum jew animals?
You sure hit it broski.
If I owned Greenland or controlled it, then I would send Negroes back to where they came with a 24-hour ration in their hands. Fair enough right?
thank you goy for telling us where you are going, well be sure to send a few (((agents))) to ensure that you don't feel homesick due to the lack of tyrones and muhammeds
yours truly: jew world order