Zig Forums has tried time and again to make "stuff" whether that be music, programs, propaganda, or something else. Zig Forums has succeeded numerous times but has failed to produce anything consistently. There is no answer to this. There is no magic, secure way that we can communicate with each other. It just doesn't exist and NEVER WILL. For those of you who are too lazy to contribute and whine about how there is no way we could ever organize because there is no 100% foolproof, catch-all way to communicate, there is a simple solution for you: kys. The problem is not that there are no ways to communicate; the problem is that WE ARE NOT COMMUNICATING. So, create all the discords you want, create all the email accounts you want, create all the Skype accounts you want, create all the Tox accounts you want and START SPREADING THEM because these are our means of communication whether we want to or not and if someone shuts down your discord or email account or whatever, there is always Zig Forums to come back to. So, I will contribute to throwing this mess of spaghetti by posting my email and sharing my skills.
Email: [email protected] Skills: C# Unity Angular Javascript Java C++
ITT: Everyone posts an email they have access to and share their skills so we can start networking.
Basically, I know the stats and maths needed needed to produce studies. I'm also great at datamining and academic research practices. Currently, I'm learning German to translate natsoc works and I'm also finsing off a study that will be punblished in a Dutch journal later this year.
Cooper Gomez
What, they're going to email someone? Who gives a fuck. If you're concerned, make a burner email, it takes less than a minute.
Gabriel Rodriguez
I"m more worried about them phishing more sophisticated contact info via impersonation and offering bogus interviews.
Angel Evans
Now stop shitting up the thread with pessimism.
Ryan Thomas
Easy solution: just don't be stupid.
Jason Scott
Sadly, all it takes is one mistake to scar a reputation for life. Giving one journalist your social after an elaborate series of fake interviews is a serious possibility in this plan.
Parker Lee
Excellent thread, OP! This is a good first step to a bolder, more effectual Zig Forums. The day is here to broach the fear of getting v&, and give all of our detractors the big finger. My life has been destroyed, so I no longer dabble in the skills that would be worth your creative endeavors, but I'm rooting for you from my garden!
Jaxon Campbell
I work as a researcher outside of university academia, much like Emil Kirkgaard. Therefore, I don't care. If anything, they'll only give my papers more attention.
Nathan Powell
I've sent you an email. Thank you for being quick to reach out.
Seriously though, just don't give out PII it is not that hard.
Checking those leet double dubs. Also, why aren't you able to dabble in skills? You can type on a keyboard can you not? That means you have all the skills necessary to contribute in the creation of flyers and infographics. Don't be shy, send an email and contribute; I'll be waiting!
Chase Harris
Just replied, my dude :^)
Luis Lopez
The thing we've always been missing is an actual culture. I speak for everyone here when I say the vast majority of everything we watch, play, and listen to is part of the globohomo culture. Changing this could be a huge and terrifying development for them, though we have to be patient and diligent because this will not come without serious effort. We 100% need some kind of place to congregate and collaborate with like-minded people. And to anyone reading, yes, there is a risk for doing this, but it's worth it.
THIS! Anons need to accept, and understand that we are well beyond "optics", or fear of being "outed". No matter what you do from here on out, you will be Strawmanned, Ad Hommed, Gaslit, False Flagged, etc. by our enemies in any, and all attempts to demonize, and dehumanize us to the Normie audience. This is all one big stupid game of persuasion. The more we can taunt, and tempt our foe to make desperate, and elaborate propaganda moves against us, the more "victimhood" (as much as we don't have to play up to it) is scored with the Court of Public Opinion. tl;dr STOP GIVING A SHIT! We've reached a point where the lines are drawn, and the teams are chosen. Start marching forward down the field. The moment to "John Hancock" our shit is rapidly approaching.
Broken, and behind the 8 ball. (((Targeted))) Art, music, film, and the tools and space to create, have all drifted away.
James Wilson
Don't be rude. Every hand helps, especially given how effective propaganda is (as we've learned from our buddy Goebbels)
Benjamin Green
I'm not, I was being sincere. If there is anything Zig Forums does well it's propaganda. He can be /our/ Goebbels.
Lucas Roberts
Better safe than sorry. All anons here should remember to require irrefutable proof of identity before sending personal info.
Oliver Bell
I'm pretty sure he was being serious, and meant it in that way. Culture wars are always fought on the artistic front. After all, jews would have gotten nowhere had the hippie culture revolution been unsuccessful.
Most times, I'd recommend staying anonymous. But I don't think Zig Forums is going to be sticking around much longer, at least without increasing adulteration from shills and bots.
It's likely best to create contacts. It turns out that most people really are on our side. Most people that you meet in public really don't want their children gay, or to marry niggers, or to go into debt.
Most people, even if they don't know anything about Jews, still dislike the feeling of being in materialistic clownworld. We have significantly more allies than enemies, even if some of those allies aren't technically "National-Socialist."
We don't need to make this political at all times. It's fine to just find friends who understand, just for the sake of friends. Who here doesn't have a "Best Friend?" Yes, a best friend, in the sense of the most loyal friend, who knows you, understands you, and will always be there for you.
Who doesn't have a best friend? If you lack a best friend who you can talk about even Zig Forums stuff with, then use this to unite. We all need friends in this dark world. So make them and keep them.
Nicholas Jackson
Sent you an email to email thread.
Joseph Cooper
It's amazing that they've created a matrix where that is a simulated reality, though. It's some very intense psychological warfare.
Just ask who ever writes you to write a six sentence paragraph on their thoughts about the contemporary disposition of jews and niggers. That way you have their thoughts as they composed them, and a record of them casually using the term jews and niggers.
Joseph Harris
It's an email thread. Reply to everyone to plug in. I'll continue adding others.
Asher Perez
What's the alternative then?
Nicholas Gonzalez
nigger you don't need personal info to dox some1. Everything you do with email can be done by tripfagging on your own board with less of a footprint - like giving quiet boards like baphomet or bmw some loving. Glowniggers will always be reading your love letters unless you're using OTPs seeded from background radiation and hamming from the number station in your basement. You either want to be digital gray man or digitally ninja silent. 1337 email addresses generates a lot of static on the wire. Plausible deniability is useful and you don't have it with personal email. Retroshare is good. God speed anons. Other are moving out to real life instead. Skills:
Ryder Gonzalez
It's an email thread. Reply to everyone to plug in. I'll continue adding others.>>13371201 The best screening method is to ask them to explain in detail what the core principles of fascism are and what the JQ is. I've seen some Anons that couldn't pass that test.
I was joking about the guy that said ppl would get their social security number. –but Read black text for example of how to weed out trojan horses. Get them to describe embarrassing descriptions and thoughts about various races, if the description is too vague or out of place, its fake, and should refer to black people as niggers and jews as kikes through out, as a litmus
Kevin Cook
Okay, shlomo, that's enough. You're sowing discord and I suggest that everyone filter you right now.
Elijah Cox
The thread looks to be more of a media (meme) creation collab than a job fair, so personal info is moot at this point.
Jacob Parker
checking more leet double dubs. Excellent Zig Forums skills, my guy. Thank you for taking an initiative.
Tech skills can always come in handy.
That felt almost poetic, user. Thanks for sharing.
Seems this thread is gaining more traction than I expected. Went to eat and came back with all these replies. Thank you all for replying. Especially Hippo who is turning out to be a complete bro who is trying to actively contribute with the network.
Landon Green
user, honestly, I dont know what fascism is though, I assumed it was a national version of jewish communism as a preppatory stepping stone and method of destroying nations against one another. Other than that, I dont know so I would fail. Im not going to be emailing anyone though. I browse pol for free speech, not for political affiliation. I believe all systems are complex, transient contronymic obfuscasions of anarchy, the state of nature.
Eli Morgan
The thread looks to be more of a media (meme) creation collab than a job fair, K. Still, anything I dump on the wire I dump on a board. Logging in to dump is against opsec roolz of my old group. Old habits stick. ;^) For me if things are so bad I'm using email then I'm no longer user and might as well shit post irl. YMMV
Nolan Richardson
Author here., Written many novels. If my skills are needed Ill set up a burner account.
We have an email thread. Nothing going at the moment but If you'd like to plug in so you can keep up with talented Anons, please create a burner.
Owen Jones
My skill is spotting honeypots.
This. Remember the demographic we are discussing - a group of mostly young men who are so isolated and thirsty, that they become attached to a made-up "teen girl" twitter chat bot. Against an actual woman, or someone pretending to be one, they'd spill in seconds (and not just cummies in their panties.) >oh wow, you're so skilled user, I'm impressed etc.
Avoid this like the plague. A thread is all the coordination required to build anything, with tripcodes if absolutely needed to avoid disruption.
Nathan Cooper
Except that is not what we're doing. Nice try, (((1))).
Oliver Gutierrez
Sure Joan.
Wise user confirms what I said in
The irony of you calling wise user a (1) when you unironically say outs you as at least a newfag, and you saying you have no skills apart from JoanID skills means I'm sticking with wise user and my 'paranoia'.
Anyone who posts a Skype I am going to dox like I do to everyone dumb enough to do that shit. Skype is directly NSA Prism network and easy as shit to hack.
Stick to protonmail for communicating.
Ethan Gomez
Email: [email protected] Skills: C# - language,no frameworks used Angular 7, TS, JS Electron Java, Spring MongoDB, Mongoose, Express SQL,Oracle PL Haskell,OCaml Python, Django, Flask
Jack of all trades, trying to master MEAN stack right now
Talents: Maintain multiple personas / sock puppets, great infiltrator, massive wealth of knowledge for politics, history, war/prepping, survivalism, psychological operations, philosophy, metaphysics, theology, organizing and fighting a resistance movement.
Andrew Howard
Asking to get vanned there, user. I abandoned all my gmails after the last visit. Protonmail or gtfo. Tutanota is also acceptable.
Adrian Murphy
Should I just start making examples of all you idiots before more people dump contacts like this? Use protonmail ffs.
Sebastian Davis
These anons get it. I like the idea but I'll pass because this is too risky unless you are a hacker or take some serious mesures.
Not using VPN+TOR. Not purchasing the VPN with anonymous monero. Not using Tails or Qubes OS. Not using a laptop that runs exclusively on freeware. Trusting anonymous glowniggers/shills.
I wish you luck but I don't have the resources or time to deal with all the bullshit above.
Nolan Brown
I got multiple accounts (both cloud accounts and emails and a board owner account on Zig Forums) that are shared between multiple people around the world who all have access to the password and username and who are trusted. So there is plausible deniability in that literally multiple people are using the same accounts.
Literally left my job 2 weeks ago. Really hard to find a remote job. Don't want to apply locally because the salaries here are absolutely shit.
Email: [email protected] Skills: Ruby on Rails, Vue.js, Angular 4+, Ionic 3+, PostgreSQL, Responsive Wed Design (Bootstrap 3+ or Foundation framework), Linux System Administration.
2 years professional experience working remotely for a Toronto based company and have several medical related projects under my belt. If anyone wants a reasonably priced full stack web developer contact me.
Alright, I'll bite. I have several visual, musical, and technological skills, but college keeps me from applying them or seriously mastering any of them beyond hobby level (am in STEM, might go into machine learning soon). I speak two languages fluently, have a working background in a third, and am actively learning one more. My favorite pastimes are mathematics and writing music. I can get along well with just about anyone, but I am discontented with the world around me. Would really appreciate true friends, a like-minded mentor, or a mailing list of sorts among us all.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. If you want to have high quality shit and not have people get v& then this is the only way, otherwise you would either end up with sub-par performance due to not wanting to be a target, or getting some really good stuff at the cost of having your entire team crushed soon after. Such is the way of the guerrilla.
Apply basic OPSEC. Very rarely should we find the need to write anything incriminating - our values and end goals can be unspoken.
Helping our fellow man and planning subversive activities can be done without great risk People who engage in criminal activities had better involve as few people as possible.
Wyatt Edwards
Ryder Allen
Most everyone replying is some kind of computer science major.
I'm just a simple farmer. Sigh.
Elijah Powell
Grayson Davis
agriculture is cool too.
Aaron Stewart
Beyond that, there isn't anything incriminating in the first place. The worst they can do is ban us or shut something down for talking about jews, but it's not a crime one can actually be charged and prosecuted for. At least not the majority of us.
Now granted, if any meaningful progress is achieved through a group, they will do anything they can to stop it. But there's no need to be afraid. Living in fear is where all of their power comes from. When people have courage, they have absolutely no power of any kind.
John Hernandez
probably a honeypot, but i agree - proper shit never gets done here
electrician java C C#/asp.net core javascript/vue.js python SQL white pretty good with linux systems/networking/servers
As a computer guy I would like to become a farmer. I eat garbage food everyday. Be proud user. Try to change the game in your field.
Dominic Baker
Programming is soul sucking and boring. Be proud.
Isaiah Gonzalez
They will only get you if you put in information that gets you.
To be safe: 1. Use a throwaway email for this exact purpose. 2. Use a VM and VPN. 3. Don't send in your name, photos, or any type of personal info. 4. Don't download any file or go on any links on the same machine/IP. 5. Tape your webcam. If you must download a file: 1. Do not accept pirated .exe's, download the cracks yourself. 2. Do not go on unknown websites. MEGA, mediafire, or bust. This is to avoid session hijacking and phishing attacks. 3. Scan your files and block each of them in your firewall (can be done with a .bat file or command prompt), wait at least 2-3 months for them to be detected.
I'm doing my masters in CS now, but never feel bad about being a farmer or tradesmen. We need those people too as they work hard in their labor.
I'm going to step back because there's plenty of risks involved with this, but I commend those who are involved.
Nolan White
Why not? I created a burner e-mail behind 7 proxies so good luck finding me glowniggers.
I suppose my most applicable skills stem from being an aspiring drawfag. Feel free to request projects from me and I can do up digital art/propaganda. If I think your idea is decent enough I'll have a crack at it (it can take me a day or longer to do a HQ digital painting so I have to be selective).
I also have some experience with pentesting, programming, etymology and of course chemistry with a diploma from the university of Zig Forums. I'm currently in the process of learning german and some other scandi languages and I've got a lot of free time to devote to the cause in the next month or two.
You don't seem to realize that everything you write gives away information about you. A skilled agent can extract enough to dox you, without you even realizing you've exposed yourself.
Jack Turner
The fact that she has given more than enough information to dox herself (assuming the info about research, areas of specialization, and even her professor), tells us one of two things. or 2 (more likely):
Nolan Taylor
Grayson Gray
That's precisely why I don't personally participate in the first place. I scrubbed everything about myself from the clearnet a few years ago before the censorship crackdown, but the most attentive anons can identify who I am.
If you want good resources for art, download courses from NMA (new masters academy), Watts Atelier, and Schoolism on CGpeers. Registration will open up next Saturday, do not miss it. All of the teachers are good. Scott Eaton is the best anatomy teacher and Scott Robertson/Erik Olson are good perspective teachers.
Additionally, try to study 3d modeling (both manual box/plane modeling and sculpting). It'll help improve your 2d art if you can find a good workflow.
Parker Bennett
I've been busy, but it's on my to do list to take english Hitler quotes, and dr. Pierce and put them to transcendental music like related. I'm posting this so another user can run with it.
And you don't live in the city. Nigger, I want to kill myself here.
Hunter Rodriguez
You are doing good. That's when things change. When too many get to the point where it's either death or change. Heil victory.
Caleb Edwards
You guys are misintrepreting me.
I am sighing at the lack of other anons like myself itt.
Not wanting to actually be a computer science user.
I did one semester, had honor rolls, going for computer science major… only white person in class, rest were chinks… dropped out after that and suffered depression for several years after before eventually changing my life around when Trump gave me hope.
Sebastian Baker
Holy Fuck, cringe
Juan Watson
Reminder that White Nationalism is the weapon used by Jews to exterminate Whites.
Kevin Adams
listing your skills alone is enough to narrow you faggots down, the long the list, the shorter the list of people with that combination of skills
Hunter Gray
Most competent people in this world are already on our side.
Very few people are stupid enough to be sticking with the losing team. We have the support of the intellectual elite, and most of the common people as well. We speak for the intellectuals when we demand freedom of speech, and we speak for the common people when we speak against usury, mass immigration, and restoring the ability to have families.
The only leftist-types still opposing us are in that shitty top 70-85% intelligence gap. They're smart enough to be annoying with their approaches, but not smart enough to actually put the pieces together correctly, to fully comprehend the nightmare of this situation we are in. No one really can see it except the common people who have to deal with it, and the intellectual elite, who can see the trends and make the connections.
Simply put, there are no longer enough people on the opposing side to matter. Even if they "dox" you, there's no one to do anything against you. How can they speak badly about you? Tell you that you support families? That you believe in having a government that supports its own people? There's nothing that can harm us now. The common person and the intellectual elite have sided with us. The bad guys have resorted to mass censorship, and there's no longer any reason to keep quiet. The simple truth is that once more, the people desire National Socialism.
And they will not be denied it.
Wyatt Williams
Zachary Ramirez
Protonmail shuts down accounts that are openly wrongthink.
Henry Bell
Go back to reddit with your fucking honeypot, faggot.
Benjamin Stewart
People, times have changed. This is the worst idea I've ever seen on here. The chans are, as far as the world is concerned where nazis plan mass shootings. It's monitored and recorded in real-time by every intelligence agency on the planet. This isn't a fucking facebook group you retards. Stop making and associating emails and posts on here. Stop posting anything at all about your idiotic "skills" and other shit about yourself.
Here's a news flash, if you had any skills, you wouldn't be offering them up on here for some stupid unnamed project. Use your time to learn some kind of skill that actually gives you some power. You're a coder? Bullshit, go compromise an ANTIFA website. If by "coder" you meant "watched a youtube video and can make a ToDo App in javascript" you're not a coder. Spend your time learning Maltego or OSInt tools and DOX the fuck out of some leftist-scum.
Stop sitting around here waiting for someone else to give you a project so you can "contribute" your "artfag" "skills" to something. Go get skills that matter, use them, and dump the result here. That's what this place is for you fucking retards.