will we ever have as good of a time as we did on election night 2016? why, why did we put so much effort into zion don?
Election Night 2016
Because most of you are incredibly low intellect.
stop lying, you were on the train as well
I slept. Didn't start paying attention until Q. Now it seems many have jumped off Q train. I still don't know what the fuck is going on.
We did it to piss off liberals. We wanted to hurt them and we did.
And that is why I will do it again.
Pretty sure we're looking at election rigging being cleaned up and a clean Trump sweep. Not sure how that can be stopped. Even California going Red.
I wonder who could have predicted that desire.
I was one of the people getting banned every day for informing people of his zionist loyalties. A large part of IQ is just pattern recognition. Trump's pattern wasn't even hidden. Low intellect is accurate.
He does blatantly say things like, "That's what the people want to hear, right?" Like when he's talking to a crowd. I think it's a sign of having an inflated ego due to being so successful managing the crowds.
Saying what we want to hear and delivering in some way on some things while pointing fingers at dems…
One thing that can't be denied is the great awakening. People are talking to each other and meeting each other out there.
given the kind of insanity that arose in the leftist from losing once, i am ecstatic to see the levels of lunacy that will be reached if trump wins the second term, and if he loses then it is not that much of a big deal since anons are already in the process of preparing/prepared for when shit hits the fan
the thing is, many of us knew full well he was kiked. It's still funny; and they are all kiked. The jew controls both parties, but the left is currently insane, and is the main wing they are using to push culture destruction. The right is also insufferable, but they are controlled in order to push foreign agenda and muh wars, the culturally the right is fairly non kosher besides the general cuckery. Plus the left's bolshevism is the true root of their strategy, whereas they don't use the right in this way.
I will say though, that zion don has proven to be a bit more kosher than I had even assumed. I'm still not sure if it's because he's king goy, being manipulated/blackmailed, or most likely, he just doesn't care and will go along with kikery if it furthers his own aims.
Even if Trump is a kike lover he's going to be better than whatever the dems are showing. I think a lot of liberals will go absolutely berserk if Trump wins again. They spend all this time talking about how the election was stolen, and then he wins again after they had 4 years to "stop the election from being stolen."
The most important thing Trump is doing is stacking the courts with right wing judges. Even if demographics fuck over European-Americans in the next 40 years, Trump stacking the courts for 8 years will massively slow down "progress", even if conservatives couldn't win an election at all. They can't get rid of the conservative judges Trump is installing until they die or step down.
Yes which brings into question, what are the real aims.
I have a suspicion that dealing with sandniggers is a bigger goal than we might realize.
I almost wonder if the liberal agenda was used to invite people like a bait, to awaken a new generation to their imbedded treachery.
If people forget about the evil sandnigger, how do you remind them beyond the cheap propaganda?
Use cheap propaganda to setup violent altercations and problems that have to be dealt with.
Meanwhile, the Jews are the scapegoat because they were already pulling all sorts of shit.
Trump making such a deal with Netanyahu to get him reelected seems like a different sort of powerplay. Or would he have gotten reelected anyway?
Whatever happened to his corruption charges?
Too much smoke. Too many mirrors.
There will always be future happenings. The Zimmerman trial for instance was glorious, and all the ensuing nigger riots that followed brought hours of entertainment.
Not likely.
I think the muslim "refugee" thing was a major mistake on their behalf. If you are in a jew's position, you own the media, politicians, basically entire countries, and you absolutely fucking hate white Europeans. They more than likely thought they had a slam dunk to erase Germans, Brits, Swedes, and French without any resistance. And they got too arrogant and fucked it all up.
Was it really that short sighted or was there a longer plan to start a war with Muslims.
I mean there seem to be some escalation tactics going on, most recently with that Quran tossing demonstration and the riot that ensued.
Like they're getting one side enraged and the European side woke.
lol faggot i got banned 50 times posting kushner trump chabad connections and other arguments for why the presidential election is a waste of shitting Zig Forums for a year. now this board is dead.
Fucking BASED.
I didn't vote.
You were smarter than I was.
I think you are overestimating the number of genuine anons here, user. Many of the others were just new and fell in line because of groupthink and censorship of dissenting views.
Wrong. Despite the voting preferences of liberal diaspora Jews, the GOP is the favored party of the occupiers because it acts as a release valve for the sorts of gentiles the Jews have historically feared most. The rise of Hitler demonstrated to them that even the most cucked of conservatives would align themselves with a genuine rightwing political party if they got something out of it. Because they had pretty much always controlled the far and center left, they went about controlling the right wing opposition by doing away with paleoconservatism through Leo Strauss' neoconservative goons.
In truth, the election of King Nigger was the best thing that could have possibly happened, because it began to radicalize many on the right. The govt openly admitted that they feared a rise in the 'militia movement' and began targetting anyone to the right of Pat Buchanan/Ron Paul paleocons as potential domestic threats. Seeing a black man in the Oval was a wake up call to the old whites on their way out. They might have sported their token based blacks as a badge of tolerance, but though they try and deny it, the violent disgust of Obama on the part of white Republicans was their repressed racism shining through.
I hope the communist Jew wins. From now on, the best hope is to let the Democrats win through their most vile, antiwhite, economically destructive politicians, to provoke the sleeping go-along-to-get-along conservatives to actually consider armed insurrection as a viable political strategy. Voting in Zion Don (though he will probably win in 2020 anyways) or any other GOP candidate will only pacify them for another term. And we don't have much time to waste, if you haven't noticed.
Fuck off. It's not racism if it's based on real experiences. Sure there are some racist without a cause type folk that never encountered bad blacks, but there is plenty of reason for people to be legitimately pissed off because of a black man paraded around as a progressive step forward, a deceit to those not knowing about black violence.
Fox did their best to rile them up, and now they're doing their best to calm them down or to be pissed at the left which appears to be in bondage (senate and exec branches in control).
Trump waiting until his second term to go full 1488 you stupid kike faggots
Sad that this is what this board is reduced to.
It's either that or we've been defeated by Q.
Actually Q said there's a plan for after Trump, so we're literally assified until 2032.
Checked. They will just add more total kike judges first chance they get
There have to be major arrests before the heavy election season.
FISA is a nut that has to bust.
A democrat will be in the oval office after trump going both by the historical pattern and by the unavoidable looming specter of demographics. Assuming that he even gets reelected, which is far from a forgone conclusion at this point.
this but unironically
Everyone who questions Trump should be killed
You're gonna be let down pretty damn hard, dude. The calvary isn't coming down the hill, no elected official is going to save us, second Hitler isn't waiting around the corner. It's up to ourselves alone
Zig Forums shot its credibility in the foot with a Davy Crockett launcher with that operation
I don't see how you can have even the slightest idea that that is true.
I foresee a Trump landslide.
Seems completely unrealistic. When is the last time we actually had a landslide election? Bush 41 and Clinton, respectively?
Why would you want someone so detrimental to whites and gun-owners to have any power whatsoever? It doesn't matter which political party is in power btw.
This, this, this!
What are you, gay?
I just want the Q thing to be true, and that we're all thinking he's Zion Don for the sake of optics.
I honestly can't see how anything can be done other than lone wolf survival or community gathering survival.
Maybe people start snapping in waves like an unforeseen epidemic but if Q is a fake, then their control is perverse, and the flat earth theory that emerged a few years ago is an allegory for the true trap.
Blizzard experimented with WoW and learned that they have to manage the playerbase demand and reaction like something that is contained but grows. And I feel like it's a simple comparison to how the elite manage the population.
I don't want Trump to chip away at guns nor buy into shootings that are false flags. He seems to be LARPing right along with them.
I don't know what the fuck is going on.
I just think that the country backs Trump pretty damn hard, and this Zig Forums oriented Zion Don claim is not felt by that many Republicans.
Some may question the link to Israel, but there's no way they'd vote for some other candidate.
And with the Supreme Court accepting (I think they did) census questions on citizenship, people are either BTFOing their right to vote by saying they're a non-cit or not answering.
And I think there are many ongoing investigations into voter fraud that will not be televised as to not erode the public trust in elections.
And if you compare the states that allow illegals to get driver's licenses and vote that swing D, they overlap.
I just think shit is getting cleaned up pretty hard.
If it's going to be a landslide, I'd expect to see televised cleaning of voter fraud more heavily so people don't start burning cars in the streets when they see 50/0 Red.
It's okay to be gay because Trump said so.
Mexican immigration is okay because Trump said so.
Israel is our greatest ally because Trump said so.
What are you, a shill?
What are you, a fucking kike?
Who are you to question Trump?
HUH?!?!?!!??!?! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO QUESTION MY FUCKING LEADER! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO QUESTION MY FUCKING GOD EMPEROR?!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?!? HUH?!?!!!?!!!?!?!!?!?!!?!?!!?!!?!? WHO THE FUCKING ASSHOLE RETARDED JEWISH SHILL ARE YOU??!?!?!?!?!??!!?!!!?!?!?!?!!?!? YOU FUCKING BIDEN VOTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll also add that Trump's interview with Brit guy was a way for him to say that he is doing something about guns, while explaining to heavily propagandized EUs that people have guns for FUN, which is a concept that problem made some light bulbs burst in people's heads.
I don't think people realize how delicate the situation is, and I think that's why Trump gets so much support. He's walking a tightrope on minor topics to us but the balancing act, when people actually get around to seeing it, impresses people.
How does the REEEE population hate Trump when he's working to decriminalize homosexuality?
How do people become gay if he's rounding up for incarceration, more pedophiles than any president combined?
He doesn't let the pride flag be flown on gov poles.
It's a balancing act.
So true.
Just stop questioning.
Accept Trump.
Y i k e s
He's also talking to more people than just you and me.
So much this.
Keep taking the prescribed lithium, the mass arrests are coming. Keep calm, don't panic.
It will all be fine.
Trump is on our side. Accept the boomer energy. Do not give up.
BECAUSE THE Zig Forums MODERATION TEAM WAS PAID SHEKELS BY (((SOMEONE))) IN ORDER TO BAN ANYONE WHO WAS CRITICAL OF TRUMP. Were you not fucking awake? There were like 10 different Zig Forums spinoffs formed because of this. Whites consistently sell out other whites while Jews are loyal to each other. This is how Jews are able to lord over Whites.
Okay, just because you're right about the Federal Reserve Bank…
Yes, the psyop certainly does use misinformation. It's what you're doing right now.
Couldn't agree more. Donald Trump getting elected put a nice, plump pacifier into the mouth of White America to keep it asleep for four more years. I don't expect any real far-right candidates to make it beyond their hometowns for quite some time, so I agree that accelerationism is a must when it comes to the American political process. If Trump wins again then so be it, it might work in our favor to temporarily accelerate the left to create the feedback loop that we need.
It's almost like playing hot potato with a bomb. One group is always going to become more extreme during the opposition's time in power; it's just a matter of who pushes too far and creates the opposition movement that takes total control. Just look at Europe in the 1930's. I think we are certainly with a few decades of seeing some kind of nationwide political movement that radically transforms our country forever, for better or for worse. Things are so different and chaotic this time around that we can't even imagine what 5 years from now will look like, and this shattered future guarantees our descent into political extremism.
What a stupid thing to say.
Yeah and I'm sure the plastic caskets at FEMA have nothing to do with that.
I voted for him in 2016 but I got off the train sometime between him cucking out on the shutdown and banning bumpstocks in 2018. It just became clear to me that he not only is not as based as we originally thought he was but he also still steadily cucks out to the very people that want his head on a spike.
Trump cucking out redpills everyone on how voting is useless.
That's a good thing.
Because back then, we had hope
Because he actually said the things that needed to be said and that alone was an immense achievement.
lolwut i did it for teh lulz, faggot, and it still is hilarious
The thing that really terrified me about Donald was Jared and Ivanka. Jared took over foreign policy, elbowed aside Sec of State Tillerson and communicated outside government secure channels with MBS and MBZ to run a blockade on Qatar because they wouldn't lend Jared's father the money he needed to keep 666 5th ave. This was terrifyingly stupid as Qatar is a US ally with a massive US air base in it and neither Trump or Jared were aware of this fact when they told the Saudis etc to go ahead with the Blockade.
Frankly I don't think Trump is intelligent enough to even play Rome Total War II successfully let alone run the USA.
The only good thing to say about him is that Hillary was much much worse.
I still support him. I'm also going to vote for him again in 2020. I don't really give a shit if every single other user here is reduced to an apologetic quivering mess feeling like it's something to feel guilty for, though I suspect it's mostly just shills. He was the right choice for acceleration back then, and he's still the right choice for that now.
There's always hope, if we can learn that we are not wise.
tbh it was the most fun I've ever had for a long time. I wished it never ended.
The Christchurch shooting was much better than the Trump election.
Few things will ever top that.
at some point along the trail we lost our way, forgetting that he was the best choice out of the shit offered. It turned into true support and a lot of anons let themselves hope only to see trump start acting like every other fucking politician and their heart is broken. There can be no true despair without hope.
I wouldn't say that. The night is young. This is just the beginning.
Learn to code.
Rule 4 thread still up.
Reported for ban evasion.
Learn To Code.
I'm sure next election will be filled with just as many CIAniggers
Trump is fighting the good fight
Womp womp, Q is real and the savior of the Aryan race. Liberals on suicide watch
Implying you aren't also trapped in the if if if
Reported for ban evasion.
Salt is a hell of a drug.
I think we all dared to believe that MAYBE he was going to back door the kikes. Turned out the only back door that was opened was his big pale hairy ass cheeks for that big kosher dildo straight up the poo hole.
Yes 1488 just replace white with Jewish in the 14 words and 88 for Heil Netanyahu and you're about right.
I remember back in 2016. I thought these fucks will understand in 4 years what a zionist he is. People are just sheep and goyim are easy to trick. You got outsmarted by the jews again, your children will get tricked by jews too. At least if you are american. That is what election in 2016. Americans are beyond hope. 2016 truly showed what americans are. They don't do their own research, unable to think for themselves. That is why americans killed the germans in WW2. Stop whining. Accept you are a sheep and make the best out of it. Fuck off.
The fact that its cy+4 and Niggers/shills are still falling/shilling for shit like Q Blows my fucking mind
How can you joke like this?
When have we ever seen something like Q?
There were two great speeches in the 2016 election;
1. Trump announced his candidacy and said Mexico was sending us its rapists.
2. Michael Moore of all people announced how and why Trump was going to win. I hate MM as much or more as you do but god damn that speech makes me weep, gives me goose bumps.
election night 2016 was peak NPC
especially all the alt-right faggots, whose commitment to truth and the "red-pill" is alex jones tier
if you dont understand the unchangeable and anti-White anti-Liberty anti-American nature of the federal government you damn sure aren't woke.
anyone who votes is an NPC faggot
First day in office, he shit canned the TPP.
Yay Trump go Trump
You could replace Trump with Obama and send it back in time a little bit, and it would also fit.
(Except the tariffs but you get what I mean)
Anytime some tripfag schizo posts
I didn't want to believe you, I wanted to have hope instead. Hope is nothing but a sweet poison.
And how many of those have gotten on television
Anyone got the side by side of trump with the hard hat saying thousand points of light and the illuminati card of the same?
Why do you guys even bother coming here if Q is a larp
Lets be honest about the Trump situation. Is Trump another Jewish puppet? Yes, absolutely. Does nearly everyone here on Zig Forums and 4chan want another Hitler? Evidence suggests this is true. Here's the problem though, normies won't vote for a Hitler, they just wont do it. This game has to be played in a slower manner. The first step we have to overcome before we can get our ethnostate is fighting off globalism. Trump might not be full ethnostate but he's ATLEAST anti illegal immigration which is a bigger deal than you might think. Sure people can just walk to the United States but knowing that it's illegal and they could get in trouble or kidnapped by cartels on the way here makes a majority of Mexicans think twice before deciding to come here. Open the boarders and the wave of Mexicans and South Americans will be devastating. Trump might not be the president that you want but honestly what better choice do you have at this current point in time? I hate that he's a zionist shill but he's been preventing the rise of SJW new world order globohomo bullshit since his election and he's completely btfo'd the globohomo politicians out of office. Because of this, I'm voting for him because he's the only chance we have of any progress in the preservation of America. We will have our time, and it will be soon. But it is not now. Focus on the long term. Don't jump the shark. Don't fuck it up. We are only 1 democrat away from becoming Europe.
If Q is a LARP, it's over. You've lost.