hypothetically, how would someone go about finding pedophiles in their local area? again this is completely hypothetical and it's not as if im going to beat them to death or anything
Nonce hunt
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Just leave it to the proper authorities and quit being such a shattered wimp you can’t live in a world that might have dangers lurking. There’s a state interest in this emergent from the psychological injuries and long-term productivity loss resultant from child molestation. That interest is being served. Count on it. The incident rate of pedophilia is not high enough to sustain contraeconomic policy.
If anything, I think we need better privacy protections, because although there is compelling reason to believe in utilitarian conformance in the general case, I’m not sure authorities wouldn’t use this shit in some specific cases to try to manipulate and intimidate people. The real deterrent to pedophilia should be people’s desire not to live and love in a broken world of two-faced boredom-prone people who reject lovers who cease to conform to intrinsically temporary attributes. Pedophilia in the pre-robotic era is stupid because children are always eventually unsuitable; with adequate resources, robotic and/or virtual adaptations can make this safe though likely still isolating.
Properly plan out a way to kill them
A 22 LR fired from a homemade zip is really hard to trace
Faggot, you will die as well.
So i dont know if this is the right thread for this but, im looking for pretty much anything that someone needs done, if you have a problem with 'something' im sure i can find a 'solution'. if you have anything like that send me an email at [email protected], any persons not using pgp encryption will be ignored and disregarded
Note that it’s not just authority figures who can use this for “manipulate and intimidate”. Since there are broken destabilized losers in this society who will commit crimes against others on the basis of unverified pedophilia allegations, which is to say since there are GULLIBLE SLAVES in this society, non-state actors might also use pedophilia to manipulate behavior.
If we aren’t peaceful to potential pedophiles and do not respect their rights, we will become the weapons of corruption, and the harbingers of true degeneracy.
Harm minimize. Rehabilitate people. Be a mechanism by which peace enters this world and bridges are built between those who have fallen afoul of unworthy powers, and you will join in the true effort of being less wrong.
If you live in America, they have them all in a national database you can find online. Hunting sex offenders is very easy, the fact that they are on our streets after being caught shows that the only way justice can be served is if you serve it yourself.
Die, pedofaggot scum.
You’re pathetic, and will die on your knees, like all of your kind. Enjoy being shanked in prison, slave.
You would literally protect pedophilia, conserving it by whining weakly about people trying to turn culture against it as I do? You are a pedophile’s easy slave, for they will tell you their enemies are pedophiles, and “prove” it by telling you in great deal what wrongs “other people” commit.
Don't underestimate the power of a political assassination. And let's face it, southern US communities were probably better off for the existence of the KKK
You're going to get roped, kiddie diddler.
In decades past, gay priests protected themselves from screaming tardrager communities by telling the tardragers about other, foreign gays.
You are very seriously proposing to enslave yourself to the cause of protecting pedophilia, and you’re too emotionally weak to hear anyone pointing that out. That makes you a perfect gullible slave.
Cool your emotions; realz over feelz!
Get a load of this fucking faggot right here.
i live in Australia atm, i just want to make the area i live in safe from degenerates
Go to the gay bars and act like one of them.
Get them while they're drunk and get them to tell you about the people who molested them when they were young and turned them into faggots. Make sure you keep them going until they drop names.
Fucking profit.
The people of places like this are pathetic in their emotional weaknesses, incapable of facing the emotionally unpleasant realities of the world in which they live. We cannot fix the evils of the world by screaming and shaking our fists at them. We must have reason and empathy with which to parse the actions of others; we must have spines that do not quake before even unknown evils; we must have ears, and the temperance with which to listen.
Screaming chimpanzees destroy their own causes. Peaceful opposition turns the world towards remediation. We live, and gather information. Yet people who live by spurious broken obeisance to the bidding of liars are vulnerable to dying to spurious broken obeisance to the bidding of liars, and between opposing tribes they die alike. Strike not at what is unknown, or you will harden the world against yourself.
If anyone does this, please turn the evidence in to the cops rather than doing the vigilante thing.
What will the cops do?
It's just hearsay.
There is no evidence.
That's real poetic, but in Saudi Arabia they throw sexual degenerates off of buildings, and I never hear about pedo normalization or pro-gay propaganda in Saudi Arabian culture. I think there's only one way to fight sexual degenerates - by bogging them.
or contact a service such as the one posted above
No one cares about pedos anymore tbh
Hi reddit
look both ways when crossing the street
Explain your weak ass ad hom, faggot.
This works.
Real people dropping real names of predators in the community.
Hi pedo
Zig Forums traps, get on this.
Back when I used to have friends, I talked to two different gays while we were drinking together, and in both cases their sexuality was linked to events that happened during their youth. It seems like 99.9% of abusers get away with it. Vigilante justice is going to come back in the US. It has to.
It really does work
start with homosexualists fag
or with jews
or with niggers
or with arabs
or with tv commentators
after you clear these
pedophiles disappear forever
These thread always bring out the best shills.
Fucking enablers. Defenders. Of the most dispicable thing imaginable.
This is the most upsetting thing I've seen in a long time.
They’ll dispatch investigators/infiltrators of their own. They have the funding, the manpower, the careers to make or break with busts that will be infamous in their profession, which category child abusers do fall into. Since child abusers often operate in rings as a kind of petty organized crime, giving good information to the cops often results in catching lots of people; if you immediately punish the weak link who blabbed, you instead make all future investigations on that connection smaller and harder.
Also, as comical as it is to potentially make you people murder each other for no damned good reason, you need to be alert to the possibility you end up lynching another infiltrator. Giving information to the cops averts that risk. It IS a real risk too, because most gays aren’t pedophiles and do not like pedophilia.
Gay genes promote attraction to men. If you genetically expunged them from your society, women would also become markedly less attracted to men, because some of the attraction genes operate independently of genitalia.
Dude, that bullshit is never going to work here.
Nice try, though.
get anything good yet?
theres nothing wrong with being a pedophile
… get the fuck off this thread
its purely here
Are you fucking stupid?
Huh, never knew Jewtube.com was a real site.
No shit. heh.
I just changed the url to try and break the link.
that's funny.
> be (((peaceful)))) with scum
fairnuff lol
A very strange site its just an aggregator of jewish videos.
Yes. This shit is endemic in the pride community. There is a treasure trove here for any user with the dedication.
Sex offender maps, user. Just look up the worst ones in your area or a few counties over and start picking them off one by one.
FYI if acting like a child predator in a gay bar, you have a substantial chance of having your description relayed to the cops. If you do encounter someone who plays along, you might’ve found a tardraging lyncher barely swallowing their impotent rage-barfs long enough to do something they think is clever. These possibilities are part of that “most gays aren’t pedophiles” thing. Also, pedophiles would probably want you saying “pedofaggots”, because that kind of weak and sloppy thinking makes it obvious you’re no real threat to, and may even be useful in defending, their operations. That kind of bigoted stupidity will keep you unquestioning when it counts since, after all, nobody you actually like is a “pedofaggot”.
If you reject BOTH homophobia AND pedophilia, non-pedophilic gays will not exactly want to ally with child abusers against you. If you also reject violence, silencing you will be a gaping risk factor with very little upside, permitting you to remain a small yet effective source of cultural pressure contra pedophilia. As the world today is mostly the product of hard labor on the part of the myriad millions who weren’t recorded in history, so it is that the small forces are omnipotent.
If you give up bigotry, there’s a kind of cleansing that is actually possible in society, and it’s called scientific harm minimization, which is one of those omnipotent small forces. Science is the accumulation of things we know plus how we know them. By finding knowledges that certainly work, we build a society smoothed around every curve, where the greatest evils never get any opportunities to act, save that those opportunities be themselves made safe.
I want to make clearer my perspective: all humans are ugly. I wouldn’t force you to wear clothes, but I’m glad you do wear clothes, since your clothes aren’t as ugly as you are. The humans I find most attractive are male, but “least unattractive” is a better phrasing for how I feel about them. Your species is entirely charmless, varying only by intensify.
If you defend what’s true even when it emotionally discomfits you, you can partake of lessened charmlessness.
Everyone who you would kill, along with all their allies, friends, dupes, dependents, and every single person who would grant them reasonable doubt: all of these are one force, one combine, greater than your cracked spine weakness.
Learn to face reality instead of screaming that it ought to be more like your pathetic fantasies.
if the FBI faggot traitors would give me 96 hours of full access to XKEYSCORE and the full shebang of NSA toy tech, here is how i would roll up the Pizzagate pedo rings.
first, i would start from the premise that pedos are hiding in plain sight, as in barely hiding and not invisible at all if you scratch the surface. much like serial killers or hackers, pedos want to boast about what they have done in order to feel power, since they have no power in their lives and they are powerless to their degenerate and confused sexual urges. just like this DrPizza being one of the loudest mouth shitlibs on twatter who was constantly mocking Pizzagate.
second, i would query XKEYSCORE for shit like
WHERE voted_for_crooked_hillary =1
AND tweets_sjw_garbage = 1
AND is_infected_with_trump_derangement_syndrome = 1
AND is_a_lgbtqbbqasdf_degenerate_freakshow = 1
AND tweets_mentioning_pizzagate > 10
AND has_communicated_online_with_minors > 5
that query would return every pedophile in the NSA's databases. it would also returns a fuck ton of false positives. but those people who match those criteria are still the exact type of kiked up Moloch worshipping, Marxist subhuman filth who i want to be snatched by RWDS and interned in FEMA Camp anyways, so i probably wouldn't waste any time filtering out the false positives.
third, i would take this search result list of millions of names and query XKEYSCORE for every video they have downloaded or uploaded on the Internet. then i would filter out the videos through the NSA's program that uses machine learning to identify porn. that would narrow down the list even more to just the pedos, because normal fucking people are not hypersexual freaks where 99% of the videos they consume online are porn.
then i would query XKEYSCORE again to pull the GPS beacons of their phones, and feed that into COTRAVELER which will spit out the most probable location of their homes.
finally, i would submit the GPS coordinates of their homes to the CIA's drone strike CMS and "nominate" the pedos for the next available slot to kiss the nose of a Hellfire missile.
and if this sounds like an alarming abuse of power, don't worry, i would be diligent in checking off the honor system checkboxes in XKEYSCORE and other tools, marking that i have Reasonable, Articulable Suspicion that these Pizzagate pedos are working with designated foreign terrorists such as ISIS and Israel.
Daaaamn, you glow fine. You’re so obviously wrong about how you’d construct things, we’re obviously to think you’re nobody.
Or maybe I’m just fucking around, and you really just don’t know what you’re talking about. Doesn’t matter, funny either way.
I don’t have to know how those tools operate to know that the procedure you just outlined wouldn’t do any real good. My own intuition is that you’d have better luck watching the people who believe in Pizzagate than its opponents, since they must have some reason to believe in the dumb shit they believe in. See what I said about pedophiles making a weapon of gullible idiots by telling them how others do things. Though that can go wrong, too; when the Obama-DoJ cracked down on sex work and the left started to become moralistic exclusivist inquisitors towards more inclusive sexual subcultures, I became concerned that the left (as the right in prior generations) might be concealing sexual abusers behind its fresh walls of dubious righteousness.
The real reassurance is that whatever tools can be used, people probably are trying to use them. Though that reassurance is a bit shit, because I bet people just stalk their exes an awful lot. I’d be better with the tools than most people; less tribally biased, less retardedly murderous. But though I don’t know it, I bet there’s one or another reason why even I shouldn’t have them.
You pasted the wrong key retard
By not being a shit eating jew cunt spamming your shit threads on Zig Forums
You posted your private PGP key instead of your public one. Now any messages you have ever sent using this encryption can be read upon their discovery. Also you're on tor, you should use an onion email service and avoid Protonmail altogether
just bait and grind them, they all cave in eventually to their desires.
Baiting is the only way to lure them out.
The megan's law list would be a good place
(the list in minecraft etc)
Best way is to find your local "pedo hunter" group.
To make sure you have the right "n…no, you" types, make sure they have no interest in catching people who target actual prepubescents, and are instead faking conversations pretending to be 14 or 15 (or whatever is just below legal in your area.)
Guaranteed you have closet pedos.
The best example of this sort of diversionary "pedo hunter" is the UK faggot by the name of "Stinson Hunter" - a convicted homosexual arsonist with a history of stalking and abusing prepubescent boys on Minecraft.
He derives sexual pleasure from hurting boys and men, which is his drive to trap adult men in "gotcha" situations.
It's pure BDSM for him and others like him.
No doubt this wasn't the answer you were looking for, it is the truth however.
Pedos are part of a global network user. CP is used for blackmail and selective prosecutions used to keep pedo puppets in line.
t. Pizzagate discovery
Look up "Pop Squad"
>who gives a shit about tech and programming, I just need to memorize this bullshit long enough to get my toilet paper degree and get hired by a govt agency looking to improve its diversity stats.
Ever noticed that you uncritically accept shit that was alleged to happen before your birth, as being true?
With few execptions (holohoax).
What makes you think the rest of the jew press is any more truthful?
What makes you think that this wasn't staged bullshit?
Day of the hammer?
Zig Forums is a pro pedophile board.
You should all try pizza at least once.
People who oppose pedophilia are hate slaves.
The answer is faggots.Do Chris Hanson style stings on grindr and other gay dating websites pretending to be a 14 year old. Find some boy on instagram or find a wimpy user and use their pics to lure the men out in public. There are already services like Creep catchers that do this.
Someone actually did this.I've been looking for the video but an user goes into a gay club and gets multiple faggots to admit they've fucked with kids.
Bigotry is a buzz word used by pseudo intellectual monkeys to describe people they disagree with.
Go to meetup or craiglist. Advertise a pizza meetup. Put a spiral on the flyer.
Gay and fake. Ill enjoy hanging you faggot.
Don't do this OP. This is a way to get raided by the police.
Just make a bunch of profiles for popular messaging apps, and pose as kids. When they inevitably take the bait schedule a meetup, and record it for posterity/legal protection. Try to get them to start a fight for extra points.
You should go after child abusers, if anyone. That is, those who are known to abuse children. Not someone who by hearsay or autistic investigation becomes the target of vigilantes. Not someone who triggers your autistic incomprehension of what constitutes a potential abuser. Don't feed paranoia.
A good arrest site will list convicted sex offenders for you OP. Those shitbags are all repeat offenders. They can't be rehabilitated as they're genetically defective. So like with a diseased animal, one must shoot, shutup and shovel. There's also laws that make this information free and a few sites will list just sex offenders in your area. There's a real estate angle with a few. Anyway, a few days of se work and you'll be up on all of it. Godspeed.
Why do you go after Zig Forums, you know the Jew site you are shitposting to that host more pedos than anywhere else.
Where pedo discuss rape and murder fantasies of children. Lots of graphic 3D art(sic) detailing their sickness.
real pedos have no interest in anime porn. such as the one arrested in OP. they make public statements denouncing anime for pedos, to basically say
incest porn pushes pedo more than loli
when are you going to go after jews.
If I were you I would make a distinction between pedophiles who are trying sadistic and pedophiles who are not sadistic.
But if you are looking for pedophiles, I recommend infiltrating the homosexual community. It may take you a couple years to break into a pedophile circle. I would definitely avoid doing anything homosexual though, just try to join in a social way so you don't have to suck a dudes dick.
If you find guys who jack off to child porn I wouldn't really have a very harsh attitude towards them if I were you(they may have brain damage), but if you find guys who are actually abducting children. Those sorts of people are evil.
Just be careful. Disguise your identity, and if you infiltrate a community make sure its a city or two from where you live and use an alias.
I recommend making a distinction between sadistic and non-sadistic pedophiles. Many people who jack off to child porn were molested or are confused people and can recover. The people who abduct children are the problem.
People who jack off to child porn can recover from the pedophilia is what I am saying. The people who abduct children are evil.
Stranger danger abductions are iirc under 10% of convictions. The other 90% of cases the victim knew their abuser.
If you remove teen offenses (daterapes, nigger parties etc) from the stats, for young children it's 80% daddy or sneaky uncle pete, and the rest is teachers, daycare, coach, etc.
Hell begins at home.