Zion Don is a kike enabling faggot, but right now there is an audience of boomers on their frontpage taking red pills on natsoc and Hitler like they are skittles.
One boomer even saying Hitler was "dealing with the same fake news as Trump"
Zion Don is a kike enabling faggot, but right now there is an audience of boomers on their frontpage taking red pills on natsoc and Hitler like they are skittles.
One boomer even saying Hitler was "dealing with the same fake news as Trump"
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's an "L" for you to put on your forehead. No matter how much of a little bitch you are, Donald J. Trump is still your president
you can keep your king kike, I'm just gonna wake up your reddit boomers, they are ready and there is nothing your jew handlers can do about it
Boomers are (((their))) useful idiots. They are way too deeply brainwashed to ever be trusted. Brains completely rotted by TV, they will always be suspect.
Hey you can stop being a little fag anytime you want to and adjust your panties. No matter how much you lefties and Stormweenies cry, Trump is still your president and he is most certaintly *my* president too.
OP is just another little anti-Trump faggot. Do you even know where the fuck you are from, you retard OP??
OMG I forgot this was an anti-fash proTrump board who loves our greatest ally israel!
I will go back to cripple chan and make some blacked threads….
Expect Trump IS a fascist (or at least the closest we've ever had to fascism in the U.S. other than Reagan) you stupid queer. Queer. Faggot. I sincerely hope you choke on semen.
Once you stop being a little bitch, can you please tell me who is the 45th President of the United States of America?
Obviously one of you kikes is a the_donald mod who is deleting it all now.
Reagan and Trump might be the best amnesty presidents of all time, am i right fellow goys!
Trump is the most anti-Hispanic president in U.S. History. But keep barking up the wrong tree you cocksucker, hopefully somebody will bash your fucking face in and mop the floor with you. Queer. I'd love to be the one to do it.
Now, can you please tell me who is YOUR president?
That hardly even makes sense.
I can safely say from experience that some boomers can be open to the truth. Creating such hard divides between our people is incredibly jewish. Their generation as a whole hasn't been great but that's a retarded justification for just condemning our parents outright.
you forgot ~nya
digits dont go asway
Says the niggernerd who posts anime. Go back to /a/ you faggot.
Jared Kushner
Reddit is a fucking joke anyway.
Many here regard Hispanics are the last children of the West.
This is what terminal, inoperable stupidity looks like. This board is so completely fucked.
A spic spammer says what?
Some will notice what happened there, want to know why, and thus be drawn into the black sun. No turning back now.
Trump will win
Get the fuck back to yiddit.
So why are you a fan of Trump? Is it because he farms le ebin salt from le libtards?
Fucking yidditposters.
Nothing matters so much as awakening your own people. No matter how small an audience, keep doing you OP.
Good work, user.
wow guess I was wrong on reddit fellow user
THIS. Trump pimped his daughter out to a kike, then brought that kike with him to the WH. Now Israel has never been happier with a goy-in-chief. Kushner is running the show.
Checked dubs
Yeah I don't get the hate we all work at our own pace. t_d is slowly shifting the public discourse. I recently saw "And then, for no apparent reason" memes on that with 1000s of upvotes. Furthermore many of them follow Q, which for better or worse is an entry level introduction to the chans and truthseeking on your own and we know where that leads
Nigger you're not on plebbit anymore. You and the rest of Zion Don's cocksucking magapede tard brigade can fuck right off back into the ovens, right next to the khazarian swindlers you serve.
Kike reddit mods shoah’d the first pic. Can someone link the sources? I know commies tried a coup in 1918-19 but never knew they had one in 1933 too
Fuck imkikey. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
The ~nya poster posts catgirls and is against Trump because trump is a kosher puppet just like this poster. This fag specifically uses the same girl from that Japanese anime about superheroes, a girl whose power involves her drinking blood from others and changing shape to look like them, just like jews.
We're not on reddit you realize that, senile boomer?
Its imkikey
I wanted to point out specifically that character has jew traits, that is why the roach uses it. ~nya poster is someone else entirely. The fact that we have so many shills with different tells on here that distinguish them as individuals is crazy.
~nya poster overall is ok, they just want people to join their website but they are antikike unlike most other easily identified fags
Nice try, shill.
Yes, the first inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt along with the start of 73rd Congress on Saturday, March 4, 1933.
This. Everyone here should support our God Emperor or be tossed in a shallow grave.
Pol supports Trump. We are a pro boomer board. Stop trying to divide and conquer our comrades. This is 2019 and it's time to embrace LBGTpaedes.
I'm transgender and I stand with Trump.
You with me, pedes?
I think that us pedes are persecuted enough by libtards to be part of LGBT. LGBTP.
T_D has always been mildly redpilled (the community, not the mods). They may not be full 14/88, but they lead people down that path.
Stop letting kikes turn you against the center-right. Purity spiraling is real and it kills movements.
We stand with Trump.
Mike Enoch and Richard Spencer are redpilled!
Can confirmed. T_D helped me swallow the first red pills about globalism and fake news, then T_D brought me directly to 4chan Zig Forums
Purity spiraling isn't real. Its a term kikes use to get you to accept shit into your movement until it dies. Hitler was completely against aligning with other movements. If they aren't national socialists, they're our enemies. Full stop.
OP is a catholic cuckfag
As much as hate Qcumbers, even more than regular MIGApedos, there should be a concerted effort to get them to read (or listen to) The Protocols. If they're that enamored with someone making fake predictions that never come true, imagine what they'll think of a century old document that still remains true?
Guys looks like we have some astroturfing faggots in Zig Forums. Zig Forums is pro-pedo and not stupid enough to believe that you, a neoliberal fag, is talking about anything but your neoliberal interests
Indeed. /r/The_Donald is truly our greatest ally.
that's not going to happen. your hostility to pedos makes them all communists which makes Zig Forums communist. gtfo
Well, anyone on this board who is pro-Trump is also pro-pedo.
Take your meds schizo.
Oh sweetie. It's okay to have affection for little boys. Who hurt you?
Even JIDF gave up on him, how many times do you need to be BTFO before you find something else to push?
You should try having sex with people under the legal limit, it's a unique experience. Zig Forums is pro pedophile after all. I'm with NAMBLA.
It will ramp up more as we get closer to the end of year.
This is now a clown world thread
Faggots will be hung upside down from the lamp post, and burned.
We have a special surprise for pedos, you fucker.
yang 2020
trump 2020
you are now under my control
child rape is okay
Oy vey, stop being attracted to 17 year old children and breed with 35 year old REAL women!
Yes, but kikey can't handle the anticipation. The bots, the pajeets posting pro-Trump propaganda for $1 a day, getting mods who would ban anyone calling him out for being a kike, JIDF using Zig Forums as their base of operations, this is what he lives for.
So many transparent shills itt.
They really are losing it quite badly, or maybe I am just fully awake now.
My sharingan is complete. (Sue me I used to like anime [but if course all these pedos and likes posting anime has kinda turned me off of it forever])
Stop censoring names in public social media posts.
He's from reddit.
Fuck off moshe.