This is our sign, boys. Trump is telling us to kill journalists and the Jews that employ them.
This is our sign, boys. Trump is telling us to kill journalists and the Jews that employ them.
this is Yang 2020 board, you glownigger
Funnily enough, Yang is surprisingly competent when defending his outlandish ideas.
His tweets are all bullshit.
then why are you here?
Gas the kikes, race war now.
It might have been nice if you'd posted a screenshot of that tweet for those of us who have been banned from Twitter and won't give up our phone numbers to get back on when all we did was point out to a jew that the IDF was using white phosphorus on the children of Gaza.
gas the bikes, race whores now
The only “group” he shits on is journalists because he can get away with it because nobody likes journalists. Stop projecting the fear you have from losing your job onto us. Do we really need to get the clip of trump shitting on white “nationalism” (but still) and praising israel as le greatest ally.
Once again:Don’t make a trump thread unless he did something that fucking matters; like ya know ,saying explicitly to kill journalists and burn down their homes.
That’d be thread worthy, you just lowered the already shit quality on this board for trump, faggot
Journalists is an esoteric code word for Jew. Notice it also begins with a 'J', that's not a coincidence.
imagine Trump is a true white nationalist very redpilled on the jew filth and all he's doing is 9000 IQ tactics to infiltrate them and then bring them down
He turned Mexico into THE WALL user, that's a 300 IQ move that not even a super computer could see coming. Trust the plan.
Not 300 IQ, mexico are pussies.
fuck off Ezekiel.
Trump's 1488 IQ plan is the one-state solution for Israel. Under one state, Palestinians will be given wealth like they could never believe, and all their shackles will be removed. Israeli women, who are all sluts, will have greater opportunities to mixup with Palestinian men who will outcompete the kikes in every way imaginable. Within a few generations, Jewish men will simply disappear. Holocaust 2.0.
Holy shit some of the NPCs in that twitter thread are so retarded they think Nazis were right wing.
The only scenario where Trump do something for America is if dementia cause him to mistake Americans for Israelis
This is a sub 140 IQ understanding. You need to add more dimensionality to comprehend the God Emperor.
100% sure it's his jewish secretary writing the tweets. Hillbilly goyim gets herded and mindfucked by some little jewish girl who tweets. Fuck this world is kind of funny sometimes. Americans killed the germans and the last hope of the world. Now you pay the price yanks. Brainwashed 100% like meat zombies. I don'y feel pity for you.
Oh shit that is the funniest I've read this week, and the most true too.
Yeah sure, your esoteric numerals are really doing wonders against the Jews. It's almost like you don't want to take any responsibility or dirty your hands on your part but insist on the president to do it instead. How about you trust the gun instead of the plan you loser, you have the means unlike us.
OP is glowing like Chernobyl. Nice try with your lone wolf entrapment, fbi nigger.
Hey journalist, you hitpiece and screencap is fake and gay.
I know, right? The retarded boomer just bluffs and does jack shit.
I still support him as he's unfortunately the only good right-wing politician, but man, he barks more than he bites.
how does the media get away with what they do?
It's honestly too early for this shit.
Killing journalists is a necessity, no matter what any leader says. Always kill journalists.
President Donald Trump will be reelected. Get used to it.
Yang is a bug glow faggot that can fuck off with the rest of jewness
Say no to all sides of the jew coin.
Embrace eco naturism instead. 100,000,000 total population worldwide. Only whites allowed
Going to heil your Id trips once
No it is not. No Yangbangers should be on this board. We don't want your slant eyed communism and subhuman handouts.
Reported for Trump shilling thread.
Reported for supporting communist gooks.
This but we need to expand upon it and make it a Whites only world if we are going to go for eco naturism. Subhumans can't understand the environment at all.
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