Pride month is perfect for trolling. Use this pedosexual flag to troll the lgbt. Use the hashtag #LGBTP
Make your profile pictures look like typical sjws. Get a move on soldiers!
Pride month trolling
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do it bump
they're the clowns and goofs of society. just let them embarass themselves.
I hope someday I get to personally slip the noose around your neck.
I'll choke you the fuck into oblivion, so there's that.
To save some honor here
The human nature is identical when it comes to this.
There is more. The Kinsey Reports. "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" (1948) and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" (1953)
What should be proven with this is that the "accepted" conventional myth is untrue. That the normal for human sexuality is restricted adults attracted to other adults of the opposite gender.
Though is it sane to want to marry another male? If someone wants this it would be at least good taste to stop with just regulating some legal matters that are of practical use.
You're looking for kikechan, faggot.
Straight Pride!!! There is a rally in Boston. And the left is going crazy over just the one. We need to have straight pride rallwys coast to coast.
Also, this will expose the pedos in the lgbt community.
so who is financing all this cryptopedophilia also called "LGBT"?
They should add "J" for jews to it.
We should make our spectrum of the types of people LGBTfags won't let in to troll them. We can let pedophiles, people who like animals, digisexuals, and waifuists in.
Great raid idea.
what? are you afraid that the pride parades will be messed up? fucking faggot nigger kiike
Fucking bigots.
No, you literal nazi, It's the LGBTQIAPCDEFHJKMNORSUVWXYZ+ movement.
The undefined letters are reserved for future use
and there's a debate about making it alphanumeric.
Post your tweets so we can like them.
Will making pedos mainstream with pride do more harm than good? I mean, the other trannys are already untouchable by normies, and normies might virtue signal against pedo prosecution if media makes it fashionable.
We need to troll the shit out of the faggots. Join your local pride parade, walk with them and pretend to be one of them, bring placards with titles like, "This is what Clown World looks like, Degenerates R Us, This is what Gay Ramadan looks like, etc.. Make sure there are lots of pictures and videos as for future online trolling campaigns.
L = Lets
G = Go
B = Beat
T = The
Q = Queer
P = Pedos
Rick and Morty S4 is set to air Nov 2019.
L ol l
This is a prime example of "give them everything they want while destroying yourself and you win!" (((accelerationism))), as opposed to the "accelerate the start of the inevitable war" accelerationism Tarrant promotes. Kill yourself.
Not really, but ok. Do what you want.
Pulled this shit on someone's stream.
Got threatened with pepper spray, a bullet, and then pepper spray again.
Told them most gays are gay because of sexual abuse as a child.
Someone said that's not true and I got blocked.
LGBT as a group serves two purposes. It empowers fags to dress up on LARP days to feel like they're accepted and more powerful than other groups.
At the same time, it normalizes it to other people that are attracted to that power or that deviance.
Are there gay people that are anti-LGBT? Are there gay people that are unaffiliated? Do you have to be pro-lgbt to be gay?
I think there are tons of people LARPing as LBGT to be in a clique, and their already present deviance of any kind, even if they're straight but a massive slut.
The fuck? Clip.
Won't have one.
I started by saying "Why do you guys pretend it's not LGBTQP."
It was on these new damn phone chat apps with streaming services.
Nude-free camwhoring stuff
Streamer was a guy though in this case
The goal is to destroy the LGBT internally by adding pedos in the mix. Are you in?
Oh I see. Been thinking about it.
We need to fuck up a LGBTP livestream or something.
Or start an LGBTP livestream, but put particular emphasis on the P.
Aren't you guys worried about this backfiring?
Imagine using sympathy stories like the pedo murderer that tracked down and murdered pedos using the location website, and people suddenly feel sympathy for pedos.
This. The moment normies virtue signal for pedos is the moment they are accepted.
help bumping these threads to get /b/ on board
Add digisexuals to LGBT.
We could try to put some LGBTP stuff on this forum.
Look at it this way; when normies feel sympathy for the repulsive jewish filth who destroy children for their own degenerate sexual pleasures, the DOTR gets that much closer, because the people with the rope will feel the depravity closing in even harder
Its a good idea but you're not executing it correctly..
LGBTP is ALREADY a thing in the community and the "P" stands for " pansexual" and annons have been using the "P" to mean "Pedophilia" on various social media platforms for a long time now so any libtards who pay attention won't be fooled and any pedos you're hoping to unmask aren't gonna fall for it either..
The cold hard truth is that the pedophiles have already begun pursuing their own inclusion for awhile now many of them seeing pedophilia as the next big sexual revolution and i have to admit that I can see it happening eventually Idk.. maybe people will wake up before then I mean.. they wouldn't harm innocent children…except for all the little boys who've had their dicks chopped off and bodies freakishly mutated by hormones..other than those children.. oh and the drag kids paraded around in dresses stripping on stage for gay men.. im SURE those are the ONLY Children They'll Harm.. after all think about all the leftist own children.. I mean I bet a few lefties have kids right?? Maybe.. abortion is being challenged so maybe they will soon.. who knows?
Point is Pedophiles are already making moves..LOVE IS LOVE is definitely low key pedophile indrocnation.. love is love SPECIFICALLY states that LOVE is LOVE no matter what.. race, gender, sexual orientation, body type, and AGE aren't necessarily a factor in whether or not LOVE IS LOVE..
Pedophiles have also been gathering up a small minority community of pedophiles and pedo sympathisers who are trying to make the terms "M.A.P. and N.O.M.A.P." or "Minor attracted person and Non Offendeing Minor attracted persons" respectively… so they will see right though the use of the word Pedophile as they are making a lot of effort to distance themselves as far away as possible from the term pedophile as it has become synonymous with the idea of child molestation..
Look it up yourselves if you don't believe me I don't honestly care anyways I think its a little bit late to wake up now but I'm as much to balme as anyone else is and refuse to go without a fight.
You wanna make pedophiles look like they qanna weasel in then use M.A.P. I've seen them already trying since im pretty active in the LGB Community..I don't want pedophiles included next the entire thing is already a fucking joke full of wanna be special snoflakes last thing ot needs is more libtard letters.. especially a "P" of're fucking BISEXUAL pansexuals get the fuck over yourselves..
Alright, let's do it!
Also in addition to using M.A.P. and N.O. M.A.P. instead of pedophile you could also consider "VIRPED" which is short for "Virtuous pedophile" but I'd stick to M.A.P. as less people are using "VIRPED" lately as they want to be disassociated from the negativity of pedophile…
It'd also be a good idea to try and corrupt the "Love is Love" slogan.. bonus points to people who are on the Playstation side of the console wars since one of Xbox's new "Pride" skins includes the " love is love" slogan on it
I've been using "Love is Lust" usually hidden in a block of "Love is Love" as my own personal little trolling project.. haven't been called out on it yet.. i just look like another NPC libtard virtue signaling..
Just a reminder!!!
Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Lust Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Lust Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Lust is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Lust is Love Love is Lust Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love Love is Love
Corruption of Love is Love will hopefully wake up a few of the libtards to the pedophile phenomenon and they'll HOPEFULLY drop love is love seeing how idioc it is to say AGE doesn't matter, clearly that's a pedophile rallying point
Whatever can be done to destabilise them and increase the amount of mistrust and infighting
Sounds like you're a pedo trying to trick homophobes into promoting pedophilia.
Which is why we should continue. It's not about fooling libtards. It's about cluing in normies. My family are the perfect targets, they are all registered independent and their politics were very Sargon/Tim Pool level. They had NO CLUE about the connection between fags and pedos. I bring it up occasionally and they've shifted really far to the right in the last year or two to the point where they joke about land mines instead of a boarder wall, they're noticing Israel and jews. They're noticing that gay shit is all about raping children. These are the kind of people you want to reach. DSM types are too far gone to be helped.
When companies signal how woke they are with #pride they should be ratioed with responses that look like "Wow, how insensitive to tell the victims of childhood sexual abuse to be proud of being raped." "So you support rape victims not getting counseling?" "Why are you trying to normalize child sexual abuse?" etc. If you do that people will say "WTF are you talking about?" then you explain how 80% of fags were raped as children and most will go on to offend themselves. Most normies don't know and are horrified when they find out.
Ah okay makes sense.
Nah, I'm 17, lol. But that does seem weird. Sorry.
You can redpill normies and STILL use the term "Map" to try and unmask actual pedos who look to join your campaign.. it looks like all many of them need is a little bit of encouragement and comrade to get on board and start thinking that pedophiles really are next on the list..
As I started MAP is ALREADY the acceptable term and trust me "normies" will have no problems associating Minor Attracted Pervert aaa(person) with pedophiles.. its in the name..
Show the normies re-established MAP related information like this
They have a FLAG..its a thing already.. trying to make a totally different outlying group willing just be seen as the obvious trolling it is..
Who cares if some of the libtards wanna virtue signal for pedos.. the majority of them WILL NOT.. shit, most of the yonger LGBT's are just some pathetic and confused kids themselves and mostly still college aged.. they are some of the first to grow up having full time access to the internet and at a time when the dangers were known but not yet fully realized.. the internet has been an incredible opportunity for many once lonly and isolated pedophiles to team up and chat amd beginfeel like they're not so different than other people afterall.. many millionals were subjected to the first major surge of online pedophile grooming tactics and god knows how many of them actually got molested because of their naivety online and parents who couldn't tell a PC from a Microwave.. I bet a lot if not ALL of them who regularly playeda online games at least had SOME kind of run in with a pedophile or two.. they are not about to accept them anytime soon
They've even coined the term "coming out of the toybox" as a euphemism for "coming out of the closet" like the homosexuals..its a THING.. might as build on what rickety foundations they've already got.. if nothing else a few virpeds will likely out themselves trying to disassociate for anything we can manage to do.. if even a few out themselves that's a few kids that might be saved.. or a few innocent yet sick minded people that are now being watched carefully.. its for thier own good.. you don't leave a drunk u attended in a liquor store don't leave a pedo hiding in a Bush at the park
It's not trolling if it's reality
I'm a Pedophile, But Not a Monster
I'm a Pedophile, You're the Monsters
Germany Urges Paedophiles Out of the Shadows
Is Incest Wrong?
Is Pedophilia a Sexual Orientation?
Is Polygamy Next?
It's Time to Legalize Polygamy
Lawmaker: Pedophilia, Bestiality Equal to Homosexuality
Lawyer: 'Legalize Incest!'
Not All Paedophiles Are Bad People - We Need to Have a Sense of Proportion
The Pedophile I Could Not Help: He Was Not a Monster or a Molester. The System Destroyed Him Anyway
Pedophiles Want Same Rights as Homosexuals
Pedophilia a 'Sexual Orientation' Experts Tell Parliament
Pedophilia the Next 'Sexual-Rights' Revolution?
Polygamous Montana Trio Applies for Wedding License
Stanford Law Prof: No Marriage Equality Until Polygamy and Adult Incest Legalized
Those Who Practice Bestiality Say They're Part of the Next Sexual Rights Movement
University Academics Say Pedophilia is 'Natural, and Normal for Males to Be Aroused By Children'
Always remember the slippery slope is fact.
They've been doing a damn good joob alienating themselves without anybody's help.
All the more Reason to Stick to what they've already established.
The memes write themselves, they do do a very good job of disgusting all others.
EXCATLY the point I made in my first post.. its a little late to want to wake up now..
Been sleeping this long Might as well just stay asleep..why struggle? It'll only hurt worse.. just lie still and and pretend to be asleep.. maybe it'll go away..
The pedophiles have people excatly where they want them and that's fast asleep..afterall, children are much easier to fondle while they're sleeping..
a c c e l e r a t i o n, user!!
Can't - got permabanned on 4chink
MAP is far too vague. It's the kind of term pedos use to hide what they're doing, because it could mean anything. Normies have no clue about it. However I've had this conversation dozens of times.
< yeah user, I've heard that
< pic related
tbh, lolis are hot i would secks one lol
Why do pedokikes like little white boys the most considering their hatred for white males?
Imagine my surprise learning there's already a product on sale to cure it.
They're projecting. They love us to the point they literally cannot live without us as a parasite.
Like how even the hardest of drugs can't eternally repress the pain they feel inside, and law of diminishing returns dictates that they'll run out of things to cover their ass with.
It is the perversion, corruption, and degradation of what is good and innocent that gets (((them))) off.
I have a trolling idea:
Put trans and gays first because it's their turn. The LGBT idea was lead by lesbians, who were also manhating feminists and therefore the most batshit crazy and loud. Well they don't get to be first forever. Time to show appreciation to the other letters. Bis always go last though because they're half straight and straights are the enemy.
As much as I hate that show and its fandom, that image is taken out of context
Use whatever term you want user who I am to say what you brave, courageous, and Strong Survivors of childhood sexual abuse and Trauma should call yourselves. You are beautiful each and every one of you are Valid!! # PeaceforPedos #LoveisLove #stopvictimblaming #LGBTQPp (I made the the pedophile letter a lowercase "p" see what i did there?)
What's a matter user? The outrageously high level of opposition to my proposal to use the term MAP and not Pedophile Hit a little too close to home?
If I didn't know any better I'd say it almost sounds like you just don't want them being clued in.. yea i suppose it does actually make a LOT more sense to play the "victim" card.. it worked for the rest of the alphabet didn't it? Getting the Anons of the chan boards to attack pedophilia in order to get the left to begin a dialogue about it IS a pretty good idea.. its what I would probably do.. if one of my other ideas didn't work out first..
If you're not just some pedo hiding in the toybox tying to get the anons to do your dorty work for you then please do excuse me but I just find it a little…tough to swallow (much like a few of your victims I'd bet) How it makes more sense to paint the picture that pedophiles are all victims of childhood trauma and abuse.. YES ON AVERAGE many offenders ARE former victims themselves im VERY aware of the studies which indicate this fact.. im not saying you're wrong, many victims of molestation if left untreated do grow up to become molesters themselves.. im adking how that will help the LGBTQ community believe pedophiles are making a serious attempt at gaining inclusion into the protected status homosexuals and transgender people have.. the idea isn't "hey y'all lets make everyone think them queers is kiddy diddli'n" because that's an argument you're never going to win.. we are suggesting we win this battle of will and moral conviction by attrition.. by destabilizing their alliances and so called "equality" by instigating even more infighting and a clashing of viewpoints.. the left is already quite famished and is looking upon its more virtuous based youth with hungry eyes knowing they and all thier ridiculous, libtarded ideas are to blame for their recent stagnation.. all that sqwaking loudly about Racism and other issues that many higher up in the left would have rather been kept quiet is really frustrating a lot of the older generation Democrats.. they're coming apart at the seams..we pull just a few more lose threads and they'll unravel..
So once more.. HOW do you see using Victim culture the VERY THING they've built This degenerate LGBT movement on as a good idea?
Or do maybe I'm right and you just don't wanna give up the chance to get your candy-stickied fingers on that precious victim card..
Personally i like it but why not do one better? Let's Remove the L Completely? Afterall do lesbians not still Identify as GAY? Is it fair they're basically represented twice? Hell do your idea and some ppl come up with amd mix in others let them feel like they're being attacked on all sides.. shit between the L and T are tense as it is because trans women are insistent on being included in female only spaces, they're taking over many female sports once (lets be honest) dominanted by Lesbians.. and as if that wasn't enough many trans men are choosing not to undergo surgery opting for only hormones and a more feminine way of presenting themselves and are mostly identifying as being straight meaning that on top of everything else that cute litle slim femme girl who you've been slowly getting comfortable with the idea of at least trying to date another girl now has a much safer middle ground option than the butch lesbian who basically looks like a trans woman anyways.. that's gotta piss them off
Lotta the LGB think the T shouldn't be involved and don't even get started on how many of them have an issue with the brown and black stripes on the rainbow flag but they're too far into it to be able to voice the completely SANE opinion that RACE has NOTHING TO DO WITH SEXUALITY but that's racist to suggest because race has everything to do with everything ever..
The blacks and gays already have issues. Can't tell you how many times I've seen a profile on grindr list "No blacks srry just a preference :/ " as if that's not racist? How dare those racist faggots discriminate against the color of the dick they suck?
I've heard ((They)) are notoriously good at making a profit and it shows… first you create a problem then you sell the solution.
This thing looks like a legit demon …30 years ago it would've been the standard look to scare off children
what in the fuck has happened to the world ??
Do you have to be pro-lgbt to be gay?
Of course. How else would you explain vanity labels like non-binary/genderqueer and pansexuality? Also the vast majority of trans people don't even have dysphoria - they just want attention.
Didn't catch annons comment earlier but I totally agree with how you answered it.
I thought it was pretty clear from my first post in the thread about the LGB community not needing anymore letters but in case it wasn't clear I technically could identify with the LGBTQPp community myself but I think the entire thing has just become one big fucking joke.. I don't see how other people who claim to be legit homosexuals ppl whom I've known way back before this shitty narssisistic movement started can sot back affirming all this delusional nonsense.. its beyond my understanding.. I grew up in the southern united states and had to fight tooth and nail to prove that I wasn't someone who was going to live up to whatever expectations People had about me just because I was openly gay they'd learned all about homosexuality from watching the TV and thought that all gays by default HAVE to be of the Femme Faggy Fairy variety that they could easily get an afternoon of fun out of harassing.. I got tried and tested many times and came out on the worst side of it more times than I'd like to admit but I always made sure it wasn't much fun for them either and after awhile I even had built up a reputation as maybe not the most "Badass tough guy" on the block but the thought that I was going to cry and flail around was forgotten about… I know a lot of guys and women who went though the same basic stuff.. a sort of rite of passage for getting to hangout amongst the people of this country gay or straight didn't matter as long as you showed you could hang or that's how it used to be..but I suppose that was much too difficult for the younger people of my generation.. they decided that virtue signaling was the way to prove your worth in a modern progressive society and i want no part of their weak minded overly emotional ignorant self deprecating bullshit..fuck the LGBTTQQIAAP (YES according to wiki this is the full acronym fuck if i kno what it all stands for)
Complain that its not inclusive enought
Well, more like a buffy the vampire slayer, demon of the week.
i say we string the parents of these poor kids up before the degenerate transfags. what the fuck is wrong with these niggers?
You are not achieving anything by doing this just makes things worse. You give more poison to the poisoned masses it is just selfish on your behalf.
Most VPN servers are rangebanned, it takes too long to find one that works and I can't be arsed to post there again. Fuck niggers and fuck jannies.
Found the cock sucking sodomite.
Shitty gayop LARP spam is STILL up.