Fallen soldier

This is Jesse Anderson. Jesse was a New Zealand nationalist and one of the founders of the organisation NZ Sovereignty. He helped organise the anti UN Migration protest in Auckland and other cities all over New Zealand. These protests led to (((Mark Daalder))), a journalist from the Spinoff (New Zealand’s Buzzfeed) writing a hit piece of “New Zealand’s growing far-right movement” where personally he named Jesse as one of the main leaders of the movement. This kikes story was then used by the (((family courts))) of New Zealand to justify taking Jesse’s one and only child, his one year old son away from him in February. Last week Jesse Anderson ended his own life. Jesse Daalder, the “journalist” that ruined Jesse’s life, is a proud Jew and outspoken anti-white Marxist, and is yet another example of the kikes ruining an honourable white man’s life. R.I.P Jesse Anderson.

Jesse’s speech: youtu.be/AoJyuJwt3lY

Spinoff hit piece: thespinoff.co.nz/politics/02-02-2019/will-the-far-right-movement-rise-in-new-zealand/

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Other urls found in this thread:



Sad, but the New Zealand Nazis will find better leadership.

This is a good reminder for those taking the breeding bait in this world where they can take "blood tax" (as kike-backed Ottomans did) where they steal your children and turn them into soliders of globohomo.

He shouldn't have killed himself, now his son has no one left. He could have forcefully taken his son back and escaped to some other country, like many people facing the (((social services))) did.



retarded tarrant style would be to go kill some indoctrinated White sjws, leaving the jew untouched.

If my children are anything like me, they will fail.

You'd think he would have at least gone after the guy who ruined his life, if he was already planning to off himself.

He pisses me off more than the jew or the faggots of the "family court."

Pussy. Left his kid in hell alone. Could have had a John Wick style revenge and either got his kid back or died trying. (I'm talking about a movie theoretically if I was a director, FBI, sorry.)

Whites are pathetic


because that's all you can do, pathetic whitetoid

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Also I love you *hugs

To be fair, if he did decide to go shoot the guy who ruined his life, that would just be what niggers do everyday.

Fuck off kikeberg, your entire race is the reason why this world suffers

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Sounds like he was just not suited for the job, being a leader of a nationalistic movement nowadays is career and social suicide, you have to have the balls of a bull to take on a role like that and not fall into depression

this. fuck weaklings

it's that easy for jews to win, whites dont stand a chance with leaders like this.

Why wasn't he in Bolivia raising his son on a white ethno community?

searching new zealand news articles i cannot find any confirmation that jesse anderson has committed suicide or had his son seized

not saying it didn't happen. just that its pathetic the new zealand press hasn't published anything

Yeah, sure.

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all this projection, you jewish?

He should have murdered that kike. He looks easy enough to kill, a good swing of the hammer to his gut, so he's shitting blood as you bury a nail through his kippa.

How can we strike back at this filthy kike without furthering the tyranny?

read ->

people who value skin over sanity make bad parents

What a fucking faggot rather than fight he takes the easy way out now his son will probably grow up to be a tranny hookrer for meth


How many years has it been since you've seen your feet.

Go to Latin America like Hitler and the best of Germany… then you prepare

When you arn't armed, this is the result.

I've felt the same despair as him. To all those saying "why don't you go out Tarrant style", I suppose it's because we don't have the stomach for it. I'm not a cold blooded killer and I never wanted to be. We didn't have any intention of killing people, but to create a sense of community among whites. We wanted to better the lives around us, rather than to root out the parasites.

You can call him a pussy faggot all you want but he's dead. He isn't in heaven or valhalla or hell or anything. He's gone to a sea of forever blackness where no one can ever pull him out of. Everything that he represented, from his childhood, the love of his own child, all gone and ripped away. All because some prick Jew decided that right wing organizers don't deserve a life. A Jew that has never faced bloodshed, pain or loss. A Jew who has gained the taste for cruelty.

RIP friend. I never knew you, but I should have.

Good fucking riddance to trash. His name should never be spoken again, and his memory should be that of contempt. He loses custody because of a jew, and fucking kills himself. Not a troubled veteran, not a parent whose only child died. No he had a setback, and lost custody. Instead of fighting back, rallying friends and family and supporters and battling it out with a top notch lawyer, this mother fucker opts out, leaving his child without a father, custody or no custody. What a sad fucking pathetic excuse for a white man. No willpower, no strength in the face of adversity, no fight in him. And to be fair, he even looked like a fucking autist/sperg. Def not the white race's finest.

Anyone got the dox?

Also, "Fallen Soldier"? What the fuck? This suicideing coward can fuck off. Sorry, but I've been a real soldier. And we don't lay down and die on the first setback. We dpn't see the enemy and immediately, suicide is our goto solution. No. This is a weakwilled person, who betrayed his family and his son, by taking the cowards way out.

Agreed. I've had three friends commit suicide, and two more attempt it. This life is shit, and he is pitiful. Properly pitiful. I am full of pity for him. Maybe that's what he wanted. Pity. There are other ways to go. He chose the pitiful. To fill his fellows with pity. Job well done. What a fuckin' pity.

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Seriously. if you feel like your only option is to end your life go out big and take a journalist or two with you. Make your enemies take your life instead of giving it to them.


Better than killing himself.

He killed himself but not the people who ruined his life? What a flaming homo

Because even for us everything is mostly theoretical. When it hits you in reality, then fun begins.

Well, I doubt that MF could have been a true NatSoc. Or he would never have killed himself. He was pathetic. At the first sight of struggle and setback, this fucking losers go to solution was suicide. What a fucking bum. Leader? I would never have followed this pathetic sack of shit. If you are so unstable that you kill yourself over a custody issue, which can always and eternally be challenged in court, then you truly are the weakest link. And he's supposed to have been a right wing leader figure? Pathetic, a fucking beta cuck, is that what the NZ right wing has come to? He had a duty to his family, his son and his people to dig in, struggle and work through it. Like we all do when we face setbacks and adversity.

>This kikes story was then used by the (((family courts))) of New Zealand to justify taking Jesse’s one and only child

I bet there is more to this than you say it is.

Whites with no survival instinct will go the way of the dodo. No loss.

Fuck you. I was stolen from a hospital, crippled, never had friends, and the first thing I saw when I arrived on the US was people jumping from buildings on (((911))). Then a year after Iraqi invasion 2, I started to hear wild rumors as well as everyone had forgotten the (((anthrax attacks))). I started college and got redpilled the hard way wymyn are whores just not to you (tee hee hee). Oh, and when I started Zig Forums, I read the 2010 document where US admitted to helping al Qaeda after 911 (after 1 million innocent Iraqis and at least half a million Afghans were genocided). And my puppy died abandoned while I was at an interview so I can pay my (((property tax))). I won't get my hands dirty but this world is rotten.

At least kill the kikes that shit on you

He was painted as a leader not an actual leader.

oh boohoo
fuck you and your whining
just kill yourself

This is why the JQ is key.

This, if you’re going to go out might as well killall your enemies.

I don't see why he needed to kill himself. Could've done so many other things if he didn't want to hold on to his life.

How do we know that the situation with the family courts was related too what he did. Maybe he was programmed to kill himself by people on Zig Forums who constantly tell each other to kill themselves. Perhaps Zig Forums was the what influenced him to kill himself.

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You're trying way too hard, nigger.

I read the same exact post a month or two ago, wtf??????

Almost as though we have bots and paid shills who copy and paste the same text every single day. Nah, that couldn’t be the case.

Typical. Whites are panda-bears just asking to be wiped out of existence. He didn't even avenge himself, didn't kill any of his enemies. Just himself. We can just ask every white nationalist jew-hater to kill himself and we'll have total victory. The white race is going to be wiped out and whites don't have the balls to stop it. All whites will ever do is whine on the internet and then kill themselves.

F, heartfelt F, of course - especially towards his family.

But I can't just feel too much sympathy towards the guy. If you are at the end and believe that there are no doors left open for you, no bridges left to burn, then solution is obvious. We are living at a time that every white man feeling this should instead of going out with a quiet whimper in his bathroom, go with a bang. As loudest as possible bang. By suicide, you are hurting our numbers. Hurting their numbers in the process is obvious choice.

And there is another reason for that. In preparation to one owns demise, both physical and philosophical, one can found also a purpose and another reason to live. "Hate heals" is found on many medic backpacks around the world, but beyond a politically incorrect military meme, there is a deep inherent truth behind that motto. It can give you a purpose, that one last remaining door to open. And wherever you finally go with it or not, it's the last refugee for the brave man, no matter how bad his life was.

Old Europeans all around the continent knew that unjust, criminal, sinful, wrong or wasted life can and will be redeemed by a good honorable death. Many cultures glorified it, many were ready to sanctify those who gave all, no matter their previous life's unhappiness or wrongdoings.

The coward believes he shall live forever,
If the fight he faces not;
But age shall not grant him the gift of peace,
Though spears may spare his life.

Yes, nigger. That's exactly how it's going to go down.
…tick tock.

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It's fucking true. Whites are as pathetic as pandas. They are the panda race begging to be exterminated for their weakness. All of you are like this. I have zero fear to walk up to any white person, get in their face, and say whatever I want because I know they are push-overs and won't ever fight back. I've never met a white man who is a cowardly puss.


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Keep it up. Please.

You dummies believe this bullshit?
It's a classic "don't do like he did, or else " psyop.
They even make sure to select an effeminate looking man for the role of the "racist".
The smooth press integration should have tipped you off, along with the character scripting.

Obvious media hoax.
Show us a shred of evidence that any of this happened.

What have you ever done, scum? You post memes in imageboards, from the safety of your room and anonymity, not accomplish anything, because you are a coward. He might have killed himself, but compared to him you are a maggot and you do not have the right to shit on him. You are the turd here. He tried to do something, got his life destroyed because of it. You are in your hole, a dark and warm pit, just watching as your country falls to the enemy, not because you are enlightened because of some "black pill", but because you are a coward among cowards.

good post

The only time you should off yourself is when your enemies have you surrounded and plan on skinning you alive with a rusty box cutter.

Otherwise it should never even enter your head. White men FIGHT till end. No prisoners, no surrender.

Jews made another dude kill himself. It's easy to say behind your keyboard he should have done that and this. But when you really feel everything and everyone is against you then mentally it is unreal. Also if you have no one to talk too. Usually people suicide since they had no one to talk with or felt they couldn't.

If you ever feel bad, never forget to talk no matter how tough it is to someone. Yea and fuck off all keyboard warriors here. You have no fucking clue how tough it can be. Damn kids. Únless you are a psychopath then you are in for a ride.



Jesse Anderson was just a man. As far as I know he didn't believe believe in murder, and held the faulty belief that kikes are humans and killing one constitutes murder. It's easy to condemn a man we never met, but let's try to look at this from his point of view.

Another blancuck dead, all in order.

I sympathize but if its true he took the easy way out.

He should of just watched some videos to fire up the fighting Aryan spirit and fight back (legally of course).


What is the strategy behind it being a lie? Based on the links seems like a real person.

Anyway I think its instructive for other white men to see that if you take the easy way out you get no respect and will not enter Valhalla.

You're here, doing what you're doing, believing it's accomplishing something.
Allow that to sink in, dipshit.

He was a libertarian.

oh look, this tired meme. you're retarded

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You got that right. The first round of "leaders" are just useless chicks to be fed to the mulcher. Once the "class president"-tier cuckfaggots are out of the way actually useful leaders will prosper. I doubt there's any way around that.

dude, it's the third fucking white to kill himself cus of this fucking jewvment getting people doxed. Learn to take a fucking hint and do it differently, you absolute faggot.

Not really. I am just smarter.

he shouldn't have given up like that, but then in that amount of despair, i'd imagine we would do unspeakable things in that mindset as well

Suicide is for losers. Any person who chooses suicide deserves no respect, no sympathy, no remembrance.

Global report.

Global report.

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Take your meds

Stfu faggot , we are all talking about it and we learn something from his personal sacrifice. We fight on and grow stronger from death CO’s what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Now kys faggot

t. cowardly panda waiting to go extinct

The most revolutionary thing any of you will ever do is go and put up a poster and even then you'll be shitting yourself in terror.

All the heroic white men died out already all that is left is the sons of cowards.

He's dead though.

I myself tried to kill myself in despair during the Obongo years but fuck ever doing that now, things have changed so much, we might actually have a chance of saving our race.

Death isn’t necessary a bad thing, life does go on . Survive . adapt . Overcome

Sad tale. I wouldn't expect any other ending though from someone proclaiming "jesus christ is lord" in 2019. (Still cuckin')
Respect anyway for the fight he did put up such as it was he was doomed from the start

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Thats because you have to cuck out and not roll into the fire and death aspect of what has to happen. You constantly have to try and be the good guy while they eternally frame you as the vile evil bastard and nobody ever believes you.

The gods have pointed the way to leadership and victory. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed. We are past the point of words and peaceful options. My children are all that hold me in place, let these shackles fall in any way and the man whom has done as commanded will do as must be done. Forget solitary individual rambo, think about how you can take those cucks whom refuse to think while accepting this enslavement and how to make them do what you command.

Fuck optics. If the slaves desire enslavement, give it to them while directing them as your own forces. Eternally waiting for men whom refuse to awaken is a fools errand, you don't ask the sheep, you fucking command them.

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Doesn't matter if you're sad. You want to change the climate of an country, but you end it entirely because of a single hit piece? Not to mention that your child will live in that hellhole.

Journalists will think twice if you Tarrant them (that's why you immediately train to shoot moving targets in different positions before you enter IRL activism), pretty simple. Leftists do not give a shit about your feelings nor your future, just about how much sex toys they can stuff in their asshole. You're going to let those subhumans take control by dying like a coward? That's the most selfish thing that you can do.

Are you stupid or something? What do you think will happen to right wingers if they're shown that they're met with sympathy for committing suicide? Not do it anymore?

Nah, it does the opposite because they know that they can rest peacefully from taking the easy way out. It's a necessary evil to ridicule it so that people would have the strength to pass through. Taking back your country was never going to be easy. If you believe that your ideals aren't worth dying for at the hands of others, then don't bother doing IRL activism at all.


R.I.P. Jesse Anderson.

Also, fuck that kike journalist.

There are lessons to be learned here.

1. The group this man belonged to was a peaceful, civil movement. While these still have their role, they are more dangerous and a more futile thing to participate in than more covert methods (be those social, or violent in nature), especially if the open movement is moderate and has a pacifistic ideology - dangerous and combative organizations even if open and political are actually safer. It's better and safer to be a Tarrant than this man. More radical forms of resistance are safer and better.

2. The organization he participated in as evidenced by this post was pacifistic in nature.

Basically they were people who believed in gentility, civility, and convincing people.
In the face of jewish inhumanity, sociopathy, and violence you have to be as hard or harder then they are. A hard ideology, and hardline attitude are vital necessityes, I'm not sure handing flowers out before parilament buildings ever had a chance of success, but if it did it's time has long passed.
They play the humanist card, and they demand softness and kindness, and human identification and sympathy from others, but they have none towards others, they themselves are harsh, cruel, and merciless. (try and ask your jewish banker for "tolerance" or the equivalent of "multiculturalism" or "inclusiveness' if you can't make mortgage payments)

3. Remember the reactions the jews have to the death of this man - "good" - basically celebrating his death, and feeling happy, and content over it with themselves, kicking the corpse. This is the true face of the jew, beneath al the humanizing, and agonizing over his own supposed losses.
This is also the right attitude toward enemies, this is the attitude YOU should have towards them and their friends.
Remember it next time they cry about their losses, or the holocaust, or try to "moralize" you into feeling their pain, or preaching about the futility of violence. "Good, I'm glad is the right response, you should have suffered more, and you should suffer more in the future".
You should take the lesson of this thread to heart, and your response should follow the example set here - "Good" you jews should have died harder - should be your response, when they try to play the violin. Remember this lesson well. Remember their "humanity" and return it in kind.

4. You cannot be any softer than your enemy. Hate the jews like the jews hate you.

5. We must be more aggressive. It's them celebrating our losses on OUR forum. It's them playing the violin over their losses on OUR forum. Them whining like pig with it's balls cut off when someone shoots, on OUR forum. We defend. They attack. They troll us, while we are just trying to exist as a community. There's a lesson to be leaned here.

The enemy has lessons to teach you.