There are lessons to be learned here.
1. The group this man belonged to was a peaceful, civil movement. While these still have their role, they are more dangerous and a more futile thing to participate in than more covert methods (be those social, or violent in nature), especially if the open movement is moderate and has a pacifistic ideology - dangerous and combative organizations even if open and political are actually safer. It's better and safer to be a Tarrant than this man. More radical forms of resistance are safer and better.
2. The organization he participated in as evidenced by this post was pacifistic in nature.
Basically they were people who believed in gentility, civility, and convincing people.
In the face of jewish inhumanity, sociopathy, and violence you have to be as hard or harder then they are. A hard ideology, and hardline attitude are vital necessityes, I'm not sure handing flowers out before parilament buildings ever had a chance of success, but if it did it's time has long passed.
They play the humanist card, and they demand softness and kindness, and human identification and sympathy from others, but they have none towards others, they themselves are harsh, cruel, and merciless. (try and ask your jewish banker for "tolerance" or the equivalent of "multiculturalism" or "inclusiveness' if you can't make mortgage payments)
3. Remember the reactions the jews have to the death of this man - "good" - basically celebrating his death, and feeling happy, and content over it with themselves, kicking the corpse. This is the true face of the jew, beneath al the humanizing, and agonizing over his own supposed losses.
This is also the right attitude toward enemies, this is the attitude YOU should have towards them and their friends.
Remember it next time they cry about their losses, or the holocaust, or try to "moralize" you into feeling their pain, or preaching about the futility of violence. "Good, I'm glad is the right response, you should have suffered more, and you should suffer more in the future".
You should take the lesson of this thread to heart, and your response should follow the example set here - "Good" you jews should have died harder - should be your response, when they try to play the violin. Remember this lesson well. Remember their "humanity" and return it in kind.
4. You cannot be any softer than your enemy. Hate the jews like the jews hate you.
5. We must be more aggressive. It's them celebrating our losses on OUR forum. It's them playing the violin over their losses on OUR forum. Them whining like pig with it's balls cut off when someone shoots, on OUR forum. We defend. They attack. They troll us, while we are just trying to exist as a community. There's a lesson to be leaned here.
The enemy has lessons to teach you.