I've literally never, EVER, heard a convincing argument in defense of socialism/communism. Is actually ridiculous, at least nazis (still authoritarian and statist fucks) can give a few good arguments.
Well, Zig Forums?
Communism is retarded
Everyone that is a commi should go on a trip to hispanoamerica. He should visit first the socialist shitholes that are Venezuelan, Cuba and Bolivia, then compare them to Chile and Panama, ultra capitalist countries with the best living conditions.
Pd: National SOCIALISM is also retardet. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or left-wing, socialism will always condemn the economy of a country to crash.
I think something like National Capitalism would be the best political ideology.
You were dropped as a child.
There is no other explanation for it.
Here's a good one
Hunter gather societies were communist. You can't name a better system then they had.
Communism became stupid when someone thought it should be applied to economics.
And they lived like niggers.
Whites only became aryan when they adopted agriculture and in doing so adopted private property.
Give me a counter argument nigger
Nationalsocialism worked just fine, and was far better than both capitalism and communism. Cry more, (((capitalist))) kike.
Funny thing that the moment we discovered how not to be a primitive society we dropped communism for capitalism
And so is extreme individualism you fkn retard
Yeah, let's go back to being uncivilised savages like a bunch of abos and niggers lol
Why don't you actually read the literature. Enlighten yourself a little. It hurts, being the status quo, and you don't want to sound like a dirty soviet shitrat, but the capital is DEEPLY flawed.
We can tell you why.
I'll take grossly wrong analogies for 400
Also they were not communist.
Communism is an ideology based entirely around agriculture (and industrialization) so the idea that a pre-industrial, pre-agriculture is communist is completely ludicrous.
Read your dumb kike-book.
Even though (((marx))) and (((lenin))) detested the lowly peasants, they draped themselves in the false pretext that they were forcing their collectivization of farms for their own benefit.
gommies may be shit but goddamn you lolbergs are almost as stupid disgusting kike materialist until the end.
A picture from my German history book. “Explodierende Staatsverschuldung“ means “explosive debt of the state”. The nazis knew more about economics than communists (which isn’t impressive) but still where fucking morons. Their whole economy system was based on war, if they couldn’t invade a new country every 2 years their economy was doomed because of their enormous debt.
Fuck that's rather easy to do mate
Prove I am a nigger, then you might deserve a reply
You mean the debt foisted upon them by foreign banks that they simply stopped paying in 1933? That debt?
Who is the ignorant nigger on this board? Not I.
You can't give an argument beyond "u dumb lmao"
Reported. Fuck you.