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no one cares about any of these jews
Let's trigger the libs guys. That was the whole purpose of this entire thing. Reminder that this is the best conservatives have. Trolling the libs epicly is the best they will ever have.
Fucking conservatives man, they never conserve anything that matters, just (((money))) to pozz the next generation
>Fucking conservatives man, they never conserve anything that matters, just (((money))) to pozz the next generation
Because it's not an ideology. If it was, it'd have principles and a coherent philosophy. It's merely an attitude and a form of posturing, nothing else. Imagine being politically involved but not having an actual political philosophy – that's how fucking dumb these people are.
Will you trannies get a room and stop making a scene in a board you do not belong?
I'm sorry Mr Conservative – I forgot this was a Trump-MIGA board for based Boomers. Fuck you.
Your nigger tier intelligence is telling. This board isn't the jungle you can grab fruits from nigger. You clearly do not belong here.
Says the nigger getting triggered for no reason. Have you tried killing yourself yet???
The straight pride parade is essentially trolling/triggering libs, right? In actuality though, does it accomplish anything else? I think so.
I apologize for the weak premise here, but maybe someone else can add to this. With our ideologies (well, I personally am NatSoc), a straight pride parade should be led by a straight white man, and no other. The goal here ISN'T to gain acceptance of straight people among society (who the fuck cares what a bunch of degenerates think?), but with Milo leading this, this event could potentially act as a pressure release valve, and a way to continue promoting (((coexistence))). In other words, while this event was intended to trigger the degenerate left, it could backfire and end up promoting more tolerance garbage.
Hope you guys can see where I'm going with this line of thinking.
What? Why are you saging the thread faggot
Let's fight for special rights and privileges got straight hetero people.
We are oppressed.
We need special rights.
If a gay person attacks or says anything negative about a straight person, it should be classified as hate crime.
If a gay person attacks a heater person, we should put it in the media and throw tantrums about it.
thank god we're back on track
Milo isn't a serious political figure, just an IRL shitposter, and not even that good of one. Gays not welcome.
I like the attention to detail in this meme
I think I know why this thread was made. milo is attacking tradthot nationalist lauren southern. It's always good to see jews and faggots call out other jews and faggots. for jewry and faggotry.
isis pepe is cutting with the blunt end of the knife
They're that soft.
Many modern day pioneers (esoteric immigrants) would frown upon Milo's lifestyle
Captcha: fgyjws (faggy jews)
That is, in fact, literally the plan.
>BASED poopdick jew loves straights, stop getting so agitated goy
what did he say that was wrong, cocksucker?
Savage. At least he didn't use a dull, rusty spoon.
We really do live in total clown world now.
Actually we are now clown world +5
Reminder that oldfags shilled people like this.
You can't be convinced to hate what is left of your nation (after the kikes get done shredding it) unless you have 'clown world' rubbed in your face, repeatedly. What they are after is the complete destruction of the Constitution because it prevented them from abusing, torturing and murdering people like they enjoy.
Who in their right fucking mind would participate in a straight parade anyway.
That sounds like sinking to their level.
Kill yourself.
I think it was supposed to be humorous. Because someone made the arguments in the comments that there is a 'straight parade' everyday when Whites enter rush hour traffic to go to work and support the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANETS PARASITES by our slave labor.
The greatest lie on this planet is that Whites were not slaves to feed, house and shelter THE LESSER RACES since their inception. Now look where we are…they are going to use the technology WE INVENTED for good to enslave us forever for the next 10,000 plus years and live off our toil. The only thing we can do is bring the system down by not participating in it before it is too late and we are enslaved forever (basically). Withdraw from the system and its politics. Protect what is valuable (your people/DNA/offspring). Let the parasites kill each other over the scraps until they are all dead.
How do we dox the organizers and ruin their lives for promoting a pedo?
Now that's what I call clown world. This shit is gayer than the regular faggotry. Hopefully some psycho fag leftist goes to town with an ebil black rifle.
that's not a bad idea. Public bathrooms would be easy to do this to and you'd get lots of eyeballs
Buggery doesn’t produce niglets, user.
I am now the great god king of all women and also the trannies.
Nah conservatism represents conservation of the constitution.
The bible is the book upon which this republic rests. -Thomas Jefferson
I contest the book of revelation with sources in the operation textem thread