How to Download videos from youtube:
Firefox addon:
Chrome extension:
online website:
Re-Upload videos to bitchute:
How to Download videos from youtube:
Firefox addon:
Chrome extension:
online website:
Re-Upload videos to bitchute:
Post channels of people you want to be saved
also download videos en reupload them to bitchute
to download videos use:
In mid 2017 YouTube began limiting access to videos that were neither illegal, nor violated their own Terms and Conditions or Community Guidelines.
Limited videos are placed behind a warning message, cannot be shared, monetarized or easily found, and have likes, comments, view counts and suggested videos disabled. is an unbiased community catalog of 14327 YouTube Limited Videos across 1198 monitored channels. Email us new channels to monitor:
or upload the videos to:
Books can be saved here aswell (because sometimes deletes right wing books):
14 88 and to say it with
Bobby Fischer:
Jewish tactics against the goyim (a must read):
Keep in mind, adrail comes installed with the video downloader.
shiksa goddess like a degenerate
Faggot OP.
Use youtube-dl
Bruh I just use youtube-dl
Or just change the URL to…………….. and you can right click save video as.
Just use youtube-dl, there is a very simple to use GUI for it if you're lazy on Github (youtube-dl-gui).
somebody write a script to download every single video on youtube
Niggers plz
Kill yourselves.
use invidio ffs
works with, YouTube, obviously.
works with twitter
works with bitchute
works with a whole bunch of websites
I just did it on cnn, just to test it out
$ youtube-dl https'':''//
[CNN] world/2019/06/10/david-ortiz-shooting-surveillance-video-vpx.cnn: Downloading SMIL file[download] Destination: Video purportedly shows moment David Ortiz was shot-world_2019_06_10_david-ortiz-shooting-surveillance-video-vpx.cnn.mp4[download] 100% of 43.35MiB in 00:07
this shit works on EBRYDING
Has an user already put together a Zig Forums video collection to download? Like there are for images and books.
Sage for suggesting garbage add-ons and not just using youtube-dl
come watch e3 frens
Do you have to seed your own videos?
Bitchute also bans politically incorrect videos.
Did anybody download Patrick Little's videos before he got shoad on YT :(
Sage for suggesting garbage add-ons and not just using youtube-dl or invidio
There are too many tech-illiterate faggots posting here these days.
Why would you ever want total strangers or possibly glowniggers to know exactly what you're downloading and what your interestes are??
Stop acting like fucking boomers and learn to use CLI programs like youtube-dl.
Just use youtube-dl.
I've renamed it vid-dl because it works with many sites.
vid-dl [url] [url] [url] …
you can download audio with this command:
vid-dl –extract-audio –audio-format mp3 [urls]
you can use -x for short –extract audio
I've also added this to my file .bash_aliases in my home folder:
alias audio-dl="vid-dl –extract-audio –audio-format mp3
oof needs a " at the end of that
Any other answer is objectively wrong.
um no sorry sweetie but im not some loser that spends his entire life trying to find some sekret app to do the same thing a bunch others already do
Hurry, before the ADLopacalypse is in full swing.
@echo off
set /P dl=URL:
youtube-dl –extract-audio –audio-format mp3 %dl%
Make a batch file out of this also see this thread