The spiritual realm and National Socialism

I've noticed spiritualism being mainly neglected in modern Western civilization, outside secluded elites and popular culture esoteric symbolism.
This is a massive problem.
The spiritual realm is absolutely important, and cannot be ignored. It shouldn't be an afterthought for anyone. The material plane or realm is less important, an outgrowth of higher planes. It cannot exist without a creator God.

This explains surface level "control" by Satanists over us. As material wealth grows, so does negative spiritual energy. Death is denied. Life is prized over all else, and extended with the best technologies.
Weakness and burden became acceptable, even promoted.
Other realms of existence, and spiritualism is deemed "paranormal" by a majority in society when wealth increases, and provides distractions.
Ancient traditional values either experience active suppression, or disappear.

These things happened before.
Earth is a cyclical planet. During each cycle, a powerful and vast, possibly global civilization rises, becomes extremely prosperous, and falls.
In wealthy societies, most people end up ignoring spiritualism altogether.
In less wealthy societies with more hardship, life and death are more intertwined and less separate. Souls enter physical bodies and leave them more frequently.
Remember how high infant mortality was, and short lifespans?
It seems like this effect is almost unavoidable.
Why do Jews have long lives?

This war between Europeans and Jews is mostly waged in spiritual realms.
Our victory is inevitable.
We are patriarchal, we create and maintain.
Jews are matriarchal, they take and destroy.
Even if Jews exterminate us, our souls will either reincarnate, or wage battle in another plane.

It's really a battle between the creator God and Satan / Moloch / Saturn /.
One side always wins.
Do not fear death, that is what our enemy wants, to make us accept and emit negative spiritual energy.
One side creates the eternal natural order, the other is a very temporary interruption.

Embrace spiritualism. This material world is not our only battlefield.

Attached: Swastika.png (350x350, 16.85K)

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No it's not. These things are specifically not written down for a reason. Normalfags need not apply or know.
Opinion discarded.

But they are, and were at one time widely acknowledged.

Also imagine being in denial about Satanists, or being a literal Satanist shill.

National Socialism is Communism with more Genocide… You're all a bunch of retards…

you might enjoy the urantia book if you're looking for some kind of layout of the spiritual hierarchy.

consider it useful fiction

go back


Get a job and stop smoking

If only op had a clue about anything this could have been good


Yeah hilarious. I'll do it, then you take the blame and say that to a camera. Don't worry, I'm sure your joke will work

Kill yourself boomer scum
Sieg Heil

This is a shit thread. I want you all to know that buddhism is the closest thing to a non-retarded idea of spirituality that wastes no time at getting right to the point. All that Zig Forums discusses about race, religion and morality is orthogonal to the inner transformation that each individual consciousness is capable of—don't make the mistake of mixing these ideas together. Here's the rundown; jew: only the chosen should be enlightened and everyone else will be their slaves; christians: everyone can be enlightened but we forgot how; muslims: only muslims can be enlightened and everyone else should be killed; buddhists: only those who are interested will bother creating the conditions that would cause anyone to be enlightened. Every religion has/does the same thing in this respect. And you'll never bother to do it. It's literally the same in every religion and possible for every thinking person

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"God" comes from the Gauls and their culture. EL, Yahwey, and Yeshua (Jesus) are all Middle Eastern deities. Satan was invented by the Vatican trying to dumb down foreign worship for the plebs.

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I think our greatest victory over the forces of the jews will be banning circumcision. Sex is absolutely spiritual, and cutting genitals so that full communication between two bodies and spirits is corrupting.

you know El but do you know En

Pff thinking National Socialism is about hate god your lost.Judenism is about hate of non jews!For fuck sake!National Socialism is about loving once race a fucking nigger can be a natsoc a china man A beaner etc.If you think natsoc is about hate then your thinking about the people that give us a bad nam aka alt right niggers KKK skin heads etc

Attached: DZYmxu4VMAAlStG.jpg (398x300, 36.7K)

I have to ride an elephant?

Hitler was a vegetarian Hindu, that tried "karma is a bitch" on the Jews and Euro countries that f'd Germany in WWI.

Ideas have consequences. Post WWII, "karma is a bitch" has been the impoteous to shame Germany for years. Holohoax a people persuaded by "karma" is easily manipulated and guilt tripped, just as they do in India.

Also, Hitler probably chose the hindu symbol (origin of image attached) as a jab to the ball earthers that he was going to Antartica to prove the Earth was flat.

Attached: Big-Dipper-Seasons[1].png (493x479, 23.99K)


Karma just means performing deeds to gain enlightenment. It has nothing to do with payback of any kind.

Germans actually thought earth was concave. And the cosmos was like a swiss cheese. We live in a concave ball inside the cheese.
See concave earth theory by wild heretic.

“Hitler and his mystical compatriots had a curiously inverted view of the universe. To their way of thinking, the universe consists of infinite rock which is broken by numerous hollow areas. In other words, the universe is like an infinite piece of swiss cheese—solid with many holes in it. The concave surfaces of the hollow areas are the surfaces of ‘planets’, including Earth. Humans are therefore not living on the outer surface of a round ball: they are being pushed by gravity against the inner surface of a hollow area. According to the Nazis, the sun hangs suspended in the middle of the hollow area, the sky is made of blue gas, and the stars are tiny objects (perhaps ice crystals) which hang suspended in a similar fashion to the sun. In this infinite ‘swiss cheese’ universe of stone there are many fissures and cracks that allow travel between the hollow areas. In an adjoining hollow area, according to Naziism, lives the race of Aryan ‘supermen.’ Hitler’s underground “supermen” were therefore true extraterrestrials, but in a curiously inverted fashion. Lest it be assumed that the Nazi swiss cheese model of the universe was one of Hitler’s “Big Lies,” there is evidence that the Nazi leadership took the idea quite seriously. For example, an attempt was made to locate the British fleet during World War II with infrared rays pointing toward the sky. The Nazis believed that the rays would hit the opposite side of the concave Earth.” – from the book Gods of Eden, page 389

citing bullshit to back your cheese theory

Nasa and mainstream "science" is bullshit and easily disproven. Investigating and defending new theory is hard because it is an unknown area. Don't go assuming things like a retard with no arguments.

Attached: flat_earth_card.jpg (1376x1953, 365.19K)

And yet, mainstream models based on a globe Earth get people from point A to point B with accuracy and consistency, and accurately predict the motions of stellar and heavenly bodies. What does the Flat Earth model produce? Inconsistency, contradiction, and inaccuracy.

Concave earth man. Not flat. There are semi-flat models too. But it is probably concave by the best info I've seen.

only in your head.

the elephant represents the mind and the color relates to the five hindrances and seven problems. The monkey is scattered attention and the color types of distractions. Point being, can you actually sit and observe the workings of your mind? Without practice, you literally can't.

Your (((Gnostic))) Sumerian bullshit doesnt fly with me. I'm not a pleb and I know that history goes back farther (our history) than bible-Sumerian culture.

Annukaki deep state scam, aliens, gnostic, kike shit.

We need to embrace the shadow side of the West. National Socialism and Satanism.

How can you know any history previous to the Sumerian culture if we don't have any written records of it?
Post any proof faggot

Gnosticism is previous to Christianism, Judaism and Islam. Those 3 religions are Abrahamic. To me Gnosticism seems like a better alternative to any Abrahamic religion. Gnostics were the original boys in the hood.

Why is everyone on Zig Forums so afraid of gnostics. Why is that Christian values are always defended when they've been responsible for the dark ages.

When you mean Satanist are you talking about the Abrahamic version of Satan which is "the devil" or the original meaning of Satan in sanskrit which can be translated to "TRUTH".
It is true that some Satanists like (((Laveyan Satanists))) are just another kike religion but
Here is proof for my previous statement:

Attached: ave_satanas.jpg (500x500, 97.8K)

Good effort, OP. At the bottom of the rabbit hole is realize that all of this–all of the great conspiracies–is part of one giant spiritual battle.

Zig Forums hate Kikestianity, stop strawmanning faggot.

What's up with that Hindu swastika? That's weird af

Gnosticism based on forming "egregors" for do that you need a cult of worshipping person or symbols. So that's satanism as is.

I thought they believed the Earth was hollow


Also this

Go live in India or Asia. You will find spirituality in the streets aplenty.

Simple bump because fuck slide attacks

Funny you should say that Moshe, since your ilk invented communism. Nat Soc is the exact opposite of communism. Listen to GLR

You start up well but then you get caught into semitic matrix of YHVH against Satan and other crap.

We Aryans are the sons and daughters of our Skyfather. There is no metaphysical evil, there is only being close to our gods or founding principles or being far from them.
We are the children of the Sun, darkness is only the part on which our Logos doesn't shine upon (yet).

Attached: Skyfather.png (476x622, 695.16K)

Your fucking retarded Buddhism preaches the exact type of universal (((enlightenment))) that Christianity, Islam and not coincidentally judaism preach. That even a tree swinging nigger can exist both spiritually and consciously in the same realm as a pure blood Aryan european. This is false based firstly on the premise that a state of enlightenment would include other races and peoples within your existence. The truest enlightenment is to see your own reflection in the world, spiritually, materially and intellectually. Do to a purposely created condition the european peoples have been on a death throw since they teamed up to betray the Germans. This self hatred and LACK of enlightenment is taken the most strict material form as is dictated by natural law and that is to see not only our opposite reflection in the world but all of the worst horrors it brings. Fuck up with your jimmy jones hippy movement and stay in your synagogue faggot

The swastika is the ultimate symbol of purity in this world thanks to the pure love of Adolf Hitler for his people which was perpetuated to represent the entire meaning of their struggle. To know if the world is enlightened one must simply draw a swastika and witness the reactions to it. It is the ultimate symbol of self love and should be used liberally in anyway it can

You type that with one hand Schlomo?

Considering the west is dying with the incorporation of foreign cultures I highly doubt Buddhism a religion of a foreign culture is going to (((fix))) the problem but by all means contradict yourself and tell us how enlightened you are and how all it’s philosophy advertises inaction against a jewish order that is fundamentally anti nature. The only religion Europeans should consider and give any credit to are those that they can trace their roots through via ancestors and pro life, pro racial mandates. Now please contradict yourself more with your jewish logic and explain how worshipping the ultimate symbol of european purity is jewish

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