I've noticed spiritualism being mainly neglected in modern Western civilization, outside secluded elites and popular culture esoteric symbolism.
This is a massive problem.
The spiritual realm is absolutely important, and cannot be ignored. It shouldn't be an afterthought for anyone. The material plane or realm is less important, an outgrowth of higher planes. It cannot exist without a creator God.
This explains surface level "control" by Satanists over us. As material wealth grows, so does negative spiritual energy. Death is denied. Life is prized over all else, and extended with the best technologies.
Weakness and burden became acceptable, even promoted.
Other realms of existence, and spiritualism is deemed "paranormal" by a majority in society when wealth increases, and provides distractions.
Ancient traditional values either experience active suppression, or disappear.
These things happened before.
Earth is a cyclical planet. During each cycle, a powerful and vast, possibly global civilization rises, becomes extremely prosperous, and falls.
In wealthy societies, most people end up ignoring spiritualism altogether.
In less wealthy societies with more hardship, life and death are more intertwined and less separate. Souls enter physical bodies and leave them more frequently.
Remember how high infant mortality was, and short lifespans?
It seems like this effect is almost unavoidable.
Why do Jews have long lives?
This war between Europeans and Jews is mostly waged in spiritual realms.
Our victory is inevitable.
We are patriarchal, we create and maintain.
Jews are matriarchal, they take and destroy.
Even if Jews exterminate us, our souls will either reincarnate, or wage battle in another plane.
It's really a battle between the creator God and Satan / Moloch / Saturn /.
One side always wins.
Do not fear death, that is what our enemy wants, to make us accept and emit negative spiritual energy.
One side creates the eternal natural order, the other is a very temporary interruption.
Embrace spiritualism. This material world is not our only battlefield.