What is the equivalent ancient greek of hinduism? How can one read on their ideas about the universe, afterlife and the like? Any books
Where to start on the classic Greeks and their cosmology?
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I don't really believe in this stuff but it's interesting to read some of their claims.
The Greek equivalent of Hinduism is somewhere between the Greek Orthodox church and the Disney movie "Hercules".
Hinduism is a corruption of Vedic religion, just as Greek religion has been lost. Greek and Vedic are both one step removed form PIE.
get off of this board CIAnigger
what PIE?
Holy Shit. Wow. Fuck me. Don't even mention Heraclitus or Aristotle. You absolute coon.
what books can i read on ancient greek cosmology?where can i start?
I said hinduism is as close to vedas as Disney/EO is to greek religion you dumb nigger.
Really depends on when you like Greeks best. Myrhology is a multi layered history of story telling, the oldest myths being of a different nature or featuring different actors, the latest retellings merging them with their Etruscan, Italic, Egyptian, Persian, and Carthigian equivalents.
For example, do you like the psychophant Hermanubis or the god of commerce Hermes?
Gets messy after a bit.
Why am I a glownigger for referencing satanisgod.org? They are satanists against abrahamic religions (christianity, islam and jews).
From what I've read they are not Laveyan satanists, they beleive Satan is a real being and the creator of humanity. They also beleive "SATAN" means TRUTH in Sanskrit.
Explain why theological satanism is bad or elaborate please. I would really appreciate it. As I said I just read their claims but don't beleive what they are saying.
i want to read more about henosis and oneness, could you point me towards that?
Because Satan is more Abrahamic gibberish.
You are a coon, but your opinion is noted.
Satan doesn't even come from Abrahamic traditions.
So which religion do you consider legitimate (to improve your mind/conciousness)
Oh look, the Stormfags when not bashing White Christians, get on their knees and suck Hindu cock==
Go find out on your own what religion you consider legitimate.
Yes. Fragments, Heraclitus
Herodotus documents that world better than anyone. It's more than just the one volume paperback found in the Penguin Classics too.
All the different cults, their customs, their temples the different cities of the ancient world, he visited them and documented them all. It's a very odd world, a lot like Fellini's Satyricon actually.
Faggot #MAGAwithDACA motherfucker
Literally Greek mythology.
Buy a book and read nigger.
Hesiod's Theogony and Works and Days.
You have no clue how miserable you sound.
Start with Plato,then continue with Aristotle. When you finish reading those you'll know who to read next. Keep in mind reading all those books is going to take a lot of time. I expect at least a year maybe two,assuming you read one book every week.
Don't listen to everyone's rubbish in this thread. Start from the very beginning of all Indo-European religions and work you way up from there.
Read the Katha Upanishad.
It's basically a conversation between a kid who attained self actualization and is seeking to find the meaning of death from the Lord of Death Yemeth himself.
Google is your friend
Because (((gnosticism))) and (((hermeticism))) = Alexandrian Judo-Christianity. You're still in the black cube, kiddo.
can you be more specific?
holy shit dude , gnosticism and hermeticism predate Alexandria and Christianity
No they don't you fucking internet-scholar. That shit is a larp and they want to pretend they go back to Sumeria just like bible fags. It's the same scam invented to bluepill philosophy in Hellenist Roman society and it's still working on you. They even did it to Celtic lands. Big claims of being superior in ancient knowledge, the same way Christcucks/Jews do.
Sumerians are not the oldest culture or an alien culture (Vinca is older). That's Deep State CIA/Mossad fucking with you again.
Nordics are not aliens. That's Blavasky and the CIA/Mossad fucking with you again.
Kundulini will not give you magical powers to float around and read minds. That's Deep State CIA/Mossad fucking with you again.
Material-ism is not an "ism" and matter (physical existence) is not an illusion or bad.
They're trying to make you retarded and fixated on meaningless goals, outside of the real world, real personal growth. They're trying to make you nofap and sexually obsessed so you don't breed.
All of our ancestors teachings past the meditarianian are gone, wiped out forever by Jew worshiping traitors like we have all over Zig Forums and the conservatives or whatever today. There are no real Druids or Viking teachings left, they're all filtered through (((bible))) perspectives or ((Gnosticism))). All of Western Occult = (((Gnostic))) subversion. That's the reason it's hidden:
Hidden inside the same scam of Judo-Christianity and islam.
Spotted the degenerate.
Long post for jidf. Materialism is the root of evil and the jew loves to push it. Christisnity is truth and you kikes wont change this.
Yup. It's a jew.
And there you get the immediate proxy attacks = Consensus Cracking
Michael Aquino is god
The main archetypes are similar across all pantheons. Yet at the same time different for each individual and culture. What is an ideal mother for the indians will be different than it is for the greeks but still being the mother archetype which still can take banches of other forms and combinations. The warrior, the fool, lovers, etc.. The primordial archetypes are universal. For example chaos and order, numbers and masculine/femenine energy (which aren't the father or mother). The more we diverge from the primordial the more different the pantheons. We won't find an ancient internet god or videogames god as that would be "gods" from our time.
thank you, but where can i read more?
A shared history can be exposed before anyone.
We don’t need the hypercorruption of Greece society, which exalted slavemasters and did not know many things commonly understood by capitalistic societies today, such as the great value of integrity in pursuit of intellectualism (Grecian use of slave labor gimped their capacity to engage in laborous experimentation) and the primary importance of developing people beyond their mere economic contribution (it is a historic irony that optimal economics is not achieved by purist economics -take that, human intuition!).
The Iliad, The Odyssey, Plato, Herodotus, Plutarch
You can find these people on librivox that has free audios of their books. Plutarch is both a historian and philosopher/scientist. Plato questions a lot of traditions. I would say Homer probably reflects the ideas of Greece prior to it becoming metropolitan.
herodotus is a very good historian, very fun to hear his stories.
You can even be a monotheist and practice the Greek religion, some Greeks just believed in God the same way christians do.
depends on how they worship. some believe the universe came chaos (like the egyptian ogdoadians), some believe it came apeiron (more in line with monotheism), some believe it came out of caligine (more so in the Roman tradition I believe, but essentially it boils down to the universe dying and reviving in cycles), while some ignore all these starting points and simply exalt Zeus (no disrespect at all).
came from**
Isn’t this a glow board?
Praise Kek
Kek and Keket can be correlated with Erebus, which coincidentally in Greek mythos is also one of the first Gods to come about.
to add onto that, Qerhet and Qerhet can also be correlated with Nyx who, in most versions of the mythos that I am aware of, was the first entity to be born from Chaos/Apeiron/Caligine
Qerh and Qerhet**
sorry, I have a tendency to not read my posts before submitting them
Don't worry, we don't read them either.