Ideas on what the goal is here? I think it's to find acceptance of subhumans with soccer moms. Or maybe just the masses of fuck ups? I've never actually watched, 'daytime tv' which is why am asking. I don't think it's that shlomo gets to pay these mutts less as damaging the 'brands' would be bad business.
The Niggerization of game shows
Nigger, what makes you think Zig Forums knows then? Nobody watches that shit.
They're just replacing white people in all daytime shows. It makes no difference if it's a game show or a talk show or a local news network.
They'd better not replace Trebek with a nigger.
White stay at home moms are the biggest watchers of daytime TV.
To make a guess, it is to quietly wean multiculturalism in the fading mind of the elderly. For example, memories of the smartly dressed white gentleman conducting a neat little game being replaced with the disgusting nigger who puts on the facade of being human means very little to the next to dead. And telescoping charity slowly sets in.
No, they chose an arab tranny.
this board is literally worse than cuckchan Zig Forums
The Family feud is rigged (((They))) made the black Family's win more than whites its fucky i have nothing to back up muh Evil racist statement other then the last 6 times i watched the show whites and blacks the blacks came out victors (((pure coincidence))) or just a really bright group of game show contestents i know in b4 watching the Electric jew
Seriously though
Also i like Steve Harvey as the Host
survey says
I listen to tv for back ground noise at work
It's not like he was the original host.
Salvini is a Jewish Puppet and Italians aren't white
what the fuck is this boomer shit?
Tittytainment to tranquilize the herd before the slaughter, just like Zig Forums is for our gen.
they're not queitly weaning multiculturalism, just look at any commercial on TV or any advertisement outside and it is almost always a nigger on there. I've noticed with the last 4-5 years since Kang Nigger left office that more niggers have been on television than ever before that it's actually fucking insane how most normies won't comment on it and get butthurt and offended if you point it out. Like even when I go too the toy isles in stores there's more nigger dolls than white dolls of course nobody sane enough would ever punish their child by getting them a nigger doll but still they're literally dozens of nigger dolls just laying around. Honestly if I was part of some toy company I would send the dolls appropiate too the demographics of the areas so you could make a bigger profit rather than wasting all these resources too make these worthless nigger dolls that not even the most masochistic leftist parent would punish their kid by buying it.
Trump curse?
Strahan was yes man sellout form beginning.
Anderson is sex offender anti Trumper.
pic related; Anti Trumpers
What demographic can afford to stay at home all day watching Free; NOT cable, NOT streaming TV? It is NOT White stay at home Moms.
"…40% of the daytime viewers are in households making less than $20,000 a year, and 85% haven't graduated from a four-year college…"
But; Not all are Daytime TV shows.
And; Hispanics have their own TV stations.
you're partly right, the big difference is that one thing is aimed at distracting and dumbing people dumb and the other one haves you questioning absolutely everything and gaining quite a bit of knowledge on how the real world works. Over time, the latter can make a difference. A well informed majority would be absolutely detrimental to the usual suspects' plans. Sadly, we're not the majority at all.
Running out of slide material moshe?