Pic related is THE correct timeline. 1996 - Bill Clinton, NAFTA. Bear in mind riots/chimping out were occurring, which didn't galvanize the white middle class… it divided it.
30% of us were guarding our homes with shotguns, 30% were crying and embracing muh global dik, 40% sat on the fence.
I've been redpilled since 1982. When Bush 1 did the whole "thousand points of light" and "new world order" speech in 1991, I knew we were in deep shit.
Youngfags seemingly have no idea what these policies did to the labor market. Robust manufacturing towns got BTFO by Mexico 1st, then China. Have no idea what white people can even do. I try not to disrespect the black workers, but we innovated all the tech… white people dominated manufacturing. Locally, we made the best shit ever. Not exaggerating. We made the fluffiest, longest-lasting towels in human history. For a reasonable price. Not cheap, but not exorbitant. To get a similar quality towel in 2019… $25 bucks each. Still… is it 100% non-GMO cotton with no chemicals, other than the dye? Restoration Hardware towels are a poor-man's 3X price alternative.
Rupert Murdoch bought our factory and made 40,000 based white (and low-level black) Americans jobless. It took 20 years (I moved) to recover… into a Big Pharma town. So… still fucked, in other words. Now they run poison factories, staffed by H1B Visa tards. Chjinese/Indians.
So much evil has been perpetrated over the last 30 years… I can't even accurately put it into words. Like most zoomers tend to hate me just for wasting time sperging about it. It sucks.
I blame global economics, quarterly profits, publicly-held corporations. If someone could like what I'm saying to the JQ, I'd be eternally grateful. It seems to fit the trend… but there are hundreds of expats on Noseberg that I could redpill, once i re-activate my account, with a little help.
It has to be factual. I will make it subtle. "Remember Our Town" tier shit.
Most people born after 1995 just assume America was always a pozzed, Christcucked, Low-T Burgerland. It wasn't.
I was taught at 6 years old to never relax around blacks, and never trust the Jews. Words to live by. Seemingly rediscovered by Zig Forums in 2014. There was a time, post WW2 where white people thought we had won something. Wrong. We haven't won since the Viking era.
Once usury entered into the business model (slavery), it all went to shit. White people either stayed out of it (like my ancestors inna woods) or profited from slavery and fractional interest.
I'd give anything to live free like my grandfather, in the mountains. Carpenter who raised 10 kids (all still alive) and never interacted with (((them))). Just lived his life and died in his 80s.
Yeah, I know… poor privileged white people… 10,000 years of history down the drain.