The new world order was coming long before now, very few of us knew about it…

We had a chance to stop it, some of us woke up to it back in 2001 because of 9/11… In 2008 we witnessed another puzzle piece of the NWO fall into place with the recession…In 2014 we passed the point of no return. Politically correct, social justice, leftist propaganda reached it's height. While the extreme right wing backlash escalated each year after. The Middle East reached it's height of destruction, while mass immigration surged to all time heights 1 year later in 2015. All the way up until now they have been stripping us of our rights each year, and aggressively promoting mass immigration, interracial relationships, LGBT propaganda, and middle eastern wars. Successfully creating so much poverty, and social tension, it's only a matter of time before it all collapses into civil war and marshal law.

This whole time we have ALL been screwed, by the rich elite white sellouts, the jewish 1%, Islamic dictators, and Chinese Communist motherfuckers.


Attached: the red pilll.png (329x245, 152.55K)

Other urls found in this thread:



wait shit i forgot im on tor

its the american civil war 2.0 thread on the pol board

fight, fight against the dying of light.

Not to be "that guy" but im not opening that link even though I have Tor. Not risking shit. A virus or glownigger visit.

Clown world is not NWO , white ethnoglobe is the true NWO. Kikes just turned it upside down like everything else.

sorry for posting it lol i dont blame you

I think it's important to note we have more than 1 enemy.
It's not JUST the jews, guys.
Remember the combo: rich elite sellouts, jewish 1%, islamic dictators, and chinese communists.

In other words: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, and China.

The Enemy is fragile at this stage. He needs the People to embrace his perverted NWO.
He means to achieve this via the clown world, the threat of ethnic genocide, and it's only going to get worse. "NWO", the survivors will say, "is surely preferable to all of this chaos!" Only then will it be too late. But right now he's weak; all it takes to disrupt his agenda is mass public awakening. This is why the spreading of good propaganda is so crucial, and why kikes claim it won't work and we must act violently. If the Jew wants you to either not resist or to resist with violence, then checkmate him with non-violent resistance.

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build a timemachine bro

EDIT: I think it's important to note we have more than 1 enemy.

It's not JUST the jews, guys.

Remember the combo: rich WHITE elite sellouts, jewish 1%, islamic dictators, and chinese communists.

In other words: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, and China.

Sold out to Jews.
Are supported and unopposed by the Jewish 99%
Mohammad was Jewish. Islam is Judaism mixed with Arab Paganism.
Communism was created by a Jew.

There are no good Jews.

Well yes, this is all some jewry, but not all the people ramming this shit down our throats are jewish.

Yeah that's fair man

more like black pill. but this is basically why i'm not having a family. ive been saying this to people ever since i was born and they always laughed, but i have a very good feeling our western world has gone into a directional that cannot be changed. i dont know what it is,but all i know is that i wouldn't want to be born into it. i may see it happen,but by the time it does i'll be well into my 50's or 60's or dead. Muslims will eventually take over the west is all i can say and there wont be any alternative only death.

i agree. i dont get why low iq americans always tell you to have more children and bring them into this jewish hell. Better to go out fighting then perpetuate the suffering of innocents. Only advanced technology can save you white man.

If we revolt now we'll crush all our enemies and this problem will be solved.

If we leave it to the next generation, only then are we truly fucked.

I'm going to have a fuckload of children with my Dutch mennonite wife on our homestead and they're all going to be perfectly fine because we have our own community and we'll defend it.

I've also taken actions against ZOG that I won't detail here already.

Have children and fight. Stop being a bitch or you're next life you're going to be born as a mongrel or nigger instead of as a white man.

i was born as a paki/persian mongrel. Its too late. I wish i could be white but whites have always sided with the enemy. Fuck white ppl. ASians and arabs are more based. almost all axis powers were non white origin.

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plus ww3 will wipe them all out so have as many as you want. Reality is scripted. hitler was a crypto kike and never an aryan savior. China will dominate. its over

Is it wrong if I thought your pill looked like a hot dog?

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easyh for you to say blondie. your parents have 100 acres of land and you've been apoiled all your life on the farm. stfu you dont know how shitty it is to be a mutt. i do admire the dutch. they're like jews,but not smelly.

You're just learning this now? Welcome to the part bud.

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Pic related is THE correct timeline. 1996 - Bill Clinton, NAFTA. Bear in mind riots/chimping out were occurring, which didn't galvanize the white middle class… it divided it.

30% of us were guarding our homes with shotguns, 30% were crying and embracing muh global dik, 40% sat on the fence.

I've been redpilled since 1982. When Bush 1 did the whole "thousand points of light" and "new world order" speech in 1991, I knew we were in deep shit.

Youngfags seemingly have no idea what these policies did to the labor market. Robust manufacturing towns got BTFO by Mexico 1st, then China. Have no idea what white people can even do. I try not to disrespect the black workers, but we innovated all the tech… white people dominated manufacturing. Locally, we made the best shit ever. Not exaggerating. We made the fluffiest, longest-lasting towels in human history. For a reasonable price. Not cheap, but not exorbitant. To get a similar quality towel in 2019… $25 bucks each. Still… is it 100% non-GMO cotton with no chemicals, other than the dye? Restoration Hardware towels are a poor-man's 3X price alternative.
Rupert Murdoch bought our factory and made 40,000 based white (and low-level black) Americans jobless. It took 20 years (I moved) to recover… into a Big Pharma town. So… still fucked, in other words. Now they run poison factories, staffed by H1B Visa tards. Chjinese/Indians.

So much evil has been perpetrated over the last 30 years… I can't even accurately put it into words. Like most zoomers tend to hate me just for wasting time sperging about it. It sucks.

I blame global economics, quarterly profits, publicly-held corporations. If someone could like what I'm saying to the JQ, I'd be eternally grateful. It seems to fit the trend… but there are hundreds of expats on Noseberg that I could redpill, once i re-activate my account, with a little help.

It has to be factual. I will make it subtle. "Remember Our Town" tier shit.

Most people born after 1995 just assume America was always a pozzed, Christcucked, Low-T Burgerland. It wasn't.

I was taught at 6 years old to never relax around blacks, and never trust the Jews. Words to live by. Seemingly rediscovered by Zig Forums in 2014. There was a time, post WW2 where white people thought we had won something. Wrong. We haven't won since the Viking era.

Once usury entered into the business model (slavery), it all went to shit. White people either stayed out of it (like my ancestors inna woods) or profited from slavery and fractional interest.

I'd give anything to live free like my grandfather, in the mountains. Carpenter who raised 10 kids (all still alive) and never interacted with (((them))). Just lived his life and died in his 80s.

Yeah, I know… poor privileged white people… 10,000 years of history down the drain.

t. desperate to convince people not to fight or breed

World War III can wipe everything out and I won't change course.

I am a based and defiant white man and can not be blackpilled.

This user. There is only one way forward for Life on the planet.

Hi niggers, this is how you have a fighting chance:





It's that simple. Have as many children as possible. Teach them what to do. Hopefully they will teach their children what to do.

Good luck niggers.


Canada is lost already. I took my son to the mall for lunch and we were one of the few white people out of hundreds at the food court. All service people were incompetent “new Canadians”. It felt like the time my school band visited Detroit and we decided to visit some stores. We were literally the only whites.

The goal is was quickly and ferociously do irreparable damage to the West. In some areas the goal has been reached. There are other areas than can still be saved. If that fails our only hope is to red pill the newcomers and get them to embrace their natural disgust of all things progressive.

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the time for children is over, time for war is now. Idiot mutts like you have no idea what your dealing with plus they dont count as white.

How many threads like these have we had?

While that sounds just fucking hunky dory…there is probably one third to about half of the white male population thats awake to whats going on. Not enough people focused on breeding to save our race. Have you even read the "The Great Replacement" manifesto? We can't save ourselves just by having a couple kids. We would need to get bloody, and that's when we get enslaved by force instead, of a slow interracial mutt degenerate dystopia.

It's not like im trying to demoralize us either, I would love for our people to survive…BUT HOW?! EVERYTHING IS STACKED AGAINST US!!!

We can't win with non-violent resistence, we don't have enough people/can't get organiazed. We can't just get our guns and start fighting either.

It's just feedback loop.

Over 10 years and niggers are still pretending they get "redpilled".

Just start political assassination…in Minecraft.

Learn to do what the german does to traitor politician.

Heil elite hitler quads.

There's not much left to be learned for those who have been reading this stuff for years. There is plenty for newfags to learn from lurking so long as there are old fag effort posters around. The time for chatting ends. The time for playing fortnite begins.

If you're on the minecraft servers, make sure to take some flint and tinder to the villagers. honk honk

If I gassed a jew for every "THIS IS IT" thread monologuing over the impending doom of the white race, the entirety of Judaism would be in our history books instead of a continual subject of our threads.

Yes, redpilling nowadays is just being edgy about jews and complaining.

It doesn't solve jackshit.

It messes up girls' hair sometimes.

This isn't just another impending doom thread for the white race. This is for EVERYONE. White, Asian, Black, we are all just goy. Ready to be interbred and enslaved. This is the impending destruction of freedom and dilution of all races and cultures.

Do not go gentle into that good night.

It's "rage, rage" you illiterate.

shut up you stupid boomer nigger
I bet you think Hitler was a jew too

yes it is

yes they are

retard lurk 2 years before posting

No I don't lol, stupid fag.

It's the jews, muslims, and chinese. You must be the new fag.

If Rhodesians couldn't see fit to fight for theirand why would you permit fantasies that America could be salvaged?

The truth is worse than what you think. Pure-blooded pitch-black niggers will continue to overreproduce and pour into the rest of the world. Someone will always be 'too white'. You can't expect the diversity train to just stop once all pure Whites are gone. It will never ever stop until everyone left is a mentally stunted, pitch-black nigger. There will be fiat money for gibs, but there will be no-one to produce anything that can be bought with it. The entire planet will just be covered in niggers. The kikes won't last forever either. Everything from here on in is just an unstoppable regression to lower and lower levels of sentience, for all eternity, until the sun expires.

Still nobody is naming the driving force behind immigration, corporate profit via cheaper labor.
The right is pro corporation and pro Jewish as it gets so what are you guys doing in the GOP.

I think we all know by now, the entire US government, and a bunch of others, are a swamp that is causing everything.

Just try to get a job and make yourself happy. Fucm the rest of society. Weird people like you become doomsday preppers but they still need jobs to pay for a their prepper shit. Also, I try to speak up about degeneracy. But also dont give a fuck about being a degenerate. Just dont be a faggot or make interracial babies. It's not that hard.

You win.

It is always darkest before the dawn.

There was a time in the land of Britain when all the cities were in the grip of the Dane. The Saxon was surrounded and outnumbered, and there was no place to call home. In the marshes of Somerset, a place hidden from the eyes of the Dane, the Saxons met together, answering the call of the fourth son of the Noble family that had already seen the first three sons dead. This was it, they had reached rock bottom; there was nowhere left to go, their only safe places were the swamplands that the Danes had no interest in; but Alfred was not ready to give in. He rallied those few Englishmen together and began to fight back; he did not have the numbers to fight the foe head on, so he began to attack their supply lines, he would ambush isolated enemy units, he wore them down over time and struck fear into their hearts. Emboldened by his success many rallied to his banner, and eventually his army was such that he could fight the Danes head on. After a bloody battle the English emerged victorious, and the Danes were forced to convert to Christianity and retreat back across the sea.

The lands of the Visigoths were swarming with the Arab. The jews had opened the gates, and used their assassins to weaken the grip of the ruling class which was plunged into political chaos. At the same time the dark hordes surged forth, pillaging, butchering and raping. The entire peninsula fell to them, the Christians only able to hold the mountains, and even then the towns were technically under the rule of the mud. Pelagius came forth at this time and rallied to his side all those Christians who had gone into hiding and who had dedicated themselves to becoming warriors. When the Arab army returned from the land of the Franks and sought to grab an easy victory over the fledgling Christian remnant in the Asturias Mountains; Pelagius was ready. Attacking from the mountain sides, from out of caves and from all about; the Christians decimated the islamic force and sent them back. In defeat the muslim leader remarked; "Thirty infidels left, what can they do?"

Reconquista is what they could do, and what they did. And Spain is a Christian land to this day. The white man has seen darker days, and will see darker yet. Our time has not run out. Our people are still ready for battle. Our people still cling to hope. Our people now rise once more.

Sieg heil.

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Here was my redpill: >>>/b/8877777

You'll never be White, beaner. You will die with the rest of the vermin.

he was a half-jew who killed millions of white europeans, go back to The_donald you cuck.

Jews have already lost. Their entire existence is meaningless, that's why their only concern is in shekels. If you simply embrace that the world is fucked and that we are fucked with it, and I mean truly embrace it, you will find peace within yourself.

Attached: arthur schopenhaur money.jpg (800x420, 52.16K)


You want to know a real red pill? Something people really can’t handle?

Some of you think you know your opinions, but you don’t.

Some of you think you know how to shift opinions, but you don’t.

Opinions look locked because most people are either charismatic OR… there’s not a word, I’m sorry. Suffice to say are two traits writ within the sacred script of the serpent tao, and they don’t unify very often. Honest intellectuals have the nameless one.

Most people ARE autonomously making their own decisions. There’s a capacity of truth inside all autonomous souls that criminals scream in slavery for the lack thereof.

based oldfag.
And you are right in your blame. My gateway redpill was doing an undergrad degree in accounting right after the 08 crash. Once I saw how the sausage was made and put the pieces together, the only logical conclusion to reach was that the kikes and their useful idiots have systematically stripped and pillaged the real economy.

Also, I’ve come up with a bit of nightmare rhetoric that might get people killed horrifically if published. Not because it’s true, but because it’s likely to hit the noosphere like a forked path of sizzling plasma, turning people in unexpected ways. And the damned thing is, I think it has about a 68% chance of inducing more correctly utilitarian policies among unusually intransigent state actors, vs a 32% chance of injuring enlightenment culture as such, with a triple magnitude of effect on the greater probability. But I think a few innocents will likely die either way - so do I say it?

Really having some idea of what can change people’s minds is worth laughter sometimes and crying in darkness on others. We live in a world where unstable people haven’t strength enough to live in peace. I wouldn’t take firearms from people, nor in other ways would I strip the world to some horrid safety, but oh is it unpleasant sometimes to face the reality of the power of sapience. Humans make the hardest Gods to have any faith in.

It’s all just words on a screen, right? No consequences?

Here, something safe, that I’ve only found to succeed or fail safely: We need to keep working on biotech. The mastery if the flesh is the basic power of all prosperity, now as forever, and not yet can we house ourselves in robots.

of* the flesh

That's stupid. Didn't you hear, the guy was redpilled in 82? Now people at this point following dumbass bs like you idiots. GET THE FUCK OUT IF YOU ARE STUPID TELLING PEOPLE TO BE STUPID

Bullshit, (((progress))) will poz (((islam))) just like it did (((christianity)), it's by design

I'm proud to be white

Loser mindset

Redplling has its limits because the normalfaggot problem cannot be solved. There is either action or collapse.

fuck off.
It's EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. and has been shown true tens of thousands of times.

when I hear women cry it makes me want to beat the hell out of them. It's very annoying, they need to shut the fuck up.

red pill is just realizing you cant change anything. everything you believed was made up by some pedo. THE END.

If you’re good to kikes they’ll fix your brains. Israel leads the world in biotech. I know it’s hard to stop submitting yourself to hatred, but it’s worth the struggle.

Shit's true.

Why the fuck do you keep repeating this?


Once more into the fray..into the last good fight I’ll ever know — and I plan to live on this day.

You will swing from a lamp post, lamp shade.

Attached: BogPeatOven.png (58x75, 11.21K)

Simplify it to the elite
Our leader sold us out
The first step is to kill all old,money
Find out where the kids they fathered and didnt,give the last name to are as well
Then execute every last man woman and child
Then move on to the old moneys knight class
Find out which ones are responsible for the selling,out
Then kill them,and their families
And so on
You probably wouldnt have to kill anyone else after that besides those who are too brainwashed
Then deport all the spics
Fix the black communities

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Because they're trying to push a narrative to prevent antisemitism or at least dilute it. Deflecting is one of their favorite methods of camouflage.

Did you mean link? Pick almost any publicly traded corporation and follow the money.
Note the publishing group as well as the author. You still need to detox from kike poison.

Did you forget where you are?

I'm encouraging every healthy white couple I know to have large families and shaming anyone that I hear speaking negatively of having more children or speaking positively about waiting to have children, whether they're joking or not. Money is worthless. Children are the most valuable worldly thing we can ever possess and the most valuable contribution that a woman can make to her society. Any unfortunate individual that disagrees is going to get verbally torn to shreds. The kike narrative about waiting to have kids or limiting how many kids you have cannot be tolerated.

There's your first mistake. Malls were never a white people thing in the first place. There's a reason that malls across the entire continent are financially imploding as the non-white population increases.

You don't say? Stop going into cities. Cities are quarantine zones until such a time that order is restored. Would you visit unfamiliar places in a foreign country that had a high crime rate? Well guess what? The foreign country came to us and is currently squatting in our cities. They brought the crime rate with them, so plan accordingly or suffer the consequences.

Same way we did it every other time. Either we turn around and conquer or we escape and survive. Remember that the brown races will collapse to sustainable levels without our active support. We're the only thing propping them up. When they collapse, there will be plenty of unclaimed real estate available to reestablish ourselves like we've done many times before.

Sage because OP is a whiny faggot.

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I haven't watched it yet, but I hear there's a documentary called The Lobby: USA about AIPAC, which I know has its fingers in corporations far and wide. It's on youtube and might be worth looking at. AIPAC is the largest political lobby in the US. Other than that, follow the money. You don't need me to supply you with red pills. Turn over some ugly looking stones, corporate stones, and you'll undoubtedly find a Jew which will scurry away as it searches for more darkness to hide its behavior and its identity.

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Redpills compilation by topic on telegram, links are publicly avaliable from the clearnet wuthout having telegram account

Main Channel

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Hi Owen

The most important redpill is we've lost the war. You need to make peace with your civilization's death, if you are going to save your race.

1st image, the Black Sea is colored grey as if it is land… Whoever made that should have paid attention, it's fucking ms paint tier editing.

they weren't powers, or axis, until the white masterrace recruited them as sidekicks. get real

No, but you would like to think that because you're a slow, dumb shit.

YEAH? How? This shit reads like a little kids school report. America died with JFK. In 65, fat boy Teddy opened the floodgates and the shitskins poured in. Late 71 we went off the Gold Standard and the money has lost 97% of it's value. I could go on but there's no point with your type.

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The beauty of it, is that the kikes cannot win, the left cannot win, the muds cannot win.

IF whites lose this greatest conflict we have ever faced, and only IF;

Without whites in command of the west; western civ collapses.

Without western civ; mudslimes outbreed and overrun kikes in the west, kikes get no money or defense gibs from the west anymore, and then as a result, the kikes are overrun in the middle east too.

Meanwhile Russia bides her time. And when all of her opponents have fallen; the mother bear is free to leave her cave forever, and conquer.

The leftists tell me that my children will speak Spanish. But I know that *IF* that is to be true, then their great grandchildren will speak Arabic, and several generations later the entire globe will speak Russian.

And while I still resolve to fight for my people and the fourteen words, this all brings me comfort.


Just 99% of them, got it. I wonder why you feel so obligated to convince anyone IT'S NOT JUST US GO-GUYS!

They have infiltrated in so much level that you can't spot them, look at Woodroe Wilson, he has some Jewish phenotypes, compare his pictures with royalties, todays royalties are left wing journalist, they get shekels for their trips that normalfag could afford once in life.

US intelligence agencies are posting here trying to false-flag Russia and deflect criticism from Israel.

This is probably already posted, but… hey, they exposed themselves and shouldn't get away with it. Forums/

The FBI literally screenshotted themselves having entire long-threaded Zig Forums conversations with themselves responding to themselves (while pretending to be various people) to try to create a false appearance of Zig Forums consensus against Russia, trying to make 8chaners blame the Chabad synagogue shooting in Cali near San Diego on the Kremlin.

your teaching your kid to buy his meals directly from the financial guys who are causing the problem by selling our countries food at a retarded markup in a fancy building? I could go deep into your psychology, but the fact is plain and simple, your one of those dads who shouldn't have kids because your teaching the kid to be a queer subconsciously

what you wrote here is meaningless and it only means your a fucking queer