Russia To CRISPR Babies This Year

From Nature Magazine:

"Molecular biologist Denis Rebrikov has told Nature he is considering implanting gene-edited embryos into women, possibly before the end of the year if he can get approval by then.

According to Rebrikov he already has an agreement with an HIV centre in the city to recruit women infected with HIV who want to take part in the experiment."


Curiously I've posted this news on kikechan and it was blocked like 10 times as "spam". Replies only from three nonsensical bots.

It's like the US GARBAGENMENT fucked us all and don't want to take the shit right back in the middle of their kiked faces.

They know that CRISPR is what matters now and it will only accelerate in the next months, years.

So it seems that China and Russia are about to ruin the kike's nigger nightmare world.

Attached: rubrov.jpg (800x533, 44.96K)

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That's what people said about airplanes, vaccines, and polyploid foods. Just because your public school education isn't sufficient to understand now tech doesn't mean that intelligent races can't make it not a screaming death trap.

Never trust the science jew

Gene editing will only allow the jews to erasearyan genetics if the jews control it (which they already are subverting it via (((ethics))) boards. )

Attached: 939705BA-FBC4-4E34-BBB6-213835C3925F.jpeg (713x1024, 96.57K)

The US government is only concerned with cultivating a population that keeps the specific kinds of markets and rackets that the kikes ran in the old Pale of Settlement going. Alcohol, prostitution, gambling, organized fights, lending, rentier exploitation.

Pretty true.

But I couldn't care less if they think we're all going Blacked and kissing Israel's feet.

We figure out something.

Move to Haiti and watch your Blacked there.

Based, might makes right.
Go out and kill some niggers user.

Can't wait for the new Super Slav Army Overlords.

You should cure lesbos with AIDs, they got what they do deserve, it is a divine punishment afterall.
Quite the opposite actually, jews can start using CRISPR as a way to spread their spawn without having to directly racemix with white women.
Just imagine what this will allow them to do, they can change all the genes of a white person that influence her/his body but change the ones that affect its intelligence, personality, skills, etc…

Exactly, Anons reading this get informed about mercury found in seafood and vaccines, and also about xenoestrogenic plastics and fluorite found in tap water.

Still wanting to play by the rules that are genociding you and destroying your people user? ;)

Just make it possible to edit the race and open source it for people.

Remember that there are 150 million Africans that are to come and now they watch Blacked and will go at local women.

This is in fact a nightmare.