It's coming, boys!
Other urls found in this thread:
ZOGnald is a billionaire buffoon. He can afford to make a new platform but no. He won't even use his own money to fund the wall he supposedly cares so much about but he will use it for dirty rotten traitorous kikes!
Twiddle me this Tel Aviv faggot do you think the goyim here are so dumb as to trust words before deeds from this bloviating narcissist ever again?
Who are the big time shareholders for Twitter? They seem to be Trump's primary target, vocally anyway. Dorsey isn't a jew, but how much of the company, if any, does he still own? Al-Waleed, too, but if trumpniggers are to be believed he was hung upside down and beaten until he relinquished his shares to his zionist-compliant nephew/cousin/whatever the fuck.
Take a good look everyone. This is what professional shilling looks like.
Honestly you Trumptards never cease to amaze. Zognald is the furthest thing from being a right-winger that would actually benefit whites. He just bends over for Israel like every other neocon president and throws in the occasional edgy tweet to placate alt-right leddit mouthbreathers.
Who are you going to vote for, nigger? That's right. There's NO ONE better than Donald Trump.
They sure act like a bunch of kikes.
Not even close, sick of his shit shilling for kikes like everyone else here is. Look at the list of pieces of shit he pardoned. He could have protected his own supporters but no not even once.
Make a thread about it when/if he actually takes action against technocracy. Until then keep your fat fucking mouth shut.
Take a good look, this is what actual professional shilling looks like.
I was positing the question in the hopes of a genuine answer.
You really haven't learn a fucking thing, have you? I'd rather write in Patrick Little or at least the Constitution party. Kikener can pay you all he wants but whoever we gets with an R or D next to their names is ZOG.
Throwing your vote away. Good for you. Everyone else will be voting Donald Trump. The only sensible choice.
wow, something surely must get done this time
Guarantee you the boomer faggot won't do shit.
Voting at the ballot box is pointless.
He’s said this a million times. Let me know when he actually does something. Typical Zion Don, all talk, no action.
Hope he really drops the hammer on all the tech giants. Fuck google for their cancerous re-captcha AI training farms.
Especially the ones with the really slow disappearing pictures.
ZOG Don is not helping us.
Did they prune the Pompeo/Corbyn thread when this one went up?
Google is (((Brin))) and (((Page))). Won't be touched.
Freedom of speech is when you are free to talk whatever you want about anything without worrying about being persecuted by the government. THAT'S LITERALLY IT.
Twitter is a private company and they are free to ban and censor whatever the fuck they want from their platform, they are not public and they are not the government, so they can apply censorship at will.
Now how about you guys stop using jew platforms and why don't you create your own microblogging website? after all we live in this glorious free market capitalistic system and people are free to create their own stuff if they want to. I mean if there are people dissatisfied with twitter then you can just come and be a competitor offering what twitter lacks and then overnight you guys are going to be bigger than twitter because, huh, free market and stuff, isn't that how it works?
im not exactly thrilled with his anti 2A bullshit atm gotta say
Nobody else will be voting for ZOGnald
He should have cared more about his own country rather than some pariah terrorist state called pissrael.
Thank you for the exquisite self referntial post.
False. That's just a jew judge's interpretation of the 1st amendment. not the founding fathers.
The Founding Fathers had a no niggers and no kikes interpretation of the country, but I don't think we'll be seeing a trumpnigger shill like you bringing that up.
what did he mean by this?
Exactly ! GEOTUS is just giving them a false sense of security so when he strikes he can strike HARD !
Top Cuck. Very Fun. See You Goys Monday.
Tech located itself in a fucking desert.
Dumb as a box of rocks.
Donald Drumpf is too busy sucking circumcised Israeli cock to do anything about the censorship of conservative voices. $20 American Jewbux says he'll be licking Mark Fuckerberg's taint before the end of his first term.
Shame that I outrank him in both Orders then isn't it?
Because of bullshit from magatards like yourself not only will I not be voting for Trump, I will actively work/shill/meme against him in 2020
He has enough votes already. We don't need you.
I am actively telling every leftist I know to go raise hell when he wins because there is NO WAY he gets re-elected.
Its gonna be funny watching the left grow out of control and set fires to everything.
He literally does not. He's losing to fucking pedo joe by landslides.
Yeah wow another faggot twatter post that will do jack shit except just makes things get worse
the Founding Fathers also would never in a million years ever want women to vote and if they saw what America has become they'd take everything they did back
Re-election is 100% guaranteed.
That's the beauty of it.
Trump talked like he wanted to be tough on immigration and turns out he wants more of it than anyone else but has managed to convince his supporters he still wants what he ran on.
Biden, a man who wants White people to be a miniscule minority would probably end up being harder on immigration than Trump as the only wall he is likely to build is in the Golan Heights.
That's the established pattern for zionist puppets, yes.
The Republican party is foundationally anti-White. They are blessed in modern times with almost impossibly stupid "voters" and that's in quotations because elections are rigged.
Let's attack trump for being a jew puppet in the liberal's posts
Trumpstein aint gonna do shit.
The plan is to squeeze everyone out except Shapiro, Jewdan Peterson and KikeBart. They will be the only outlet for right wing cucks.
It would actually be better if they completely silenced any right wing voices. Then people might actually begin to realize what's going on and do something about it.
No one's buying your shit, shill. Filtered.
This is some Sub-Saharan Africa tier long-term panning.
Fired up the ol' VPN.
Its hard to tell who's a shill these days accusing you of being a shill from people who are still convinced, in the current year, Trump is their guy because a four year long media circus has assured them he's under attack.
The savings on Trump astroturfing must be Yuge.
Fuck trump he's a damn traitor just not for stupid nonexistent muh russia bullshit democraps believe in but selling america to some foreign desert dwelling savages the saudisraelis.
That will show them ! im so glad we have god emperor, are you tired of winnning yet? 6 more yeras , this is just a beggining pedes
I am waiting for you hate mongers to start meeting Karma.
That's not what you said when you were trying to fuck me in the ass, you faggot.
Funny, I'm waiting the same of traitor trump. Tell me how you support a piece of shit who betrayed us all when he bailed out that illegal traffiking kike sholom rubashkin among numerous others. His disgusting stupid continual shilling for niggers is even worse. His shit family is pozzed with multiculti nonsense he can't put his own retarded daughter's pie hole on a fucking leash and his stupid kike son in law keeps insulting the largest portion of republican voters who put immigration as the most important issue
It's fucking over for him he can't even win texas because he betrayed texans in trillion different ways
Which journokike outlet do you work for?
kek I can no longer tell if trump faggots are this retarded or just shitposting.
Grow up
You can't even address the arguments like an adult expecting everyone else to believe in this fairy tale man who will magically fix things but is actually a traitor to grow up? Grow up and face reality, kid. There aint no Santy Claus and he's not bringing the present he promised his supporters He's done, you're done.
(((Leftypol))) disapproves of this unsanctioned and illegal thought.
brainlet. jesus christ, trumptards really do nothing but shit this place up. go back to cuckchan Zig Forums
What is? Until Trump actually leads the exodus from the platform, he's just some whiner still posting in halfchan.
WTF is he waiting for? Why hasn't he set up on alternative mediums? By ONLY posting to Twitter, he's helping support their censorship.
Looks like joe is pro pedo. Trump is in danger here.
You're not even arguing, you're venting like a spoiled little shit about how unfair reality is to you.
Give it time, you'll either grow up and learn how to take care of your own self interest or you'll fucking hang yourself.
What you're showing me here is leaning towards the latter of the two.
You don't even know what betrayal is.
Want to know why the quality and quantity of posts here has dropped off so drastically? Because the first brush with the real power structure in this world many of the older people had scared the shit out of them.
They watched a family with ties to some of the most powerful organizations in the world tear itself apart over a fucking lie, and a betrayal.
You don't know a damn thing. Grow up, learn to cope. Quit taking your bullshit out on people you know nothing about. Posts here have real world consequences, and your tantrum is making you look like a piece of shit.
he's simply a neoliberal rich guy. everything he does points to that
Everybody is a liberal these days. Where do you find real conservatives? Usually getting set up by child minded liberals.
Who is this? I don't think anyone lied about each other? Is this bill thing?
Exactly Gop and demonrats are neoliberal just like other shithole allied democrazies.
Are in power? Are you related to anybody in power? If neither of these is true, then there is more going on here than what most of you are aware of.
WOAH A TWEET! Trump will surely do something this time bros, hes not a kike plant afterall!!!11
That's some nice snark you got there, cunt.
get fucked cunt, eat a dick
but srs trump is a kike shill
O rly?
stfu faggot
This is another dog whistle.
This is another bark with no bite.
This is simply to bait the dumbfucks who still believe he has America's interest's at heart.
AFK killing myself
I don't think Trump can do anything. The president has no actual power other than being a moral victory.
Yes we know, you are a shill.
You might have had a point if Jim Crow and Hatreon weren't things
Compensating for sage posters.
Libertarians get the rope too, Styx.
Now, if you gents will excuse me, I'm off to go invent my own DNS, local server network, client host, web browser, payment processor, social media site with over 1 billion members, and PR firm to publicize my right-wing opinions without interference. Seeya, losers!
Trump is just strutting for his base
Look at his actual actions
Pure nwo
Putting protestors in jail for 30 years banning silencers
Israel first
Banning,criticism of israel and jews
I could go on and on
I voted for him as my first vote thinking what the hell they all suck
Might as well go for the guy they all hate
I gusss that was the psyop
Will not ever vote again
I have a gun but i cant buy more due to having a medical mj card
Fucking kike laws
I was a libertarian in hs
The propaganda is strong
The libertarian ideal would work in a better world
But in the real world it just makes the jews have to fight us less
This why they raiding so fucking hard? kek
There is no karma
Only higher dimensional life that punishes anyone aware of its plans or anyone decent
Why do you think the dumbest most evil fucks always suceed
Hes literally worse george bush
Trump might have screwed himself a bit though on this one by speaking officially against how twitter (((which technically corporations are people))) has the right to express THEIR speech by allowing or disallowing speech on its platform because it isn't the government which is what the 1st is about. The government is the only one prevented from restricting anyone's speech.
Should be fun to watch.
Baste and rad pilled
Well yeah, they should, but they aren't going to unless forced to.
omg donald said a thing
Zig Forums should just be bought by the fed already. officially Save them time and money in the long run and it could be free peach honeypot heaven with WORKING FUCKING SERVERS. Save them time and money in the long run and they can let the faggots wall their gardens off to their heart's content.
kek you think it hasn't
LOL trump and the federal government are not only ruled by the federal reserve, but now by big tech as well
reminder that both the CIA and NSA funded the kikes to create Google.
4D MAGAniggers OUT!