Who is the only candidate for president who is not suck Zionist dick?

Oddly enough,, it's a Jew.

No Seriously.

Check it out..he honestly compares the Nazis to Israel. mondoweiss.net/2019/06/sanders-occupation-palestinians/

Could he be a good jew?

Or is it the Serbian double Jew Bluff?

Attached: bernie sanders.jpg (225x225, 6.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Either Esau's gambit or maybe sincere because he married a Christian woman to cuck himself out of having kike kids. Be on your toes but it's not like it'll matter either way.

The protocols states that Israel is last.

I don't trust any of these vipers and thieves, they said the same thing about Hillary and Trump.

If Zig Forums doesn't whip this OP through the streets…

And he will tax jews more. Based.

Bernie has a long track record of supporting core zionist initiatives from his elected offices. The Gulf War, sabotaging "audit the fed", voting to make student debt non-dischargeable in bankruptcy court. He made token protest votes against the second Iraq war, but consistently voted to fund them.

I'm sure someone can dig up the video of him telling constituents complaining about israel/palestine to "shut up". If (((Google))) hasn't scrubbed it from YouTube, anyway. I don't see Bernie's behavior much differently than that of Trump or Tulsi Gabbard. After the Bush/Obama administrations, saturation of internet access, and rise of alternative media outlets [controlled and not controlled], the hangouts the establishment has to put out there need to push a little farther than the last guy who broke all of his promises.

He does suck Zionist dick though, just not in public.

True. He will tax billionaires. He will raise minimum wage, he will take health care away from the capitalist pigs.

I actually like him.

I'm going to be banned for this, aren't I?

Well, that's a fucking improvement.

Every presidential contender has to go to Israel and pray at the wailing wall.

At least we won't have that public ritual of subjugation.. plus rising wages,, health care out of the hands of speculators..

fuck,, I can stand this jew.

i donated sperm 8 times this year, so far, and got PAID real hard cash money for it. MATCH ME GUYS.

Then he'll never win.
Where'd you get your economics education? Marx?

Yeah, and Trump said he'd build a wall and deport the illegals. How's that working out for ya?
A system bereft of accountability is just a contest of deception.

probably the best candidate to be tbh, which is why he wasnt allowed to run despite overwhelming support from the public over both judaist candidates we were given last time. ironically, a phony jew could take down the isreali (((bankers))) and giant jew megacorporations, which at least would cause much more acceleration than the zion don, but could possibly tax the jew out of wanting to stay in america at all. and he will have complete impunity from (((critisism))) because he says thay he is a jew himself.

A Jew doesn't have to. Obviously.
Its a sign of subjugation.
One who is already biologically of the tribe need not subjugate himself to his own kind… Though he might do it anyway. To keep up appearances.

There are no good jews.

Yep, sure smells outreach program in here. I continue to endorse and support Donald Trump.

You're equally shit.

a fake jew could be a good jew, if he really isnt. we would know by whether he does the subjugation ceremony like every other president has for the past several decades. if he doesn't, there would be major kvetching, but they couldnt do anything about it because he is supposedly one of them, making him immune from accusations of being a nazi

Wrong. On the gulf war any way.


You made a lot of claims it will take time to investigate them,,,, but I have time.

There's no point thereto.
He's probably a homosexual.

and you are wrong about student loan debt too/


Just fact checking.. this may take awhile.

expect more posts.

Yeah…. you don't want to be trusting these people OP.
Trust me… don't trust.

I am not wrong about student debt. That is what he is saying in an article written on June 10th, 2019. Was student debt made non-dischargeable in bankruptcy court on June 10th, 2019? Or during the Clinton administration? But going back and perusing vote records in Congress isn't quite as snappy as a google search with goosed algorithms, is it? I'll help you out: Bernie was in the House at the time, not the Senate.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-11 Bernie Sanders The Ron Paul of the Left - Antiwar com Original.png (584x2237, 454.93K)

Wow, a jew who can't be trusted?
Whoever heard of such a thing?!

Attached: Jewception.gif (600x382, 1.81M)

"He will never win"

That's a black pill ain't it?

Just give up and let Walmart dominate the nation.

You can work for Walmart, Bank at Walmart, and rent your home from Walmart..

and it's all okay because the Walton family is white just like you,

Bullshit. I am national socialist I don't accept that shit.

I do not accept that the Walmart corporation pays less in taxes than it's employees receive in government aid (because they are under paid)

and if I have a use a Jew to advance my cause…

I will fucking vote for Goddamn Jew.

No, you aren't. You're just micro-targeting.

You're not a national socialist you fucking soyboy cuck. You're a gullible retard who actually believes Boinighe Sanduhs. If he was so great he would have fought Hillary for the dnc nomination and would have been more vocal. Instead he cucked. He wouldn't stand up for you. This is a shit shill thread.

What? What is "micro-targeting" about a living wage? Isn't that what we want? Wages high enough that a White man can provide for a White woman and that she can have White Children?

That's the 14 words.

lol You actually think this guy will deliver. A hundred years prior you'd probably be waxing Marx's balls.

No, a point.
He will never win IF he ACTUALLY intends to go against the billionaire.
You know that though.
They already do.
Ah, and here comes the kvetchy nonsense… Its not okay - but we both know a jew ain't gonna change it.
No, you're not. You're a useful idiot - or rather, LARPing as one.
And pic related.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (961x724, 695.6K)

So who the fuck I am going to vote for in 2020?

Fucking Trump. Give Israel they ever dreamed of having and shit on the working class, Trump

Is there something else?

But that's not going to happen.
You'd have to deal with whats pushing the wages DOWN. And Bernie won't. He's offering amnesty for illegals and shills feminism. That dog won't hunt.

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Attached: Votefags.png (617x621, 509.42K)

Okay. We have common ground.

The current situation is toxic.

What do we do?

Which candidate do you think is promising?

If you say Trump,, I will crawl through the system of wire that makes up the internet and crawl out your eyes.

There’s no such thing

There are.
good jews.
There aren't any. What do you think you should do in such circumstances?
Assume, for just a moment, that the entire appearance of an election, the two parade charade, is just that - a game, a pretend, put on for an audience, to give them the illusion of a choice. Kinda like a Telltale Game, ya know? None of those choices ACTUALLY matter all that much, you'll get to the same place either way. The same people own all your options. They dictate your options, as they own the press and dictate who gets covered and how.
What do you do?
Trump is non-viable.
None of them are viable. They are all bought and owned. That's why they are "they".
So what do you do? There is no simple solution.

Compromise gets you nowhere, participatoin gets you nowhere. If I control all the pieces on the board, and you believe that having a choice over which one you put your hopes in matters in some way, then you're just another piece on the board.

Attached: Red Vermin.JPG (1188x1063, 89.28K)

Revolution? Sedition? Treason?
I said the pledge of allegiance every morning in school when I was a child and I believed.

You are asking me to take a tremendous leap.

Yes, I did.
Shut the fuck up idpol libtard.

lel get lost you plebian smol-brayned ((((golem)))

Whatever works I guess, but only in GTA VI for the Nintendo CORT(ical implant).
Welcome to the party pal.

Attached: what its like to chew 8 gum.png (652x5280, 4.34M)

Would vote for this guy as he probably handle economics better than trump and help with light social policy liem health care.

But wouldn't vote for him becuase hed open the flood gates for beaners and probably make it legal for faggots to have sex in the streets. Hes still a jew after all.

You're a moron. All that applies to every other candidate too. At least you vote in some direction.

There are no good jews ever.

Yes, I know. That's the point.
If I control all the pieces on the board, and you believe that having a choice over which one you put your hopes in matters in some way, then you're just another piece on the board.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1188x1107, 988.7K)

This is exactly what great men have warned for centuries. You can't beat kikes at their own game, you force them to play the white man's game, warfare.

That is not giving me confidence in the democratic process.

A democratic system bereft of accountability is just a contest of deception.


Meh.. when was that written? 1960 or so?

We've had 50 plus years of jewish subversion.

and from what I've seen the majority like it.

They like their porn, and video games.

Waiting for the napalm to shower this thread.

Uncle Benito told us so…

Attached: mussolini democracy.jpg (850x400, 52.06K)

Big emphasis on plus.
No they don't.

Attached: 1280px-CalhounJ.jpg (1280x860, 436.26K)

What's going down in this pic, user?

Vote for the Jew that used to write porn.

That will show those evil Jews.

You're a faggot, child

mouse utopia experiment

very interesting results

We don't care if you think you're in control.

Oh yeah. Every kiked city in the Western World right now.

Kill yourself.

Unironically, President Donald Trump. There is nothing that you, or any other leftists or jews can do to stop his reelection.


The 2024 election between (D) Pedro Hakim and (R) Hakeem Perez is the one to watch.

He is a anti-White communist jew and just like the most of the communist jews (like for example George Soros), he hates Israel (more specifically it's right-wing government).
Zionist and communist jews hate each other, while Zionist jews search for (((allies))) in European nationalists, while they also have nukes planted in Europe and will want to blow Europe up if it does not help Israel with it's wars

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zognald is worse than a jew he's a shabbos goy and everyone knew he was one term the moment he had his 'read my lips taxes moment' and it backfired. demographics is destiny and now we have hundreds of thousands of new undocumented and even legal voters thanks to his idiotic policy of wanting more immigrants than ever who always vote majority D.

I also included two texts from (((Breivik's))) manifesto

Anyone have a pic of him at AIPAC? I think that’s your answer.

So he insulted me by comparing me to Israel? What a shitbag

Also there are numerous kike ploys, Zionism is one of them. Exactly what the Jews plans are is somewhat elusive. You have 2 primary camps, you have leftists Marxists which seem intent on destroying in utterly obliterating the US as we know it, turning it into a gray multicultural mass, and you have neoconservative Zionist jews that would prefer to leave us intact enough to continue to extract resources and soldiers from us.
Just because he isn’t a Zionist does not make him our friend. Don’t fall for that trap. The kikes represent a double headed snake, both equally as venomous

Just to elaborate:
It should be noted that these two plans aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive. The fight between them could easily be 100% stage or done simply as an illusion. It’s completely possible to continue to extract resources from a mongrel nation.
Don’t fall for Jewish tricks. All politicians are in their pockets, and some have more control than others.

And what did you pledge allegiance to? God, the Star Spangled Banner, Unity, Liberty and Justice. The founding fathers were willing to, and did, commit revolution, sedition and treason to bring America into fruition. Did you really think maintaining what they created wouldn't require the same rebellious spirit? ==You can't have your 1776 if you don't mix in some 1488==



you deserve to be flogged to death.

What does he think of whitegirlbleedalot.com/

You have to go back

Attached: jewish president.jpg (960x540, 92.42K)


Obviously you did, because unironically supporting this disgusting old fart is akin to mental retardation. Pathetic, really

Powerful meme right there.

Tulsi Gabbard

Tough luck, buddy. We're all in this griefed shithole of a server together

Why is this shit nigger thread still up, you useless kiked mods?

Attached: awwyer.png (500x588, 417.63K)

Your post indicates that either:
1. You are new and need to lurk two years before posting
2. You are attempting to sanitize the jew by pushing the fallacy that non Zionist jews are alright

So sweet that you still believe the words of politicians.

Bernie Sanders said Whites don't know what it's like to live in poverty.

Fucking retards.

How many shekels you get?

A lot don't. Because we know how to get a job to NOT live in poverty.


Attached: go-back-to-cuckchan-faggot.webm (640x640, 804.75K)

maybe you haven't noticed, but the we're already flooded with Beaners and it is legal for faggots to have sex in the streets,,,

I have two jobs and I'm still poor.

Lolno bernie is one of them
Every canidate is pro elite and,anti,people
If they were pro people,they would be dead like,jfk
Jfk jr

12 hours ago

Millions do because of discrimination and immigration.

Ever been to Walmart moron?

He's a jew. Jews do weird stuff to try to infiltrate stuff and subvert it. Noam Chomsky talked shit about Slavoj Zizek. Jews have a history of joining the hard left and then sabotaging gentile leftist leaders so that the left is controlled by jews.

Don't trust jews. It's that simple. Have nothing to do with them.

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