Mike Pompeo: U.S. Will Send Migrants Back to Mexico 'Full Throttle'
Good point
They're looking at the polls, and not just in the Trump White House; Trudeau and his Somali nigger immigration minister are flipping out over rapefugees too and making lots of noise about shutting the door on them.
The voters are not happy. Immigration is the key to reelection. If trump can do something anything he can get reelected.
Only bullets can solve the problem. And lots of bullets have to be reserved for the people who didn't care for the invaders, but dragged their feet when it came to the bullets.
Maybe he can send many of them back in exchange for DACAmnesty. Send them back now, and when the second term starts, our Aryan population will boom.
If Coalburner Ann is against it, you know it's good.
He's too busy extorting Poland and the UK on behalf of kikes.
What a crock.
Doesn't say anything either about sending back the immigrants that are already here nor about bringing an end to legal immigration.
lock her up
lock her up
lock her up
lock her up
lock her up
lock her up
Lock Her Up
Lock Her Up
Lock Her Up
Lock Her Up
Lock Her Up
Lock Her Up
It will be shot down by the 9th Circuit and they will do nothing anyways.
Which just proves how useless Trump is and will continue to be.
Send them to Canada. Seems even Cuckdeau the corrupt rapist is fucking a fit at the levels of cultural enrichment Canada is receiving.
So based, he twitted again. Pence 2024 !
Mexico must have had a few hundred billion dollar sweetener.
Andrew Jackson would have seen them overstepping their bounds and told them to fuck off ages ago.
Dii you get Trudeauwned?
Its going to be funny, in a sick sort of way, when the demographics have finally shifted just that right little amount to give certain key areas over to the muds in a way that dictates anyone who wants to have a shot has to cuck on immigration, and then use that as justification to do so openly.
I can't imagine we're far off now.
The long and the short of it is this whole thing ends up with the US going to war with Mexico and probably the rest of Central America.
Kill yourself.
I think the only reason Cruz won at all was his Cuban side helping to court brown voters. He can make the "you're already here, so let's close the borders" argument. Some will bite, if they have no other family to bring over.
Wasn't he just taped taking orders from Jewish leaders?
We need brown people for our military. They are very hard working. Stronk too.
Whole load of talk and trump thread spam and nothing to show for it.
This isn’t your political blog for “TRUMP NEWS”
Why can’t you trump niggers just learn to not spam your shit threads?
And Mike Pompeo loves Israel. He wants them to build the third temple and usher in the end the word.. Seriously.. he loves it. nytimes.com
This fucker will give Israel anything,
If only Americans had 1/100th of the balls as those Mexicans
> Mexican military comes down to (((take away the guns)))
Holy fucking shit, I wish everyone coming over was like that.
Oh yeah, that'll happen
Amazing News.
when the boomers die, whites will be a majority minority and the fun begins
MX sending over six thousand Army/National Guard/Reserve to the Southern Border, since Military Service is MANDATORY (via Lottery) in MX, why not conscript the Illegals/Refugees into the MX Military, problem solved, Illegals now have jobs, and MX has more manpower to fight the War on Drugs/Crime and stop Illegals.
MX has the GDP, yet spends little on Military…
Mike Pompeo:
Your post is jam-packed with awkwardness and is gay
Thanks user, should I spalin it better for you?
Fuck MX excuses.
MX has the money
MX has the manpower
MX has the resources
MX chooses not to spend to enforce MX Laws with MX Military or Law Enforcement. (muh corruption)
Meme 1; funny.
Meme 2; MX has the Military Might to crush a Teacher Strike, yet…
Meme 3; MX has High GDP (that is Gross Domestic Product for you there user) yet, Does not spend on Military like other countries.
Meme 4; MX gets $28.1 Billion from Remittances (that is Money Wired from other countries there user) MX has a Federal Bank that controls the wire transfers and gets a piece (percentage) of that right off the top, and the money is taxed.
Point for user; MX has ZERO Excuse not to enforce MX own Laws of Illegal Immigration.
Annnnd MX is a Member of the UN (see meme 3), the UN could also lend a hand if MX asks.
More lies. Lovely.
Open borders advocates and groups must be defunded and made illegal. Can't retain any progress made on this problem with so many treasonous scumbags pushing for open borders genocide.
So, Pompeo is definitely telling the truth now, but when he compared Trump to Queen Esther, who led to the slaughter of 75,000 gentiles in the Book of Esther, it was just 88D chess, right?
Then fucking do it. Put up or shut up.