Ladies and Gentlemen, I present today's Democratic Party! They think this guy has a chance against Trump?
This is how Mayor Pete drinks from a bottle
Trump serves israeli interests more than american ones. Why would it be bad if trump lost?
Name one fucking thing trump did to help white people. Ill wait.
This is why I don't visit 8honeypot now. The whole catalog looks like 2016 4cuck Zig Forums
Fucking cut your throat rabbi
Pete "In Your" Buttigieg is the true accelerationist candidate.
Want a gay old time? Vote for your boy Pete.
Looks like he really knows how to suck dick.
You can't.
You're not allowed to make threads like this anymore, we're r/enoughtrumpspam now.
Jesus christ get the fuck out you zionald slobbering brainlet.
I've probably been on this board several years longer than you.
premise of thread is gay
thats a bottle of grolsh
mayor buttgig just btfo you with premium lager
Is that a 40 in a brown paper fucking bag?
Buttigieg: Boot Edge Edge. That's how to pronounce his fucked up name.
Im torn
If he loses the right will break out of the spell he put
But if he loses the leftists will have power
Idk if theres a difference but id prefer slow burn cuz i dont give a fuck about anyone but myself and i want to ignore reality for as long as i can
A black bottle? Dog! Devil upstart! Impertinent democrat dog-devil!
How is this guy even in the running? He's just the mayor of Bumble-fuck.. I see the whole first gay president angle, but surely they could find a queer with some experience some where.
almost all the candidates are losers
can't wait for trump to start actually gun grabbing next turn, maybe that will start something
I love accelerationism
t. Brenton "Sunni Slayer" Tarrant
He owns the libs on twitter every single day. That's enough for me.
Would rather have a democrat do the gun grabbing, Trump's army of fudds will defend everything he does. Maybe some will snap from the cognitive dissonance, but I'd rather have people get angrier.
Oy vey I love Trump
Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread. Not a fucking thread.
He has already started. No one did anything.
It amuses me how much the anti-Trump shilling has been ramped up for 2020 compared to 2016.
Plumf just got Botswana to decriminalize Homosexuality. 😏💩
They gotta drink in public! 😎
who cares?
He looks like he is spitting in it.
I'd take a white guy who has minor support of Israel over.
The only thing Democrats can run against Trump at this point is Biden who is crashing and burning in the news every 48 hours or so. Something keeps getting dug up about "negroes" or some shit. Trump won a second term the moment he won a first one.
Whose fault is that, user?
Booty judge
Nice (1) and done slide thread, faggot.
Don't lie faggot. That's not a green bottle with a ceramic stopper and wire bail.
It has now become impossible to ignore or even pretend that this place isn't cuckchan 2.0 regardless of my liberal use of the filter option.
I blame imkampfy and codemonkey and moot. Moot closed Zig Forums for a while and redirected all its morons here, with catastrophic results. imkampfy was so full retard he was banning people for not being retarded enough. And codemonkey yoinking the site from hotwheels caused massive problems all around the site, including imkampfy being able to take over Zig Forums and run it into the ground. And somewhere between that shit all the fucking nu/pol/ morons also started shitting up the rest of the boards while screeching that this is Zig Forumschan now and everything needed to conform to their retarded notion of 4chan board culture.
This site got royally shat up by nu/pol/ refugees.
IDK he barely has his lips around it… I bet he was worried it would look like he was too GOOD at sucking dick/bottle and so he did it awful on purpose so people wouldn't be able to easily photoshop cocks into his mouth.
Is this how the leftards think they're going to convince you to vote democrat?
Me too. I don't want to get stabbed to death on the street going to some book store downtown because the niggers have finally decided that the time has come for all white men to die.
OTOH there is only so much historical material left over from the catastrophic failure of the third reich to jack off to. There no new serious thinking about the situation we're in beyond feeble lamentations. No new strategies or tactics. The communists are organized, committed, marching in lockstep and well financed by hidden forces. We're just fugitives hiding in the shadows trying to figure out a way to salvage some scraps of the illustrious past from the flames. Every day reveals some new catastrophic wound, like the burning of Notre Dame.
Yes actually. Go to any/every single Democrat candidate for Senate, Congress, Mayor, POTUS, whatever, any of them, every single one of them and watch as many videos as you want and it is ALWAYS the same shit which is identity bullshit, attempting to seem normal in the most cringe way possible and not a single statement of value about anything that any actual American gives a shit about.
They have no plan what so ever. None. Literally none.
You have to support Israel. They own the entire congress.
He did give us some decent justices. He did try to change immigration and is still trying to do the wall.
The thing you have to understand is that we didn’t get here overnight and we can’t get back to where we were, or to the next Hitler for that matter, overnight either.
You’re all demanding that Trump force through specifically pro white policies with some nonexistent power to override congress during a time when the media, the internet and our politics are completely jewed.
Sorry, but that was never happening. Trump campaigned on what was a business DEMOCRAT platform a decade ago. DEMOCRATS used to talk about a wall and border security.
Trump is a step in the right direction. That’s it. You want more steps in the right direction, keep supporting him and others like him.
If you want Hitler 2, you’re going to need America and half the world to be in a complete collapse. I don’t see it happening any time soon.
So long as whites have jobs they fear losing, they aren’t going to buck society and vote in someone who will actually serve their interests. There has to be real pain for that and they have too much comfort to numb themselves with.
Fucking filthy faggot,damn the west is going to shit.Years by year,filth from the LGBTQ is worming their way up the power structure of the west.From the dark filthy world of kike Hollywood, they slowly turn western countries to liberal bullshit.Soon kike will be making porn video about fucking young white kids and girls and called it equality. I gritting my teeth while writing this,damn all this fucker.DAMNNNNNN THEM ALL!!!!!!