Why wait so long to state the Truth? The (((Church))) waited for this to become normalized; to become accepted by its confused masses ( Backward Poland for example are now waving the rainbow flags everywhere).
Again, he has allowed this behavior to warrant such fear and confusion that this latest statement will only cause further confusion. The Question remains - why wait until now to show your hand? The pedophile wing of the Church had this to say - "Francis DeBernardo, head of Catholic LGBT group New Ways Ministry, said this was “outdated and misinformed”.
He added: "People do not choose their gender, as the Vatican claims, they discover it through their lived experiences." An eight year old has 'lived experience.'
The Church has always been against the effeminization of society. They have always stated the Truth, shouldn't have to spell it it out every single year. But Francis out of all people did. I speculate it is because of the recent claims against Pope Francis as a heretic, forcing him to be more clear on political issues.
I suppose that's the line for that Marxist trash. I mean you figure he had to hit it eventually because taking a position that would completely decimate the church would be a bridge too far. I don't believe for a second he doesn't support the trannies and other degenerates, it's just that he can't do so publicly without destroying the church and himself in the process.
Bentley Price
I like your answer. Appriciated. However….Is it not for the Church to step in upon seeing the destruction that dark forces is causing onto its flock; and, if this is the case, then kissing the feet of the marauding Muslims invading peaceful lands to commit unspeakable acts is surly contemptuous ? People will always depend on the strength that look up to. By not speaking up on the issue the of LGBT movement has caused their followers to become further confused. Similarly, kissing the mudslimes feet as they enter to rape and kill sends an also confused message?
Christian Morgan
If you're Catholic and not Society St. Pius 2 or whatever they fuck they're called at this point, then you're a total joke. Who would want to be part of a gay pedo racemixing religion. Everyone around you is secretly judging you, and in this case they're right.
Isaac Gomez
OP hates the real antipedos in LGBT - so noted! It is common among conservatives to be desperately hateful of that which truly frays pedophilia.
Beyond that? Nothing about this ruling is shocking. The religious perspective as I understand it ought to be rests upon the glory of God’s creation, which does not have room for us to think ourselves worthy to improve upon Creation with such things as Cathedrals, but rather we must prostrate ourselves and adore the dirt which existed prior to the endeavors of humanity. For the Creator is that which predates humanity, no mere and mortal meme is the Creator, and we are all to live as do the animals. For do the animals in their powerlessness not exemplify the agreement with that which was Created? Do the rabbits stop to wonder, or do they go forth and multiply?
Let us have no more of beauty and hope. These things are of no value to Catholicism, which uses still the Cathedrals its ancestors bestowed upon it, yet no longer constructs any such profane arrogances. We have only the Cathedrals we were given as we have only the flesh we were given. If God intended us to reshape our selves and world, he would surely have given us all necessary magics.
Adrian Brooks
I’m not exactly the Metatron, but I think we ought not even to be restrained within the image of God. I understand that human technologies do often root in genitalia concerns, but we could graft on other forms of neobiology than merely genitalia. Can I get a literal red right hand? That’d be rad.
Leo Peterson
Based. Jews really wanted him to get a sex change operation this month. The kvetching will be epic.
Most catholic countries are shit skinned. He's just keeping the shit skins from drinking the poison kool-aid meant for whites.
Samuel Howard
last i checked lots of trannies in brasil even before it became popular for whites we are already fucked fuck this jesuit piece of shit
Levi Jenkins
From the title I thought you were talking about Cardinal Sarah.
Brandon Davis
Its fucking happening, first crusader will be declared in northern Nigeria, mark my words.
Anthony Barnes
Sounds like cheech is feeling the heat.
Jeremiah Rivera
Ethan Smith
You can thank America and it's FreeMasonic freedom ( and the Communist filth that spawned from it) for that.
Jayden Walker
At least one based comment from that commie Poop.
Zachary Gonzalez
But he'll suck tranny dick and scream it's not gay
Christian Cooper
wow another Zig Forums thread? Geez I guess he's totally not a cuck guizze, plz just don't remember him sucking muslim nigger toes infront of the camera. The absolute state of Zig Forumss
Camden Ortiz
Is anyone else tired to death of the go-to leftist argument being "your ideas are old"?
Ideas don't have expiry dates. Democracy was invented in ancient Greece 2500 years ago. Why are we still using this outdated idea?
David Sullivan
Calling that man a 'heretic' would be speaking well of him.
Kevin Taylor
There was a sodomy parade in Warsaw, the OP omits that there were sanity marches featuring heterosexual families with unmolested kids in 200 more cities.
Cooper Cruz
That's the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, who the jews use as a distraction in their disinformation, not the regular pope.
Jacob Roberts
Were they marching against the Church in general? Were they marching against being taken over by the Jewish run EU; against having to be treated like absolute white niggers in the UK nd elsewhere? The Jews have already stated that Poland is their own and that they will retake it ( or have already done so) So my summation stands - BACKWARDS
John Martinez
The 'jews' can only state all these things because White men are permissive of them and actually enjoy the entertainment of having the jews do them. Where would you be without your jew porn? No wonder the catholic church counts the weakness of men as their penis and the thing that will let them rule the entire planet. They had a statue like this built and installed in the Vatican…it 'says it all' about their destruction of our race.
All as they're burning down from child sex abuse trials.
Lincoln Young
Francis put the people responsible for the gay molestations in charge of the molestation investigations. He's a faggot who was picked to further erode the Catholic church
Jonathan Hughes
Do this, do that…it is never going to happen user because you are all wind up toys that can't think beyond your own penis. You are VANITY (meaning something that is worthless, like a whisper in the wind). You will never take any action unless it is the jew directing you and focusing your attention on what they want you to do. All you care about is your cock and the kikes know this and use it to their advantage. Actually given the number of White males who also become fags and then are made into nullo's you probably don't even care about your cocks that much…but of all the things on this planet it is the only thing you care about or ever really cared about.
Jacob Morris
your obsession with cocks makes it abundantly clear that you're a kike
Luis Smith
Our race is dying user. Men won't do anything because they are too content to be genocided. I don't give a flying fuck 'what you say'; I care about results. No one on this entire board is capable of 'bringing results'. We have lost because everything that makes you GREAT also makes you weak and pathetic losers easy to pollute since your whole focus in life is your cock rather than your people or your nations. The only way that you 'give one shit' about those things are if the (((AfD))) or the (((Alt-faggots))) or (((Pope Francis))) is the one telling you to care. WE ARE A DESTROYED PEOPLE user There is nothing left of our future or our children's future because despite everything, none of you will ACT to preserve our race, nation, people. The USA, Europe and all European nations have OPEN BORDERS policy, that means that we are already destroyed user. There isn't a 'worthy man' on this planet, one who is not 100% given to corruption or the jewish decay.
Gabriel Reed
Also, 'your church' (what a fucking joke) has been given over to niggers and they will be doing the 'cleanup' that the kikes are too prissy to do now. You will not escape the nigger hordes that your satanic priest loves. This civilization and society is over. If any of your offspring are raped by the nigger hordes you support they will bear non-HUMAN offspring to niggers, nothing that will ever resemble you again. But most likely they will be raped and killed before they could ever bear a child to the niggers.
You are South Africa…you are impotent…you are the destruction of our people…you are a White Male.
Isaac Reed
Yeah yeah, move along fed.
David Edwards
SHUT THE FUCK UP, EDOM. YOU DESPISE YOUR INHERITANCE! "Muh user, we are ALL a nation of immigrants." "Let's give away what God gave us for our children to foreign FUCKING PIGS!" LETS JERK IT TO FOREIGN FILTH! "Edom married outside his people and God hated him." "Edom lusted after subhuman trash and God gave him over to it." YOUR INHERITANCE WAS INSIDE THE WORDS OF CHRIST BUT YOU DESPISED HIM TO FOLLOW THAT FAT FUCKING PHARISEE SEMITIC FILTH PAUL. "user, there is GRACE for every pedo and homo piece of shit on the planet." "user, forgive…you will feel better about watching the family that you love murdered by fucking niggers if you just 'love on them' while they do it."
Nathan Wright
daily reminder cathocucks can't be nazis as their jewish religion compels them to accept judaism
Modern Romanists, which are the majority. There are remnants of more traditional Romanism in small pockets, the pre-Vatican I sort. From what I've seen, many of them wouldn't think twice about tossing kikes onto a funeral pyre. I'd be willing to tolerate them insofar as they're willing to be reasonable for the sake of race, same as I would any pagan or atheist that has managed to avoid falling to the madness.
Blake Collins
Inb4 groveling and sucking on nigger toes
Adrian Watson
Different user. I wish I knew the source, but I've seen it before and it's consistent with other data I've seen when researching things like Kirchenkampf. Here's wikipedia's graph of how districts voted during that election and an old map from 1895 of distribution of Catholics and Protestants in Germany. Hopefully this helps.
Humans will reshape themselves so totally they will not resemble apes, and still they will be in the image of the creator, for the creator’s image is of the spirit, not the flesh. It saddens me that the Nope in Rome has forgotten that.
Andrew Ortiz
But the Catholic Zentrum party was anti-Jew too; they opposed the 'socialism' part.
Benjamin Howard
That dumb fuck Nope is going in the opposite direction, he isn't even trying to maintain the status quo. Niggers are chimpanzees user. 80% of their alleles are chimpanzee.
James Nguyen
See I still think the entire Roman sacramental system is anathema and and a convoluted mess of unauthoritative traditions, but I'm not interested in killing fellow whites over it. At this point, I'm pretty sure no true Scottish Catholic would have anymore political allegiance to this Pope than I would.
Sebastian Hall
First you are angry at cucktianity duping you, then you are angry stthe jew for using it to enslave your race
Yes, these degenerates were marching against the church in general, they also were marching against everything traditional or even slightly conservative. But then there was a huge amount of protests which were in support of Christian values, of family values and of nationalist values.
Also nobody in Poland cares about garbage migrants who went toilet plumbing in the West
Tyler Adams
That problem fixes itself. How long til that ugly fucking shitskin rages out and kills that whole family? (Too long at this point, but any day now that part nigger is going to kill them all in a fit of jealousy - or at least a few of his kids for not wearing a burka or some shit like that).
Shame to see people opting out of their race though.
The most hilarious part of this is he's working with the Muslims and Gays but now they want the fucking pope to outright denounce the Bible in favor of modernity?
The left will eat itself.
Luke Johnson
Who is the fed here, faggot? The person with a picture of their building, hmm? I wouldn't even know what their building looks like. YOU ARE A FED FAGGOT!
Its not the first time and without a final solution it will happen again as way back when, with the same consequences and outcomes. Sadly in the past there was always an outpost far away from the downfall that was protected by its remoteness but now the frontiers are open.
The document wasn't even signed or written by Francis.
Francis has also in the past met with transgender men and condoned gay priests.
This is the same type of move Trump made when he waved around the LGBT flag but disallowed trannies in the military. They take 10 steps forward and 1 step back.
The Catholic Church was lost as soon as they brushed all those saints, who were canonized after being victims of Jewish blood rituals, under the rugs. While it's appreciated to see them come out against trannies it is a bit too little and too late. The Church needs to come out against homosexuality and pedophilia as well, but the Jews have stacked the deck with enough pedos, homos and semitephiles to do anything of value.
dishonest infographic a half truth is a whole lie, Catholics already had their own party which was considered "anti-semetic" even by Hitler which he mentions in Mein Kampf during one of his vists
James Peterson
Broken clock, right twice, etc etc.
The church has many factions and they only intensified during the Middle Ages. The current pope is a fucking Jesuit.
Landon Diaz
A broken clock is right twice a day. He's still a crypto.
Juan Perez
Hitler was afraid of catholic women, a lot of them would protest because they were married to jews.
Easton Smith
Call him insane, Call him wrong, Call him whatever you want, But the reason you're still obsessed with him a century after his feet walked this earth is because he didn't do "afraid".
William Smith
Pope Pious with his advisor Robert Leiber (a Jesuit from Germany) tried to kill Hitler by gaining spies and spy masters such as Joseph Müller to pull off multiple assassinations. Müller was even spared a painful death by order of Adolf Hitler himself due to the one to give the order was a fellow Catholic who stayed the execution.
Shame he failed. We would not be in the mess we are in today.
Asher Flores
"It's our month, you can't say anything even remotely critical of us, reeeeee!" If it's your birthday, you can brake the law and get away with it. -Jews
Isaiah Morales
Justin Smith
Jews both support and oppose LGBTQ. Being gay and/or trans isn't bad. This is just one of their more successful D&C tactics. reddit.com/r/egg_irl