A total of 99 overflights occurred today over not only maritime airspace but also inhabited Greek islands by TAF aircraft, half of them performed by a dozen F-16s, half of which were armed.
99 turkroach overflight violations on Greek airspace in a single day
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So shoot them down. If you can't, take the L. If the consequences of doing so would be more than you could handle, take the L. If no one is willing to back you up on it, take the L.
WWIII is going to be fun. Alois was right, once Turkey the single most important strategic point in the ME lets the Russians in NATO and the USA is finished.
Thanks to the F-35 vs S-400 issue and the Cypriot(+Israel) petroleum deposits the US/turdroach relationships are at an all time low.
If the Greek government weren't full blown communist cucks turkey would be at minus 15 aircraft today.
What does this have to do with Zig Forums?
>>>Zig Forums
>>>Zig Forums
Whatever you say.
some shitty plane flew over some shitty ocean
big deal nigger
Anti-roach bump.
The true enemy of white men are the Turks.It's not the mudslimes or niggers or the kikes. Since we first met the Turanic Turks they hurt us the most.
Turks are nothing but pure evil and if Satan saw their evil even he would be scared.
Turks are the source of all evil but they can and are being destroyed as we speak. Every day their nation is getting more cucked. From the west degeneracy ruins their country, from the east arabs ruin their country. They are blind to the fact that their ancestors didnt fight for religion but for racial supremacy.
The Emperor of Turkish Empire/Ottoman Empire Selim sacked Mecca. He literally sacked his own religions holy city! Turks are nothing but barbarians that care only about destruction. If the non cucked Turks go back to their roots, they will be the greatest threat to us.
Hitler also saw Turkish racism as a threat and wanted to invade Turkey because of it.
According to old Turkish legends Turks are not human but barbaric beings sent to punish humans and the Red Apple is an ideology that believes entire world is destined to be united under a single Turkish khaganete that even some Ottoman Emperors followed.
A white dominated world would have peace among whites. Only way to achieve peace in this world is either the destruction of every Turk or exiling them all back to the deserts of central asia.
arabs and niggers are rightful slaves of turkish masters you should deal with your inferiority before the khan
just stop rabbi
You could just say they are furfags:
That explains a lot.
Kikes are just a slightly more intelligent subspecies of turdroach, Blatta turkica khazarica.
Call turks arabs. Turks hate Arabs.
"If you want to make a turks head explode, call him an Arab. The turks see themselves as not arab, and not muslim, despite Islam being followed by 97% of the population. After conquering the middle east, the turks thought they were done, raping and genociding to their hearts content. However the greeks, who the arabs tried and failed to conquer, were now sadly gone. The Arabs, seeing the new arrivals The Turks were Niggers like them, and missing their old Greek neighbours, decided to rape the Turks with the most evil cancer of all time, Islam. While people normally feel sorry for the people arabs rape, in this case it was justified and strangely amusing seeing how the turks react to being completely lobotomised, and their culture burned and annihilated. The Arabs did their usual brain rape and now watched as turks own converted people kill non Muslim's for them so Arab's don't have to. Turks are jealous Arab's are better at rape than them, and conquered the Middle East before them. They are also jealous Arab's seem to be unaffected by Turkey's rape, and constantly suicide bomb them and make their lives hell. Thus the Arabs are now the the most hated country in Turkey, whilst constantly being suicide bombed by arabs. The arabs get away with it because Islam, and the rest of the world doesn't care, making the Turks scream in rage. A strange irony that the most genocidal race on the planet, is completely owned by a bunch of backwards desert dwelling niggers."
turks manage to be as filthy as mudslime arabs AND crypto-kikes at the same time, but way more stupid
pic is what happens when turkroaches are used as mercenaries to pillage and murder for the benefit of other kikes
wikipedia turkroaches try to hide relevant information by fragmenting articles and giving them obscure names
a bit like what they do with the Armenian, Greek, Kurd, Pontic genocides
as if they wanted to prevent being forbidden to do this shit again
Oh fuck! Muh drills!
k shlomo.
Arabs might be the Anti-turk.
Why don't Turkz know they're western Mongolians?
Still political news faggot, pol isn't just "gas kikes now, plz Tarrant' although that would be great.
For how long were Greek soils invaded by Ottomans ?
400 - 450 years ?
The Turk is the greatest threat to our great Fatherland
The homeland of European civilization, where our great Hellenic brothers laid out the the very basis for the creation of all which we take for granted today, has been violated by these non-humans, these insects
The White Man will not know peace until all Yids are burned and all Turks either impaled as Vlad had envisioned or their heads decapitated and let to roll from the hilltops of the Dinaric Alps and Balkan mountains
Long live Hellas
The word is 'khanate', you illiterate fucking retard.
fuck off retard
Khanate is kingdom.
Khaganate is empire.
That's why he offered Turkey the Caucasus if they joined the Axis side of the war? dumbass
American Education
Lol, are you a greek shitskin?
Call a greek turk.
Because they would have to admit they are nothing more than levantine rapevictims' and traitors' descendants.
At this point 750 and counting.
Turkroaches like imkikefy should be exterminated.
And today on "Zig Forums hates…" we have
For being antizog, as usual.
It's fucking hilarious seeing Balkan rapebabies argue over who was the biggest slave to the Turks. It's like some kind of harem anime where a bunch of lolis fight over the protagonist, and he doesn't even notice them. The Balkanoids are extremely tsundere about Turkey. Especially Greece, holy shit, fucking Greece. I have never seen a more butthurt nation. We're talking multi-generational butthurt, passed down and inherited from grandmother to granddaughter, infused in their very DNA to cry about Turks. Entire mythical history, poems, war songs, mantras, rituals dedicated to Turks. And this psychotic
Shit. That just can't be healthy to be thinking about that shit literally all the time, and not just you but everyone in your family, and your ancestors and so on and so forth.