look at this disgusting shit. this is what gay ass feminism turned gals into. what s your opinion on abortion?
The absolute state of the left
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You know (((who))) created the "Left".
Looks like natural selection to me..
But she looks jewish so it doesn't concern me.
a thread died for this low effort faggotry
The thing that really disgusts me about these sorts of things is the hypocrisy. If someone posed with the corpse of a dead nigger tranny, that'd be "hateful", but a dead white child is "brave". Mass shootings are just evil, abortion is just good because it's convenient. Either be okay with killing innocent people or don't.
Control the media and you can do whatever you want in life.
That picture is really, boring. One good side effect of public beheading and cartel torture videos is that this lazy shit wont pass as "shocking" anymore, outside their little circle at least.
make her do it with a brown doll instead
actually can anyone photoshop it to be a brown doll? can easily be turned into a white nationalist image
Pretty sad this tolerated at all. I guess tolerance is the virtue of a dying society.
This. That the the thing about the (((left))), they act like a child would act. They think this shit is meant to be shocking. But it comes of like a kid just screaming for attention. Truely pathetic.
Looks more like red pilled xtreme christian satire tbh. Unless people are really that far gone that ripping a baby to pieces is appealing an encouragement to abort.
You'd have to be a pretty fucked up kid to do this shit.
the kek in this thread blesses us with a gold mine of comedy material.
You just described jewish pilpull
I have repented and accepted Christ into my heart. I began seeing stuff like this and slowly realizing that these people are servants of Lucifer and the synagogue of Satan. The time grows near anons, a day will come when these people will destroy everything still good on this earth and only Christs return will we see the world made right again.
You give these mentally ill fucktards too much credit.
>and the synagogue of Satan
That's better. Nothing but smelly dum and perfectly mundane useful self-destructive idiots to their (((ethnic-nepotist))) masters.
They ARE hypocrites lol. They censored all youtube videos because they believe that "lispy queer" "encourages violence", meanwhile they're glorifying the actual killing of babies as a good thing. The different between the left and the right is that the former normalizes their millions of murders and the latter distances themselves from a few fringe ones.
You're going to be glad that they'll forever burn in hell before they burn on earth. Hope that killing babies and treating their asshole as a sex organ for a lifetime was well worth it.
Just did a image search on it, nope just some (((lefty))) land whale, who thinks this shit is 'provocative art'. Here, this is what the sow thinks she is doing
See? The cunt is just screaming for attention because Daddy never loved her enough or he wasn't there at all.
It is crazy though user, I know this stuff existed but it seemed more underground several years ago. Now the filth is in the open. With the kikes trying to create the 3rd temple and literally bring about the anti Christ I wonder what the next 5 years will bring.. Things are getting to crazy on a biblical scale. Useful idiots indeed but lets not forget the same useful idiots helped the Jews kill 23 million Christian in Russia. The same will happen in the west if these cretins get their way which sadly they are.
I will, especially when Christ is able to rule for a thousand years and show the world what it could be under essentially a Christian dictatorship. God bless you user, things will in the end be as they should. As bad as things are, and as bad as they shall be it will end with the destruction of this filth.
I see a confused cunt who needs a good pounding tearing up her dollies.
I don't go for the Christian vs Pagan D&C that shills spew on here 24/7. But at some point you need to recognize that if you believe God is on our side, He expects us to be the ones who fight these people. Faith by itself isn't going to do it.
Thanks, reddit, for sliding the board with entry level bullshit everyone that's made it to Zig Forums should already know.
Shalom and happy hanukkah to you too.
Kill yourself you pathetic faggot.
Abortion is a National Question.
Christfags cry when elves abort orc rape babies.
54 year old concept. It wasn't particularly clever back then either.
OP you faggot, whose the pig? What's the source? Where is it being spread? Your failure to answer these questions raises the following one, why didn't your mother rip you apart? Now all you get is your colon and intestines destroyed by your nigger boyfriend.
that it's not political and it's none of anyone else's fucking business anywhere on the political spectrum
Yes, please!!!
At least post where you got this image from so we can shit on these people. Posting up a random image and leaving is pretty shitty if not practically sliding something else.
So the left made this?
daily reminder the disposal of fetuses is hardly regulated and these demons literally eat abortions. theres so many they can eat them for every meal.
It must be from this sick website
I searched google. I'm not into this crazy shit. I was going to find the OP pic, but I'm just not interested in abusing my mind over a pic
Google even returned a recommended search item of the exact item known as "baby smash"
Kill all women and replace them with artificial wombs. Kill any man that still protects those monsters.
agreed while we’re at it we can chop our dicks off
pretty nice
Have a (you)
This! Pray AND fight!