Five French guys planning to shoot up mosques and synagogues dismantled by police
Terrorist attack prevented in France
Neonazis are so bad at coordinating attacks…
In other words, it was fake.
Amazing how effective the (((system))) is at stopping attacks when it’s White on Brown.
Good. Fashy autists shooting up mosques and synagogues does absolutely nothing to stop the destruction of the West.
The globalist establishments will just use these shootings to fuck the White Western citizens harder and faster.
Thank God.
they already have every single excuse they need to replace you stupid ass
To be real a lot of these stories are probably fake propaganda scare stories, especially when they offer no names, pics, no pictures of weapons or other things these people allegedly had, etc.
Have any terrorism tips for us, Ahmed?
20 000 Djihadists walking around freely in France, what does our police do?
Arrest 5 right-wingers who don't like muslims, because why not. Here is a literal translation of what you can read in our "right-wing" newspaper Le Figaro.
Not even kidding. Source below.
Second time they arrest ultra-right-wing guys for no reason, last time they targeted a bunch of survivalists who were storing food and stuff and "were talking about planning to maybe attack a Mosquee".
This. They will be relaxed in a couple days, but "right-wing bad" is the take home message.
5 guys? Noooooo!
New it was a Burger behind the attack
They won't stop all of them.
Funny how the only ones that ever get stopped are ones by le ebil gnatsis.
Wrong targets.
Mossad is now Neo Nazi's participating false flags.
The only ones that get reported on are.
There’s your problem user. Harder and faster implies they are still going to fuck up the West. That it is an inevitability
I say we get it over with so we can get this party started
Daily reminder the last "ultra right" taken down by French ZOG last year was headed by a Jew (see pic)
Of course, targets were exclusively Mosques.
You can dream, but you're still the fag.
Is there anything left to fight for in France and the U.K.? They are as cucked as Sweden and in contrast to the Swedes they both asked for it AND a plethora of crimes against Whitekind.
fake and gay, fuck off and stop posting your shitty hoax shootings on our board you frog pig
that's the point you ignoramus.
No wonder you Americans are so fucking fat.
Fake news. Hide and move on.
Honestly even if this is a fake false flag, you faggots need to stop thinking this makes us look bad. It makes people forced to take the idea seriously and yes a lot of people having been indoctrinated their entire lives are going to look poorly on this struggle. They would look poorly upon you merely voicing your opinion though so why care about these people? I'm not encouraging violence but every time we even pop up in the news it's a white pill to others out there saying you're not alone, the army marches. We are uniquely placed in time gentlemen to be saboteurs of our own society, to be the anchor rather than the sails.