There is no alternative for the United States but to become a globally dreaded aggressor nation. If we do not become a nation demanding full capitulation from ally and enemy alike we will be relegated to the dustbin of history. Our policies must become globally accepted and implemented by all. Those who do not capitulate must be cut off from trade by all, disarmed, and left to isolation. Nations who try to oppose us by force must be made impotent and incapable of armed resistance again. Discuss.
The United States needs to become an agressor nation
Uhh, are you ignorant?
Garbage. It already tried that. The result was huge amounts of economic wastage, an increase in governmental corruption, and a slowdown in critical scientific progress.
If we disobey the ancestral sociopathy of war, we can someday live forever. Reject the people who in their hatred of life slide towards violent demises.
No. And that is not an argument.
You would think an actual 1st and 2nd amendment would be a requirement for trade but not for jews. they are shit and love their shit.
Yes, I'm sure Israel has strategic interests in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada and Korea
>There is no alternative for the (((United States))) but to become a globally dreaded aggressor nation. If (((we))) do not become a nation demanding full capitulation from ally and enemy alike (((we)) will be relegated to the dustbin of history. (((Our policies))) must become globally accepted and implemented by all. Those who do not capitulate must be cut off from trade by all, disarmed, and left to isolation. Nations who try to oppose (((us))) by force must be made impotent and incapable of armed resistance again. Discuss.
>(((our policies)))
As in doing jack shit to curb mass immigration?
If arabs in arabistan want to act like retards then let them act like retards. It isn’t our responsibility to help them.
Uh, this is what we've been since WW1, and it's all played out.
The USA is already an aggressor nation
More of the asshole police officer that no one likes and acts to serve his own needs. Good, but not enough.
No, he's a shill
Yes, its called ZOGs New World Order, and USraels zogbots pushing (((central banks))) everywhere.
You dumb bitch.
No, eat shit, jew.
So we didn't just spend the last 6 decades invading other countries and doing just that?
Yes retard, quite literally, north korea is one of the main opponents of israel you fucking moron.
Disregard the fedposting. Hide and move on. And remember we're being raided by 4channer subhumans.
You mean the country that receives all of it's food from Israel's best friend in Asia is an opponent of Israel.
My what troubled webs you weave when once you practice to deceive.
Fuck off zionist.
Just because they get food with the jews of asia doesn't necessarily mean they've bought into their beliefs as well, since the chinks only keep norks around as a buffer zone, and nothing more.
We already are retard, if you go against jewish interest you get invaded.
No thanks, I'm done caring about this jew ridden shit hole of a country
This wouldn't be a bad idea if the profits didn't just get sucked into the pockets of oligopolies that never employ Americans or even spend a significant amount of money creating jobs in the US
The most powerful white nations must form a grand alliance and conquer the world, dividing the world up and drawing the lines for each specific empire. All of these empires need to have National Socialist, statist governments. As long as there are no more brother wars, this will guarantee world peace and stability. OP sounds like a neocon, the US shouldn't have the right to rule the entire world. (just a good portion of it)
We're already there, moron, and it's fucking us over.
Are you fucking stupid?
Nice bait Chaim
Go away Jew.
>our (((policies)))
Yes! Global ZOG now!! go israel!! OY VEY MUH 6 GAZILLION
The United States of America is already an aggressor state for Israel you huge fucking retard. All Zogbots deserve rope.
The only 2 countries left without a Rotschild central bank are North Korea and Iran. Which 2 countries are the US most aggressive against?
The only aggression we need to gain is against Jews. Once they are gone, we don't need wars to prop up their banking system.
Yes. Quite literally everyone of them including the civil war you cum guzzling faggot.
OP unironically sounds like a Zionist.
And do what? More wars for kikes? Export more globohomo?
With the jew occupation America has long since been a failed state.
No. Their entire population must be genocided and their lands taken away to be used as The United States see fit. Never let the opposition live. Always kill those with views or behaviors that oppose your own. The idiocy of "abandon them, but let them live" is what made possible for the jews to keep existing and infecting our world. Always genocide any people that opposes you.
This is a jew C&D right here. They are this afraid of violence against them. Meaning that violence is indeed, the right course of action.
As all jews want, and will never be able to. You will die, and there is nothing that you can do about it.
not while you are still Israel's bitch
Banking. Opposing political alliances. These nations subverted/are subverting kike anti-trade policies, meant to cripple Israel's enemies. Any nation that refuses to participate in SWIFT immediately becomes a target, baka dubs waster.
Also remember AIPAC? Bigger than all other US lobbies combined and is somehow magically exempt from compliance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act?
Sage because OP is a proud homosexual.
This profligate kike country will die. And that's a good thing.