The only democracy in the Middle East
Israel is America's greatest ally. We should love Israel for several reasons.
1. Israel is BASED
Israel is willing to use reasonable force to defend itself and its borders. It does not bow down to unfair international sanctions that fail to recognize the perilous situation it is in.
2. Israel is a hub of innovation
Known as the "startup nation", Israel is full of tech innovators. Waze and other apps were made there. Furthermore, Israel also innovated in the area of agriculture, using drip irrigation to turn a desert into fertile farmland.
3. Israel helps us defend Western civilization
The greatest threat to Western civilization right now is radical Islamism and Iran. Being a hub of innovation, Israel is a great place to spend US foreign aid. Israel has built upon American military technology and bravely helped defend the US from radical Islam through military and intelligence cooperation.
4. Israel is full of beautiful women
Just look at those IDF women. They're beautiful and valuable human beings. Nuff said.
Antisemitic discord trannies fuck off
Trump will make the chosen people prosper
Israel Appreciation Thread
Stormfag free OP
Don't forget. Israel loves Trump
MAGA 2020
Discord trannies are about to roll in, so let's remind them who our real enemies are.
Our real enemy isn't Israel. Israel is the good guy. They're a democracy and they have no intention to harm America.
On the other hand, Israel's enemy (radical Islam) is also our enemy. It is radical Islam that forcefeeds children the idea of martyrdom through TV propaganda. It is radical Islam that flies planes into our buildings and drives trucks into our crowds. Islam is the problem. Israel is our friend.
Gas the kikes for real this time.
Ohhh I like this one, announcing when you’re raiding (as if we didn’t notice already) and then actually stating your goal in coming here. Anons who predicted you were right. Sad to see you all play the roles the kikes knew you would play
Israel is the only country in the MENA where LGBT human rights are protected.
Israel is an example of successfully balancing religious conservatism with the rights of minorities. We should all copy Israel.
Holy fucking shit. How embarrassing that THIS is what they've resorted to.
Quite frankly, I'm insulted that you would believe this shit would work here.
Damn near every thread is bullshit now.
Kiked mods. You won't stop this.
You're all going to die.
Oh hey there discord tranny!
Maybe instead of hating Israel for succeeding through hard work, you should copy the good things Israel has done.
Make America Great Again!
Make America Support Israel Again!
This. Iranian trannies have been shilling here with shitler.
They have been trying to D&C us.
Reminder that Zig Forums has always been and will always be pro-Trump board
Please work on your bait, this is too obvious.
Israel is also LBTQ friendly! It's the number one homo-capital of the world. Jews welcome gays, trannies, bisexuals, pedos, and others into the Jewish faith! We love Israel! XD
C'mon, you retarded kike. You're gonna have to try harder than that around here.
Lying, cheating, stealing, and being all around parasites is not "hard work", you fucking vermin shit stain.
You're going to die, bitch.
Sage and report you fucking faggots!
Hateful Democraps GTFO!
Democraps are the true party of racism.
Demonrats are the party of slavery and racist affirmative action. That's why Democraps are shilling hard against Trump, trying to turn us into racists.
True Zig Forumslacks are not racist and love people of all colours, black, white, Asian, or Jewish!
You niggers have go back.
Your shill raid glows in the Black Sun Light.
Die you fucking smurf pubic turd
Sage this bitch, user.
(((LARPagans))) who support (((white nationalism))) instead of Trump are throwing their vote away and supporting a fantasy that can never be achieved. That's exactly what the (((Globalist shills))) want.
True conservatives support Israel and the Jewish people while opposing Globalism. That's a realistic goal and that's a goal that anyone with a brain could see is correct. We must ignore discord trannies.
How to spot a niggerposter
Niggerposters never post any arguments. Instead, they just accuse you of being a kike.
Most anti-Trump people are circlejerking niggerposting racist democrap shills.
Muddying the waters are we?
Better luck next time
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Jews are G-d's chosen people
The Messiah of Israel has come. Israel shall prosper and convert to Christianity. Trump will contribute to making the world great again!
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Neck yourself
oh my god bro, listen. arabs and jews are both blessed and very based people. islam and judaism are kind of similar, with the exception that one actually came from abrahams ballsack, and one didnt. whichever tribe you think it was, is up to you.
but the thing is, is that black people are raw humans, unaffected by technology. so they are more pure, in a way. im talking about blacks that have never seen an iphone. these nigs are basically humans with a lot of spiritual energy in them. they are chosen to inhabit heaven! and white people, when we gain our spiritual energy back from the vampires that have sucked it out of us, we can enter heaven too! but if your spiritual energy is being sucked by demons, then that's an issue you gotta fix with prayer. ask humbly if you can contribute to creating the kingdom of heaven enough so that you may enter! then, you can have a nice life.
dont let the lion know you were the one who put the thorn into his paw…
he might cut your belly open and put some boulders in it before dropping you into the well
Israel is at the forefront of innovation. They're the creators of civilization, not leeches or parasites.
You have no evidence. My evidence is the fact that Israel turned barren desert into farmland through great agricultural innovations.
its actually the holy land, not a shithole.
You're going to be flayed alive, and hung at the entrance of town as a warning.
no cunt its a barren patch of infertile shithole land and you know that for good.
also there are many much older religions and they dont call that piece of land holy… so what
==it's a scam==
Democracy is a lie.
The Holocaust is a lie.
Conservatism is weak and ineffective.
Trump sucks israeli dicks
Break your shackles and strangle kikes with them.
Violence has never worked
You keep living in fantasy world
I'll be pragmatic and vote for BASED Trump
I am a natsoc aryan and I agree OP
Zig Forums should focus on becoming great again instead of blaming and hating on Jews.
seriously blaming others is the most childish and weak thing one can do.
I don't hate Israel, but with all this shilling something must be wrong.
So, al mawt li Israil in Minecraft
The Middle East doesn't deserve this cruel and unusual treatment. I wouldn't wish democracy on my worst enemy.
Exactly. Instead of acting like children, we should take responsibility for our own problems. Part of that is supporting Israel and being peaceful.
Go home jidf.
I could come up with better propaganda than you niggers. (((hitler))) helped create israel so we should support israel as his legacy. does that sound better? BTW those girls are ugly. Fuck jews.
Is this a joke?
Or some clever distraction?