Republicans are the party of justice
Democraps who hate G-d Emperor Trump frequently accuse him of being an "evil racist". This is despite the fact that under Trump, unemployment for blacks and hispanics hit record lows.
In reality, the Republicans, who championed the anti-slavery cause, are the real party of racial justice. It was the Democrats who were behind the evils of White Nationalism and the KKK. It was Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves.
Today, we can see the remnants of the Democrats' racist past in their actions. They may pay lip service to racial equality, but their actions say otherwise.
Racist Democrap actions
1. Democraps think African Americans are too dumb to register for voter ID
2. Democraps treat African Americans with kiddie gloves through affirmative action
3. Democraps welcome illegal immigration (slave labour)
4. Democraps fought for the South during the Civil War, which wasn't about slavery but states rights, but Democraps wanted the slavery part and not the states rights part so that's that
5. Democraps want to destroy the Southern Baptist faith, a key part of African American life
6. Democraps control what blacks can say and vote for by calling open minded blacks "Uncle Toms".
Democraps are the real racists
Racism is bad because it is counter to G-d's natural law. All people are made in G-d's image so we must not hate any race.
Make America Great Again! We will defeat racist Demonrats!
Himie is going all out today, I wonder what the puke-heebs are up to this time.
It's raining fucking jews in here today.
Da fuq?
They really suck at this shit now too.
All the racists are in the democrat party. it is the party of slavery and jim Crow
I used to be against torturing jews but you've managed to change my mind. You will not be safe anywhere in the world soon, you've managed to earn the emnity of the entire globe this time. Even YHWH hates you.
Small Brain: Democrats are the real racists
Normal Brain: Democrats were racists in the past
Big Brain: Democrats were racists in the past, and that's good
Galaxy Brain: Democrats were the party of the white working class and racism and the struggle to free labor from the clutches of capital are intertwined. The GOP hasn't changed a thing and are still Christfag capitalist kike-worshipers. Everyone who is based in the 'Right' would have been a Democrat in the past.
image semi related
this thread is peak reddit
Everyone in the uniparty should die. Fuck you, Abe. You didn't even ship those niggers back.
What kind of tomfuckery is this?
Thank you /tv/, very cool!
He died before he could. It was (((pure cohencidence.)))
Lincoln was never going to send back the slaves, retard. It was red meat for his stupid patsy voters. Sort of like how Zognald was never going to build the wall, but leave it to the stupid-ass yankees to be forever gullible and easily fooled.
"I will say, then, that I AM NOT NOR HAVE EVER BEEN in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever FORBID the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race."
— 4th Lincoln-Douglas debate, September 18th, 1858; COLLECTED WORKS Vol. 3, pp. 145-146
Not even trying. If you're going to play a christcuck, a real one wouldn't avoid writing god.
Lincoln was based and redpilled. Had he not been shot by that cryptokike Booth, America would have been a white country today without the kike subversion
what a prophet, everything he didn't support came to pass due to his actions
Brazil got overtaken by people too weak to face reality, too broken to admit integrity.
That heavily fluctuates by era, if not by subculture.
Kill all non-whites.
Kill anyone portraying racism as if it was a bad thing.
This is where we are.
There is nothing else.
Dehumanize yourself, and face to bloodshed, lads.
…or roll over and die already. You're in the way of the kike's big plans, goy.
Violent people die. What you’re saying is “roll over and die”. That’s really pathetic, you know?
A little humility and you, yes you, might literally live forever. You’re just meat; you’re mostly made of proteins draped over calcium. You can meat forever with sufficiently advanced biotechnology. Blood rejuvenation, progenitor therapy, organ printing… This stuff isn’t literally tomorrow, but it’s metaphorically tomorrow; it’s near-future tech that I’m talking about.
Shut the fuck up, Donny. You're out of your element.
“White” society, or more properly “Western” society, or perhaps “Frosty Kindness” society if I’m being novel with it, hehe… It isn’t about racism. It’s about shared material truth. It’s about finding the loops that bind individual greed and collective well-being. It’s about helping people live in ways that serve their own prosperity simultaneously to the prosperity of others.
Damn, gull. I often have to resort to faking obliviousness when ignorance is helpful (more common than most people realize), but I actually didn’t get the reference this time.