You seem like you're surprised?
I was until I saw the goddamn kid x kid drag show in the library when I scrolled down
Why the fuck did you block out their name?
LGBTPZ? Are you tolerant enough, normalfags?
I'm 25 years old Egyptian raised in Saudi Arabia and never talked or touched a girl in my whole life, i turned a zoophilic 2 years ago, im glad this sexuality is being legalized, hope it gets legalized here too, although LGBT rights are not tolerated neither heterosexuality too KEK
It's all an endless nightmare, we're here to watch everything we care about burn for eternity.
post better proof or fuck off
Cause he's a shill. New arrival from faggot infested board 4chan.
This needs to be in the “how SJWs do our work for us” money making thread.
Dog rape pride bowls, anyone?
They out accelerated us again.
Oh Jesus finally! Lol
Animal Abuse. rally the left.
Are you retarded? How can it be abuse if the animal consents? When I masturbate I put peanut butter on my ass, my dog CHOOSES to lick my ass I dont force it to
Necrozoos like kero give it a bad name. Fucking zoosadism. Consensual relations between animals is a real thing. An animal can consent even more so than a child, fuck pedos.
Further, the act of zoophillia is a sacred bond. It unites man and beast. It is Vbeautiful,and presents a unity of nature.
**inb4 called Jew and/or banned*
Nice bait
This is what dog rapist actually thinks, kys
You forgot necrophilia.
I wasn't aware that 'twitturd' could legalize something that was illegal.
No really user, KYS.
I've talked to some girls who do that. Seems to be heavily connected to homosexuality as all the girls I talked to fucked dogs but not males, and had relations with other girls. They substitute males with dogs to get the cock… Homosexuals are nuts.
I've seen dogs wanting to fuck skateboards. Dogs fuck anything. You say dogs give consent?? wtf they dont know what they put their stuff into they just want to fuck whatever.
Animals can't consent you nigger
If animals COULD consent then you have some explaining to do for all your murders of animals…because they didn't consent to that, now did they? You can have it both ways user…also, someone should call animal control on you for endangering your dogs life with e.coli also potentially spreading dangerous bacteria all over…you seem so fucking nasty that I bet your don't even wash your hands when you are done masterbating by shoving peanut butter up your asshole.
Wrong user…sorry there fella…too much plum wine.
This was meant for this sick fucker who really needs to be killed.
Animals cannot consent. They don't have the mental capacity of humans. You sick nigger. I hope you get arrested for animal abuse.
{rolling eyes}…whatever user.
Remember beastiality is against the law yet the (((globals))) allow it to be posted everywhere and have it's on board.
They 100% absolutely did. Their function as life to other animals is as food. Just like their function to themselves is to partake in the requirements of life.
because bestiality is not against federal law, the legality is determined by the state and not all states prohibit either the act or the pornography
/ourguy/ tbh
kill yourself faggot then go back to reddit
I still don't see proof to the change in policy. I personally don't care as it is big tech doomed to die within the next half-decade. However, proof is needed.
"Zoosexual" to me feels like a term of retardartion like "Diapersexual" or "Fatsexual" where sexually confused and mildly deranged teens and adults confuse their sexual fetish for a sexual orientation. Of course, zoophilia is much more than a sexual fetish. As I have said before it truly unites man and beast, and is a beautiful act.
This, actually. I've seen even rabid sjw antifa commie furries, go full fucking chimpout against a literal goat-fucker, over this topic.
I'm not surprised, but I'm still disappointed.
What about coprophilia?
user, while I detest zoophiles, I also detest the line of reasoning you are using.
The idea that a bunch of lawmakers and (((psychatrists))) get to decide where the lines are is flawed as hell.
Animals have agency.
The whole concept of a certain level of mental capacity (which is subjective) being required is… iffy. Even moreso when applied to animals, since they think differently.
Report this newfag.
At least they're making weed more and more legal so one can occasionally take a puff or two and forget about dumb shit like this.
"Everything in moderation" - my grandpa (for any and all cries of degeneracy. there's a few of us who might take a hit or two a week and avoid full-on degeneracy, skin to drinking responsibly)
very nice post (1) please remind us of the magical leaf that makes all our problems magically melt away for a while until it all comes screaming back harder a few hours later, the gentiles love the stuff! Ignore reality and just relax, close your blinds so you can't see the children being molested in the days pride parade and take a big hit.