Jews really hate when you call "Jesus" his actual name YESHUA (even ban you on 4chan for it). Worst is the title he is given 12 times in the bible "Rabbi Yeshua" who "taught in the synagogues". Christians become even more enraged when you dare to speak the name of their deity "Yahwey". The messiah Yeshua that Christians worship was named after Yehway 'his father', and his name means Yah saves.
Jesus when translated into modern English would be Joshua (the son), and Johveh (the father). Christians have no problem with the book of Joshua in the OT but want to separate the names for no reason except fear of the thing they worship.
God as the name of the Father is the title of the Allfather from the Gaul's language that came into the Anglo-Saxon then English as Celto-Germanic cultures were forcefully converted and subverted to YHWH worship. Other names are: Godan, Wod, Wodan, Wotan, Godin, Odin, God. Another example is that God's druid-like priest's in Iceland were the last traditional "pagan" religious group of the West and were the Godi.
Modern Jews (Juda-ism) have 80% match in Italian mutt blood. The religion was invented after Christian Rome killed and raped and burned everyone and everything that didn't submit to their new religion, EXCEPT for those who wanted to larp and the relatives of Yeshua/Jesus. Judaism is a religion of a few hundred mafia larpers who wanted to play victims and pretend they were chosen above the rest of the Romans, while still receiving Roman protections. Tells you everything you've ever known about the Jew.
Hebrew just means nomadic tribes that moved from Sumeria (crossed the rivers). It's a nomad and they had no written language. Following the biblical legends they were likely Bedouins (like Moses's wife where he discovered the god YHWH). Bedouins had been nomadic sheep tribes since the Hittites owned Canaanite lands. Israel never existed, it's a mythical kingdom with no history from any group outside your magic kike bible. Judea existed because Persians moved Bedouin tribes there after making them wonder for a generation, which is what Persians use to do to conquered regions, so they didn't create Jihadist or raiders.
What kikes and kike worshipers like you show is Aramaic and Phoenician writing. There is no bible older than the Septuagint written in Greek around 250BC. No amount of wikipedia or fake "muh silver scroll" scam that is dated at the same time will change this.
Jesus is a Jewish perversion of the Lucifer/Prometheus meme.
Thomas Harris
/thread and can you faggots PLEASE just stop the Zig Forums fake spam? I prefer the other formats of shilling more.
Isaac Scott
Part 2:
Moses converted to the deity Yahwey when he married into the Bedouin tribes and found the mountain god of the storm on a mountain (burning bush).
When Moses asked his name, the bush replied, "e-Yah asure e-Yah", translated falsely by the Vatican to "I am that I am" but this is the deity of Yah/Jah/YHWH.
Before this Canaanite peoples worshiped the golden calf of EL. Rabbi Yeshua as he died on the cross called out to EL "Eli Eli alashabbatonay!", which was falsely translated into English, "my god my god why have you forsaken me".
The Pantheon of Canaan was: EL the father (Romans said Jews worship Saturn and he is very close in nature to Saturn and Chronos Elohim = children of EL (falsely translated to angEL or "sons of god" in the bible).
The Elohim included: —- falsely translated as the star venus or "Lucifer" by the Vatican El's daughter-wife
It's Yehoshua ben Josef. His father was a Jew, his mother was a Jew, and he was a Talmudic rabbi. He larped as a god by using knowledge which he stole from the Aryan Magi to rile up the kikes to rebel against the Roman Empire and got crucified for it (which was a standard practice back in the day), he never resurrected but his (((bloodline))) plagues the world to this day, the poz being strongest in families like rotshits and various royal families.
Brayden Davis
Not an argument. Would you like to discuss my claim?
Camden Sanders
Easton Watson
Moloch was EL in the North. This is why Rabbi Yeshua had to tell the Jews "It is not OUR father who told you to burn your children" as he attempted to further Hellenize the post-Persian Cannanite culture of Judea.
Yeah, because 9 fucking threads on Christianity every fucking day on a board made mostly of National Socialist Heathens is so fucking organic, right? Fuck off, Schlomo. You aren't fooling anyone. If you're so serious about this shit, take it to /christian, or whatever the fuck. It doesn't belong here. YOU DON'T BELONG HERE! GET THE FUCK OUT!
Brody Howard
> bi-weekly pro-(((Zig Forums))) threads that require debunking each time due to Zig Forums spammers recycling the same thread topics This isn't even an exaggeration. They quite literally recycle the exact same scripts. < one redpill thread about exposing (((christianity))) as the template for jewish subversion 'SHUTITDOWN < sage < sage < sage < sage < sage < sage
It perplexes me, and makes me contemplate the current ongoings on this board.
Ewwwww Semites of all kind are gross. I’ll pass thanks
Angel Ramirez
Apologies. Forget to sage
Cameron Adams
I like you user. Don't let the shills get to you.
Elijah Lopez
Jace Peterson
Cause you aren't spamming dude, fucking tard
Jack Brown
National Socialism was a Christian political movement.
Matthew Flores
Good thing Christians aren't Semites
Ethan Morales
Part 3: (((Gnosticism)))
Gnosis = Jews/early Christians of Alexandria created an anti-philosophy cult to infiltrate the goy. The popular philosophy of the time was NeoPlatonism, so they stole that and made "gnosis"
(((Gnosis))) vs. Aryan Philosophy (that's how it works)
We see Pharisee Rabbi Paul writing in 1st Corinthians to the gnostics by the way he speaks in full NeoPlatonic terms. The letter begins with the understanding that this gnostic christian church is fucking their kids, sisters, having orgies, and scamming people out of money. We see this behavior continue to the current day in the occult. The Gnostics were shut down by the Vatican but then went West into Druidic-Celt territories to try and start their serpent sex cults there. Gnostics were the responsible for the first Christian converts in Britian and Germany (see serpant temples of Europe)
Gnosticism = all of Western Occultism. All of these terms means "Hidden" inside the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion
Modern Gnostic occult actually is the "New Age" and rule the exoteric churches of Islam, Judaism, Zionist Christianity, NewAge Christianity, Catholicism, and Orthodoxy. 99% of /x/ and the New Age, Infowars, David Ickie, and "esoteric Zig Forums" is (((Gnostic))) occult groups shilling.
100% of so called "satanism" like "the Joy of satan" website is 100% (((Gnosticism))) right down to that Templar Baphemot "sabbath goat" which is an alchemy symbol
Good thing National Socialists aren't pagans or heathens. The upper part of the map is all Protestant. The higher the IQ the more the German people are interested in Protestantism and National Socialism.
They are two different people, because the dummy Catholics added books that weren't canonical, and they never took the time to go through and verify any of this, which is why the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholics have different Bibles.
Jacob Nelson
Put simply:
Esoteric church (((Gnostics))) = the jackals that feed on the sheep in the EXoteric churches:
Cooper Martin
Uhhhhhhhhhhh Uhhhhhhhh R U being serious?
Alexander Garcia
Rabbi's didn't even exist then.
Brandon Lee
Jude filth sure did though especially in fucking judea and behlahem
Leo Walker
Israel need Christianity for war with Islam and to create a NWO religion
Semites don't exist. Noah never existed, his son Shem never existed and Jews are just larpers
Aiden Phillips
I can attest to it being organic. I know that pseudo-schizoid thinking helps explain it away, but try to think of it this way. Because we hate you this fucking much. We're this fucking sick of you trying to astroturf people into kosher non-positions to protect your precious masters. While calling others controlled opposition no less. We're so fucking sick of you dedicating hours to the day sowing dissent between dissenting political groups and pundits to weaken the ethnic right and by extension, the right as a whole, and thus all opposition to shit like trannyism, pedophilia, faggotry and so on. You destroy real opposition in an aimless quest to hunt for 'controlled opposition', because the only metric you go by is what someone masturbates to or if someone drank too much. We don't want you gone from Zig Forums, we want you gone from Zig Forums. No-one cares what you do on Zig Forums as long as you go back and stay in your little corner so the big boys can do politics unhindered. What use would there be to taking it to Zig Forums. You guys keep coming here anyway, might as well make those threads here. And the way you guys seethe in your responses to OP only makes it seem more like he has a fucking point, and calling Rabbi Yeshuah and his canaanite pet deity, Yahwei by their real names drives you up a fucking wall, because like everything that infuriates you this much, it reminds you that even in full loyalty to your faith, you will never be more than slaves to (((people))) you yourselves call heathens. They will never convert to christianity, you're a pawn to be used and then exterminated once you outlive your usefulness. And by that, I don't mean white christians, but christianity as a whole. It will be purged once it is no longer useful, and that's what the endless hordes of Muslims are here for. It reminds you that if you peel away the sanctimonious curtain, behind it, you are nothing more than the most devout servants of the synagogue of satan. That all the words you preach as literal gospel, are nothing more than lies to keep you in servitude to horned, occult deities that embody everything you despise.
Wyatt Allen
This is why I think parasites need to be killed in whatever shape they assume. If we only killed the kike ones (which would mean killing all of them) we would still have leftover parasites in our race. If we didn't exterminate them they would just breed until they became the next 'kikes'. We need to target parasitism not just 'kikes'.
Joshua Sullivan
Jews would just reappear in Masonic sects
Daniel Lopez
Yeshua is Joshua. This is Yeshua: Yosef ben Matityahu He started it all. All the "jesus" stories were about him really. No "jesus" in his five books. Only stolen history. Romans hate him !
Jordan Wood
I was just thinking of posting this the other day.
Also, call the religion by its real name. Yeshuites are practicing yeshuanity or yeshuism. Handing over words like "God" and "saviour" (Christ) only does the Yeshuites favours.
Jaxon Bell
Haha, the Alexandrian library was falling apart and hardly had any books left. The Ptolmeic rulers had defunded it years before. There was a religious riot that ended up causing the fire and the Christian leadership mostly decried the events causing the fire.
Read about the events that you reference.
Diocletian and Aurelian were both pagans who persecuted Christians.
Here's what happened later:
Knowledge is often destroyed and that's sad. I'm not going to claim that your mythical unified PAGANGism was somehow anti-knowledge and you'd be incredibly dishonest to claim Christianity is somehow anti-education or philosophy.
At least you're being honest about it now. This is just SJW 101. Entryism followed by YOU ARENT WELCOME HERE
Cringe-inducing "Heathenism" is just nu-atheism ever since the fedora meme made you all too ashamed to admit it.
The contrived controversy is obvious D&C. Old/pol/ never had these problems. They'll make Christian threads and pagan threads because both suit their needs.
Liam Sanchez
You tiresome Christ fags.
Jews don’t fear your cuck cult or its false god Jewsus one bit.
Jews only hate and fear the white race and Christ insanity is something they designed to control and destroy us.
Matthew Price
The fedora is a Tyrolean hat style. Do not cede this cultural item to marxist fat unshaven faggot foreskin-eating trannynigger jews plz.
Colton Baker
Yeshuism is more correct than Rabbi Paul's Xristianity (meaning the annointed under the annointed Emporer {king of kings} Yeshua).
Checked Diocletian and Aurelian Were gods among mortals
Christopher Perez
Nice try, nigger-brain, but the initial destruction of documents was caused when the Temple of Serapis was converted into a Christian church under Theophilus, an area that held roughly 10% of the total amount.
No one cares about your Christfaggotry. Shill it elsewhere.
Nope. Romans burned it on accident. As they saw Ptolemy ships entering the ports, they blocked the ships by lighting their own ships on fire while still in the docks. This caught the docks on fire and a warehouse that stored mostly copies of the contents of the library that was close by. The originals were all held in private collections and libraries spread all over Europe after this event. Nero also didn't play the flute while "Rome burned", he was recorded helping people out of the burnt rubble. His name in Isopsephy jews stole it and call it gematria equals 666 "the mark of the beast oy vey". They also called Rome "the whore on the hill" for allowing multiculturalism, which jews pushed for then criticized. Josephus is the source for most all of these things.
It's always framed that way. But the reality is that they would model libraries and churches off of previous libraries and churches that were burnt down for being pagan. If they didn't want to burn it down, they would redecorate it and slap christian iconography on top.
Just because one had that layout doesn't mean they were all like that. More specifically, "pagan books" is dubious. Zig Forums posters in true JIDF fashion like to play the label game and conflate meaning.
Always when it's convenient. Pagan actions, christian actions - whatever that even means.
It's typical jewish conflation. The idea that "pagan books" were kept is so dubious that it's more likely they were kept not because they had anything to do with pagan myth but because they were books of general knowledge.
Joshua Price
Gross Praise Kek Shadilay
Joseph Gonzalez
So called Jewish hatred of their invention Christ insanity is simply a reverse psychology ploy on the stupid goyim.
The reality is Jews love what their cuck cult of Christ has done to the white collective.
Turned us into a bunch of nigger worshipping egalitarians who can’t see the Jews for the evil nation destroying bastard psychopaths that they are.
We’ll retardedly rant for hours Muslim this Muslim that illegal wetback immigration etc but none of these fucks have their dirty little fingers on the levels of power like the Jews do.
William Wilson
Christianity is the jewish safety net. Just when you're escaping their modern mindtraps, the traitors that worship jews and jews themselves attempt to convince you that jew-worship aka christianity is the solution.
< oldest jewish scheme in history < solution to modern jewish schemes It's the typical jewish trick to offer you a false dilemma. It also attempts to convince you that the previous worst case scenario is the best case scenario. So then they shill things like this:
Owen Edwards
Not us Not you and not me user. we found this place and butterflied the fuck outta shit and memed and all that Antarctica and the good threads. Modern day modern age and current year plus one and two Creator granted me a cool but weird life. Adopted into mormon church and white as it gets. Shit got weird some years ago and walked away. They promote race mixing and jew worship and bull worship and baptisms for dead people in a “baptismal font” held aloft by twelve gold plated bulls. I know what it is. No thanks I’m in my thirties and live in my hometown and shit is so strange. Awful. Grasping on the straws of keeping shit together. the small town hick fellers are going to fuck some city cuck pussy up Siege warfare. Butterfly warfare. bio ahems and shit FUCK EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE ILL SEE THIS BURN BEFORE I AM DONE
Rabbinical Judaism didnt exist in jesus' time "Rabbi" in the bible is just the Hebrew word for teacher. This is how we know you faggots are kikes. You reassert the most historically nonsensical retardation over and over. Unless you're trying to blow our minds telling us jesus considered himself the messiah of the old testament?
Carter Kelly
Lmao. No one takes you larpagan jidf shills seriously. Kys.
Asher Green
Ian Ramirez
Zachary Stewart
Kys kikes
Justin Fisher
Yes they do hate Jesus.
Sanhedrin 43a[77] relates the trial and execution of a sorcerer named Jesus (Yeshu in Hebrew) and his five disciples. The sorcerer is stoned and hanged on the Eve of Passover.[78]
Sanhedrin 107[79] tells of a Jesus ("Yeshu") "offended his teacher by paying too much attention to the inn-keeper's wife. Jesus wished to be forgiven, but [his rabbi] was too slow to forgive him, and Jesus in despair went away and put up a brick [idol] and worshipped it."[80]
In Gittin 56b and 57a,[81] a story is told in which Onkelos summons up the spirit of a Yeshu who sought to harm Israel. He describes his punishment in the afterlife as boiling in excrement.[82][83]
Some scholars claim that the Hebrew name Yeshu is not a short form of the name Yeshua, but rather an acrostic for the Hebrew phrase "may his name and memory be blotted out" created by taking the first letter of the Hebrew words.[84]
In addition, at the 1240 Disputation of Paris, Donin presented the allegation that the Talmud was blasphemous towards Mary, the mother of Jesus (Miriam in Hebrew), and this criticism has been repeated by many Christian sources.[85] The texts cited by critics include Sanhedrin 67a,[86] Sanhedrin 106a,[87] and Shabbath 104b.[88]
Brandon Thompson
That was before several years of christcucks getting caught pulling subversive shit and tearing down a mounting ethnic movement on behalf of their masters. We could have mounted a political overthrow together, but they would rather face eternal loss and a world in endless depravity and decay, than a victory not in full dedicated to Yahwei and the members of Rabbi Yeshuah's tribe.
Parker Richardson
Isaiah Ramirez
Then why are they selling him in mass? (((TV channels, theatres, movies)))… I have 6 channels on free-broadcast TV in two Asian languages and 2 Spanish, and one music station all dedicated to Yeshuaism.
That was even after the lessons of South Africa and Rhodesia, after the lesson of WW2. Its best to bar christians from power and influence, or they will d&c us as their cult has done since inception.
Daniel Fisher
RABBI YESHUA Rabbi Yeshua who taught in the synagougs.
Define "we". Define "you". I don't fit neatly into whatever is being spammed recently. This is not an appropriate Zig Forums thread. It's not well thought out or cohesive… it reads like one retard posting most of the current D&C. Resetera, Sharejew, Trannies, perhaps JIDF… testing the current readership. Trying to gauge whether they can rehash their old talking points. Due to the low number of OC Zig Forums content and high number of butt-hurt leftists and journos… this passes for a thread now. Wew.
Cooper Hall
Kikes kvetched about the Passion and Mel Gibson like nothing else and you're still asking questions?
old/pol/ had a strong Christian presence you retard. Anyone who was there back in the early 10's knows this.
Watch TGSNT.
People used to know the jews were just a bunch of LARPing charlatans until people like you keep bringing up talking points that reinforce their claims for legitimacy.
DNA studies and historical evidence doesn't support the jews of today being anywhere close to the people who lived in Palestine. That was redpill #1 until people tried to reinforce their claims to legitimacy while attacking the vast majority of religious white people.
Fuck, even jews write about this shit. They don't want it being common knowledge and it was our first, most effective bludgeon. It used to be common knowledge. Your rhetoric is garbage and you obviously come from elsewhere. Once 8ch got in the news this trash started pouring in, presumably to scare off honest white people with your rebranded fedortheism.
jews didn't even become an ethnicity until AFTER Jesus died. They were a proselytizing cult in the Mid East which is why there are black jews, Persian jews, and asian jews.
You are wrong, They hate when you use the real name of God and names with that name in them correctly, because of their demonic phizo paranoia and fear, Jesus name is the same as the old testament Joshua and its correctly said with the name of God at the beginning, it is (Yahushua) the jews have purposely made sure the deceived hebrew roots Christians use Yeshua instead
Xavier Baker
Mel made a pro-WW2 movie with a Jew and gave Diane Sawyer interview saying he literally worships Jews, in tears.
The only antiJew thing Mel said was an accusation by a Hollywood Jew cop when he was stopped for drunk driving. Not even the Jews buy this. His next movie will be 100% pro-Jew and is being funded by them like all Christian media.
GO WATCH Hulu, Netflix, Amazon for your latest Christian worship films goy!