Ocasio-Cortez, Who Makes $174,000, Wants $4,500 Raise: ‘It’s Not Even Like A Raise’
Ocasio-Cortez the Gommie Making 174k off taxpayers Wants 4,500 Dollary Doo Raise
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AIPAC pls go
Because commiefags turn into the ultimate capitalists as soon as they gain power. It's all about power, they have no beliefs, they care not for the volk.
Set their salaries as a mathematical function. I don’t care if it’s the poverty rate or 10x the poverty rate, but set it out of their control in a way that strongly reflects their economic performance.
Quit being a racetarded aryan slave and protect the legacy of western FOLK. That or go back to the second world with the other violent stupid fascists and their enslaving warlord “deity”.
Fascism created the modern world. There wouldn't be a first world had National Socialists not happened in Germany.
According to the 27th amendment, if congress votes itself a pay raise, it has to wait for an election to happen first before the pay raise can take effect. So AOC would need to be reelected first to enjoy that pay raise.
Doing better than Trump there.
She's still young enough to turn tricks down in Spanish Harlem. She can get some extra spending money that way.
She should go crawl into a poopy smelling tent with the homeless on skid road and get a train run on her by some really filthy old meth head bums covered with shingles and scabies to show her solidarity with the poor and downtrodden.
Their inevitable corruption and outright hypocrisy isn't a bug, it's a feature. The same reason why San Francisco and Detroit are shitholes despite being ran by virtue signalling socjus types.
It's as if people forgot why socialism and communism were opposed in the first place. It's because it always creates an environment where people are promoted for lying and penalized for telling the truth. These leftist idiots are under the delusion that they can create a good society by preventing people from talking about bad things. In reality, bad people will pretend to say good things so that they can act bad when they obtain power.
Leftists do not change the system at all. They're the first defenders of the system. Ted Kaczynskii outlined their psychology in his paper, Industrial Society and It's Future, three decades ago so give it a read if you can.
Democracy was a lie, it's all been a huge mistake. Letting women into politics was our un doing
Remember to never want one or you are a commie.
What I find amusing about AOC demanding her COL is that if she had any intelligence whatsoever, she'd ask why she needs a COL in the first place. Connect those dots, and sooner or later she'd realize the central bank kikes and fiat monetary system are the root cause of perpetual COL increases due to inflation (currency debasement).
We were never a democracy, the word isn't even in the Constitution. The left has been pushing it so hard that they've brainwashed all the ignorant fucks into knowing nothing else. You're 100% right about women.
If I can add or rephrase, the nature of communists tend to believe that they can create a utopia in Earth. The sense of utopianism led them to thinking that they have the best system, and anything other than that was wrong, either morally or politically. This reinforces their hypocrisy and they would do anything consciously or subconsciously to reinforce their belief that communism cannot fail, because to them it is a perfect system.
Communists have only two operating principles:
1. Parasitism (living off other people’s labor)
2. Desecration (defiling anything that they don’t like)
The purpose of communism is to reduce everything to zero. They are the cult of abolitionism, the religion of death and decay. No matter what a communist says, writes, supports or promises, his only real goal is to clamp his jaws on the nation’s throat.
I love this lady. She's just a small taste of how absolutely retarded politicians get in brown-communist countries. Only the South Africans will understand just how much worse this is going to get.
Well waddaya know, Ted was right all along about the leftists lust for power.
where would we be without our poorly paid congressmen who work themselves to death writing laws for our benefit and to keep us safe. thank you for your sacrifice.
Rotten Tomatoes Declares Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Netflix Documentary Best Rated Film of 2019.
100% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 77
33% AUDIENCE SCORE User Ratings: 1,206
How is it best rated film?????
A better solidarity gesture would be using federal funds to open and publicize an experimental bio-reconstruction clinic to test graft and rejuvenation biotechnologies upon the extremely poor, paying the recipients, and “coincidentally” getting a handful of society’s most useless, criminally inclined people into a position that provides them long-term medical care while also contributing permanently to mankind’s biotech knowledge base.
Also, set their salaries as a mathematical function, lol. The exact multiple is a minor detail, but if you want to see societally sustainable economic growth that tends to deintensify intergroup conflicts set the pay of leadership as a multiple of an indicator of the incomes of the poor. Bottom quintile, anyone?
How much money would you, dear reader, have to be paid in order to replace all your skin with grafted tilapia skin?
Just your skin. Not your nerves, the stuff that really makes you who you are, but only your skin. Tilapia skin cells graft better than human skin cells, so it’s not like it would slough off.
If the experiment could only be performed it might open the door to new and better treatments for skin cancers and burn victims…
Bullets are cheaper than 4500.
I'm beginning to understand accelerationism now..this slow burn is just killing me.
Come to the truth, live forever in peace. No need to be dying forever.
I find it fascinating how much you people prefer to suffer instead of luxuriating in the glories of a world where integrity has made great strides. Live in peace. Don’t let the losers at the top take your happiness from you; they need truth enough they’ll cone to eventually.
Hateful people spend their lives feeling like they’re dying, and seem to think kindness is just an aesthetic; nothing but a shell to wrap about their suffering hearts, haha, in hopes of extracting a little bit more out of others.
I live in a balance of love and hate. I want people to prosper, but some people I want to prosper as other than they are. And you know, change is such a constant. People can always reach for greater happiness, and do. Occasionally they reach those moments of epiphany where they realize that there really are prosperities which can be had by all together.
So how about that fish skin grafting?
The fuck are you talking about? Shitskin subhumans have zero integrity.
The issue is how she acts like third world politicians. They give the same rationale for embezzling aid money and selling out their people to China. I don't give a flying fuck if you experience discomfort as a leader who talks about the nonexistent WN threat in congress. Your duty is to help thousands of others who live worse than you, not yourself.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post
Ocasio-Cortez defends Ilhan Omar against House anti-Semitism resolution
AOC is a literal neo-liberal kikess.
Quit shilling controlled opposition.
Her duty is to help the left push the narrative of the bold strong colored woman fighting the evil patriarchy of old white men who are oppressing them.
There is no surprise that a third worlder is acting like a third worlder.
Politicians deserve nothing less than billion dollar salaries, goyim.
Ocasio Cortez Devastated In New Poll From Inside Her District
You obviously don't understand what the word means. So let me teach you.
"Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Real democracy wasn't possible back then. Representative government was the next best thing. It was always about laws created by the people, not kings or elites. It's very simple. Don't fuck it up again.